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  • AdamW
    Free Member

    The best things in life are hairy.

    Free Member

    My mam used to add a bit more:

    “If you can’t be good, be careful. If you can’t be careful, buy a pram.”

    Mine are:

    Be excellent to each other.
    Party on, dudes!

    Free Member

    Just remember that Kayal menu is 99% coconut, mainly veggie. I asked a north Indian friend about south Indian cuisine once and he responded with “It’s all effing coconut!”.

    Free Member

    Laguna off Maid Marian Way (good naans).
    Balti House on Broad Street.

    The 6334223876293947283 miles from Delhi on Maid Marian Way is not so good – kept feeding me nuts when I made it clear I can’t eat ’em.

    Sapna if the end of the world comes and you have to eat to live!

    Free Member

    I have seen issues on redrawing windows for Logic Express 8. Apart from that its OK.

    I’d love to replace the 1TB HDD inside my iMac for a SSD though to speed it up. Its just a swine to get into (magnetic screen version).

    Free Member

    I’m with CFH on this. I think Peston is a very bright man but his delivery is really awkward.

    Free Member

    Think I’m still in nidd. *wonders if he’ll ever get out*

    Free Member

    Yay! Got a fiver off me Maxxis Ardent LUSTs!

    Ta simmy! 😀

    Free Member

    I have sympathy for the OP and lets face it, Evans are one of the worst shops for bikes I’ve ever frequented. The idiot who sold me my Trek Fuel EX9 was a perfect example of how not to sell a bike. (Saying that I find I usually want to strangle the assistants at leisurelakes…)

    What Evans should have said was “Sorry, not in stock but we’ll order down a few sizes, call you when they’re in and you can come and try then buy the ones you want.” You shouldn’t have to slap a wodge on *your* credit/debit card for them to get your business.

    Free Member

    As an aside I see a lot of similarity in tactics between the deniers of climate change and the anti-vaccination crowd.

    Free Member

    how many Chinese coal/gas fired power stations have been commissioned since 1997?

    Typical response. Constantly snipe never answer.

    Peter Lilley asked: “Since 1997, the amount of CO2 emitted by mankind is a third of all CO2 that mankind has emitted.”

    Again – you claimed it, you must back it up. Where’s your evidence? For all I know you and your mate Lilley may be right. Or may be wrong. I’m willing to change my mind based on evidence. Where is it?

    I have found, since we’re doing unsubstantiated graph stuff, the real reason for global warming…

    Free Member

    Here you go IRC. Knock yourself out. Written by a – woo – climate scientist, as opposed to blokes on a mountain biking forum.

    Free Member

    project – if you put a tub of lard up as a conservative in that area they’d get voted in.

    Free Member

    Am I out of nidd yet? 🙄

    Free Member

    That’s a non-sequitur. Have the concentrations of co2 in the atmosphere home up by a third since that time? Why should I believe what some politician says anyway? The same Peter Lilley who gets paid £70,000 a year by the oil industry? Where’s his evidence for this? Why are you asking us complex modelling questions and not the climatologists? You afraid of the answer?

    This is the “what-about-ary” that climate deniers do. “Yeah but…” For everything but never answer any questions themselves.

    I always find it amazing that when scientists design new materials to make lighter bikes but everyone appears to have a PhD when it comes to climate science.

    Free Member

    Yes it does, bio-science/medicine springs immediately to mind, materials engineering, some areas of computer science. Many more, I’m sure.

    This is so incredibly not true. There is only one ‘science’ that can be 100% proven and that is mathematics, because it is pure abstract.

    Free Member

    Had this at a service station a few years ago. A lady wanted £11 to get a taxi home. Husband (cos I am very thick) spotted it immediately. When we suggested she talks to the bobbies in the service station a load of old crap came out.

    It’s a scam. I tend to fall for these things as I’m as soft as something that rhymes with ‘hite’. 😀

    Oh, and before you ask, no I don’t want to buy a bridge. The garden’s full of the bloody things!

    Free Member

    Lets face it, all that needs to happen is a number of positive double-blind trials for homeopathy to be ruled effective and therefore move from ‘alternative medicine’ to ‘medicine’.

    Ah, but the have been a number of double-blind trials. And they all show that homeopathy is a load of old donkey droppings.

    Do people *really* believe that something diluted by 10^60 (more than 10^-26 chance of there being a single molecule of any active ingredient) and then ‘succussed’ (struck against an elastic substance ten times) every so often actually does anything? My mate who’s into this rubbish just believed it because it was ‘woo’-ish. He didn’t even know what ‘succussion’ was but liked the woo. Every time he said the word ‘homeopathy’ I expected Clannad to start breathing musically in the distance (and I *like* Clannad!).

    It beggars belief. Then you’ve got idiots who cause death by their idiocy. Or people who end up dead due to their desire for woo-ness.

    Though I tend to think it is Darwinism in action. It’s a shame as people have died due to this complete and utter crap from a discredited German chappy in 1796.

    ****aaaaaand relax!********

    Free Member

    So, slack, you got some mates called ‘Bow-legged Betsy’ and ‘Fag-ash Lil’?

    Yes, we’re both showing our age….

    Free Member

    Using a zeppelin to get to Clapham Common, taking tiffin while on the way.

    Free Member

    sadexpunk: make sure the powerlines are on the same ring as sometimes they can’t chat if they aren’t. If you’ve got a mate who can lend you a pair that would be good. I do the same thing BTW for my PS3 as streaming over wifi is rubbish. Otherwise you may have to string a bit of CAT5/CAT6 between buildings!

    Free Member

    Rowing my way over to Bayeswater

    Free Member

    Not forgetting his miserableness David Sylvian who I thought was ALL SIX of the bee’s appendages.

    Free Member

    I was *so* into Toyah then.

    Hazel O’Connor was good too. Ah, those were the days!

    Free Member

    0. I don’t have any friends on facebook as I’m not on there.

    Saying *that* I don’t have any friends outside of facebook either! 😀 😆

    Free Member

    Bakerloo, avoiding the diagonals which could cause nip, but using arm flotation devices.

    Free Member

    I had an Amiga 500 which was brilliant.

    I always wanted a Jupiter Ace though as I wanted to learn Forth. Having the OBP on SUN/SPARC machines helped that along a bit. There’s still a few machines around the country that say stuff if you type ‘adam’ at the boot prompt! 😀

    Free Member

    Just a quick update – Alex from Epic Bleed Solutions very kindly popped some of the tubes in the post. Which are longer than the Avid ones. So there. 😀

    He is now a hero, and all my bleed stuff will be got from him! Be nice to him as he’s ace. 😀

    Free Member

    iTunes might do it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    “How’s your head?” “I’ve had no complaints” – Elvira

    “Everything that comes out of your mouth is obscene” “That is a ****ing lie!” – Bette Midler

    Free Member

    But the way you want is the way that’s been forced on you the last time Windows was updated..

    Oh excellent! So I have a start button that doesn’t take me to metro any more? That’s how I want to work. Or is it just a button that does the same as the physical windows button that takes you to the mess that is Metro?

    Free Member

    To be fair the W8 kernel/system is pretty fast on modern hardware. I just hate the metro interface where it isn’t needed. I shouldn’t have to put in fudges to make the machine work the way I want (Classic shell etc.). The forcing of the metro interface on just about anything with Microsoft code on it is more an exercise by management bods. They could have killed all the hate by simply giving a choice – metro or classic, and attempted to coax people to the metro interface as time went on.

    It took me ages when I first started a W8 machine to work out how to turn the damned thing off! I hear the next version of W8 will actually have a button on the metro interface for shutdown/standby. Why they didn’t do that in the first place is a mystery to me, as Toyah would say. 😀

    Free Member

    Apart from me. I don’t own a copy of windows. I don’t need one.

    I do, however, have a chromebook and it does everything I need for day-to-day home needs. I regularly create documents, browse, email etc. That’s why PC sales are dropping in favour of tablets (which usually run a form of *nix 😀 ) as PCs are generally major overkill for a lot of stuff.

    Free Member

    “Why do you need *nix” – “because I have *nix” is a bit of a tautology, is it not? (-:

    Nope, unless the Windows team – that need Windows to manage their Windows servers are also tautologous. I’m much more efficient managing *nix through *nix, in the same way the Windows team are with their work. Can I do it using Windows? Possibly, but keeping copies of Linux on other machines to use for management due to the size of the estate.

    I’ve never had a problem with VNC, used to use UltraVNC to connect to all manner of things. Though when I have to remote manage Linux boxen I’ll use PuTTY rather than VNC.

    I use PuTTY to connect to other Linux boxes which I use as a hopping point for the production Linux/AIX/Solaris/HPUX boxen. When you’re talking thousands of servers you can’t log into each, you need a good regime with trusted servers (note: not windows). We use VNC for oracle/TDP/SAP installs, but that again requires more Linux machines/VMs for somewhere to VNC into, especially with firewalls.

    Windows has its place but it is not the only thing out there. I could happily do my job without Windows. Everything I need could be done through a web-based interface, including office documents.

    And windows 8 is still poo! 😛

    Free Member


    “You need to keep a copy of Linux around for all the things Windows can’t do” said no-one, ever.

    Says me, constantly. As a UNIX man managing UNIX through windows is an absolute pain in the bum. Even VNC sessions to a true UNIX desktop is a pain through windows.

    Free Member

    Depends on your requirements. You’ve got reflectors and refractors. For £200 you may get a cheap one.

    Also depends upon how much space he has (e.g. dobsonians can be huge). Have a look here for starter scopes. A ‘go-to’ is nice to get a feel of things, but you’re removing money from the optics if you do.

    Free Member

    I was in my local library today. It’s brilliant. I can order online and pick up loads of books at 80p delivery. I’ve read loads because of that.

    Just got “Mary Ann in Autumn” and “Raising Steam” today. Awaiting “The Days of Anna Madrigal” to be procured and delivered.

    Free Member

    It’s a shame that people aren’t up for proper discussion but want fighting and silly games. I initially thought ‘The Moral Maze’ might be enlightening but it is the same thing with nastier people!

    Free Member

    “It’s my round.” 😀

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