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  • How Long To Rebuild A Bike? – Back From The Dead
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    Surely not?!?!?!

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member

    I can’t help feeling that the OP’s propensity to rant on htis forum might be reflected in his real life personal and make him somewhat difficult to deal with. I pity his ex.

    Good grief. Are you his ex? I just read the first thread you mentioned and the OP was calm and chatty.

    Stop judging the OP Edukator, you’re not making yourself look good, just strangely bitter.

    Free Member

    I believe so, looking at the dev site for supported media formats the AAC format is there. Apple sells un-DRM’d ones these days so they can play on any device. You would have to drag-and-drop to the device unless there’s a software connector of some type.

    Amazon sells un-DRM’ed MP3 so no issue there.

    Don’t buy films though as they will be DRM’ed to the teeth.

    Android supported media formats

    Free Member

    If my dog did happen to attack yours and you tried to break its neck, I would break yours.

    Don’t be soft. If a bigger dog attacked yours, what would you do? And would you then say “fair do” if the bigger dog’s owner decided to try and murder you?


    Free Member

    This morning I washed my face with soap containing gold leaf.

    What recession?

    You washed your own face? What happened to the valet? Ye gods man, what is the world coming to?

    Free Member

    Windows phone 7 really is very good, has the iphone thing of just working and doing everything u need.
    Its a bit less cluttered on the front screen too. ilike

    Yeah, but it’s really fugly!

    Free Member

    So what are these pod things like for coffee?

    I sort of like the idea of senseo as you can compost the pods and get a doodad to replace them so you can use your own coffee. But if the pods are crap or the overall cup is poo then I’d avoid. Don’t they only come with Dowe Egberts stuff?

    The other ones – tassimo – seem to be metal pods and while that may be more fresher due to sealing I keep thinking of throwing out bits of metal.

    I like a good coffee. He Who Must Be Obeyed most probably won’t let me have one anyhow.

    Free Member

    Load of bollox if you ask me. Every time I hear ‘libertarian’ I think of those fools in the US vying for power.

    But here it is:

    Free Member

    I thought that this chap had written something under his guise as a worker for that housing trust. (EDIT: or during working hours, I guess)

    If so then yes, demote him. You should not be making political statements of any kind when representing your employer. And no, crying out that you’re a christian/muslim/buddhist etc. doesn’t cut the mustard.

    If not then don’t demote him. Perhaps one day he’ll gain some compassion in his life.

    Free Member

    A couple:

    An Irish colleague from college said “So you’re gay. Does that mean you have sex with those lesbians then?”. He also said “The Chunnel – is it being dug to take boats?”

    My mate turned up at college (Bangor) for his first day as PhD student wondering where this enormous place called ‘Traeth’ was.

    Free Member

    Why, does it curdle or something?

    Nope, the way I make it leaves you with a pudding that could be used to build houses!

    Free Member

    Rice pudding. Can’t beat it. Unless you have two rice puddings!

    Free Member

    Have you started running to the loo a lot? He may have put laxatives in there.

    Free Member

    I misread that as ‘GAY TV’.

    Pity, sounded interesting.

    Free Member

    Obviously. 😀

    Free Member

    I currently have a ruptured eardrum (again 👿 ) in my ‘bad’ ear. All I hear on one side of my head is the high pitched whine. I am soooo looking forward to this healing so I can get on with ignoring it. 😀

    After a while you do tune it out. I find that having music on in the background helps and keeping my mind occupied (biking helps!).

    I may try all the caffeine-free/low salt stuff soon to see if it helps.

    Free Member

    Yep, as I thought!

    Armchair climatologists abound!

    So, can someone then quickly post up the cure for leukaemia or tell us about where mass comes from, since we have such geniuses around? After all all those scientists researching these subjects every day seem to have missed an awful lot of stuff. I’d remove their PhD’s and Nobel Prizes, bunch of idiots.

    And don’t get me started on Louis Pasteur! Bacteria? What a load of cack! Did he take into account the locality of cheese when he came up with that load of rubbish! We should ban all of these so-called “antibiotics” and replace them with very small mice!

    Free Member

    Oops, sorry. Yes, Arkham City!

    B*gger and dagnabit!

    Free Member

    I’m jumping at least two diagonals to avoid nip. I’m adding in the Rapture Transactional rules since today we’re due to all die or something.

    Therefore Kings Cross.

    Free Member

    Incidentally I think the climate change arguments are absolutely hilarious. Truly, utterly hilarious.

    What other branch of science has suddenly bred such a massive amount of “experts” overnight?

    It would be great if we could channel this to another science. Surely with the sheer brain power of all the armchair scientist experts (who obviously have studied this area in their spare time to a greater depth than people whose jobs it is to do this every day) we could have cured cancer/HIV/antibiotic resistance/food shortages etc. by now?

    Shouldn’t we just ask Lord (but not of the Lords) Monckton to give us the cure for leukaemia? He should be able to whip it up in no time!

    Free Member

    I found a slight leak in my magnaclean yesterday. Since the pressure was reduced I took the chance to clean it. By ‘eck it pulled a mahoosive amount of iron filings out of the water. Tightened it up again and repressurised, bled the radiators, did it again and it now seems OK.

    Free Member

    I always ask both sides:

    What would it take to change your mind?

    A denier will state either ‘nothing’ or ‘complete and utter proof’. The former is obviously useless and the latter simply cannot ever be done in anything but mathematics. You can prove 1+1=2 but you cannot prove anything like, for example, gravity, as they are all models of what we observe.

    A true skeptic would answer something like ‘when the balance of evidence points in the direction X then it is more likely to occur’. That’s my position and to-date I am seeing quite a bit of evidence so I think it is most probably happening. Then again I’m a scientist by training and am naturally skeptical of everything.

    What I am seeing on the deniers side is something like the argument of the ‘god of the gaps’, splitting hairs more and more finely in order to ‘win’.

    Free Member

    Everyone needs something to beleive in.

    I don’t.

    Free Member

    In some areas yes – and yo know what – its actually cost effective – yes I know its pure bullshine but the money it costs is tiny and it stops a lot of repeat referrals as the placebo effect is so effective

    Then my last bit stands. Fill it from the tap when the patient isn’t looking and stick a label on it. None of this hideously expensive hitting with a leather strap rubbish! Save a little bit more! They can’t exactly use spectroscopy to find the ‘active’ ingredient if there isn’t any!

    Free Member

    Getting back to the topic:

    If certain things like sex-change operations (according to The Daily Liar Mail) are to be condemned because they are not an acute need then IVF should also go the same way. There are far too many people on the planet as it is. If someone is so desperate for a child via IVF they should stump up the money themselves.

    I’d reallocate money to preventative medicine.

    Oh and get rid of that stupid water scam known as homeopathy, unless they can produce double-blind trials showing it works. Or at least give them something labelled as ‘arnica 30C’ which was filled up at the kitchen sink!

    Free Member

    Who’s going to fess up to batting for both sides then? We must have someone who’s half rice, half chips?

    I can’t work out if that’s more generally accepting and inclusive, or uber-niche?

    Bet they ride fixie.

    *runs away quickly*

    Free Member

    Sex? What’s that again? I forget….

    Me is as gay as a tree-full of monkeys on nitrous oxide. I love women but don’t want to do owt but chat and have laffs with them.

    Perfect Kinsey 6, as they used to say.

    And Welsh.

    I’ve just realised that along with biking, life can’t get much better than that! 😀

    Free Member

    Top right, innit?

    Free Member

    Surely ‘educate’ means to pass facts and knowledge to another?

    ‘Libertarians’ == ‘facts and knowledge’?


    Free Member

    Open up console and take a look at the system log, see if there is owt there.
    Open a terminal and run ‘top -Fn 5 -u 10’ to see what the top processes are and how much CPU they are using.
    Activity monitor, see how much memory is being used.

    Threaten the machine with a copy of windows, see if it scares it into working faster 😀

    EDIT: You should have had a diagnostics disk with your machine. Boot into that and run them.

    Free Member

    A female friend of mine who is – as we call her – ‘big in the boob’ – had hers changed to ‘Boobhilde’ for a couple of years when she wasn’t looking.

    She doesn’t understand those computer things and was extremely pleased when she moved to BT and they sent her a new router with generated alphanumeric name.

    Free Member

    Aren’t they both lossless, so when uncompressed they would be identical?

    Free Member

    What would you expect as non-derisory?

    One miiiilion dollars?

    Keep the 30, you’re over 29 up.

    Free Member

    I’m with IDnet who are pretty good. Not the cheapest but never had an issue.

    Free Member

    No. Got the iPhone 4 for the husband and went back a few weeks later to get myself one and was refused (even though excellent credit history etc.). Was told by some complete numpty that I would have to wait up to a year to be able to add a second one onto my account. Walked down the road to another O2 shop (after calling O2’s phoneline who basically begged me to buy one from them) and they sorted it.

    It’s a good phone but I prefer to wait until my own phone dies first. I don’t like the idea of simply throwing stuff away because something blingier has come out.

    But I could really do with a hardtail, and a road bike…. 😆

    Free Member

    Currently playing Uncharted 2 again to prepare myself. PS3 ‘Home’ has an uncharted 3 area with a sub game but it gets on me t1ts as the targeting is all upside-down.

    Pre-ordered, now waiting for Nov 2nd!

    Free Member

    Sounds more like a hematoma. Go see a quack.

    And if it is your c*** – didn’t happen without pics! 😛

    Free Member

    The only ones I can see are Android devices. So if you’re running Android then no. I don’t know of any android antivirus software tbh.

    If you’re running one of those devices that will also run Windows then put it on the Windows system.

    Free Member

    I had an inguinal hernia about ten years ago. I hit my groin with the back of the bike seat. A week later I sneezed and felt something tear.

    A while later I sw a lump that would go away when I lay down and would reappear a short while after standing. A few weeks later it would ache but I could stop it by holding a clenched fist over the area. Eventually had an op to patch it and after a few weeks was fine.

    Does it hurt, this lump? Mine didn’t, but caused ache when it was noticeable.
    Can you gently push it back?

    If worried see the quack, just to be sure.

    Free Member

    Binners: positive.

    Nothing unfurled for me. Then again the only woman who comes within a parsec of making anything unfurl for me is Alex Kingston.

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