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  • AdamW
    Free Member

    I’m 45 and MrAdamW* is 46, as he is a whole 7 months and 10 days older than me.

    * – or “cradle snatcher” as I call him!

    Free Member

    As one of the few out gay people who pop into this forum there is only one thing to say to poor old Edukator:

    Your argument has already been lost.

    At work and on the street people ask me if I am married and I say “Yes”. People at work refer to MrAdamW as my husband and talk amongst themselves that we are married. Those words exactly. The word’s already in use. Being a bigot and screaming “Noooo!” from the boundaries is not going to change things. The only way back would be to ban civil partnerships. Perhaps if the official title (Civil Partner) wasn’t such a mouthful then it wouldn’t have happened.

    But to be honest, I don’t really care that some old man who wears a dress says. He’s not even that good a drag queen, and that hat is just ridiculous.

    Free Member

    I got a late 2009 Core i7. That came with four memory sockets. If you get a core i5 they come with two IIRC.

    Second all the above. Make sure there’s a time machine drive too. Priceless if (like my mate) he deleted his whole years coursework accidentally….

    Free Member

    AdamW gets down steep hill without screaming, falling off or needing nappy.

    Free Member

    Got home to find the cuddly toys had been naughty and were hiding a card. A while later they were being naughty and hiding another one.

    MrAdamW has got a romantic soul in there somewhere 😀

    Oh and LadyAlexMTB: Send you-know-who round. My trek is minging and could do with a good wash!

    Free Member

    One in the back lounge (32″ LCD with PS3/AppleTV/Wii/PVR).

    None in the front lounge, cos that’s for cosy reading and listening to radio/music.

    None in the bedroom. Hate the idea of a telly in the bedroom. 😈

    Free Member

    Some routers (netgear was one, I think) run two antennae and hence two SSIDs: one for G and one for N.

    Saying that, if your broadband is 20Mb/s then any requests above that are going to wait. Having an internal gigabit network isn’t going to make your broadband speed any faster, only device-to-device within your network.

    Or do I have the wrong end of the stick here?

    EDIT: saying that I stopped using WiFi for AppleTV/PS3 as streaming was utter pants on G or N!

    Free Member

    Sorry, JY, you forgot something: “This job requires the perfect person, if we don’t pay this they will leave to go to America etc.”

    Free Member

    We had a nana and dada and a nain and taid.

    Free Member

    Depends, doesn’t it? My personal ISP gives me a fixed IP (no, didn’t ask, it is the way it works, and an IPv6 too!) so if I was stalking iDave then it could be traced back directly to my account.

    The ISP will have a mapping of who had what address at what time. Gets more difficult if it is a large business or university though.

    Free Member

    Colleague here is going to Dubai in a few weeks with his family (wife and two young boys). I’m actually scared of going abroad to such a place, especially those with strong religion. I can just imagine someone saying “Ah! AdamW is on the plane! Start building the wall/scaffolding/plug in the chair! etc.”.

    Without bringing up Emsz’s thread (cos she’s nice 😀 ) it is a pain to be scared of doing what most people consider as OK, and scary as hell to be considered illegal for just existing!

    Free Member

    I think it depends, bigyinn. I tend to be a bit sensitive about this subject when I’ve been told in the past that even mentioning MrAdamW in any way is “shoving my lifestyle” in people’s faces.

    I tend to talk about MrAdamW because (a) we do stuff together and (b) I love him, so when producing anecdotes he tends to be a part of that.

    If people just accept two people being together, regardless of sex, then there’s no problem.

    Free Member

    You mean mean gay couples can’t adopt / have surrogate babies?
    Thats outrageous!

    Think that’s more recent, but point taken. Remember the catholic adoption agencies that demanded they could discriminate because of the evils of homosexuality according to that Jesus chap (who said nothing about the subject)?

    The really weird thing is that for some reason the last six months I’ve been feeling as if I want kids and I have absolutely no idea why! 😀 😕 ❓

    Free Member

    TBH Im really not interested in someone’s sexual orientation whatsoever. It makes no difference on a day to day basis to anyone but themselves and I fail to see why something so private needs to worn like a badge of honour.

    Yeah, I agree. So please don’t get all loud and proud you lot when you have kids and I’m sure bigyinn will agree. It’s a private thing that makes no difference on a day-to-day basis and shouldn’t be worn as a badge of honour.

    Free Member

    With respect, Edukator, you are comparing a system to an anecdote. I’m sure others will say how good/bad/brilliant/rubbish health systems are in every country (my own experience in the UK is normally good but could do better). The original point was that regardless of outcome the OP’s cousin or his estate would be lumbered with an humongous debt.

    Free Member

    Does anyone have a list of his objectives for the year?

    In my job if the business does well and I do well – with strictly defined objectives – there is a bonus pot which I *may* get a bit of. If the targets are not met I don’t get a bonus.

    It seems that in big business you get a bonus regardless of what you do. I don’t recall any time where a business did badly that the upper management didn’t get a bonus (but of course all the shop-floor staff were stuffed…)

    Free Member

    At least he was trying to look his best!

    Worst for me in a changing room was a bloke changing a nappy. The place stank to high heaven. And yes, there were baby changing rooms.

    Oh, and post-pubescent girls getting changed with their dads in the mens’ changing room (14-15 year olds). I did complain about that one; even if there were valid reasons there were family rooms to use.

    Free Member

    I thought you could cable them together with Firewire and on the OLD mac boot pressing ‘cmd-T’ to put the entire machine into firewire disk mode, which the new machine would see as an external disk.

    Go into iTunes, choose the library location as the old disk then change the library location to normal and if you’ve allowed iTunes to manage the files it should transfer them.

    Free Member

    I reckon it would be a good idea for all countries to give something for upkeep of Athens (with the olympic link) and put the rest of the money towards upkeep of our own athletes to help get more medals, improving biking links 😀 and other sports to get the lardies off their bums.

    But that wouldn’t produce big announcements and mutual back-slapping for politicians, would it? And, of course, selling public-created works to their mates at knock-down prices. 🙁

    Free Member

    Prepare to be owned with bombers by MrsKryton57…

    Free Member

    Yet Hester isn’t some kind of super-banker. Pay-watchers One Society point out that in 2010, while Hester’s total remuneration went up 71%, the value of his bank rose 33%. And over the past year, RBS’s share price has nearly halved.

    I think I wasn’t typing clearly. 😳

    The idiot was the Tory MP who didn’t seem to care that people were being paid massive amounts of moolah for failure.

    Free Member

    We’re all getting a bit het-up about the principle here, but what are the actual figures?

    I reckon the tories are doing their usual ‘bash the poor’ while quite happily helping the super-rich avoid their taxes. Like that fool on the ‘Today’ program was on about this morning about excessive executive pay for failure.

    Free Member

    As an aside – to add a few facts.

    You do get certificates after a CP. I had to pay (I think) £3.50 each for them and they were half price (sale?!) if I ordered them before the ceremony but £7 each afterwards.

    I have met a number of questionnaires which have a box for ‘Civil Partner’ in the past few years.

    There are some churches (e.g. the Quakers) that actually want to perform same-sex ceremonies for those who are members and want them. While I don’t really like religion per-se, more power to them. At the moment they are banned from doing so by the law. I personally would think someone was bonkers if they were gay and their church hated them. I’d find a different church (see Quakers, above). Churches should be exempted from carrying out ceremonies that they disagree with, and they are. Let them fade into insignificance by their actions.

    And experience:

    Everyone I know says that me and MrAdamW are ‘married’. CP is too many syllables to continue saying. Also it winds up jobsworths, which is fun. I refer to MrAdamW as my husband, which winds them up further.

    If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck and has a freaking great ‘Duck’ sign above it, I think most people consider the item to be a duck. It’s generally the blue-rinse brigade and bigots who are dead set against use of a word.

    Free Member

    MrAdamW has a fleecy type thing that is used for caving trips.

    Aren’t these onesies a 2010’s version of a shell suit?

    Free Member

    The term ‘Scene’ Gay is from within the shall we say more flamboyant of the Gay community, scene gays were the active oft more promiscuous as against the more down to earth everyday person who is just living a normal life with a gay partner rather than clubbing, parading, and ‘queening’ didn’t realise it wasn’t widely known.

    I’m one of those attention-seeking gay chaps you talk about.

    And you are so wrong, especially when you talk about ‘scene’. I LOL’d mightily at that.

    If you want to know something without such strange generalisations just ask. I can answer from my experience in the gay side and I’m sure emsz can give a view from the ladies’ point of view.

    Free Member

    I was prescribed propranolol in my youth for high BP. Each time I was prescribed (a couple of times) I would take a pill and about an hour later I would simply fall asleep for a while. Bizarre. My heart rate dropped to about 45bpm and I was pretty unfit at the time.

    Am now on lisinopril which is an ACE inhibitor (but I *am* ACE!) and doesn’t do that.

    Free Member

    Bread makers are the work of the devil, I tell thee!

    I make my own bread by hand. I have a nice granite table which is great for kneading and also pastry-making.

    Yesterday made 20% wholemeal/white mix. Nom, and added ‘nom nom’s. 😀

    Free Member

    Bah! I got my nespresso just before this offer came out. I went to the lady demonstrating the machines and she gave me some free pods though, so can’t complain too much.

    I also got an Outpresso which was pretty expensive what it is, but it means I can recycle the grinds into the compost and the pods into normal recycling. I get the pods delivered to work so recycling is a bit of a pain.

    I have the coffeeduck pods too. They do work, sort of, but never as good a cup as the sealed ones.

    Free Member

    Hi Emsz. Sorry about the weekend. Go to the pub and get pissed. E-hugs are yours whenever you need them. 😥

    Crikey – sorry about the hair. I’m sure surgery may help to repair the damage….

    Free Member

    Hi Project, YGM!

    Free Member

    I use it. A bit. I can’t be asked to continue with FB cos it’s so crap so deleted my account a while ago. I normally chat with friends over twitter now.

    Free Member

    I was told off by MrAdamW last night. Just got into Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (very short scene for Patrick Stewart!) and am 19 hours in. I’ve hardly scratched the surface. I’m now limited to an hour a night. 😆

    Free Member

    I would like to retract my last statement…… 😯

    Free Member

    Have a butchers at this:

    SUSE init scripts

    EDIT and check ‘chkconfig –list | grep servicename’ to see if it is there but just turned off.

    Free Member

    Weather is getting on your tits?

    Pics or it didn’t happen. 😀

    Free Member

    Ta Schrickvr6. I think that photo rocks. Sexy and cute too!

    Free Member

    Isn’t it time for *someone* to say “big bang bollocks” yet?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Christmas in Adam w,s inlaws house.

    I hope you play the above video for the father in law, and somewhere in his mind he will see himself.

    You have no idea how close that is to the truth! 😯

    Free Member

    Going to the in-laws tomorrow for tea, so we’re putting off our christmas main meal until boxing day.

    Mr AdamW’s father is a racist homophobe which doesn’t go down well with his gay son-in-law. After many years I have decided not to give allowances on the “well he’s old” rubbish as a decent human being would not spout such venom and hate at anyone. Especially since his own beloved daughter has left the UK to work in Norway/Algeria. Amazing, this double-standard stuff.

    I honestly don’t know why people do the Christmas get-together if they don’t like each other that much. I’d prefer to spend Christmas with Mr AdamW and some mates.

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