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  • AdamW
    Free Member

    Folks at work were discussing the programme this morning and I thought I would take a peek on 4oD later. Then I found out who made it.

    I will give it a miss. I prefer intelligent discussion and not polemics, especially with the track record of Durkin, who is known to cut interviews to make people appear to say the opposite of what they actually did. If it were made by someone else I’d most probably have had a look.

    The people at work seemed impressed until I suggested that removal of the state completely would mean they would have no NHS, roads, police, et. That, unfortunately, was what a number of them were suggesting.

    Free Member

    Then you’ll need one of these:
    Axiotron Modbook

    I disagree though – using touch as an interface is a lot harder if you have to deal with a windowing environment, little tiny things to click and a different way of interacting. That’s why windows tablets with the insistence of Windows XP or 7 aren’t really selling. They are used by engineers in my company on the road but they hate them.

    Free Member

    VLC is good but it may not be there for long. Angry Birds, Bento, Numbers, Cut the Rope HD, Geared, NASA app, Things (I use it on the Mac and it syncs which is useful), Google Earth is amazing with touch, Dropbox, Kindle, Epicurious (when you are thinking about what to make for tea), Pinball HD, Osmos, Sketchbook pro.

    For a start.

    I don’t store much music on my iPad as it is generally in the house. I do keep my copy of ‘Seasons’ film on it though when I want to pretend to be good at biking!

    Free Member

    Got an iPad soon after they went on sale (wifi one). To be honest I rarely turn on the laptop these days as most of the stuff I do is browsing, a few games, mail etc and the iPad does those well. I don’t use it for books as I have a Kindle which is nicer on the eyes and lighter. Great for picking up, checking something and putting down again.

    I haven’t missed flash tbh as I hated it in the first place – the laptop fans would always kick in when flash ads were on the screen and I can’t be asked to play flash games.

    I’m quite fond of Numbers for doing stuff like making up shopping lists etc. I have Pages but I doubt I’ll be doing a lot on that. Osmosis the game really good though, as if it were designed for something touch-wise.

    One word of warning though – I bought it and my partner rolled his eyes up at another ‘waste of money’. Now I can’t get near the damned thing because he’s constantly on it.

    Free Member

    My recipe:

    500g white flour (I use Allinson’s bakers grade)
    1 sachet yeast
    10g salt
    350g Luke warm water (230g cold, the rest freshly boiled)

    (Weigh the water too!)

    Knead, rise then prove before oven. Remember that wholemeal may need more water. Never add more flour apart from a light dusting on the table after kneading/stretching as you bring it into a ball for rising.

    Free Member

    On our intranet there are now hoards of people WHO USE CAPS A LOT screaming “I want a TT ticket!”. Strangely enough the one straight after it said “I *need* a TT ticket!”. I think the first has taken the latter’s family as hostages and the ransom are tickets.

    For interest only – are they doing security stuff so people can’t sell on their tickets?

    Free Member


    Or, I guess, me!

    Free Member

    There’s only one way to find out!


    Free Member

    Come on!

    Wee in their shoes!
    Own them with bombers!

    Sheesh, what has STW come to? 😆

    Free Member

    Ta for the replies. The doc says it should be healed within 4-6 weeks but it’s currently driving me bananas due to the ringing sound (tinnitus) together with the deafness. If not fixed then microsurgery to graft a new one. If it goes on for too long I’ll get custom earplugs.

    I’ll keep out of planes for a while too (yay! no having to go to work in Germany for a while!).

    I’ll try it on Monday to see how it goes but if it is cold I may use cotton wool to prevent cold wind getting in there.

    Free Member


    Edina: “Inside me there is a thin person trying to get out!”
    Mother: “Just the one, dear?”


    Free Member

    of specific interest to illiterate shirtlifters

    Wow! I haven’t been called that for ages!

    Free Member

    Yes you’re going to laugh. But I have no idea what a ‘lady garden’ is. Or even if it is possible to have half of one.

    Free Member

    What’s your iMac (so we know your graphics card)? I have the late 2009 core i7 one and it runs them fine.

    Free Member

    In-laws were put onto Tiscali by me a number of years ago when it was a good deal and used BT’s ATM backbone. Talktalk bought them…

    Recently I turned up and took a peek at the router – seeming to sync at 9Mb, which is a little odd, but hey-ho. Took a peek at samknows and discover they’ve done LLU in their exchange and it looks as if they’ve been moved onto it.

    Throughput was 0.75Mb/s from an ‘up to 8Mb’ link; iPlayer won’t work, youtube won’t work unless cached.

    Utter pants. If it were me I’d get out sharpish but they can’t be bothered…

    Free Member

    Vibram fivefingers? You’ll stand out with those…

    Free Member

    There are other issues, such as nature itself.

    Imagine a GM crop that is resistant to insecticide so they can spray more of the stuff over the crop to kill more insects.

    Then, due to the short life of the insects, evolution comes to the fore and you end up with insecticide-resistant insects. Also in this scenario we end up with polluted soil.

    As a scientist I am not so concerned with ‘frankenfoods’ but I am concerned with one or two suppliers of seed attempting to control the majority of the world food supply, especially if they manage a terminator gene (no, not Arnie…!). Also with our stupid ‘Intellectual Property’ laws we could end up with small farmers that have their crops contaminated with a GM strain getting sued because of it.

    We’ve also got to keep some form of biodiversity. Else wildlife will suffer, and eventually us.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a wi-fi one on its way to me now. I thought the 3G would *only* allow you to get books and not surf?

    Free Member

    I suddenly realised why I keep forgetting things. I have been so blonde lately its ridiculous.

    It's soooo obvious. I'm just 'disordered'.



    Free Member

    Have a look in your login items (System Prefs) to see if there is a connect to drive as part of your startup. That's how you make disk mounts permanent for each time you log in.

    Free Member

    Yeah, but the question is:

    What tyres for catholicism?

    Free Member

    "A big ask" – usually said by Evan Davies on the 'Today' programme.
    "I'm good"
    "That begs the question" when it doesn't.

    And anything by Jeremy Clarkson! 😀

    Free Member

    At college I was once asked by a really thick Irishman:

    "So you're gay. Does that mean you have sex with lesbians?"

    He was soooo thick he once asked if the Channel Tunnel was going to be used to take boats to France.

    He was on a course to be a teacher too! 😆

    Free Member

    Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time; just got all Zoni and looking through the Insomniac Museum. I like the humour in those games.

    And Infamous. Incredibly addictive. Now up to 93% on trophies, trying to get the elusive platinum trophy, if only I could just do all the stunts…

    Free Member

    Round our way someone keeps putting tacks on the foot/bike path in Attenborough nature reserve. Partner has had one puncture on daily commute but I keep thinking about poor dogs ending up running through them.

    Hateful feckers. They don't want anyone else to have any fun or enjoy life as they are so bitter…

    Free Member

    Just plug it in and set it up on your computer, iTunes will take care of the rest. The apps are purchased by you and not the phone – you can use them on any iPhone/iPod touch that is registered to your account.

    You won't get charged twice!

    Free Member

    If you're asked by a non-Christian to be a God parent then I suppose it doesn't matter as it's all a sham anyway. I suppose the thing is atheists would want to stick to what they believe and refuse to go along with this sort of thing whilst agnostics – are most of us agnostic to some degree? – might be happy to join in.

    Without adding too much fuel to the fire Dawkins calls himself an agnostic. Mainly because you cannot prove a negative (i.e. you cannot prove that something does not exist, only that it does). Like me he's agnostic about the christian gods the same way that he's agnostic about Zeus etc.

    I was asked to be a godparent and responded that as long as the kiddie was within reach (they've now moved to the other side of the country) then I would teach it about all religions and none so it had a broad view of belief and bollox to the church rubbish. When it grew up it could decide for itself. I went through with the ceremony but crossed my fingers when it got to the god rubbish. 😀

    What really got me though was that the parents were simply getting the child christened because the families would like it and it was 'the done thing'. They were atheist themselves but had to have the big church wedding and all the bells and whistles. If I were a christian I'd find that quite demeaning.

    Saying that, they have wound me up recently (christians, that is). Just come back from Keswick on holiday and the place was crawling with them (some sort of conference). Kumbya morning, noon and night!

    Free Member

    Yes, but Picasa requires an intel processor.

    Free Member

    I went to the Square Orange last year. They do good food, very 'bohemian' I guess you'd call it.


    Free Member

    My 2p:

    Have an iMac 27" , core i7 and think it is the dogs danglies, however Windows 7 is getting there, finally. Still, I work with IT and hate Microsoft with a vengeance (the company not so much the products) so refuse to have them in the house (including x-box).

    That withstanding, I still have had to create logmein profiles for all members of my family, XP, Vista and now windows 7, as I am continually hassled for support services… 😆

    Free Member

    "A big ask": heard this on Radio 4 (Evan Davies), drives me mad. What the flipping heck 😀 is a 'big ask'?

    "I'm good". What does that mean? "I'm working on behalf of all people to prouduce a positive outcome?" Or do they mean "I'm well/fine/OK."

    Those two above are usually said by people who think they're trendy.

    Also stupid people who use the phrase 'That begs the question….' They usually mean to say 'That raises the question…'.

    We used to play a game at work where we would gain points by putting in word we had made up into a report, in a manner in which it would appear correct. We got extra points if we heard someone repeat that word 😀

    Free Member

    Northwind –

    Same here, I watch people who want to stay get kicked and people who want to go get kept, sometimes i just assume the decisions are being made out of spite. And then the "fortunate" who stay get to deal with the workload of those that left. No winners really, except people who want out and get out.

    This is usually because they don't want to pay the redundancy. In my business they don't want to let go of the old-timers as their redundancy would be > £100k (I think it is max of 2 x yearly salary).

    Saying that, my area is due to be outsourced early next year (computing) so I expect everything to be shipped off to another country and the statutory minimum be handed out, as one of the few things not in your contract is redundancy terms.

    Free Member

    Wee in her shoes, obviously.

    Free Member

    Remember folks that cocodamol is a mixture of paracetamol and codeine. Paracetamol can be vicious stuff in an overdose situation. I think if you take something like ten pills at once you're most probably going to die. Painfully. (that's 500mg tablets).

    Obviously a doc is the best bet. How about calling NHS direct?

    Free Member

    Hairychested – if the new government put up VAT in a week or so's time will you age on the spot?

    If so, can you get a video of it, it'd be brilliant to see!


    Free Member

    poke a badger with a spoon.

    Free Member

    As someone who can't stand football I am hoping England goes through all the hoops.

    Because the trails will be emptier for me! Muhahahahahahahahah! 😆

    Free Member

    Piano – Rachmaninov's third piano concerto, or Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin.

    Actually I'm like Eric Morcombe, I have played all the right notes, not necessarily in the right order!

    Free Member

    As an aside, I am considering the Premier edition with PDF download.

    Anyone tried this with an iPad*? Do they look good in PDF? If so, I'll most probably put my hand in my pocket. Is there an olde worlde one I can try with?

    * – yeah, I got one, get over it. 😀

    Free Member

    The one thing I don't understand are some flags that you see attached to cars.

    I generally think "Fine, each to their own!" (me being Welsh/Irish and all) but I cannot for the life of me understand why patriotic Englishmen would buy the flag of St George with the word 'ENGLAND' written through the middle of it.

    Are they so thick they don't know their own flag or assume that everyone else is so thick they wouldn't recognise it in the same country as the flag represents? I asked a German colleague if they have German flags out for the world cup thingy and he said "Yes" but then says that they don't have the word 'Deutschland' written through them and thought it bizarre.

    Odd. That is all. Carry on!

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