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  • Islabikes to Cease Production
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    Local cheapo shops near me sell aquafresh pumps for 99p. So that.

    Free Member

    Well Mr Collymore has quit twitter.

    Free Member

    Risotto is a good way of using up a load of leftover stuff.

    EDIT: dagnabit! Beaten to it!

    Free Member

    You’ll be needing the UKIP weather forecast next if this continues..

    Free Member

    You can also use to edit MS Office apps, and the latest ChromeOS release has the Kingsoft (or whatever it is) MS Office compatible app installed.

    And you can always use GDocs and export to MS if you want.

    I am typing this on my Samsung Chromebook series 3. I use it far more than my mac or a PC. I wish I had an Acer though as the Haswell would add a little extra oomph.

    Free Member

    Kennyp: your arguments have broken down into a few areas as far as I can see:

    1. Cultural relativism: while we do not condone what Russia says, it is their country and we should respect their decisions.
    2. There are many other issues which are much worse than what is happening in Russia and we should complain about those as they are much worse.

    Could you clarify where I am misrepresenting you please and I’ll apologise.

    1 – I totally reject cultural relativism. If someone is being given pain without them giving pain to others is it just plain 100% wrong.
    2 – I agree that there are other worse issues. I’ll stand alongside you when you start the threads about them. I’ll back you 100%. Until that time, what the Russian government is doing is utterly, completely wrong and has already caused harm to people. If I was in power I would not be competing in the olypmics. I see a number of countries have refused to send governmental envoys. Good. All should boycott at the least.

    Free Member

    Well that’s me told. I’ll make sure not to speak out about any human rights abuses unless I know every other issue and balance them up, only protesting about the very worst one. 😕

    Free Member

    Yep. Bring it on!

    Free Member

    Last time I put my bike in for a full service (front/rear shock/gears/brakes) I didn’t complain about the price, but they could have at least dialled in the gears before I rode it home! I had to push quite a distance as they were all over the place.

    Which reminds me, gear cables need replacing most probably with outers too, as changing from granny ring requires herculean strength. 😀

    Free Member

    Kennyp: cultural relativism is crap. Utter crap.

    “Oh, those people there! They’re doing female genital mutilation, but that’s their culture!” (Or choose anything you like. Christian persecution? Female persecution?)

    To quote someone recently:

    They are only applying their views to their own country and asking visitors to respect their views and their laws.

    No, I do not respect their view or their laws. Fortunately I won’t be going to Russia but fear for those who are gay *in* Russia, where it appears you are happy with whatever happens to them.

    Free Member

    Loddrik: yeah, that’s easy for you to say.

    Kennyp: great sketch by “goodness gracious me” writers regarding moral relativism. “Your husband wants to chop you to pieces? Ah but that’s your *culture*, ok no problem!”

    And I guess those people who do FGM, let’s not dare say owt about that as we may offend.

    Or, as I say: so what? Be offended. If you’re wrong, you’re wrong.

    Free Member

    Wrote a big post then deleted it. Can’t be bothered.

    Boils down to: yes, religion has a lot to do with the hatred I get.

    Free Member

    This is STW remember. In a few minutes people will be around to blame the cyclist.

    Free Member

    Glad to hear the car was scratched.

    BTW I am posting to STW the biking forum and not petrolheads?

    Free Member

    I liked ‘We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land’ but I can’t sing it now (apart from being atheist) without thinking about the sin of Onan 😀

    Free Member

    I may find out tomorrow if I’m joining joblesstrackworld. Work has been pants this past year though so I’m not getting any panties (mine or anyone else’s) in a bundle.

    I’ll become a rent-buoy. Someone you can pay to chuck into the sea and point at things.

    Free Member

    I have had it pretty loudly in my left ear for about five years. After being driven bananas by it you realise that the more you think about it the more you notice it. You’ve got to ignore it. It’s a psychological thing. Noise in the background can help and you can get pillows with tiny speakers in so you can connect an iPod/iPhone with white noise or sounds like sea shore etc. to help you drift off.

    I read (on Kindle) ‘Tinnitus Treatment Toolbox’ by JL Mayes which helped a bit. Now I’m writing about it I notice a loud noise… bah! 😀

    Free Member

    +1 littlemisspanda

    Surely time to close this thread though mods? ‘Tis getting a bit personal on the attack front.

    In afore the lock as others put it?

    EDIT: sneaky filter usage there… 😀

    Free Member

    Dreem ice cream (I think – a powder mixed with milk and frozen).

    Birds trifle.
    Cheese grated into milk with onion in and grilled, eaten with bread. Nom^10.

    Free Member

    It is interesting that during that there WW2 due to rationing and more management of the food supply by government that health of the poorest actually improved.

    This is basically what is needed (within limits). Our genes say “eat as much as you can!” and we have a near limitless supply of fats and sugars. Its natural.

    Improve transport links to increase movement, put money into sports/leisure centres and the like and do some actual regulation of the completely unregulated food industry (for a start stop Tesco putting loads of polyphosphate and water in their ‘organic’ chicken, grr!). Encourage people up and out.

    I would sooner my tax money be spent on helping people get fit and lead happier lives than deal with the diabetes and weight-related illnesses. Prevention is better than cure.

    Free Member

    You are Kaesae and I claim my £5.

    Free Member

    Winks at Ben’s dad. 😉

    Free Member

    I’m not sure flap_jack should be posting in a thread about obesity. Likely to get eaten! 😀

    Free Member

    Damn! He’s on to us. I better change disguise tomorrow.

    Free Member

    I’m 47 and a little overweight by about 7lb or so (according to the bmi thingy which is an indicator). Growing up I was always a porker until I discovered biking and running.

    It is painful but I know I can lose the weight if I want. While it is only an approximation I just become more careful of what I eat and count calories. All of them, including the sneaky ones. I use an app on my phone to count them and put in my biking etc. so it gives me a good idea of where I’m at.

    Last time I got into it I got down to a little under 11st. Now I’m somewhat higher than that. But it is tough, especially in the winter as I crave stodgy stuff. And weekends are difficult too due to more shared meals and going out to places etc.

    Free Member

    From the actual paper cited by the woo-peddler that wrote the huffpost article (woo-peddler had forgot to read it or perhaps has homeopathic glasses):

    “As regards the second project, in the view of the authors of the meta-analyses, the available placebo-controlled studies on homeopathy do not demonstrate any clear effect over and above placebo. For phytotherapy, in contrast, a positive result is shown, as in the evaluation report, and for traditional Chinese herbal therapy an unequivocal assessment is not possible. Here, too, the validity of the conclusions of the meta-analyses should be regarded as limited from a methodological perspective.”

    Free Member

    A final update with regards to the FiL and his driving.

    A second training lesson was had yesterday but it was cut short. The FiL wasn’t taking any notice of speed limits or other instruction. When he was asked what the speed limit was where he was currently driving he said he didn’t know as he never normally drove there (either didn’t look at speed signs or forgot what he already saw). The instructor has given up as he refuses to accept anything he is told (part of his lifetime bullying attitude).

    So he is to lose his license. While it is sad for him, it it better for other road-users.

    We are now awaiting the explosion when he is told. 🙁

    Free Member

    Yes. Just imagine that the sausage roll is hora’s gentlemanparts to prevent another attack.

    No need to thank me. 😀

    Free Member

    Variable speed limits on M1 between J24 and J28. I travel north from J25 to J27 when driving to work and most mornings the southbound traffic is congested. But the signs are lit and woe betide speeders as I have seen the GATSOs flash many-a-time.#

    Personally I’m looking forward to self-driving cars. Congestion would reduce drastically, fewer accidents and I can relax going to and from my MTB meets. 😀

    Free Member

    Get a mate to tow it to the scrap merchant?

    Free Member

    Update for those who are interested.

    Partner contacted the drivability place and discussed the rules and fed back information (losing his way, hitting the kerb, bullying his wife for money for a new car) and she was a little shocked.

    Upshot is she’s going to write a letter to FiL stating the rules which are:

    Not allowed to drive until a retest has been successful.
    He has two weeks from today to finish his training and arrange for a retest.

    Now we need to arrange support for MiL who is a frail 83yo and is basically emotionally abused by him with constant verbal assaults. 🙁

    Free Member

    Mate of mine years ago left his wife (as he calls her “wife number one”) for another woman. For some strange reason he wasn’t too thrilled when she started dating again. He should have a fun life but she shouldn’t? 😕

    Free Member

    Any film that uses ‘edgy’ and ‘realistic’ wobbly cameras are complete crap. Yes, I’m looking at you the second/third Bourne films.

    Can remember paying beer tokens for the second film in the cinema and then came out feeling dizzy and not being able to remember much else.

    So edgy I can’t even understand the plot. Bah!

    Free Member

    @jojoA1: thanks – my partner and his sister and considering this at the moment but I guess it would have to be done soon so the legality of him being capable of understanding what he’s signing would be OK. If he signs (he is a really contrary awkward git even when he was OK!). The only reason I’m involved really is because I am the only person who can legally drive the car with his consent (my husband’s insurance doesn’t cover him for driving third party’s cars with their consent). It would be *me* handing the car back due to this and I’m not going to do it.

    Free Member

    @cvilla: thanks for the support. He’s well in denial. In his assessment he was given five words to remember and recall ten minutes later and he failed every one, even after helpful prompts (“It’s a fruit you eat every day!” – said wife [banana]). His wife definitely needs respite but he won’t go anywhere or let her go anywhere without him. We’ve offered driving him/her about but it hits a wall of denial – he “doesn’t need it as he’s a good driver”. He doesn’t want to go to groups or a day centre etc.

    He’s deffo not getting the car back unless we’re told to legally. I just hope that if he calls the police they won’t let him drive the thing away!

    Free Member

    Hi Timidwheeler: thanks for this. This is what I want. The sad thing is he used to be mad on cars etc. so it is bound up in his personality and this is painful to see and his ranting about how good a driver he is. I’ve just seen ‘report someone to dvla’ on the DVLA website and will most probably do that to start. (link:

    Free Member

    @Rockhopper: he notified the DVLA when first diagnosed and they sent him a one year license. I think it has something like 4/5 months left and the assessment may have been triggered by his 84th birthday (shortly before). I guess it is the assessment that the DVLA invoked. He was told the assessment could give one of three answers ‘yes/no/maybe’ and he got the ‘maybe, with additional lessons’ which he is now ignoring.

    @Cougar: good idea, it may come to that but we’d have to get the car to his house then disable it.

    I feel for his wife, 83 years old, getting constant criticism and complaints. Dementia is agreed an awful disease. In his case it took the microscopic veneer of niceness and stripped it away as the first thing. Most of his friends now shun him as he just insults them and thinks he’s being funny. 🙁

    My auntie also has dementia. Its heartbreaking in that she constantly looks confused and doesn’t recognise me, even though she’s known me for all of my 47 years. She isn’t as bitter, however.

    Free Member

    I use the Bodyshop ‘sport’ one which is nice, but the scent doesn’t last too long.

    Free Member

    Surely it is pretty simple? I don’t read the wail and use kittenblock to avoid accidentally clicking on refs but I do know:

    Diana: good
    Non-southern-English: bad
    Everything causes cancer
    Everything doesn’t cause cancer that did last week.
    House prices are due to Labour who have destroyed the country.
    Everyone outside of the UK is killing each other desperate to get to us for our £10,000,000 per week lavish benefits.
    Paedophiles bad
    Pictures of 14 year old girls with little on: good
    Celebrities who have put on weight/lost weight/got a new frock/got new trousers/had an affair/walked in public.
    hate hate whinge hate etc. etc.

    Its easy enough to pick up on all that by not reading it, and occasionally seeing the front pages in the shops.

    As Campbell said: “The worst of Britain posing to be the best.”

    Free Member

    Local Game has stock but only the bundles for £599. 🙁

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