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  • AdamW
    Free Member

    Some gay men do like football. There's even a league:

    here's a link to GFSNleague.

    I must admit I haven't seen 'Glee'. I've heard good things about it. I take it he's as camp as a row of tents at Butlins?

    Free Member

    Some people want to be in your face gay and some straight guys want to be in your face straight, just have a look at the shaven headed,tattoo wearing, football shirted,overweight ,beer swilling,small butch dog owning men walking down any street near you now.

    Strange thing is that I know a number of gay shaven headed,tattoo wearing, football shirted,overweight ,beer swilling,small butch dog owning men. There's quite a fetish within the gay scene for such stereotypes, even though it seems like insecurity to the max. And they are completely out.

    BTW what's "in your face gay"? Sounds a bit nebulous to me.

    Free Member

    (a) you did, just then
    (b) I agree a lot

    Can I have my marks please?

    Free Member

    London Boots moved to Castle Boulevard (opposite the newspaper building). They're still going (website here[/url].)

    Unit 3 (groundfloor)
    4, Castle Boulevard
    NG7 1FB

    Free Member

    'London Boots' in Nottingham is good for that kind of thing.

    Allegedly. 🙄

    Free Member

    mmm. Looking at that picture of Brokeback Mountain I think I'm actually going to go out and get myself a pair of boots.

    Jake Gyllenhaal. Oh yes.


    Free Member

    When we went it was a bank holiday weekend and we couldn't get in. To be honest we only just about managed to get in somewhere else before it filled up – it was August last year. We then upped sticks and moved to Castlerigg on the Monday morning (was in the lakes for a week).

    I guess if it is high season and you turn up late on a Friday you won't get in – the gates are locked at either 8pm or 10pm so no cars can get on site, though there is a little parking outside IIRC. If it is, say, Thursday, you may be OK. They may be able to tell you if you give them a bell.

    Yes the pub is the one that sells vegetarian food but it is really pants (and hideously expensive). It could do with more than a lick of paint, a menu that has come out of the seventies (lots of Chinese food, I recall) but it isn't that far to pop into Keswick itself. I recommend the Square Orange cafe[/url], it's pizzas are really good!

    Free Member

    Went there last year. They are *really* *REALLY* keen on the noise rule. So much so that when you book in they tell you if you want to *talk* after 10:30pm not to book in. We saw bikers, hikers etc. there.

    You get the feeling that they want gun turrets around. I saw one group being asked to leave the next day as they were too noisy. They walk about between 10:30 and 11pm checking the noise levels.


    Boy it was nice being able to sleep soundly! The previous nights I had been elsewhere and some complete to55ers had been singing, laughing and shouting until 5am and ignored polite requests to STFU.

    Recommended, but don't go to the local bar (the hotel one) as it is one of the worst bars I've ever been in – very expensive and rubbish beer – go into Keswick for food/beer. The on-site restaurant makes a good breakfast though.

    Free Member

    I usually get the calls for my better half:

    Them: "Is Mr AdamW's partner there please?"
    Me: "No, he's out."
    Them: "Can I speak to Mrs AdamW's partner please?"
    Me (in deep voice): "You're speaking to him."

    They put the phone down usually after that.

    Free Member

    Band structures depend on a number of things. Are you looking at low-dimensional solids (e.g. BEDT-TTF or the Bechgaard salts?). A fermi surface is the uppermost filling of a band that has free moment of electrons (in a metal, natch), the 'level' bit is the filling. They can be plotted in omega-space (cm-1) which can be very pretty.

    BTW a good book on band structures is 'Solids and Surfaces: A Chemist's View of Bonding in Extended Structures' by Roald Hoffman, VCH publishers, ISN 0-89573-709-4

    Though it is a bit older these days. It does have areas on band folding and Peierls Distortion.

    Free Member

    Download TinkerTool – here. This allows you to change the default fonts for OSX.

    Free Member

    Welcome Adam. i remember you now,green lycra,riding a Cotic, or was that Robin Hood in sherwood Forest

    Actually I *do* have a RoadRat if that counts and I have been known to (slowly) trundle around Sherwood Pines 😀

    Sui – I seriously recommend some form of anger management course or something.

    Free Member

    Wonders when we will have an openly gay cyclist […]

    Me. I've just been quiet of late. 🙂

    Free Member

    Oh. Right. Very good that man!

    by the way, what's a chamion?


    Free Member

    I thought this was STW?

    1. Find his footwear and enwee.
    2. Retrieve bombers and own.


    Free Member

    Bara brith. I miss that, but I make it every so often and fight off my better half once it is out of the oven.


    Free Member

    I don't think people care who their 'local' MP is any more, they tend to vote based upon party lines, which makes PR even more necessary. When there is a safe seat high-profile non-locals are usually parachuted in.

    All I know is some fat munter (conservative) is now my MP. Never had anyone tapping on my door to talk to me about their policies – we're expected to take them all from the letters Lord Ashcroft David Cameron sent to me.

    To be even-handed though I have no idea who my labour candidate was. Don't think she was as smug and ugly though as the Tory one. Why is it that all Tory women want to be like Margaret Thatcher? Don't you have to be bitten by a Transylvanian to get that look?

    Free Member

    I just took my mind off it thinking about the mechanics of peppery salad creation. Then I realised that it was quite easy.

    After all, it wasn't rocket science.


    Free Member

    Nope, you were in nip. Try again.

    Free Member

    Getting back to the subject I quite liked the one in the following linky:
    Tories are no longer homophobic 🙂

    Free Member

    But this will copy in files that are the same. That is where I got confused – I thought the OP said the files were the same but with different names.

    If you have a file with contents X in both directories A and B then you may end up with multiple copies. That is why I suggested cksum or md5sum to check to see if they had the same contents.

    Or am I just confused here? I usually am.

    Free Member

    You are a bit confusing…

    If the files are the same then I'd be tempted to do a chksum against each file (or md5sum) to make sure that file A == file B then choose the name accordingly.

    Free Member

    The funny thing about MH is the fact that while yes they have gorgeous, eminently spaffable men on the front the people who write it are all balding fat barstewards who smoke like chimneys – I saw a program on the telly about a year ago where they interviewed the editors.

    When I see the cover I initially thing 'phwoar' then remember the editors. A bit like thinking about shagging Thatcher for straight men (obviously those who are political and w@nking themselves into a frenzy about the election, of course).

    Free Member

    I think it altogether more likely that Murdoch and the Media Elite will lock Nick Clegg out of UK politics.

    Only with our support.

    How many people here buy 'the Sun' or pay for Sky television?

    I don't do either on principle, and I look forward to when the Murdoch clan are cut down to size (dunno – a daily paper, a sunday paper and two TV channels max?)

    Free Member

    You should ask the Doctor, he has a type 40 TARDIS, at least ten times better than yours…!

    Free Member

    a computational system so all encompassing will also have to take into account it's own calculations including the ones it has yet to make, that may lead to an unsolvable circularity.

    Sounds like God.

    Ah, no, sorry. That'll be me.


    Free Member

    Without the religion bashing, he'd just be another scientist. The Atheism thing is a nice little earner…

    Which reminds me that I must read that book he wrote that went to the top of the book charts. What was it again – oh yes – "The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution". Which is about biological evolution. Strange that with him being a scientist in that field. Still I guess it didn't earn him that much eh, as he needs the 'atheism thing' to keep paying for Vim and the like.

    Free Member

    I am not so sure, and I am a scientist.

    I don't want there to be very few types of wheat, for example. Or corn – biodiversity will be shot.
    I am also concerned about 'owernship' of genes. Whichever blithering idiot though that you could patent something that we already own within our cells or another organism does was corrupt/stupid. This will lead to companies like Monsanto owning most crops, especially if they find a 'terminator' gene to make all seeds sterile.
    I am concerned about cross-contamination.
    I don't believe GM crops will deliver the quantities of yields that will most probably be needed by mid-2100s. The massive change in yields produced since the end of WW2 is unlikely to be matched with GM.

    I am also concerned about things like pesticide-resistant crops. This means you can pour more of the pesticide on the crop to kill off the bugs. But then evolution steps in and bugs that are more resistant to the pesticide turn up so you have to put a hell of a lot more on.

    I reckon that we should just stop breeding so much. If there are fewer people there is less demand for more and more crops. Simples. 🙂

    Free Member

    Rip the film using handbrake while you have a copy of VLC in your Applications folder. Handbrake will use VLC's decryption libraries to remove the encoding and save it as an mp4 file. This file is readable by QuickTime/VLC etc.

    Free Member

    Hainey, just background info – apparently the data was taken from the Netherlands government:

    Sea level in the Netherlands: The WG2 report states that The Netherlands is an example of a country highly susceptible to both sea-level rise and river flooding because 55% of its territory is below sea level. This sentence was provided by a Dutch government agency the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, which has now published a correction stating that the sentence should have read 55 per cent of the Netherlands is at risk of flooding; 26 per cent of the country is below sea level, and 29 per cent is susceptible to river flooding. It surely will go down as one of the more ironic episodes in its history when the Dutch parliament last Monday derided the IPCC, in a heated debate, for printing information provided by the Dutch government. In addition, the IPCC notes that there are several definitions of the area below sea level. The Dutch Ministry of Transport uses the figure 60% (below high water level during storms), while others use 30% (below mean sea level). Needless to say, the actual number mentioned in the report has no bearing on any IPCC conclusions and has nothing to do with climate science, and it is questionable whether it should even be counted as an IPCC error.

    Free Member

    Try something like Work out how much weight you want to lose per week (1-2lb) and sort out a calorie level. Then stick to it. Weigh your food and allow yourself to have a more relaxed weekend (its always difficult to eat on a diet when you're at home I find).

    I managed to lose two stone last year doing that. It is purely a case of calorie counting. It was hard, mind, but I feel so much better after doing it!

    A great bloke (sadly no longer with us) used to say: "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it."

    Free Member

    I learned Objective C for a laugh a couple of years ago. It took a little while to work out what they were doing with it but I quite like it now.

    Though only the Mac/iPod/iPhone use it though.

    Free Member

    The only thing I hope for is that they are not allowed to breed until they have shown themselves to be relatively normal (whatever 'normal' is) after secure rehabilitation.

    The last thing we need is for this level of violence to go to the next generation.

    I'll never have kids (the idea scares me because of the responsibility of looking after another life!) but the idea that having children is a right and not a privilege is waaay out with these two.

    Free Member

    How could it it apply to same sex 'marriages'? That's just icky.

    Speak for yourself! I quite enjoy mine!

    Free Member

    Had a mate who eventually died from alcoholism. He tried Al Anon but because he was gay and had a lot of negativity regarding religion he didn't go. He couldn't surrender to 'a higher power' (such as a 'god') as he thought that religion was a load of cobblers, so didn't see the point.

    Very sad, he was a brilliant chef.

    Free Member

    This thread is brilliant – I'm using it as an example to mates to discuss

    [list][*]how science really works (get data/theorise/predict in cycles)[/*]
    [*]how climate 'skeptics' argue (proclaim stuff, ignore requests for clarification)[/*][/list]

    It also works on studying religious people (how you can't prove a negative).

    Keep it up, it's fascinating!

    Free Member

    If he was Welsh the he would be a Welsh idiot, Scottish the Scottish idiot, English then just an idiot unless he from Yorkshire then he becomes a Yorkshire tw*t if from London a Cockney prat or from Ireland then an Irish dick, thats fair enough IMO.

    Everyone knows that there is no such thing as a 'Welsh idiot'. We're all geniuses. So there!

    Free Member

    Cut back the numbers and that should help. Invite only those who are important, and not an entire extended family who you either don't know or don't like. I got married in 2006. Invited 15 people. Went to registry office then a reet posh restaurant for lunch, which came to £650 (including alcohol) then at the end of it everyone piled into cars/taxis and came back to our house and played on the playstation until late into the night then went home.

    Total cost (excluding honeymoon) was about £1400, including rings.

    Since then people have told me it was the best wedding ever!

    Free Member

    Mighty mouse was crap.

    Magic mouse is the best I've ever had. The dog's danglies. The mutt's nutts! No moving parts to go wrong (apart from the click I guess).

    Free Member

    That'll be the bunch of carpet munching, kiddie fiddling, sectarian bigots we've had for, oooooh let's see, the past forty years then?!

    At least they'd be munching a decent axminster, I'd say at least £30 per square foot. You won't catch them nibbling any old 'Carpets'r'Us' nylon thing.

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