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  • AdamW
    Free Member

    As an aside to Ernesto’s comment, here’s a website that keeps a log of homophobic homosexuals:[/url]. Usually deeply closeted religious types.

    Of my gay friends the vast majority want marriage equality, a few really don’t give a toss and the remainder hate religion with such vehemence that they don’t want their happiness to be in any way even remotely indirectly affected by god squadders.


    I do recall 10 o’clock Live last year when there was someone gay arguing with Boy George that he hated being gay, but he was a very religious catholic. Bit sad really. Life is great if you accept yourself!

    Free Member

    Depends if you were in deer country. Partner got classic Lymes symptoms after visiting Scotland (bullseye inflammation). Quick course of antibiotics later and he was fine.

    Free Member

    Chewkw: Apologies.

    After keeping hearing you talk about ‘Dear Leader’ (I guess that’s David Cameron? Very odd phrase) I amend my comment:

    You are Nigel Farage, and I claim my £5!

    Free Member

    Chewkw: you are Kaesae and I claim my £5!

    Free Member

    Ah, that makes sense. Ta. Think they’re some Chinese thing. Hmm.. Hopefully they’ll be manufactured to take an off-the-shelf pad, else I’ll have to go back over there and install some cheapo Shimanos.

    Free Member

    If it is £399 and the PS4 comes in at £299 (doesn’t have the extra Kinect toy) then I believe most people will consider what their telly/cable/sky/laptop/PC already gives them as adequate and go for the latter.

    I’ve already spent enough on telly stuff and I don’t really want to talk to the telly – apparently people watching the cast yesterday through their X-Boxes had issues when the announcer was showing off Kinect 2 – every time they said something like ‘Xbox change channel’ their Kinect heard it and started doing stuff/freezing while waiting for input.

    It would be funny for someone to make adverts after christmas which just had people shouting xbox commands!

    Free Member


    I didn’t mean it that way! Now I’ve gone all embarrassed and stuff! 😳

    Free Member


    I’m an aggressive homosexual.

    If I see you wearing beige, I shoot on sight! 😆

    Free Member

    To all those who mention big TV and X-Box, could have come from those soul-sucking gits ‘brighthouse’ who do a weekly payment scheme with very high interest rates.

    Sort of a legalised loan shark.

    Free Member

    Then start building a biking holiday of your dreams and think of the money being used for that.

    wanders off, still muttering about his own dream holiday

    Free Member

    HP are doing a cheaper Android tablet at the moment : slate 7″. 8GB internal but has an expansion slot for micro-SD.

    Think its about £129.

    Here is is: linky

    Free Member

    Got married 7 years ago. Decided to only invite friends, family could go ‘do one’ (his side: rabid right-wingers, my side: lazy-bum Welsh). There were 15 of us all in. Went to registry office then to posh restaurant.

    Had a fantastic time. Food: £650 (told you it was posh), rings < £1000, license £60 for partnership.

    Even now people tell me it was the best wedding they’d been to.

    Free Member

    One difference between civil partnerships and ‘marriage’ is that gay/bi people who want to get hitched cannot have any religious stuff *anywhere*, including the music you listen to (I guess Mozart’s Requiem is right out…) in the ceremony.

    I’m somewhat a gay version of Mr Woppit when it comes to religion but each to their own. If, say, the Quakers offered someone a marriage ceremony and the couple wanted it then I’m all for it and wish them luck.

    Been in Norway for a week, no biking (boo!). Am loving this ‘swivel-eyed loon’ meme that’s happened! 😀

    Free Member

    Dagnabit! *wanders off to load PS3 with “Life Cycles” again*

    Free Member

    Out of that list I own a road bike. And that’s it.

    Would like a dog. Can’t be bothered with big throb-o-matic cars (got a Yaris!)

    Free Member

    I have both Mountain Lion and Windows 7/8.

    Mountain Lion >> Win8 for usability.

    The start screen sucks big time. Move your mouse out of the way? Oops, charm comes up. The desktop, to be usable, has to have all the programs you use pinned to the task bar, else you’re dropping in and out of the metro interface to start anything. Some people I know hunt out the EXE files to run or put shortcuts on their desktop to avoid that.

    Stability wise – its OK and under the hood there seems to have been improvements. I’ve never had ML crash on my 2009 iMac, but neither have had win8 crash either. Win7 on the other hand does tend to crash on shutdown of my work laptop (think its a driver issue).

    Live tiles are nice when you first see them then shortly afterwards you ignore them. The Apple version of having, say, a little red number next to your mail program icon is better: you know something is there for you to look at but I can’t be faffed with sitting and waiting for a tile to update with something, usually a mail from CRC about their latest deals.

    But lets face facts – the only reason Metro was put onto windows was the marketing department, to make all Windows offerings look the same, regardless of use. Win Phone 8/X-Box/Windows now all use metro and I know one gamer who doesn’t use his X-Box as much as he used to because of the change-for-change’s sake.

    Metro is great for touch, but not much else.

    Free Member

    Tried ‘Jailbreak’ from hasbean with my aeropress.

    Really awful. It was sort of sweet and oily. I gave it to a mate who is well into his coffee and he hated it too!

    Free Member

    Playing golf or wearing golfing clothes, like that advert “You look like a clown”

    Free Member

    Went to Cannock with the club on Sunday. Busy-ish but as soon as we started we veered off-piste for some very tasty and technical trails. When we got back/ended the ride (last bit of FtD) it got pretty busy and the trail centre had a lot of people about.

    Brilliant ride though, and one of our chaps has become a dab hand at baking so brilliant cakes too!

    Free Member

    As for nepotism in the NHS: it happens. My partner is just about to lose his job due to anxiety/depression and a bullying atmosphere. His boss was useless and unhelpful.

    He couldn’t complain to *her* boss really as her boss is her husband, who had re-organised the department last year and lo! There she was in that job.

    I work for a major IT organisation and if that happened here the husband would have been thrown out on his ear immediately for nepotism or at least conflict of interest. 😕

    Free Member

    I’ll add my congrats to Glupton. It took a lot of work and willpower for that. My partner’s on similar meds and is constantly wanting chocolate to get rid of mouthfeel.

    Keep going!

    I’m trying to lose a few pounds, so have joined the Strava May ‘number of miles’ target. I’ll never get a KOM as I’m not a speed demon but it is a way to keep me motivated to get out on a bike.

    Free Member

    “In the wrong hands this could kill everyone on the planet!”

    “See these?”


    “They’re the wrong hands!”

    Free Member

    acracer – UKIP members would consider Genghis Khan as pro-EU.

    Or Margaret Thatcher, I guess.

    Free Member

    I checked my finances the other day and was somewhat astounded at spending > £600 on Nespresso capsules over 18 months. 😯

    Going to slow down a bit. If the nespresso machine dies in the future I may get a ‘proper’ espresso machine.

    Free Member

    Nope, I got one. You just stand on it and it weighs you and sends off the result. If you are a similar weight to someone else it will show you a list of names and you change your weighting to point at the one you want.

    A few mins later and you can see the graphs online or on your iphone.

    Free Member

    Matt Hunter’s heart. 😀

    Free Member

    As an aside, questionnaire seen from cycling group in Cambridge: Cambridge cycle survey answers

    Yet another reason not to vote for BNP-lite UKIP.

    Free Member


    Sounds like many reasons I would vote green. 😀

    Free Member

    Great, so these lovely companies avoid their tax. The government still needs money to pay for stuff, including tax credits to subsidise those companies as they pay low wages.

    So they increase tax on everyone else to make up for it. You get a slightly cheaper book but higher taxes.

    I think the US has a law which demands taxes from companies based upon the trade in the US. We should do something similar.

    Free Member

    If someone said to me that I could pay less tax but others on much lower incomes would pay more I would turn them down flat.

    We’re not all Tories, regardless of what CallMeDave says…

    Free Member

    Look chaps, yeah I’m a party-pooper but I really don’t think some of the “names” mentioned in this thread are appropriate. 🙁

    Ask your lady friend, I would guess “girlfriend” or “partner” is ok.

    Free Member

    This thread also makes me sad. 😥

    Free Member

    I wish she had stuck to ice cream

    Yeah, but I don’t think the flavour of ‘sour’ would have gone down too well.

    Free Member

    Brakes: can I have your autograph!? 😀

    I think if I met him I would just start giggling and make myself look like even a bigger fool than I am.

    Free Member

    I best not start because I’ll never stop.

    Oh go on then. Matt Hunter.

    *rubs knees*

    Free Member

    Sod that, the main point I take from it is that our economies are being based on a non-peer tested excel spreadsheet with unreleased data and strangely unexplained omissions from the used data set.

    Not that Gideon would change owt, it’s dogma innit?

    Free Member

    So as we have never had a free market economy how do you know it does not work? What is it that makes us need a state to regulate the economy, the country or more scarily individuals?


    Suddenly a magic wand is waved (ooer) and we turn into a complete free market economy.

    The biggest company starts buying up all the other companies below them. No regulation to stop them. Eventually you’d end up with a few very very big monopolies. Which can then charge what they want. No regulation to stop them. Further along you may end up with a single monopoly.

    We’d end up with a single company to produce something that you have no control over purchase. You need food? You buy it from this company at this price. You don’t *have* to buy it, but it is the only place to get it from. You start your own company? They’d find ways of locking you out or simply buying you out, or making their products incompatible. Or buying up your suppliers.

    An example from recent history would be Microsoft. If some (weak IMO) regulation hadn’t been in place it would have bought Apple then a PC manufacturer then you would have only been able to buy a MS-branded PC to run Windows, which runs all software. Then they’d buy the software houses, etc. etc. (for MS put Apple in now if you like).

    Free Member

    Last funeral I was at I wore a bright red bow tie. The one before that I wore cycling kit.

    That’s. good idea, glupton. At my funeral I’d prefer people to be happily remembering me, especially biking, than all sombre and sad.

    I’d leave money a a prize of the most fun dressed! Or demand everyone wears Dame Edna glasses!

    Free Member

    The old lefty that I am finds it difficult to understand why multimillion profit-making companies pay staff minimum wages then let the taxpayer make-up the shortfall with benefits. Subsidised labour, obviously. Even worse when it’s that stupid slave labour thing that been going on.

    Free Member

    The hp slate7 has just come out @ £129. It’s only 8GB but has an SSD slot. Android-based.

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