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  • Hope F22 flat pedal: initial riding impressions
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    Displayport vs HDMI.

    Fair enough I guess. You can get an adapter but it still costs. You get HDMI on a Mac mini though, which makes sense.

    AAC vs MP3

    AAC is a non-Apple standard. Most players do AAC now. Even the dreaded ‘Zune’ did AAC. Better quality, apparently. If you’d said ‘Apple Lossless’ it would be more apt.

    Apple UEFI vs normal UEFI

    What’s different about that?

    The USB socket on Apple keyboards

    USB is a standard, unlikely Apple will b*gger about with it and be allowed to use the USB symbol. What’s up with it?

    Free Member

    Inlaws are with Tiscali. They sync to the local exchange at 14Mb/s but throughput is usually about 1Mb/s. Utter rubbish. I use idnet who are pretty good.

    Free Member

    Me and Mr AdamW didn’t have music for our CP. It didn’t take that long TBH, though we had it done at the registry office so it was a bit like a process of getting things done. We saw the last bride and groom leaving then we were in with our 13 guests!

    Still had a fantastic day though, made better by the fact that we only invited close friends and absolutely no family. One side (mine) was too lazy to come over from Wales and Mr AdamW’s family are complete right wing nutters who only just about tolerate me being with their son, so sod ’em. 😆

    Free Member

    Sykeside is good, two pubs on site too! Went there last year. The one in Glenridding though (could be Side Farm) was pretty bad – the site was OK but the world+dog now have cheap tents and they were packed in really *really* tight and people were partying until 4am and screaming/shouting etc.

    Never again.

    Free Member

    Thread closure in 3….2….1…..

    Free Member

    The last scenes in ‘Dancer in the Dark’ (the one with Bjork in it).

    No I am not usually into watching stuff like that. But it did make me bawl my eyes out.

    Free Member

    The Starbucks one rings of a bit of a marketing con to me – they say they won’t do jars as the taste won’t be ‘fresh’ enough.

    MF – I see small cans of Starbucks at Tescos. Still effing expensive though.

    Free Member

    Size *is* important.

    Without it your wallpaper falls down.

    Free Member

    Dazh: I just went to that website. Am on an iPad so couldn’t see the video but the comments seem to be full of conspiracy nutters…… 😆

    Free Member

    Mate of mine at work voted ‘no’. Interested I asked him why. He actually said that he thought that AV was the better system but, as he put it ‘the British public are really stupid so keep it simple’. Mind you I don’t think he considers politics much because he didn’t know who to vote for so voted for one Tory, one Labour and one Independent!

    Oh well.

    Free Member

    Yes. Way.


    Free Member

    The NHS was the product of both but I think you will have to look pretty hard for a right winger who would actually want to abolish the NHS.

    I’m not so sure with what’s happening:

    I am really hacked off with Labour for the ID card/war crap that Bliar gave us but I have to vote in an hour and I ain’t going for the Tories…

    Free Member

    Not really. Looks like AV with people just putting their crosses on the paper each time.



    Free Member

    no because you are wrong, it was Ed who was elected due to second/ third/ fourth preferences

    the tory system is a series of FPTP ballots with an ever diminishing number of candidates. hence the electorate can review who to vote for at each stage


    Not really. Looks like AV with people just putting their crosses on the paper each time.

    Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck and has the work ‘duck’ written in large flashing lights above it.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t worry. Due to my birthday (19th September, all large expensive presents gratefully received) I was kept in the same class for two years. I think I was 8 at the time. As a result I knew what was being taught and it embedded more. Especially repeating the times tables! It’s not a mark of being thick or owt at that age.

    Free Member

    The Tories would have to create policies which ensured they got the UKIP voters second preference.

    They don’t have to. They would choose to, as UKIP/BNP/rightywing stuff would be their ‘bag’ and they would want the votes. Similar to labour going for left wing stuff (not that they are at all left wing any more). If they went out all-right-wing-mad they would end up losing their core vote/votes to the middle-left of their party. So it would balance out.

    Free Member

    It’s a yes vote from me. It’s just fundamentally unfair that we could (theoretically) get a government of 100% of one colour based upon a vote split less than 1% difference, all less than 50%.

    As for the ‘fringe nutters’ deciding the election – I don’t think it will happen. The fact they are fringe means their votes are few and far between so their second preference votes would budge the tories up by very few points.

    PR is the best policy, even if it allows some nutters in. To be honest though, if, say, the BNP/UKIP got 10% of the vote each they should be entitled to 10% of the seats. I have yet to meet one person (face to face as all web people tend to fib) that actually votes for their MP, only the party.

    Free Member

    To be honest I do not know of many people wh vote for tneir MP but vote on a party basis, though I am sure there are some. I will be voting for AV as it seems fairer. I would prefer full PR, though. I don’t like the idea of someone claiming a mandate with less than half the votes.

    Free Member

    After a number of years working for Nottingham Gay Switchboard and going out to the pub after looking for Mr Right I was sick of hunting so I thought I would go out just to meet mates and have a laugh. The next night I met the better half of AdamW! That was 16 years ago!

    So kids,regardless of sexuality, when you stop hunting, you generally find!

    Free Member

    Plunger? 😆

    Free Member

    Couldn’t afford a bike as a kid but got a Giant in 1988 after finishing my first degree. Did stuff in Snowdon area for a while then moved to Nottingham. Didn’t do owt for years until I got a Raleigh Cro-Mo Max III which was utterly crap then a few years later got a Rockhopper.

    Caught bug fully about 2.5 years ago commuting to work on singlespeed. Now got a Trek and have started to get out as much as I can.

    Great for weight loss!

    Free Member

    I bet they used defrosted scones and squirty cream too.

    That’s another thing that is going on my list to ban when I take over the world, along with ‘pies’ that are just a pot of something with a bit of flaky pastry on top and almonds.

    The world will be a much better place when I take over!

    Free Member


    Torq Fitness Rhubarb and Custard gel

    Free Member

    Latest from my newest company:


    Which means moving everything out of the country but sounds a bit nicer 🙁

    Free Member

    Dunno if it is the gay “coming out” thing for me but:

    My twenties were better than my teens.
    My thirties were better than my twenties.
    My forties (I’m now 44) are better than my thirties.

    I wish my body would do what I want it to (I still feel 17 inside!) but at this rate I’m going to be absolutely ecstatic when I reach my eighties if this continues!

    Free Member

    Oh and after 30 every time you laugh a bit of wee comes out. 😀

    Free Member

    Just press the pistons back in and sling some new pads in – see what happens?

    (Sorry if I’ve misunderstood…)

    No probs. That’s the first thing done – remove poor pads, push back pistons to install new ones. Only one side wouldn’t budge. The complaining was done by both sides, apparently – the brakes were apparently squealing a lot (*now* he tells me 🙂 )and then when we took the pads off last night there were a few tantrums when new ones wouldn’t fit easily… 😀

    Free Member

    Thanks for the suggestion guys. The cable disc idea sounds good (and cheaper!). I think I’ll strip it down tonight if I get chance to see if I can free it up (ta for the link andy!) and if need be contact Del for a borrow (ta Simon, I’m sure I heard you talk about the bleed kit on Sunday when out for your fantastic ride 😀 ). If nadgered then I may get the BB5 as it will take the faff away from servicing and I do like their ‘positioning’ system as he’s had issues with the caliper before and re-settling it helped quite a bit.

    And yep, HtS – I tried to buy a Trek Fuel EX 9/2010 from them last year (£2,500!) and a 700×28-38 wheel from them at different times and got “no, not in stock and we’re not willing to try to get one or even discuss a different bike to suit your needs” and “we only do *racing* and *mountain biking*” as a response. Got bike from Evans ( 🙁 ) and new wheel off the shelf from Freewheel ( 😀 ) . Perhaps I just go round on poor days?

    Free Member

    Piston stuck leading to much whinging and complaining. When the pads were removed yesterday it looks as if the piston has been stuck out a while; the pad was down to metal.

    I’d consider stripping and rebuilding but I’m a newbie at this kind of stuff and worry that I’ll make more of a mess than I started with!

    TBH this bike (Spesh Rockhopper ’08) isn’t used for off-road stuff as he’s not into mountain biking, but more commute along canal paths and a little trail stuff.

    Free Member

    Came in early. Bike in back of car. Out of the door at 2:30!

    Whoooooooosh! 😀

    Free Member

    4) Fools fall in love?

    Free Member

    Add me onto the list too. Be good to get out locally (Long Eaton).

    And remember your friendly neighbourhood singletrack fools:

    NATS[/url]! 😀

    Free Member

    When I make a steak pie I coat the beef in flour with containing salt, pepper and a bit of dried mustard and brown it then slow cook it in a beef stock containing dried ceps and beer for about four hours using the crock pot. Then slap the beef in a pastry case, thicken up the gravy then seal it and pop it in t’oven.

    Don’t have a recipe, sorry, I tend to do it on the fly.

    Always make the pastry with trex, it works out great.

    And remember – a pie made up of a filling with a flimsy croute on top is NOT A PIE! Grrrr!

    Free Member

    No, really. If you don’t understand any Physics, you can’t really take part in this discussion.

    I was aiming at fun because you have strayed into more of a philosophical nature, stating that Newtonian mechanics isn’t precise really isn’t helpful when you when you end up asking “It doesn’t explain the world”. You should try reading Hawking’s books, I believe he posits a theory about branes and how they interact to create universes.

    I have a PhD in molecular electronics and studied quantum mechanics in quite some detail, so I do actually know quite a bit about physics ta.

    If you don’t understand any philosophy (especially solipsism) I suggest you don’t add anything else…

    Free Member

    It doesn’t explain the world

    Oh that old conundrum.

    Didn’t you get the memo? I created it with a band of lesbians last week, complete with everything, including memories. We’re still having some work done, Jupiter didn’t turn out how we liked. I’m thinking about changing it to a large disco glitterball? Whatcha reckon?

    Free Member

    Right back at you AdamW — utter rubbish.
    The hard stuff will end up being priced properly. At the right price, the market will be happy to provide the service, and there will be competition to provide it.

    The system in the states would work well with just a couple tweaks — tort reform being the major

    Yeah, right. Your proof being? My proof is adequately shown by looking over the Atlantic. If you have money or can afford insurance all is cosy. If you can’t, well, tough.

    Any market tries to form itself into monopolies. Health provider A comes into the market, undercuts the NHS with nice cherry-picked stuff as a loss-leader. Hospital loses services and hence money and is denounced as crap. Oh look, a private hospital opens. Oh look again. All the prices have gone up. Compettition? Well yes, if you want to travel 50 miles to their hospital to get it done. Oo, can’t afford that out of taxes, everyone must have personal insurance. Haven’t got it? Well, we’ll have a ‘safety net’ NHS. Lets call it, ummm, ‘Medicare?’.

    The US spends far more than us on medicine (and it’s as corrupt as hell) and overall gives a poorer service.

    Free Member

    Real competition coupled with complete information leads to better, more efficent, more customer centred services.
    If you want ‘society’ to pay for it, fine, have the government finance insurance coverage.

    Utter rubbish. Competition causes the easiest cases to be cherry picked, allowing remaining hard stuff to dropped back into then-underfunded NHS, including where the private gods of medicine screw up. Result: everyone ends up having to take insurance or not get treated. The US is a perfect example of how awful it can be.

    Free Member

    Ummm… It will get better?

    Your proof for that being? Certainly not if we turn into a mini US. Rich get all the benefits, the poor get asked for their credit cards or don’t get treated. Or don’t go to their GPs because it would cost too much.

    Free Member

    Am currently in hospital waiting for some stuff for my ears. I have seen two consultants, several nurses and had a number of hearing tests. I may have to have grommets installed in 9 months time.

    Stirling service for me; goodness knows what’s going to happen once we turn into the US style of healthcare that the government is currently proposing.

    Free Member

    Just cancelled. I was keeping the discs for far too long. I thought their online stuff would be good but streaming to a PC was crap quality and their PS3 offering didn’t have the same range as the online stuff.

    In the end I got rid and bought an Apple TV instead. Decent quality and range, I choose what to watch next and I pay per use making it overall cheaper. Same would be true of any other similar piece of kit.

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