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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    It would be a lot better if bigoted business people had some sort of directory they could advertise in that we could all see. Then if I wanted a cake made I could see the above bakery was a bigot and then never buy their goods.

    Give it ten years and this will all have blown over and 99% of people will wonder what in the hell it was all about.

    I do get confused, however. The god squad brigade *really* have several nests of bees in their bonnet about gay folk to the apparent exclusion of all other things in their book.

    Free Member

    like brad pitt and george clooney in oceans 11?

    I don’t recall Pitt/Clooney having adult fun in the men’s room, I’ll have to check that out again to see what I’ve missed…!

    and pick up a dish cloth?

    Err, that can be considered out of order. Can you clarify? Don’t dis the Emsz!

    Free Member

    so long as they are two attractive females males “acting” in a movie it’s ok lol


    Free Member

    Obvious troll is obvious.

    Free Member

    Andyrm +1

    – Aracer’s bird left her bag unattended, showing lack of due care for personal property.
    – Puppy sniffed it.
    – Some shouting occurred.
    – All involved parties could have behaved like civil human beings rather than getting all emotional.
    – The end.

    Free Member

    My last dentist I turned up for three appointments that were suddenly cancelled because of the person before me or the dentist not arriving on time. After I had taken time off work to go.

    Then I was asked to go to Germany for work and tried to cancel 23 hours before an appointment and was told that I would be charged (I’m private). I laughed down the phone and moved dentist.

    I would have accepted it if they hadn’t already messed me about.

    Free Member

    When I think of my wonderful dog who has just had cruciate ligament surgery.

    I don’t think he’s sniffed any unattended bags, but I am vigilant.

    Though seriously I have difficulty getting through “24 hours in A&E”. I blame the male menopause. Or something.

    Free Member

    I pay it. The BBC is the best broadcasting corp in my opinion and I refuse to knowingly give money to Rupe Murdoch.

    I have noticed the BBC news to be more political these days, most probably fawning over the government when its charter is coming up for renew.

    And, of course, Doctor Who rocks!

    Free Member

    You could pretend you’re an ant leaving a chemical trail that you could retrace your steps with?

    Free Member

    SCO openserver is utterly completely pants.

    With badly-fitted knickers on.

    Free Member

    +1 Welshfarmer

    MrAdamW is a member of DCRO (Derbyshire Cave Rescue Organization). Strangely enough normally he gets called out about four times a year, last month it seemed non-stop!

    Free Member

    AdamW – was the experiment a success?

    Errr, no.

    Posh porridge plus soy+sultanas: ok, slightly glutinous but powdery.
    Cheaper porridge plus soy+sultanas: same
    Cheaper porridge plus water+sultanas: lets not go there….. 🙂

    Free Member

    Best thing I think is to be positive about my diagnosis and for it to be a motivator for a healthier lifestyle and get that Adonis like body for real that I’ve always had in my minds eye.

    I thought that after my diagnosis for hypercholesterolemia. After two weeks my ‘self-destruct’ superpower switched on. I’ve started to dream of cheese. And, unfortunately, eat it. 😕

    Free Member

    My wonderful border collie is due to go in for cruciate surgery next week. I only got him in March and he’s been insured by petplan for just about a month (over the time required for claims, fortunately).

    Going to the ‘Willows Vet Centre’ in Solihull on Tuesday. Its going to be difficult getting him to not try to run about afterwards. That’s most probably what caused it in the first place!

    Willows don’t do ‘direct’ payment, so it will have to come out of my pocket to start with. Bah!

    Free Member

    Am currently doing an experiment for cold porridge. Three cups, one with 20g posh oats, two with 20g cheap oats. Posh+1 cheap has sultanas and 100g soy milk (don’t tend to drink moo milk). Other cheap has sultanas and 100g water.

    Leaving overnight in the fridge to see what happens. I want to eat oaty stuff but don’t fancy it hot in the morning.

    Free Member

    Read title.

    Is disappointed. 😆

    Free Member

    Would have thought the outraged people will be stopping their Sky subscriptions to seeing that its part of the Murdoch empire!

    I’m a teensy bit outraged (well not really). I have never had, nor will ever have, a Sky subscription for the very reason is that it is owned by Murdoch/Fox. Am I allowed to be a bit more outraged now?

    Free Member

    And the apologists are already out, like that odious person from “christian voice” saying things like “you can’t *prove* it is from that home”.

    No, a load of children happened to appear out of thin air right next to the home then all spontaneously die and fall into a septic tank.

    Words fail me at the horrors religion causes upon the world. 😥

    Free Member

    Never charged rent until my kids came back from Uni & had a job.

    I bet they are freeloading brats, oh wait, they had the self-motivation to get into university and then get a job.

    Eh? That’s what most people here are supporting – when the offspring is earning but living at the ‘rents helping to chip in a bit, not taking stuff from them when they’re still in education (unless they win the lottery, natch).

    Free Member

    I got a Crumpler bag. One of these:

    I now dream of being a courier on a skinny fixie. 😀

    Free Member

    Another area which is coming more common is the “staying at home until they’re forties” area, due to housing issues. The offspring (they’re not children any more) may be earning quite a bit while mam/dad may have retired.

    Is it still OK to expect their parents to pay for everything then? Anyone with common decency would help out. Should the parents put themselves into dire poverty to keep their offspring? I’d feel awful if I was a man earning quite a bit demanding food and lodgings for free.

    Free Member

    Should I pay them B&B rates when I go to visit at the weekend?

    No, but usually if I’m invited somewhere for a weekend I will do something like buy them a meal or take food/wine. I’d feel awful if I just turned up as a freeloader. A token gesture, which is what this thread is all about.

    Free Member

    I know what you’re saying, but you’re basically feeling sorry for yourself and its time to pull yourself together and get on with the rest of your life!

    If that were only the case. Depression isn’t a case of ‘pulling yourself together’.

    OP – go see your doc. And good luck!

    Free Member

    “Have you got any sponges? I’m not allowed sharp objects.”

    Usually suffices. Otherwise “Hello!”

    Free Member

    I’m interested in Swift, got the book and starting to read. No pointers. Playgrounds sound very cool. Compiler functions to prevent issues (e.g. you have to use ‘override’ to override a sub-class’s methods as opposed to it being default). Automatic typing. Hooking into good frameworks for fast code. Basically trying to make sure things are safe.

    This will make development on iOS and MacOS X faster for many. Objective-C is an interesting language but a higher-level one that has the power will speed things up quite a bit.

    But then I’m a bit of a geek. I like programming languages.

    Free Member

    I suggest you draft a resignation letter to keep in your pocket. Better to resign than to be sacked…

    And good luck in whatever happens!

    Free Member

    I just moved over to the club account. The ‘lifestyle’ thingy is pants. The magazine offering doesn’t have much variety. Even with hunky man on the cover there is only so much “your best ever sex/lose ten stone in a week through a two-second exercise per day” rehashes I can put up with on Men’s Health 🙂

    I’ll have to set up that savings account though. Note that it is only for a year – after that it drops to something like ten to the minus two thousand-th of a percent. Hopefully by then interest rates would have risen slightly.

    Free Member

    Strangely enough today we had an incident.

    Our dog – border collie, on a lead.
    Little Old Lady has microterrier off a lead – runs at my dog snapping and snarling. Our dog barks back. LoL screaming about our dog. Its all our fault of course 😕

    Afterwards LoL is praising the dog. It’s being trained that if it fights it’s going to get rewarded. Sounds like a stupid old lady to me.

    Like my mother – has a standard dachshund that was never socialised. Now *very* territorial and bites everyone apart from her. Nasty little thing but it’s her fault. She should stop making it cheese sandwiches for a start. 😯

    Free Member

    Chromecasting is telling the device to retrieve it for itself. So a cast of something from YouTube tells the dongle “go get this from youtube and play it” and doesn’t stream from the phone/tablet.

    Free Member

    This thread here again?

    Free Member

    Worked Saturday.
    Worked Sunday.
    Got sick of working on Monday.

    He says, sat at work! 🙁

    Free Member

    So… why is Clegg hated so much? Tribalism. A hatred of Tories. Ignoring that a government that includes Tories has been kept in check, and isn’t a million miles from where a Labour government would be really.

    Thank goodness they’ve been kept in check. Otherwise things like NHS privatisation would have started and things like a bedroom tax.

    There should have been some pretty strong red lines that the LibDems had in coalition talks. It looks as if they simply turned up with a bucket of vaseline and loosened trousers at the sniff of any kind of power.

    I voted for them last time, thinking they were more left of centre than Labour. Never, ever again.

    Free Member

    Aha! Beat the lot of you! I do the shopping and most of the cooking (and the earning etc.) AND I do the cleaning.

    Oh, wait….

    Free Member

    The media are blowing their “success” way out of the water, from all their coverage you’d think that 50%+ of the country backed them.

    Tom_W1987 +many.

    I was wondering if they had a seat on Question Time with ‘FARAGE’ written on the back. The media have given them far more coverage/adulation than they actually deserve, based on their number of MEPs, number of MPs.

    Free Member

    I heard today that UKIP were unhappy because their name came further down the voting list due to the listing being in alphabetical order.

    Strangely enough at the top of the paper there was a party called ‘An Independence from Europe’, along with the other swivel-eyed loons. They thought about it a bit more clearly.

    Though another party was called “Harmony” which was more-or-less anti everything. Bit of a misnomer!

    Free Member

    Voted Green for the first time today. Labour are now just Tories and I voted LibDem in the general election: never again.

    I disagree with their nuclear power policy, but you can’t have everything.

    Free Member

    Call her a burglar as all proper-tea is theft!


    Free Member

    I’ll need to find a source but i was told at work that the over 85’s are the fastest growing demographic, if true then their political influence will continue to grow.

    Surely they need to be immortal then for UKIP? Hopefully the under-85’s are of a more sensible non-fascist disposition so when they get to that age their eyes aren’t as swivelly.

    Unless once you hit 85 someone comes round to your house and smacks you on the head with a big hammer?

    Free Member

    Voting tonight for Greens. No way on this planet will I vote for right wing swivel-eyed loons.

    At least MEPs are PR-based, so my vote may count.

    Free Member

    Shouldn’t really be an issue for the general election I would have thought. Isn’t the average age of a UKIP member about 89?

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