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  • AdamW
    Free Member

    I reckon it was my vote wot did it.. 😀

    Free Member

    Well, after reading all that, for the first time ever I will vote on one of these things. For Cav. Golfing is, as they say, a good walk ruined. Is golf classified as a sport? Sounds a lot like tiddlywinks with small balls.

    Free Member

    Born Charles (still called Charlie by some). Changed to Adam in 1992 (well, tacked on and now everyone calls me Adam).

    Free Member

    Can all the pro 2 abreasters vouch that they have never got upset with caravans or tractors when they are impeded in their cars. Or walkers who walk 2 abreast and don’t get out of the effing way.
    Any takers?

    Yep. One here. Am chilled In a car; when I see a biker I smile as I am one and a bit jealous I am not on a bike. Don’t care about caravans/tractors as they will go in another direction eventually. Walkers could get hurt, I usually tootle along or get off and walk past them. Or behind them.

    Free Member

    Ex-boss was mad on it. I got a book on it to see what was going on. Pseudo-scientific quackery.

    Boss would go on about how people would look to a specific side if they were lying, how he could read minds by a person’s stance and all the rest of it. Oh, and how you can change learned behaviour by opening up a gap between action and reaction (which is actually a Buddhist principle). To train, for example, a violent person to stop before they did something bad.

    Then he was arrested and given community service for fraud. It obviously didn’t work too well with him.

    Any double-blind trial info about?

    Free Member

    You should see the kindle as a drive and there is a folder in there called ‘Documents’, drag and drop your mobi/pdf’s into there and when you dismount and power up it will notice them.

    Perhaps windows 7 has a ‘mount upon request’ doodad? (I use a mac so don’t know).

    Free Member

    Spelt flour can either be wholemeal or white. You can get it either online (as everything) but my Tescos does the wholemeal and I’ve managed to find the white in Booths so I guess Waitrose may have it.

    Don’t try that egyptian flour (kamut). Disgusting.

    I have made my own bread for the past ten years. If I have to fall back onto shop stuff MrAdamW gives me filthy looks. I like kneading, I just think of Tony Blair/CallMeDave while doing it 😀

    Free Member

    Hi Elf, here’s another quote:

    AdamW, 1-2:23

    Pints are quite nice, mince pies at certain times of year too.

    This is a great game. Can we all play it?

    Now I’m sodding off again. Things to do. Woo to avoid! 😀

    Free Member

    *peeps in*

    Are we still arguing about this?

    Coo. A 2000 thread!

    BTW read up on Utts. Looks like her statistics were kosher but the experiment which handed her the figures to crunch had a few issues. So her work seems fine, the data is a bit suspect. Also a small sample size too.

    For me to accept this would involve repetition of the experiment involving a couple of thousand subjects (minimum) and – more importantly – a double blind trial with more than just four pictures as a sample (say 10 or 50). If it shown then to be statistically significant then more experimentation and analysis.

    That’s the scientific way. Look at cold fusion for example. You don’t just take one person’s word for things, you repeat the experiment.

    And avoid ‘woo’. 😆

    Free Member

    Such as The Salvation Army and Dr Banardos, both founded here in my home town, Tower Hamlets.

    Yeah, couldn’t let that one lie. I wouldn’t pee on the Sally Army if they were on fire. They lobbied for section 28, won’t help gay couples unless they split and are a thoroughly nasty piece of work. They *never* get my money, I give it to other people who actually care.

    Free Member

    At the end of the day, God loves each person on this planet exactly the same whether they are a christian, muslim, atheist, homosexual, murderer, terrorist, politician, teacher, factory worker, banker, child, adult, whatever and there is nothing that can change that.

    Your proof is?

    Apparently I’m doomed unless I give up love. So much for your god. I think I’ll get some bread and make toast in The Other Place. I wouldn’t want to be in a heaven that is so full of hate. I think I’ll even take salted butter because lets face it I shouldn’t have to worry about my blood pressure down there.

    Saying that, we’re now passed 1000 posts (yay!) and I don’t like emsz getting angry cos I think she’s fab and well worth sitting down for a panad and a sticky bun and having a good natter (and learning how to mountain bike better from her cos I’m rubbish). I’m tootling.

    To finish off for me: “Religion is lovely and fluffy, people have perverted its message because it is pure and lovely and its even got bunnies in it. Don’t blame religion, blame the people.”

    Yeah, right. I’ve also got a bridge for sale if you’re interested.

    Free Member

    Gaaaaaah! After all that! Beaten to the crunch by CFH!

    Chapeau, sir!

    Free Member

    New rule: whoever posts the thousandth is the loserest an will be called silly everytime they post


    Oh bum. 😥 🙄

    Free Member

    Arrgh! We’re less than 20 away from the magic thaaaasaaaaand!

    Lets not get angry. Have a cup of tea.

    Free Member

    No Investigation can start without Imagination.

    Quite true.

    Then you look for evidence which backs up your idea – which is called a hypothesis. If you find backing evidence it may turn eventually into a theory. If not then you chuck it out and start all over again.

    Quite fun really.

    And we’ll soon be 20 away from the magic faaaaaaasaaaaand.

    Free Member

    But what if the mere thought of God proved it’s ‘existence’? Maybe God is within us all, in the form of our thoughts.

    You mean Spinoza’s god? Not the same as the christian/muslim/jewish one though. I could agree with that but the phrase does become a bit meaningless.

    Free Member

    What you have described is a stimulus-response relationship, not love

    Yes I have, and yes it is. Sorry to be the bearer of what you appear to think of as bad news.

    Or would you prefer it if I said that love was an ickle Welsh bunny called Dai who shot your wickle heart wiv fluffy arrows?

    Obviously Welsh, as in the original language of the bible. 😀

    Free Member

    Following the logic of this….how do we know things like Love exists? I assume you believe that Love does exist? If so, how do you know?

    Because of chemical reactions inside my brain which include chemicals which can be measured. Next!

    (I think Dawkins and others books discuss this. Haven’t read them.)

    Free Member

    Excellent! Concede a point and then go back to the very beginning again We’ll surely hit 1000 if you keep it up!

    I didn’t concede, I tried to get back to the original point. We could nit-pick the words inside any holy book for ever disappearing up our own backsides based on translations from aramaic through greek from the original Welsh.

    But yes, we *will* get to 1000, dagnabit!

    Free Member

    I would suggest several million Christians world-wide and several million more over the past 2000 years would disagree, not just Elf!

    How many people believe in something is not an indication of it existing. If there were more, say, Hindus than Christians would that mean that the Christians are wrong and the Hindus are right? If an alien race of trillions turned up believing something else would they then be right?

    Free Member

    The new Covenant is about god saying he’s not going to be all bang crash kapow anymore, really honest. Instead of putting your effort into finding a bit which might be in conflict with this, which incidentally the bit about the law isn’t. you could just google New covenant and New Testament or something, depending on whether you want to argue about stuff or find out about stuff. Even if finding out about stuff means you are better prepared for future arguments. It’s quite good really.

    While I see your point I still say “The emperor has no clothes”. Its all a load of made up stuff. I don’t care how many angels can dance on the head of the pin because they haven’t been shown to exist.

    Free Member

    See, the problem with the Big Bang THEORY,

    Yep, like the THEORY of gravity which is apparently what holds us to the planet, the THEORY of thermodynamics, the THEORY of, well, just about anything which isn’t maths. Just put the word ‘THEORY’ in capitals in front of it and hey-presto! you can bash it, make up something really soft, oh, say ‘the THEORY of blancmange’ and then pit them together:

    Which is true: the THEORY of big bang or the THEORY of blancmange? It must be somewhere between the two! Therefore the universe was made out of an exploding blancmange!

    Free Member

    So, if I had a problem with the Big Bang theory (which is all it is, a theory, much like Creationism) being taught in schools, should I therefore start a ‘religion’ which does little else other than to mock those who choose to believe in something?

    (a) no, Big-bang-theory is not like creationism. There’s evidence for that. If you want to argue against it, bring forward your evidence.
    (b) you can create whatever religion you like and I’ll back it being taught in religious classes. What’s your symbol? A pint? Do you have a creed?

    So if I had a problem with religious people of any type trying to teach my children that their version of reality is right, without evidence, you’re all for it and no-one should say anything? How about it if they were (a) Christian? (b) Muslim? (c) Confucians? (d) Satanists? (e) Pagans?

    Or should we, in science classes, teach the children that *every* single creation myth is the right one? Their single science lesson would take forever!

    Free Member

    ‘I don’t like your views so I’ll attempt to stifle your voice’. How very open-minded…

    Elf, this was an attempt to stop science classes teaching creationism, not religious classes. No one has any problem with kids being taught religion in religious classes.

    Kent Hovind: LOL. Good one. I’m having a larf at that one. Any more? That old chap, paid his taxes yet? 😀

    Free Member

    Sounds like it. Which means that we should really all worship the sun/moon and stuff?

    Myths and stories may make up a ‘religion’ but not the actual gods, unless you’re into the Terry Pratchett stuff.

    Free Member

    So, while we pic nits all about which word means what. Why should I believe, say, Hinduism, than follow the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

    Free Member

    Actually I think he may have been a Christian too.

    Don’t get that. He worshipped himself? People who came after him (his disciples) are christians. He was the alleged christ of the, erm, ‘ians’. 😀

    Free Member

    Binners can do something with his eyeballs, I understand.

    Free Member

    That is all old testament, there was supposed to be a new covenant after Christ. If you got a problem with the old testament you need to go complain to the Jews.

    So, lets get this straight:

    The christians should rip out the old testament and throw it away. The new testament is a new covenant with Jesus that makes it redundant (BTW I have heard this before from a christian friend)?

    If so then we can ignore all arguments pro- and anti- that come from the old testament?

    I’m determined now that we’ll get to a thousand 🙂

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t want a sticky smelly land, to be honest.

    Although if there’s a nice bit of cheese about I could be tempted.

    Free Member

    What I was meaning is, to test for oneself the existence of God why not ‘challenge’ Him using his own words/promises?

    Based on the number of religions with similar claims wouldn’t you end up having to do this for the rest of your life?

    Free Member

    Jeremiah 29:13 – “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”

    1 Chronicles 28:9 – “…If you seek him, he will be found by you…”


    AdamW 1:7-9 – “I could murder a curry.”
    AdamW 5:98-129 – “You know that Flying Spaghetti Monster? I’m sure I have been touched by his noodly appendage. Bit sticky. Red. Quite tasty sauce though, but it could do with a bit more salt.”

    Please don’t do that: the final fall-back of the religious is usually to give quotes from their own book as fallback to their beliefs.

    At this point someone usually goes nuclear with: Psalm 14:1 – “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no god” which is basically insulting.

    Free Member

    A conclusion based on? …

    Based on the fact that you cannot prove a negative. The only logical position would be (to my view):

    “I see no evidence of X existing at this time, while this is not proof of not-X I don’t see any reason to consider X to exist unless evidence is forthcoming.”

    Therefore I believe that there is an infinitely small chance of the Flying Spaghetti Monster/Yahweh/blancmange god(chocolate) existing but so small as it is insignificant.

    Until any evidence shows otherwise.

    EDIT: chocolate, of course would be god. Raspberry is an abomination! 😀

    Free Member

    When Christians and atheists debate the question “Does God exist?” atheists frequently assert that the entire burden of proof rests on the Christian. This, however, is a false assertion. When an interrogative such as “Does God exist?” is debated each side must shoulder the burden of proof and provide support for what they consider to be the correct answer.

    He who makes the positive statement must provide the proof.

    If I were to say “There is *no* god” then I would have to stump up proof. Similarly if someone says “There *is* a god” then they have to prove it.

    I’m the same as Dawkins (yes, I’ve read the book). He’s an agnostic insofar as you cannot prove a negative. There is a minuscule chance that the christian/muslim/whatever god exists or even one made out of blancmange so you can’t rule any of them out logically.

    Free Member

    Yeah, for sure! Good idea, start with a lap dance!

    Well if you insist. Which do you prefer: leopard or tiger thong? Seriously though, does my bum look big in this? 😀

    Free Member

    Our daughters’ main present (shared between them) from us is a second hand rocking horse off EBay – £46.

    And they will love you just as much as if you got them iPads.

    If you give them the box it came in to play with they’ll be as happy as, erm, Harriets!

    Free Member

    Me and a mate are constantly arguing about CAS. I can’t stand him but like Milton Jones. He’s the exact opposite.

    CAS just seems to be a sort of rude Mrs Malaprop.

    Free Member

    “Be Kind, Rewind”

    My eyeballs haven’t stopped complaining about it yet. 😆

    Free Member

    “Tower of Strength” by the Mission.

    In my goth days. Real goth days, unlike the kids of today, eh, with their Hemo stuff and all that. Fancy a werthers?


    Oh lovely, a popup ad for OAPs came up when I looked at it!

    Free Member

    Daily mash[/url]

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