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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 17: Cannondale Extremely Useful Bundle
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    Are they ok as navigation aids? I want to plop new routes on there to follow. Do you generally end up buying the 1:25000 maps or is the ‘Discoverer’ bundle adequate?

    Free Member

    EDIT: oh yeah, and bone-dry towels make my skin crawl. Weird that.

    Weird, yes. I keep imagining them in my mouth all extremely dry. Yech.

    Free Member

    Dunno if it is a strange one but I can’t abide blades. Keep having nightmares about them being hidden in soap or in something I eat. Scalpels send me screaming. Strange though that as long as the incision stuff has been done I can watch operations on the telly no problem!

    EDIT: oh yeah, and bone-dry towels make my skin crawl. Weird that.

    Free Member

    Full of nut-based crap. I can’t eat nuts (and let’s face it nuts generally look like squirrel poo) so it is the opposite if ‘om nom nom’ for me: ‘mon mon mo’ !

    Free Member

    How about having another naming ceremony for your daughter under the auspices of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (may His Noodly Appendage touch you!) or the Invisible Pink Unicorn? Invite the wife. See if she likes the p1ss-up then!

    Free Member

    I’ve not biked up there.

    I’m completely gormless.

    Thanks! I’ll be here all week. Try the steak!


    Free Member

    As an aside, does this also include MP’s pensions too? Perhaps a good hard look at their benefits would also help.

    If anyone could be called workshy it should be that lot. These days they just troop in to tick the boxes their bosses tell them to.

    Of all parties.

    Which reminds me, does the Labour Party these days have a leader? Where is s/he? Been on holiday or something?


    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m still struck by the talk of ‘Well if you reduce the bonuses at company X they will go across the road to company Y’.

    Doesn’t that mean that company Y will most probably go bankrupt as its full of greedy bankers? Do they have an infinite supply of jobs and will take the entire financial output for the universe for people of that ilk?

    If so, can I have one for a year, then retire? 😀

    Free Member

    Pity his bike’s been stolen then…. Perhaps he’ll have a pretend one like the Hair Bear Bunch? 😀

    Free Member

    In Sherwood Pines at the car park look towards the cafe. Then turn around 180 degrees and head the other way. Cross a road and it will start to be marked out for you (red).

    Not a bad trail but very floppy at the mo, apparently.

    If you have any questions give me a shout!

    Free Member

    I get a bit miffed when buying tee-shirts (bike related) online and getting weekly emails that point to the latest “blog” that contains puerile images of near-naked young ladies that have only just been introduced to a bike with obligatory cave man comments. The repartee is witty but I am sick of the 1970’s laddishness. Otherwise I would be spending more…

    Free Member

    I bought one and now rarely turn on the laptop. I use my main PC for the heavy lifting jobs and the iPad for browsing, checking mail, watching a film and the odd game. My laptop used to do that but isn’t as nice to use. Also I do agree with the flash decision – my laptop would start kicking off all the fans when flash was on a page (including STW).

    Horses for courses, innit?

    I also find it useful in a very sad way of making the shopping list; I can carry it around the kitchen to see if we really do need to buy more vim/pasta/tinned tomatoes etc.

    Free Member

    Attempting to commute every day this week by bike (long route).
    How far?

    Surfr – Aberystwyth, I’m dead jealous.

    Well it’s long to me! 17 miles each way. It *is* on my cotic roadrat singlespeed (yes, got the sandals!). 😆

    Free Member

    Nice quiet ride in this morning. Attempting to commute every day this week by bike (long route).

    It is so much nicer to leave just as the sun considers coming up and get to the dodgy road bits when it is light, even if the sun isn’t up yet.

    Dark nights and mornings always feel spooky and mysterious and fun in autumn then rapidly turn into a right downer!

    Free Member

    I guess the question would be ‘What would conclusive evidence look like?’. If the answer is ‘There will never be any’ then that shows a closed mind that isn’t open to new ideas. If there is an answer to the question then perhaps someone may have already found it and can provide it.

    Free Member

    Windows firewall?

    Edit: I got one the other week. Cracking bit of kit. Rented “Red” t’other day in high def. Left it overnight to download before playing, just in case of network bottlenecks.

    Free Member

    “It’s still not expensive enough.”

    Crossover thread. See what I did?

    Thanks, I’m also here all week, try the lamb it’s great!

    Free Member

    Been looking for a way of putting an # in code that does not involve copying another one since I bought my Mac.

    Bah. Alt-3.

    # see?

    EDIT: Objective C is where it’s at 😉

    Free Member

    Having enough cheese?

    Free Member

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    If you have the original disks there should be a diagnostics disk in there, but expect your fans to go like mad.

    I had an issue a few years ago with some new memory causing the system to crash, but only after it got a little warm.

    Free Member

    Umberto Eco: ‘The Name of the Rose’.

    The film was pretty good but this book was utter pish. I read 50 pages before giving up having got mightily sick of constant “God, we’re not worthy!” comments. Get. On. With. It.

    I liked “Pandora’s Star” by Peter F. Hamilton but it got really tedious – far too many words. I had to skim read big chunks of it to keep interested.

    L. Ron Hubbard. Ye gods what dross. I was given ‘Battlefield Earth’ for my birthday before I found out he was that nutter who created the scientologists. I still thought it was complete crap.

    Free Member

    Adium is good for messaging (does all protocols, but don’t think it does audio/video).

    iWork has a decent word processor (‘pages’) and pretty cheap if you get it on the Mac App Store.

    Chrome is good, I tend to use safari tbh, but firefox on mac is the same as firefox on windows.

    Numbers is good for a cheap spreadsheet (unless you want OpenOffice).

    The iLife apps are good – I use iPhoto a lot, Garageband is good for a laugh.


    Free Member


    Kings Cross, avoiding the diagonals and moving into Stovald’s rules modified by the 1925 committee.

    Free Member

    Sorry, you’re in nip.

    Free Member

    I’m having great difficulty getting a decent quote for a storm door and main door for my house. You’d think it was simple: get three quotes and choose. I’m expecting to pay about £2,500; I’m not expecting miracles in price.

    Nope. They (double-glazing salesmen) are all lying gits. They all quote something three or four times the price then magically pull out a phone to ‘talk to head office’. They all have some gaps in their build schedule that could give me a discount if I sign immediately. Not doing it. Then they phone back and another magical discount appears. By this time I don’t trust them and wouldn’t have them if they offered them for free.

    They’ve all been shown the door, sharpish.

    Then they (usually ‘Amber Windows’) phone me *incessantly* until I’m shouting down the phone at them to leave me alone (and I’m quite a mild-mannered chap).

    That Mary Portas woman should do one of her programmes on these bunch of shysters.

    Free Member

    My shed had no felt?

    Well how does it smell?

    Free Member

    I get the Guardian but I have to disagree with the comment about the technology area. It was so incredibly biased depending on which person wrote it (Jack “I Love Microsoft” Schofield, that other chap who used his column just to bash Google….)

    I’m also (while fairly left wing) beginning to hate a certain wishy-washiness in the paper and it’s simpering religious apologetics.

    But I agree with Clair Rayner when she talked about papers, the Torygraph to see what the enemy is thinking, the Mirror to see what the ‘left-wing’ are thinking (tho it’s crap now) and the Mail to see what the idiots are thinking!

    Free Member

    Mate of mine’s wife spent their £180k savings on online bingo, then racked up another £25k on their joint credit cards.

    She has a good job too, so it wasn’t like she was sitting at home all day or anything.

    They are now getting divorced.

    I was gobsmacked when I found out.

    Free Member

    As an aside, I work for E.On in the IT department. We are all being outsourced to HP (sort-of EDS). When we found out that outsourcing was going to happen there was a massive sudden uptake in union membership (me included) as people were/are scared to death they are going to lose their jobs and think that perhaps being in a union will help a bit, if only for redundancy terms.

    And, having been a part of an enormous company (private) I can assure everyone that the old rhetoric that ‘businesses are lean and mean while government is bloated and heavy’ is just not true. The sheer amount of waste I see happening around me is phenomenal!

    Free Member

    A blog V peer reviewed data published in respected journals

    Unfortunately this supports the discussion on the program. Someone shouting from his keyboard versus peer-reviewed data.

    Surely the oil companies by now (or their supporters, of which there are a number) have presented a ‘killer’ paper that debunks the entire thing if it is fallacious? Or are we into Scooby Doo conspiracy where no papers ever ‘dissenting’ get published?

    Free Member

    Bought an expensive bike from Evans last year. It was the only local place I could get a Trek Fuel EX 9/17.5″ from.

    Never again. They had little or no interest.

    Saying *that* I sometimes feel as welcome as a pork pie at a Jewish wedding when I’m in Leisurelakes too.

    Freewheel in Nottingham is much better for when I get stuff. They actually care about bikes and are willing to chat and help.

    Free Member

    Waitrose four-grain ones are okay when you fancy a change. I generally use Jordan’s posh (but not organic).

    Has ‘nom’ been mentioned yet? 😛

    Free Member

    What, ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart…’?


    I’m sure they wrote ‘Agadoo’ in their spare time. 😀

    Free Member

    I once gave food to a beggar; it was my birthday so I took him into MacDonalds and told him to order what he wanted. When he had the food he went back to his spot to carry on, hiding the food and asking for money for, erm, food.

    I still buy the odd packet of biscuits etc. for beggars but am a bit choosy. I prefer to give to Shelter, Albert Kennedy Trust and Crisis.

    Free Member

    That’s the thing about swans, damn them. They only break arms. Legs? Oh no, too busy for legs. Necks? As if.

    Saying that, I’m considering setting up an ‘agency’ of swan debt collectors. I know at least they will only have the ability to break arms. Strange that.

    Free Member

    Can you believe they’re STILL arguing over ordaining women as “Bishops”? Whatever THAT is…

    I think it has something to do with not having enough loos of the right type or something.

    Free Member

    So? Does that mean the health and safety laws that have been put in place to protect her should go out the window???

    Yes it does. You can also smoke in your own house if you so desire. If, however, the clients were running a business from that location then H&S would trump their request.

    Home is not equal to business in this matter.

    Free Member

    My mother was an occupational therapist that made house visits. Muslim house owners would insist that she removed her shoes in accordance with their religion. The NHS trust she worked for insisted that she wore her shoes for health and safety grounds.

    But she’s visiting people in their homes. This is a hotel we are talking about.

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