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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 14: SQlab Saddle, Pedals & Grips
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    Are you aware that there is more than one medical view? Not all medical people agree – this is the issue.

    Agreed. Unfortunately doctors disagree about everything (e.g. HIV/AIDS deniers, cancer deniers, anyone who reads “What Doctors Don’t Tell You”). How do you suggest we choose? I’ll go with what the majority of cardiovascular experts suggest. I have no other way of deciding unless I spend the next twenty years of my life researching to the level required. During which time I may have a heart attack! 😀

    Are there any numbers (%age) for how many experts are for/against statin usage for those in a susceptible group?

    Free Member

    And a rquest for low cholesterol shows you up a bit. Cholesterol is produced by your liver to a genetically predetermined level. Trying to lower it will only force your liver to try to make up the short fall. Better perhaps you look into why cholesterol has been villified and then deciding (forming an opinion) on whether cholesterol deserves the wrap its been given.

    My ‘opinion’ would be worthless. I know next to nothing about the cardiovascular system. Such ‘opinions’ are the reason there’s so much controversy about climate change, when anyone, regardless of knowledge or ability, has an ‘opinion’.

    Thanks but I’ll go with what the current medical views are, and change mine if they change theirs as I don’t have the knowledge to make a reasoned ‘opinion’. If I’m told to take statins on Wednesday I may just have to, even though I don’t particularly want to. Previously I have managed to reduce my cholesterol level due to radical change in diet and a lot of exercise so my ‘genetic’ level of cholesterol must vary based on that.

    Anyhoo, going back to the OP, I have a really nice recipe for a pork cobbler. Topping made with flour/fromage frais/parsley and filling with pork, carrots, swede, celery, parsnips, leeks, beef stock, tomato puree and pearl barley. Very nomish and very low fat (you don’t use any).

    EDIT: And no, I will never buy “What the doctors don’t tell you”, a type of scaremongering rubbish “magazine”!

    Free Member

    Good idea Skellnonch, I may try that approach. I’ll update this thread after seeing Doc’s on Wednesday evening.

    Free Member

    But TurnerGuy if we do that for everything we see – base our approach on the outliers – then nothing will happen.

    The body need cholesterol to function, and will synthesis it if it not getting enough, so religiously sticking to a low cholesterol diet is a mistake, the book reckons.

    Yes, but your cholesterol is artificially high due to diet surely that’s a bad thing?

    If the author was so enthused about his subject he wouldn’t be selling it as a book, but surely giving the information away for free? Phrases such as ‘the Great Cholesterol Con’ remind me of ‘The Great Global-warming Swindle’ which, lets face it, told complete lies and a touch of paranoia.

    Give away the book, lets get the scientists to look at the evidence and respond accordingly.

    Free Member

    I set up a sort of manual cluster solution for two linux boxes.

    On a beautiful day. How annoyed am I? (loads)

    The project manager (aka “professional naggers”) will pay for this one.

    Oh Loddrik – Llangollen? Awesome. That’s where I come from!

    Free Member

    No one mentioned the Picolax Thread yet?


    Free Member

    Cholesterol/ECG test last week.

    Called back to “have a chat” with the doc on Wednesday as my cholesterol is 8.

    J-M talks sense…

    Free Member

    Hey Project, if you win the internet can I have all the good gay stuff?

    Oh, and pictures of dogs, naturally.
    And recipes.
    And, err, all pictures of Matt Hunter and Chris Hemsworth. For research purposes, I hope you understand. 😀


    Free Member

    I had my CP in 2006 with MrAdamW. Since there was no ‘template’ for gay marriage and it had to be done in a registry office we invited 13 people to the office then took them all out for dinner afterwards at a reet posh restaurant.

    Apart from Me and MrAdamW only one other was gay (though one other was trans). The straight guests said it was the best wedding they had been to. It was full of fun, laughter and then a lot of playstation playing when they crashed at my house.

    We’re most probably going to convert to a marriage later on. Neither of us are religious. In fact I’m sure it is very similar to straight marriages. I just end up saying “Yes dear” a lot and doing what I’m told! 😀

    As with the religious aspect I will admit I am somewhat confounded by the number of nonbelievers getting married in church. But the church doesn’t seem to worry about that.

    Free Member

    I know it is knee jerk but I get so wound up by these things. No doubt the 18 year old is devastated but someone lost their life.

    If she is found to have been drink driving then a mahoosive fine, a ban from driving for life and not just a week and her car crushed in front of her. Oh and she should have to pay for it to be crushed.

    Sadly though I guess she’ll end up with a two week ban and a £350 fine or thereabouts. 🙁

    Free Member

    I’ve never been a big drinker, normally three pints or four at the max over a longer evening and I’m done.

    Though I keep thinking of giving it up. While I may enjoy the beer and feel physically OK the next day I usually have some form of ‘malaise’, feeling sad/unhappy etc, which screws me up for a day or so.

    Free Member

    Nah, you want the O’Reilly book specifically on regex (Mastering Regular Expressions), which I actually read cover to cover after an op. Fascinating.

    Sed/awk are great and while I do recall an installation program for a UNIX application written in ‘awk’ (basically wrapping stuff with system() calls in a BEGIN { } structure) I would recommend going down the python route. Ruby seems to be going into a niche (though I’m installing Motorola’s ‘rhoconnect’ at work which uses ruby and gems) but python is a great language to start with.

    Just remember your formatting as it’s an easy way to think your script won’t work!

    EDIT: Also remember *which* sed/awk you’re using. Solaris is different from HP-UX which is different from Linux. Linux is where it’s at with gawk/gsed and of course Python is separate (though check version numbers).

    Free Member

    I guess I will be better off under this budget, especially with pensions and NISA rule changes.

    Will I vote Tory?

    Nah. I’ve still got compassion for those less well-off than me. And a distinct inability to hate with the quantities of venom required.

    Free Member

    Rumour has it he wanted members of the church to be kinder to each other so they kicked him out. Bizarre. Link[/url]

    I don’t celebrate anyone’s death however he wasted a valuable life spreading hatred and evil. I certainly won’t miss him. His daughter will no doubt continue the hatred until it peters out.

    Free Member

    I’m picking up our first doggie on Monday. A border collie rescue. We’re still thinking of a name (was a stray). I want ‘Deefur’ but MrAdamW has yet to be convinced. (Deefur Dog! 😀 )

    Free Member

    I used LaTeX for my PhD in Chemistry and it did a fantastic job, but we did have a DocumentType ‘Thesis’. I still had to import PDFs of images to include in the final postscript.

    Formulae etc. were brilliant once you’d worked out the structure of the commands.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen many relationships break up because people are in love with being in love and not in love with their partners.

    People meet, their partner gets put on a pedestal and then eventually they realise they fart, pick their nose, are a bit thick and so on. Then it’s “Chuck him, get another” and the cycle starts all over again.

    Happened with my sister many many moons ago when she got married one week after her eighteenth birthday and started divorce proceedings nine months later.

    As for kids I get the feeling they rarely get to be kids any more as they do nothing apart from being shuttled from one sport/dance class/etc. to another.

    Free Member

    My 2002 Toyota Yaris has done about 110,000 miles and is a good little runner (that just about manages my Trek in the rear). I’m hoping to keep it to 150,000 miles. Then I may replace it with an Auris.

    Free Member

    26″ wheels are the future!

    Free Member

    I think I’m an average driver. I tend to drive defensively and rarely speed. I try not to get annoyed but sometimes I am somewhat astounded by other people squeezing into small gaps on the M1.

    I drive a Yaris 1.0l so I’m not going to be able to speed! I don’t really care for cars, they’re a thing to get you from A to B. I much prefer bikes and would rather not have a car if possible but modern life (and getting to club meets) makes it difficult.

    Free Member

    I have a bottle of Doom Bar waiting for my ministrations and some other stuff that may go down nicely. (oerr, etc)

    Free Member

    Grosse hunde landen auf meinem gesicht?

    Free Member

    Do a few easier rides when you first get them as they will feel different (although now I can’t abide flats as I always feel as if I’m falling off).

    You *will* forget you’re clipped in and fall sideways at first. Happens to all of us 😀

    EDIT: my method was to choose to always unclip with the same leg and unclip early. As you get used to them you’ll do this less.

    Free Member

    Out of interest I found the Conservative manifesto for 1979. Five point thingy. Of course all manifestos are generally not worth the paper they are written on, but here they are…

    [*]To restore the health of our economic and social life, by controlling inflation and striking a fair balance between the rights and duties of the trade union movement.[/*]
    [*]To restore incentives so that hard work pays, success is rewarded and genuine new jobs are created in an expanding economy.[/*]
    [*]To uphold Parliament and the rule of law.[/*]
    [*]To support family life, by helping people to become home-owners, raising the standards of their children’s education, and concentrating welfare services on the effective support of the old, the sick, the disabled and those who are in real need.[/*]
    [*]To strengthen Britain’s defences and work with our allies to protect our interests in an increasingly threatening world.[/*]

    Free Member

    You could try meditation (not all religious but stuff like mindfulness of breathing) to calm you down.

    There’s quite a few books on Amazon that you may take a peek at, or order from your local library to check out.

    My partner also suffers from depression/anger and I did get him a book on it but he said it made him angry so he threw it away 😕

    Free Member

    There seems to be a dichotomy here. Either fairy-story “ritual” killing (do they flounce in high heels clacking the maracas around before slitting the throat?) or bolt.

    Perhaps stepping back and saying “Of *all* the ways of slaughter, not just these two, is the most humane method of slaughter?”. Then both sides can suck it up, as it may be neither.

    For all I know it could be low-flying pianos that are the most humane.

    Free Member

    Almost every day I get comments about “bloody cyclists coming out of junctions without looking” and “every cyclist runs red lights” and how they like to point their screen wash to one side to squirt cyclists.

    It is a case of ‘obvious troll is obvious’. Best not respond, or if you do, I strongly recommend project’s idea of making him brick it. 😀

    Free Member

    I have a husband. Same rules. I just hope he doesn’t turn into his mother as he gets older! 😀

    Free Member

    In 15 years time wheels will be 50″ in diameter. People will be posting threads about how 48″ wheels are dead.

    Free Member

    No one mentioned Deee-lite “Groove is in the Heart” yet?

    Oo, or the Silbelius ripoff Strawberry Switchblade “Since Yesterday”

    And the amazing Hylda Baker/Arthur Mullard duet “You’re the one that I want”

    Free Member

    I am very jealous of other people’s ability.

    That is all.

    Free Member

    Pwy sy’n gwybod lle mae amser yn mynd?

    Free Member

    Currywurst. Yum.

    Otherwise fried onions and American mustard. Also yum.

    Fries optional.

    And to annoy everyone: omnomnomnom! 😀

    Free Member

    You’re right. Mac OSX can read NTFS but can’t write it. Most probably a copyright/patent thing.

    To really speed things up (after memory install) you could see if you can get an SSD drive in place of the hard disk – the Mini comes with a laptop hard drive running at 5400rpm.

    Free Member

    Chat to them. You’ll usually find them a good laugh. Just don’t ask for their male names or refer to them as ‘he’.

    Free Member

    I have iTunes match (£22/yr) which sync’s your iTunes library and its OK (means you can delete local and download 256kB AAC files which are all completely kosher). I also have a chromebook and have uploaded my music there too (Google), for free.

    I sometimes stream to the chromebook but I usually use them as two offsite vaults for my music. My iPhone is a pain in that you don’t choose to sync any more, it downloads and caches on demand so if you’re out and about and suddenly want a track you have to get to a hotspot or download over 3G. Otherwise you have to tell the music player to download while at home so it caches.

    Free Member

    That was quick! Gone to DrP! 😀

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m with CountZero but in fairness I would add CallMeDave, Gideon and Jeremy Hunt.

    Free Member

    Every other email at work (loads of redundancies) – that has been going on for a year or so now.

    “Thank you for your professionalism in this time of uncertainty.”

    Yeah, right. C*ckwombles.

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