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  • Cycling UK Seeks Trustees: Could it be you?
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    With that one me and him both stripped our shirts off when we were smashing up the dodgy concrete footings with a sledge hammer and all the lady neighbours watched.

    Pictures, or it didn’t happen! 😆

    Free Member

    If you mean Easter you can’t go to Bryn Bettws (I think) cos my club has nabbed them!

    Sooo looking forward to getting there in a few weeks. 😀

    Free Member

    Andeh – leave if it is doing your head in. Life’s too short. My partner is now clinically depressed because of his work situation and I am not certain he’ll work again, *if* he goes back.

    (guessing) You’re young and will be able to get something else. Go out on your bike for a while. And if you’re mate can help you for a while in something more interesting then grab it.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Subsidence with the known cause being a broken drain should not affect your future prospects of getting insurance.

    Yeah, right. Happened to me and I find it very hard to get insurance even though the works were fixed about 15 years ago!

    Free Member

    What I want to know is:

    If catholics truely believe in transubstantiation can a vegetarian take communion?

    Free Member

    Oi Chilled76 – weren’t you supposed to be riding with me in Pines yesterday? 😀

    Free Member

    Wayne-Kerr Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t worry about it – Rufus is most probably right.

    Remember that time is a bit wibbly-wobbly.

    The Doctor

    Free Member

    Just upgraded to iPhone 5 from iPhone 4 for me and MrAdamW.

    The really clever marketing thing is the apps. I use a number of them so am used to them. I seriously considered android today while looking (phone shops annoy me greatly) but I kept thinking ‘But what would replace X?’. In the end got a deal a little better than the crap one I was initially offered. Which goes to show that Apple/Android have got a good head-start at tie-in to their products. Unless everything becomes cloudy new members (including Microsoft, for once) will have a barrier to entry.

    And since using Windows 8 for a few months I’d sooner have a £10 phone with pay&go than WinPho8.

    Free Member

    That seems the exact same as using the start menu to me – it doesn’t actually cost anything to have the full screen start menu come up, does it? Never seemed any different to me.

    Not to me. I still have my screen with what I’m doing in front of me, then everything changes, I have to change my mode of thought to hunt for a block when previously I was thinking in words and then back in again. It would be slightly better if the metro interface only came up while the windows button was being used.

    A better suggestion would be something like a button to produce a shim over the screen that drops away again, keeping the context of what is in front of them. Or using that effing ‘charm’ (which comes and goes when it feels like it) as a start system.

    But if you like it fill your boots. I’m getting rid of mine in a few weeks, currently using my chromebook and iMac now. Giving it to my sister so she can tear her hair out!

    Free Member

    There’s change for change’s sake, however. I reckon if Microsoft/Apple/Linux peeps produced the perfect desktop interface then they would have to destroy it to make people think what they get next is ‘new’. People tend not to look under the hood – Win7 was a vast improvement on thread handling etc. than XP and so ran faster on similar hardware.

    The metro interface, however, is a kludge by the marketing department in an effort to make WinPho8/X-Box and Windows look the same. It may be OK, good even (on a phone), when you have touch interface, poor otherwise.

    Its obvious – your context keeps changing. I need to start ‘word’ so I go to the horrible metro interface, find the tile with ‘word’ on it (note, not a folder-tile that is called ‘productivity’) and click on it. Then afterwards I want excel. So drop out of the desktop and into the metro interface, find excel then start it up… to drop me back into the desktop interface. This shouldn’t be necessary, and you shouldn’t have to pin a load of binaries to your task bar either.

    I’m all up for new interfaces but with a history of what works it should be evolutionary, not like this. There are better ways.

    Free Member

    As it happens it looks as if my phone has bit the dust.

    It is interesting the ecosystems that grow up. I’ve had an iPhone and have a load of apps I now use. Even though the apps don’t cost much it is now my way of working, so to continue I’ll get another iPhone, as I can’t easily replace the apps I use.

    Guess it is the same with Android.

    Free Member

    Mine is 11 years old from new. 101,000 miles or thereabouts, 998cc engine. I’ve just replaced the shocks on the front (first time) and that was due to all the speed bumps on the roads at the estate I work at.

    Beginning to think of Auris next, perhaps at the end of the year. The icon looks good. Want to get a mounting bolt for rear as my yaris’s rear seats are always down with tarpaulin on there for bikes – inside of car is all mucked up now!

    Free Member

    For some reason Tim Minchin’s ‘pope song’ is rattling through my head.

    Not recommended if there are kids about.

    Free Member

    I want one so badly! Get that and scrap my laptop. Then just ssh into my server all the time. Be ace!

    There is an ssh chrome client, strangely enough – remember that *everything* goes through the web, so if you want ssh, it has to be written in javascript/NaCl and be available from the Chrome Web Store.

    … just tested it. Can ssh into me mac using it. Very strange!

    Free Member

    As an aside, I’m writing this from my latest toy – a Samsung Series 3 chromebook.

    Its fast, small, light, good battery life but *everything* is done via the browser. Bit of a mind-flip. There is some local storage and you can edit docs offline but everything else is streamed or online. Great for emails, a bit of browsing or replying into forums like this one.

    Still going to update my iPad 1 to an iPad 4 this weekend, mind…. 😀

    Free Member

    Come to the edge.
    We might fall.
    Come to the edge.
    It’s too high!
    And they came,
    and we pushed,
    And they flew.

    Christopher Logue

    Free Member

    Really? I thought tax was optional for these companies?

    Free Member

    Its poo at the moment. Partner self-destructing with anxiety and depression and I am having to distance myself more and more to stay sane. In fact sitting at his place of work while he meets his boss. I am not hopeful of a positive outcome and expect constant tears and fury for the foreseeable future. 🙁

    On the positive side am booked in to go to Afan at easter for a bikey weekend.

    Free Member

    Chicken Run
    The Day the Earth Did Trackstands
    Eternal Sunshine of the Cotic Mind
    The Matrix – Revolutions

    Free Member

    The best country in the universe. Born/bred in Llangollen. Moved to Engerland in ’92.

    Free Member

    Nice house, decent car and a laser-guarded building for my bikes.

    A nice singlespeed
    A nice full-susser
    A decent road
    A Cotic soul

    A place somewhere nice to ride them.

    Oh, and I would own Matt Hunter for personal tuition (though he can get rid of that stoopid beard) 😛

    Free Member

    Depends – with or without the big handlebar moustache? 😀

    Free Member

    Phil – have just been peeking. Those other historical texts are not very reliable and were written hundreds of years after the ‘events’.

    For me it comes down to the burden of proof and the fact that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If you told me there was a religious leader around 2000 years ago who got some disciples and was persecuted then I’d most probably agree and also think that it happened more than once to other religious folk.

    If then, tagged onto the end was, ‘and it was the son of the creator of the entire universe who was actually himself and got killed so that the original sin could be removed’ then it moves into the ‘extraordinary claim’ territory.

    As for evidence of this very extraordinary claim I have no idea what would prove it, in the context of all other religions, so the only answer I would have is “What you got?” 😀

    Free Member

    Yay! Let’s all play!



    BUT: to keep in the spirit of things, this isn’t a vid but an awesome piece of music….

    Free Member

    Miketually, Yes, many have died for good causes, but would it be safe to say that unless you fully believe in something, you wouldn’t me willing to die for it? my point is that those disciples must have been fully convinced by what they saw, again, whats evidence to one person may not be evidence enough to another, to my friend , it is enough.

    But isn’t this going back to the circular argument – in the bible the gospels say that the disciples died for their beliefs. Therefore the bible is true. I’m still not sure the disciples actually existed.


    There are things I guess most of us would be willing to die for – look at the love parents show their children. I wouldn’t know what I would be willing to die for – possibly another.

    Free Member

    I disagree with all the “unless you have a doctorate in theology you can’t discuss the fine nuances of the cosmological/ontological arguments” sort of thing.

    I don’t need to study at the finest tailors in the world to state “the emperor has no clothes”.

    Free Member

    I did. It was a truly surreal experience. I learned that the earth is at the centre of the universe and that the alleged creator of the universe talks to people in cars.

    The programme seemed to be about people who believe things regardless of society. The previous ones were informative. This one was not.

    He does have form as a self-publicist and received a huge amount of flak for it, especially from Christians: channel 4

    Free Member

    To get back to the original discussion I read up on the chappie who was on the radio this morning. While I don’t really care about his wacko views about the creation of the world, since most people will consider him off his rocker, I think he’s really clueless in his pontificating on depression. Apparently its the depressed persons fault based on their pride. Idiot.

    Needless to say he thinks that all you have to do is the usual happy flappy clappy stuff to cure yourself.

    I am at a loss to understand why he was on the radio though. Should anyone with bizarre views be asked to come on the radio, perhaps fixie owners?

    Free Member

    Pizza and beer, watching crappy sci-fi films or playing Mass Effect 3 multiplayer.

    In my pants.

    Free Member

    Mr AdamW sometimes puts a small amount of single malt in his. I make it so it has skimmed milk and sultanas in. Made in a pan so it’s really creamy (good big oats).

    Then tinned fruit, but I’m partial to blueberries if I feel posh.

    Free Member

    I find it crap that Apple don’t send me receipts for my purchases for sometimes up to a week after the event. Google Play does so immediately.

    Free Member

    Place in Derbyshire called ‘Breedon on the Hill’.

    Bree = hill
    Don = hill

    Therefore it’s really called ‘Hillhill on the Hill’

    Free Member

    No, you can’t use a USB drive as if it were the internal one. Game saves, purchases etc have to go on the internal disk which is locked to that specific PS3/DRM. External for playing media (films etc) or backin up entire drive.

    Free Member

    Isn’t there meant to be some sort of supermarket ombudsman due to start soon? indie link

    In Long Eaton there’s a big Tesco next to an Aldi. I am tempted to shop there but once got some sliced ham from them and it was crap, so am worried about the general produce. I may go in with my phone and compare prices.

    Free Member

    WMA is Microsoft-proprietary. Chrome doesn’t play them AFAIK.

    If you convert to MP3 they’ll play. If they’re encrypted then you’re stuck with windows.

    Free Member

    How about This? Does he’d recording, 3d blurry, loads of codecs, Netflix, Iplayer etc.

    I got one for the in-laws but they’re over 80 so don’t want/use the net stuff.

    Edit: hate autocorrect but it’s funnier left in. Burry player, ha!

    Free Member

    You can install a 2.5″ sata drive inside but you need the cradle. The right hand side cover slides off to show the connector/hole.

    Free Member

    Niece bought a 12GB one, so I bought the cradle and installed a spare 320GB drive. Very easy to do and when it first starts after the drive is installed it formats it and copies over the content of the flash disk.

    Cradle cost me a tenner from Amazon.

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