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  • Issue 147: Last Word: Feel The Love
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    I used to fancy the pants off Richard Bacon. I think I may still do, but haven’t seen him for a while.

    Dunno who this Kirsty person is.

    Free Member

    I am waiting for some of these large companies to come together and launch a satellite which they will define as their ‘base’ at a tax rate of 0%. Then move all profits to that haven and export all losses to any country which will minimize any tax they have.

    That’s one thing I would ban – moving your losses to the best place for tax purposes. Plain greed.

    And what binners said.

    *awaits right-wingers to turn up and cry “Will nobody think of the children!?”*

    Free Member

    I was scared to death when I was a kid by…..

    Carry on Screaming!

    I couldn’t sleep as I thought there were Oddbods in my room.

    I don’t watch horror. Blouses of a female variety (size 20) do come to mind.

    Free Member

    Usually the Muppet’s ‘manahmanah’ song. I have no idea why.

    Free Member

    This time last year I was as deaf as a post in my left ear due to a ruptured eardrum. After feeling sorry for myself I got on me bike. I decided that since 2010 was ‘the year of more bike commuting’ that 2011 would be ‘the year of just as much bike commuting and doing more with my bike club (NATS) and getting out MTBing more’, or ‘TYoJaMBCaDMwMBC(N)aGOMM’ 😆

    And more cake after rides 😆

    And lo, it has come to pass. This year I have done a lot more MTB’ing and my skills have improved somewhat (but still fairly poor!) and stamina is great. I can get *up* those damned hills, I’m just not that good at coming down them!

    Relationship is going good, my five year anniversary of civil partnership/marriage on Friday and I’m getting the house sorted (new doors/windows thing).

    Then I had my yearly ear check and they cleaned out my bad ear (which was OK apart from tinnitus) with a suction thingy and a few days later I got a massive ear infection and now sit here as deaf as a post due to my eardrum rupturing again!

    So I’ve now got maps out and am planning what to do when it gets better enough to get out there. And I’ve ordered a ‘mould your own’ earplug kit to do something positive for when I’m on the bike.

    Free Member

    If you start looking at the air time of pro vs contra views on some of the hottest topics of the decade – you’ll for instance find a serious overweight to people with a pro-MMGW stance.

    And based on this – completely ignoring the vast majority of science – I cannot take your argument seriously. If you want a neutral bias then you would have to give percentage time to each view and not equal.

    For that, I’m out. 😆

    Free Member

    Just thinking, like. Is this argument the same sort of rubbish that is constantly going on in the US? Extreme right wingers (like those tea-bagger people) constantly harp on about “the liberal media” in an attempt to force any political discourse to go more and more right-wing and keep anyone microscopically to the left of their bias on the back-foot?

    I would have thought a liberal media would have been A Good Thing.

    Free Member

    Every election I see whinges from both the right and left about the BBC’s “bias”.

    Shows to me that it is more or less in the middle.

    Free Member

    A quick peek gives this (from the Torygraph):

    Free Member

    Husboid is coming home from a caving trip for Yorkshireland. Either curry or chinese. I vote the former!

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus said:

    You’re a moron.

    Quite apt that, about Wales. You just called him a carrot. 😀

    Free Member

    I had a TouchPad for about a day last week – I now work for HP and internal colleagues got first dibs on the last batch that were made.

    For the price (£109 for 32GB) it is fantastic. I have an iPad though so sold it (same price) to a colleague in HP. I wouldn’t have paid full price for one though. The software still needs a little work – sometimes it was laggy on swiping and boot was very slow.

    It did run flash though, dd. But it was, invariably, rubbish on a touch screen. I went to a flash games site and it couldn’t work out what I was doing as it was expecting mouse clicks not touch. Another reason I hate flash.

    People here are waiting until Android will run on it so they can get the apps.

    Free Member


    Nice garden. You need to clear up those leaves though, else you may end up with too much moss.


    If it is on the outside I suppose it means that that pane of glass is colder than the other, causing the water to condense.

    Free Member

    I had it done last week. Eardrum got perforated and badly infected last year and have had middle ear problems since. Shortly after the microsuction I got another ear infection 🙁 so am taking otomize spray at the moment to clear it up.

    The microsuction can hurt a bit but I really hate my ears being blocked. It seems to make the tinnitus worse. I have started to get into the habit of using oil ear drops once a week (once the infection has cleared) to help soften and clear out my lugholes.

    Free Member


    Take one rottweiler
    Cover with catnip
    Stand back and laugh

    Free Member

    I thought they were looking at neutrinos, which are effing hard to see in the first place. How did they know the neutrinos they set off at site A are the same ones they find at site B?

    The sun is throwing gazillions of the things through us every second. It must be hard to do this kind of thing.

    I’m going to lie down now. My head hurts.

    Free Member

    did they ever expect it to be paid back rather than just serviced?

    Snigger. Well it *is* Friday afternoon and the sun is shining. Time for a bike ride! 😀

    Free Member

    And if it is confidential then encrypt the data with PGP or similar. Given a 2048-bit key then Dropbox can’t do owt with the data.

    But the other side will need to know how to decrypt.

    Free Member

    Too many gears.

    Free Member

    .. of disembodied breasts?

    Eww. Regardless of sexuality that just sounds gross!

    Free Member

    Partner has a bulls-eye rash when we got back from the Scottish Highlands recently. We diagnosed lymes and the doc agreed. Two weeks of doxycycline and it’s all well. Can be sorted out easily if caught earlyish.

    Free Member

    I once went to the loo in the pub and my cheesy wotsits had gone by the time I got back.

    I think that counts. All my mates said no-one had touched them. Must’ve been a ghost or something.

    Free Member


    The man is a spastic.

    Brown may be a useless politician (like all of the gits) but is there any need for this?

    Free Member

    My 17 mile route in was OK, but nowadays a chunk is roadside. I like the crisp air (when no cars are about!) and seeing the sun come up is always sort of magical for me.

    Though lights have started to be used for the journey in (well at least part) which means a descent into dark rides all the way to work and then all the way back again!

    Free Member

    Does this sound ok?

    Sort of. Does he get his kit off though?

    Free Member

    Plus – I have a question for you, but it is in two steps – tell me who your favourite footballer is? Or alternatively your favourite sportsmen that you would pay to go an watch?

    (a) David Beckham
    (b) David Beckham if he got his kit off.

    But then I don’t really follow football! There may be ones that are more hunky that I don’t know of. If so please replace name in (a) and (b).

    Free Member

    Ditto tories.

    Free Member

    The universe is such an amazing, astounding, fantastic, scary, brilliant thing already. There isn’t any need to bring in any sky fairies into it. Enjoy it as it is. Oh, and go out on your bike more.

    Or the FSM will *not* touch you with his noodly appendage.

    Free Member

    I’m afraid to try one. I love my roadrat and am scared that if I get into the saddle I won’t leave.

    Free Member

    In my case:

    [list][*]Falling off[/*]
    [*]Being at the back[/*]
    [*]Screaming like a big girl’s blouse when going down anything steeper than a kerb[/*]
    [*]Falling into large puddles[/*]


    Free Member

    I would wear a padded suit

    That’s a bit kinky isn’t it? Most people prefer not to get so sweaty when doing the excessive masturbation bit.

    Free Member

    my personal experiences are wide ranging and exciting, often making ladies wet in the undercarriage.

    If I were you I’d buy a different car.

    Free Member

    thing is, that to a large extent, the NHS scanners are actually paid for by the fees they earn from BUPA patients

    Reference? When I were a wee lad in Wrexham there was a massive push for an MRI scanner and everyone put their money in.

    There was an almighty roar in all the local papers when it was discovered that BUPA people could jump the queue for the device after people had paid for it.

    Again, leeches. Buy their own.

    Free Member

    The medical care provided by BUPA is still not for profit, no point talking about the ownership of assets, thats like saying that their scanner assets are owned by the NHS… doesnt really matter to the end user, what matters to them, is that they can go to their GP, wave their BUPA card and get a consultant appointment and MRI scan for their damaged knee booked in a matter of days, rather than months through the NHS (using the same scanner, and the same consultant)

    Sod *that*. If BUPA want scanners etc. they can pay for the things themselves. Leeches.

    Free Member

    Fair enough. I bought my Trek from Evans. They were the only ones to have it in. Leisurelakes were less than useless.

    I hated every second of Evans, from being insulted at the door (mistaken identity) to shop assistants being worse than those in Dixons to wanting to just sell me the damned thing so they could sell more trailers and stuff to other shoppers.

    Never again. It was like having a poo sandwich, with no marge.

    Free Member

    Really? The Evans near me is the surly one. Hate the place.

    Free Member

    To be fair, mcboo, Iceland only has about 250,000 citizens so that would skew stats like this. Depends on the sample size, innit?

    Free Member

    AFAIK the study was paid for by cancer charities and not from the public purse through taxation. That should change something.

    I think it would be good if Philip Morris would actually state what they were going to use it for. Somehow I don’t think it is to make their product less appealing.

    Perhaps the law should be two-way, so that P-M’s research was available to all as well?

    Free Member

    I’m trying to *start* a conspiracy theory about me being fantastic on a mountain bike doing the hard stuff for Matt Hunter and Peaty but it doesn’t seem to get any traction…!

    Free Member

    Nothing here?

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