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  • AdamW
    Free Member

    Ideally yes, but it sickens me when taxes are used to subsidise major corporations through things like tax credits. And if they paid their fair share of tax as binners said.

    Though to be honest, if these things did occur the tories would cry themselves to sleep every night (hence it won’t happen) and an increase in tax would not be necessary.

    Free Member

    Randy Bumgardner?


    Free Member

    I had them and they were awful – eyesight blurred on one side, pain up back of neck blossoming out into peaks of agony in my head, building up and ebbing away over a period of about two weeks. I’d whimper a lot and stick my head under a duvet to get away from the light. Imigran didn’t seem to help.

    Then, suddenly, about 15 years ago, they stopped. I am sooooo happy to be rid of them.

    Free Member

    Chemistry lecturer at Bangor, Dr Beckett, named his son Thomas A. IIRC.

    I always liked the names from the Cocteau Twins’ album ‘Treasure’. I guess after Doctor Who the name Amelia will be more popular.


    Free Member

    I had it something chronic when I was a runner, and in the end I went to a podiatrist. I apparently underpronate something rotten. For sports I now have insoles to force the foot into a proper place and it has gone.

    Free Member

    Is jealous.

    Am scared s’less of blades but would like to try DE shaving. I’d end up with half my face in the sink. (Which may be an improvement!) Just thinking about the shape of a razor blade gives me shivers.

    I am, however, doing scientific research into cheapo Aldi 3-blade razors to see if they are decent for such a good price!

    Free Member

    I know of one company that decided that VMs were the future (and to a certain extent they may be right) so they bought a single server and put five VMs on there, both Windows and Linux guests.

    But they wouldn’t pay for a second server for when the first died. Which it eventually did. 😀

    Free Member

    (I like George Soros’s view that we need free markets with keen oversight and a social conscience)

    It will never work. Capitalism is based upon pure greed. As we can currently see by the increasing disparity between the top 1% and the rest.

    Pure socialism doesn’t work.
    Pure capitalism doesn’t work.

    Free Member

    Tymbian: sort of. Some specs are different. If my Samsung Series 3 goes bang I’ll be getting an Acer C720 which is cheaper than this but is faster due to the haswell processor. I’d like a little more oomph on times. Ooer.

    Also I’m not bothered by the onboard storage. Tend not to use it tbh, but if you’re out and about you may use it for document storage (you can use google docs offline).

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Watch Dogs – May 27th
    Destiny – Sept 9th
    Order 1861: end of year
    Drive Club: Oct 7th
    Last of Us: summer sometime
    inFamous: already out

    Free Member

    As an interesting aside the game ‘inFamous Second Son’ has a photo capture mode now and on neogaf they’ve been having a competition: here. Some of the images are pretty good, but obviously as they zoom in more polygons are rendered. Still, impressive programming to think about putting rustmarks etc. on a chain that you normally only see as a firey line.

    Free Member

    Off you go shindiggy – money where your mouth is, lets see the component list/prices. I look forward to being educated. You’ll be looking at £100 more expensive than a PS4 and £50 more than an XBone.

    I’m happy to be proven wrong but to get an 8 core CPU/8GB GDDR5/Blu-ray/decent GPU/OS/input device etc. for £450 will be pretty tight.

    Free Member

    Read that US site. Load of horlicks. The CPU/GPU and RAM are not in any way equivalent. There is no Blu-ray drive, no keyboard/mouse/OS/gamepad.

    All he’s done is said “Look I can build a PC for $400 with the same amount of RAM as a PS4/Xbox One”.

    Free Member

    Dogbert – the only one I know of is ‘Drive Club’ but that’s a PS4 exclusive.

    Free Member

    When MrAdamW and I got a house together I actually bought it as he was selling his. Once his was gone we went back to the solicitors and had things rejigged so that we were joint owners on the mortgage, and hence now are joint owners now mortgage has been paid off. At the time there wasn’t civil partnership and if I had died he could have been thrown out of his house.

    Free Member

    Got WatchDogs and that 1861 game pre-ordered, will most probably get ‘last of us’ and definitely ‘Destiny’ when out. Am currently playing ‘inFamous Second Son’ to death.

    Nephew is biting at the bit for ‘Drive Club’.

    The next-gen consoles are still new, the games people are still ramping up production and keeping an eye on the last generation as it will take years to tail off.

    Free Member

    That picture reminds me of the orcs in the Lord of the Rings films, or Gollum.

    Free Member

    Interesting article on this topic: here. Looks as if the DWP has actually done a decent amount of research on this scheme and trials.

    Basically there appears to be an effect but it is very small, compared to the last scheme.

    Basically it’s the government throwing massive amount of cash at trying to grab headlines and further demonise the poorest in society. Which I think is actually one definition of a tory.

    Free Member

    The Aldi one has won awards and I like it. Ice and a slice for me.

    Free Member

    Oh bum. It’s here too. There’s no escaping. 😀

    I bet you lot all read that “mustardland” forum too? MrAdamW keeps reading it and laughing.

    Here it is: mustardland[/url].

    Free Member

    I had this at college and got a sports massage and it worked really well. Loosened my neck so that it got better quickly.

    On the other hand last year I did my lower back in and saw a masseur who comes to work each week. She made it a hell of a lot worse, so much so I was on opiates for a few weeks for the pain (putting elbows in base of back muscles).

    So get a decent *sports* masseur and it should be good.

    Free Member

    Can’t talk about it with MrAdamW as he just bursts into tears if it is mentioned. Cannot discuss wills etc. for same reason, so I guess it is all simple if I popped my clogs – he gets the lot.

    As for what to do with the body I’m with Eddie Izzard – twang it into a tree after paying a few bob for someone to say “Oh bum he’s dead!” for a couple of minutes.

    And no funeral as I am not religious but a humanist thingy where they people have to sing along to the Spike Milligan ‘Q5’ theme and then The Cocteau Twin’s song “A kissed out red floatboat” or “Spooning Good Singing Gum”!

    Free Member

    Zero. The thought of drinking anything then getting behind the wheel of a car scares me witless (not that there’s many wits to go). Even if I wasn’t at fault in an accident it would always play on my mind.

    Free Member

    I’ll step up to the plate. I don’t do more than 70mph on motorways.

    That could be because I own a 12 year old 998cc Toyota Yaris though, and turning on the aircon is like throwing out an anchor! 😀

    Free Member

    If you get yourself a copy of “Computer Music” magazine it comes with a coverdisk with loads of free software that isn’t trialware.

    You may want to get a MIDI keyboard and the use your PC/Mac to generate the sound.

    Free Member

    Very nice. Too many gears. 🙂

    Free Member

    All these posts and no-one has yet mentioned

    [*]energy fields[/*]
    [*]bio-resonance or vibrations[/*][/list]

    What’s the world coming to? 😀

    Free Member

    I’m also in the trypophobia camp. Am also now squirming after that pic. When I found out it had a name I googled it then nearly threw up when google search also brought up images. 🙁

    And blades. Razors, scalpels freak me out.

    Free Member

    I’d love to have a Yamaha DX7 but they’re effing expensive now!

    Free Member

    1. Cheese with bits in.
    2. Religion.
    3. Politicians.

    and just to be awkward:

    4. People talking about how *AMAZEBALLS* their child is.

    Free Member

    and, err



    Free Member

    Eat: home made lentil and chilli soup
    Drink: two bavarian beers of the cheap variety from Aldi
    Listen: June Tabor, “Apples”

    Free Member

    Trilby, of course.

    Or a cowboy hat (Stetson) if there were any cowboys around, natch. I like beanies. And I reckon hats are cool and we should wear them more.

    Free Member

    I have the free vouchers and pop into John Lewis and have a free brew every month so far, but it it’s mainly at the insistence of a mate who wants to get free stuff.

    I don’t understand him, to be honest. I look at the cakes and choose something I like and then a hot drink I like. I usually end up with a fruity tart (a bit like me) and a mint tea (because these days I can’t be bothered with much milk). He insists on choosing the most expensive drink (“luxury hot chocolate”) and the most expensive cake so he can “get his money’s worth”. Even if he doesn’t want it.

    I like independents but you don’t get that many in Nottingham, especially ones which aren’t rammed full of people. I tried ‘Hungry Pumpkin’ the other week which was good.

    Free Member

    Hi J-M, yes hypertensive but only mildly so (family heart issues so the doc in that respect is being cautious). Mother has high BP, father did (and angina etc., he died young).

    I’ll have to jump back into the recipe thread and start taking more notes!

    The doc did mention taking low dose(75mg) aspirin to reduce clotting, but didn’t prescribe as it is much cheaper to buy it yourself as opposed to paying £8.05 for something that costs about 50p!

    Free Member

    Just back from doc’s. I have been diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia, and have been prescribed 20mg/day atorvastatin. To go with the lisinopril! 😯

    Free Member

    Hold on a sec. I can’t be overweight. I can’t stand yumyums, they have nuts on which make me ill!

    Free Member

    Wilkos have a number of blackout blinds. Here.

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