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  • Norco Fluid FS A1 Review: The Metal Messiah
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    On-One[/url] usually have some cheap.

    Sometimes though you can get deals at Aldi/Lidl. Don’t know how good they are.

    Free Member

    All hail The Woppit! Think it has something to do with penguins, IIRC, though I could be wrong about that.

    Anyway: Ruffle. Bleugh. Coconut. Due to be banned when I rule the world! (Not long now, I’m sure the letter I got from me mam/the local council said it would be soon.)

    Oh yes: mooooohahahahahahahahahaaha!

    Free Member

    German chaps in, err, chaps?

    Glistening thighs?


    Free Member

    Vey gay. As gay as you can get! 🙂

    Twice before I have “discussed” things with Ernie. The first time ended up being quite heated and led to me feeling that STW was such a bag of poo that I avoided the forums for over a year. Left a bad taste (no, don’t go there….!). The second time I was accused of flouncing a year or so ago. It’s a shame as I think that on a political level we probably have similar views. However I have not had any other altercations with any other member (not even Fred or TJ).

    I guess I do have a good memory which could be a bane and tend to pop in and just touch on topics as opposed to have big discussions, so will remember them when they occur.

    Anyhoo my views are clear: I don’t give to any religious organisations and look askance at the SA. That’s the last I’m saying on this thread and will now move on to — oo – “Glistening thighs”. Sounds right up my street! 😯 😀 😆

    Free Member

    Ah Ernie, you’re doing it again. Every single time I have any discussion with you it turns into a sort of argument. And I’m usually a happy-go-lucky chap.

    Tell you what.

    From henceforth please don’t interact with me. And I won’t with you. I think it will be better all-round if that’s the case.

    Free Member

    Yes Ernie, the backtrack does say that. Weasel words, as far as I’m concerned because it falls into the religious “quick switch to allegory and woo” type. “Err, we mean’t *spiritual* not physical.” Either that or the man talking wasn’t au fait with his own religion.

    Just out of interest – how many ‘outrageous comments’ would it take for me to not be ‘clearly unfair’? Some of the others within the link perhaps? 10? 20? 100?

    Lets just say that I refuse to give money to the SA, as I refuse to give money to any religious institution and leave it at that shall we? If you like, this christmas you can put a pound in the SA bucket and say “That’s for Adam”. I’ll add a bit more onto my AKT donation on your behalf.

    Free Member

    Yes Ernie. I’m sure with a bit googling I could find committed X who said Y (for varying X and Y). Unfortunately it is in the DNA of religious types to either hate people like me, think me ‘disordered’ (actually I am a fairly tidy person) or that I’m wallowing in something called ‘sin’ and to be pitied. That ‘person’ was a senior official for the Salvation Army in Aus, not a chap off the street. If it were, I dunno, someone from Microsoft I’d stop and go ‘eh?’. Not so religion.

    Here’s some more for you. I guess we could be doing this for a very long time…

    I would suggest googling christianity hating gays but I think somehow you’d most probably spend the rest of your life reading the results.

    It’s just as well I don’t have to justify where I give my money to, eh?

    Free Member


    I recall it being big in the ‘gay press’ (for want of a better word) at the time. Here’s one link, but others are available if you have a quick google. It was Australia, from the look of it and they rapidly backtracked. Damage done, as far as I’m concerned.

    I do recall one instance of a gay man being refused help unless he ditched his partner, I’ll see if I can dig that out.

    Oh, found this, but it was from a while ago:

    I give charitably but I refuse to give to anything like them. The ‘they should die’ chap was obviously being honest until it got him into the poo.

    Free Member

    In the US they have refused to help anyone gay. Apparently the boss over there thinks gay parents should be put to death (most probably caught out on biblical teaching).

    For that reason, I won’t have anything to do with them and give my charitable donations to other sources.

    Free Member

    Windows 8 is OK, apart from a hellishly awful horrific nasty useless unproductive piece of crap formally known as ‘metro’.

    They should have put the W8 kernel under the W7 dwm.exe.

    Strange that: dwm.exe. Slowly but surely turning into UNIX….

    Free Member


    “How’s your head?”
    “I’ve had no complaints”

    Free Member

    Could be memory problem? Boot into memory checker and have a soak test.

    Free Member

    Start up in safe mode and slowly disable drivers until it is fixed/take a look at the event manager?

    Free Member

    Hi St Colin,

    My partner is on venlafaxine, 225mg/day (near the highest dose I think you can get out of hospital). He also takes another pill in the evening as it helps him to sleep – it isn’t a sleeping pill but apparently venlafaxine can cause disrupted sleep and it counters it. With this extra pill (taken at about 8pm, we go to bed at 11:30) he sleeps OK. Just something to be aware of if it happens to you.

    The higher doses of venlafaxine are used for anxiety/depression, which is what MrAdamW suffers from. Since he lost his job due to the illness (another can of worms) he has stabilised somewhat and is now doing his caving stuff more.

    He was told he’d be on the venlafaxine for about 5 years minimum. Obviously everyone is different but I think it is more a medium-to-long-term medication.

    As for comparisons, I guess we all do that. I have got rid of FB as everyone apparently has perfect lives on there and tbh I couldn’t be bothered with its false imagery. Unfortunately I ride with a club with really good people in it (much more bottle than me!) so always feel inadequate when there and it caused me to not turn up many times. I am usually told off by the others as it isn’t all just being rad and cool and ‘sick’ but for me it is the company and enjoying myself.

    Meditation can help. I’ve done it and you can get calmer using it.

    I wish you the best mate, and hope things improve for you. Hopefully the CBT will help; I’ve heard good things about it (if I could only get MrAdamW to go get some…).

    Free Member

    I kept getting people when I was at college. An African foreign student kept coming round to see me.

    OK, you come to my door and ask me to join your religion. I politely decline. You then keep talking *at* (not to) me and every time I say anything you continually read from your bible (heavily annotated, I might add). That’s just plain rude.

    That’s the problem. It isn’t a conversation, it is them talking AT you. Grr!

    Free Member

    Excellent stuff.

    For those who really like the Daily Hate then the link is there to copy and paste if you want. Or click through.

    And if you really get upset with it you can start your own bike forum I guess and allow it there (STW’s forum, STW’s rules).

    Then I’ve got kittenblock so can’t access Daily Hate/Express anyway.

    Free Member

    Elephant. Definitely elephant. Small one, mind, but its usual for this time of year.

    Free Member

    One of the best things I have done recently (which shows what a saddo I am) is to put kittenblock on my chromebook which then gets picked up on all chrome browsers I use when I log in. No more seeing Daily Hate even accidentally!

    Free Member

    And the great/amazing thing about this is that while the Daily Hate has apparently about 1.5m paper readership, Fry has a 6.5m twitter following.

    Anything done online by the Daily Hate would be subsumed in their celebrity nakedness next to their usual ‘kill the pervs’ articles.

    Free Member

    There are laptops with lids that flip over so they become larger tablets as the screen is touch-sensitive. Sounds a bit heavy but may be close to what you want.

    Free Member

    What’s the point of gooseberries?




    I love gooseberries, me. Crumble, jam, but don’t make chutney. It’s a waste of gooseberries.

    Go-ose-berr-ies: (latin) “Food of the gods”

    Free Member

    I like gingers. The bloke at the front is cute. Strange that the vast majority of the people walking in the pic are ladies though.

    Free Member

    I’m a bit biased as Team VeloCake was sponsored by them for this years mayhem

    Are you sure you haven’t just sneakily done something you haven’t after the bump on the head today Rocketdog? 😀

    Anyway, put me down for, oh, 50. 😆

    Free Member

    Aldi fishy fingers with mushy peas, mint sauce and home-made bread.

    But tomorrow I’ve a bottle of that Toro Loco Tempranillo from Aldi (£3.69) which is *really* quaffable.

    Free Member

    I have the power of not deciding quickly enough, hence one of my nicknames is ‘Indecision Boy’. The other ones are ‘thedoc’ and ‘Celtic Dwarf’ the latter of which is a little unfair since only my beard is red and I’m taller than I look. 😀

    Free Member

    I am fussy about fish – don’t like the taste of a lot of it, though ok with the tuna/haddock/cod/salmon. Don’t eat fresh fish.

    I don’t eat nuts of any variety*; they make me sick (throw up). Even coconut. I’ll be willing to try most things but if anyone offers me something and refuses to answer if it has nuts in it then game over.

    Strangely I like coffee but don’t like coffee cake/chocolate.
    And whisky makes me heave when I smell it.

    * yeah, yeah, I know, heard it a million times… 😆

    Free Member

    Hopping across the diagonals and using Stovold’s rule 254(b) subsection (1a) takes us to:


    Free Member

    Excellent stuff Rachel!

    Waiting to get back on my new on-one once my bad back gives over! 😀

    Free Member

    I have only had about 3 panics in 10 years of mac usage. I found that one was due to faulty memory – as the machine heated up with stress the chips malfunctioned and caused crashes. Replacing the DIMM fixed the issue.

    Check the ‘console’ (in the utilities folder) and it will have the system logs there, which may give you more info.

    Free Member

    You could try mountain biking. I hear it is quite popular.

    Free Member

    I saw a pie chart the other day that shows where the Tory money comes from. Majority from banks (no sh*t, Sherlock!) then a large quantity from private health companies.

    Well blow me over with a feather! Fancy that. And we’re privatising it at the same time, what a coincidence!

    Problem is that politics in this country is turning into the US-model, corrupt to the core.

    Free Member

    When a mate at work was between wives (married + kid -> affair with mad lady -> another kid) he actually told me he was jealous of me being a gayer because (his words) “You can have a good shag then talk about football and eat pizza afterwards”.

    Saying that I have a gay friend who is constantly looking for “the one” which will never happen as no-one is ever perfect. Very sad.

    I found MrAdamW after I stopped looking and just went out and about just to have a laugh. About a week after I stopped, as it happens.

    Just live your life. I understand that ladies are very attracted to men who make them laugh and who are confident without the alpha-male bollox stuff. Make a fool of yourself and laugh a lot. You’ll end up beating the ladies away with a big pooey stick. 😀

    EDIT: Somafunk want to marry me too?

    Free Member

    Sorry been working. Barnes & Noble are bailing on the Nook. Microsoft owns a chunk of the shares but they aren’t known for their success at tablets.

    dropping nook[/url]

    Free Member

    Nook won’t be around for very long by the looks of things, so you may get a bargain but on the other hand Kindle will have longer support.

    I have a kindle 3 which is pretty good. The paperwhite is supposed to be brilliant. I have other gadgets (nexus 7/iPad) which are good for indoor reading but they are heavier and the battery life on the Kindle is superb.

    Free Member

    That’s utterly crap, sorry to hear it mate.

    Not much I can say to help, but feeling for you. Its happening at my place too. Utter utter crap.

    What’s your skillset/location? Perhaps the STW massif can put feelers out.

    Free Member

    I’m glad Jamie has returned from wherever he’s been, good to see there’s some people on here that have the proper respect for Kate’n’Wills and their achievement, unlike those communist pagan haters like somafunk.

    Achievement? Could you elaborate? Isn’t it a case of “insert tab A into slot B”? Are they the only ones who are able to do this? How will the human race survive without them without their superhuman abilities?

    Free Member

    Mate of mine answered some questions I had about musliming.

    If you’e in the Arctic circle then for Ramadan you take the nearest Muslim area (like if you’re near Norway a mosque there).

    Apparently if you’re in Mecca you pray pointing towards your own temple or group.

    Free Member

    On the positive side you can now go out and try out a load of hats. My mate who shaves his head has loads of beanies and stuff to keep his head warm in the cold.

    Don’t worry about it, embrace it. Its a sign of virility!

    Free Member

    I always find E.psi=H.psi to be something that makes my brain hurt. A lot.

    Free Member

    Update: stuff now online with prices.

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