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  • AdamW
    Free Member

    I received a few messages from TJ a while ago. He’s seems a decent bloke but he let the bullies goad him; he has strong views (which I admit I generally share).

    I personally think the use of the phrase “the Edinburgh defence” is somewhat cowardly now as you’re taking a pop at someone who cannot defend themselves. 😕

    Free Member

    Saw title. Is disappointed. 😀

    Free Member

    Oi @rogerthecat. Outside! Naaaaah!

    (cos it’s raining I want to see you get wet!) 😀

    Free Member


    Only for the south Welsh. Us North Welsh aren’t taffies. 😕

    Free Member

    My dog is dangerous. He nearly brained me when playing with his squeaky-ball-in-a-sock toy a few seconds ago. He’s a border collie.

    Free Member

    chewkw: this link will enlighten you…. 😀

    Free Member

    chewkw, you are Deepak Chopra and I claim my £5.

    Free Member

    Go to bed at dusk. No nookie allowed as it may cost a lot more than you’ll save in heating/lighting costs!

    Shorten all the wires to electric devices so electricity doesn’t have to travel that far.

    Only flush your loo when you do a poo.

    Free Member

    If Playboy makes you think of, world renown paedophile/necrophiliac, Mr Saville, then I would love to see the mental gymnastics that got you to that conclusion.

    Hi Jamie,

    What I mean is that both completely gives me the creeps. It’s just…. yuk and creepy. Sweaty old creeps pawing and drooling over scantily dressed women/girls. Which is a similar feeling I get when I think of Saville, before and after the news.

    I don’t see that as mental gymnastics. Both are creepy.

    Free Member

    Had some travellers manage to get into the local park recently and set up. Pain in the posterior – they just leave rubbish in bags outside the caravan so the foxes rip into them. Eventually the police were called because they were driving around the football fields a high speed one evening for a laugh. Left a lot of mess.

    My local park is well-used, especially in the summer months, for football training (boys and girls which is good), rugby, marching band practice, cricket and even croquet so it was a bit of a problem.

    They eventually moved on but at the expense of the tent show as they had to lock the gates and customers couldn’t park to buy stuff (that’s how they managed to get in) and had to park elsewhere and walk in.

    Free Member

    I’m with Mark on this one. Even the thought of playboy makes me think of sniggering 14 year olds and Jimmy Saville.

    Free Member shows a couple. How about Thirty Miles With Hills?

    Free Member

    I’ve got a flymo that we call Patrick, if that helps.

    Free Member

    Not seen the vid as I can’t be asked.

    So tell me: did any of the women grab a bike and do any stunts?
    Did Rachel Atherton turn up and because she was a woman told to hand in her bike as that’s only for fourteen year old bishop-bashers men?

    And where is Matt Hunter? He hasn’t turned up yet. 😥

    Free Member

    Make sure you heat up the beans in a small frying pan. The best way to get the sauce right.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Not impressed.

    In balance, therefore I demand that Matt Hunter comes round to my house. 😆

    Free Member

    Do I know where my sex toy is?

    Which one? 😈 😀

    Free Member

    Been playing it all week on PS4. It looks like the game is actually going to match the hype for once (I’m looking at you, Watch_Dogs).

    Can’t wait for the release in September!

    Free Member

    I taco’d my SS chainring once, exactly half way home on my commute in winter. 8 miles of walking in SPDs wasn’t exactly fun.

    Free Member

    But did the dog sniff your unattended bike?

    Free Member

    No, to summarise “I don’t like dogs”. However I am not in the least bit miserable, in part because I don’t give a shit that an animal I never had anything to do with is dead. Actually, to that end, I’m probably among the least miserable people on this thread!

    You don’t sound like it. In fact you sound pretty angry. You need to get yourself a puppy or something to get happy and calm down.


    If people want to get mushy over what I view to be, as I said earlier, a smelly, noisy, waste of money, more power to them.

    Sounds like a child, no?

    Free Member

    Surprised no-one has said CurlyWurly yet. When I were a lad it were real toffee and when you bit into it all the chocolate fell off.

    Free Member

    They’re all mad around there. I find this video fairly apt, based on the history of the region.

    Free Member

    As an aside an interesting book regarding this is “Depression Fallout” which was written to help the people who live with sufferers of depression.

    Depression is an awful disease but unfortunately it touches all those who are in close contact with the sufferer: you wonder what you have done wrong, whether the person still loves you, anger, fear, etc. I have found this book to be helpful.

    Free Member

    To be fair to mrmoofo: I have lived with MrAdamW for 19 years. He suffers from depression and is on strong meds. Because of this (and his emotionally abusive father) he is constantly angry with the world. He has lost two decent-paid jobs because of his depression/anxiety and is now unemployed and I can’t see him getting another job. He refuses to go to the job centre as it is humiliating. Hence I carry us financially and am constantly concerned about what happens to him if something happens to me.

    Because of the depression he doesn’t do that much apart from browse the web. As a result I not only earn our bread I also do the cleaning (though he does the ironing :D), shopping and most of the meals. He’ll sometimes mow the lawns and looks after our dog.

    While I do love him if someone had told me about this situation 20 years ago I would strongly consider walking away before it starts. Living with someone with depression is a minefield as you’re constantly walking on eggshells waiting for the next bomb to drop. You have to look after yourself with vigilance as living with someone with depression can affect you badly so that you start to slip into it yourself, as you’re constantly barraged with negativity.

    rockhopper: I can’t obviously say what’s right for you. If the lady is wonderful go for it but make sure you give yourself enough space to decompress. Look after yourself as a priority, only that way can you help her/be there for her.

    Free Member

    According to the busybox website busybox contains uudecode. So uuencode it then transfer and uudecode.

    Unless you can log into your android box and use wget (also in busybox) to drag file file back.

    Command list for busybox

    Free Member

    For generic browsing, email etc. I’m with Stoner though –

    Power usage: my iMac Core i7
    Sofa usage: my Samsung Chromebook.

    Free Member

    No one mentioned Spaced yet?


    Free Member

    One thing that sometimes catches people out, but is logical when you think about it:

    Some (not all) programs run even without a document open, so the menu will still say ‘Word’ or ‘Excel’ even after you’ve closed the last document, waiting for you to exit or open a new document.

    I have an iMac 27″ (2009) and it is running Mavericks fine. I would be careful about the newer iMacs as you cannot replace the storage within them (filled with glue apparently) and for the smaller screen iMacs you can’t add memory either. If/when my mac goes pop then I will most probably jump to a Mac Mini so I can have a nice monitor which I can keep for the next one.

    Obviously a Macbook Air is completely solid state and a single unit (no upgrades) and the Macbook Pro is going a bit that way too.

    They’re good machines but they, like most computing these days, is going as commodities so if it breaks you throw it away and get a new one.

    Free Member

    I’ve switched to Aldi 3 blade gubbins where you get six replacement blades for £2.99.

    Oh, and a stypic pencil 🙂

    Free Member

    The baker’s discrimination is based on the Bible, Leviticus 18 and 20:13.

    Wow. I don’t think he lives by Leviticus. He’d be mad to – daughters into slavery? Wearing mixed fabrics? Eating shellfish? And a whole lot more.

    Still, if necessary the court (or indeed business, if it dries up for him) will decide.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately the moment that legal loopholes are allowed for religious discrimination then floodgates are opened. After the Obama ‘Affordable Care’ act had a hole put in it for religious businesses not to allow cover for contraceptives, others have started to demand exemption from LGBT anti-discrimination laws. link[/url]

    I note they don’t ask for the ability to discriminate against divorcees or female teachers.

    My personal view is that shops who don’t want your trade should have a colour coded scheme outside so you can work out who you want to do business with or who will do business with you. This has started to happen in the states where Mississippi has put an anti-gay law into place but gay friendly local businesses have stickers in their windows that says “We don’t discriminate: if you’re buying, we’re selling” – link[/url]. Some of the discriminating businesses are not happy about these stickers[/url] saying that they are ‘bullying christians’. Aww diddums.

    This is going to be a mess for a few years before everyone realises that discrimination is basically stupid.

    Free Member

    A cake with a campaign groups logo for a civic event. Surely that’s promoting that group to the public?

    They are not promoting it. The people who have paid for the cake are promoting it. Does the cake shop “promote” every person/event they bake for?

    But as an aside: where does this end? “Sorry we have a sincerely held belief that X (blacks/asians/gays/dogs/carrots) are wrong so we’re not going to serve you.”. Simply going for a pint of milk will end up being a minefield. I’m still getting used to the fact I can actually book a holiday with my husband in Cornwall without being rejected or expecting pitchforks at my arrival. Try and put yourself in that situation to see how it feels.

    If this company lives by their religious book they should put that on the doors so people can avoid or use, depending on their views. That would mean: nothing to do with divorce, second marriages, women teachers, and a *whole* lot of other stuff. As I said, Christians do seem to have an absolute hatred for gays these days.

    And as for the Cornish couple with a B&B. Those that accepted non-married people (straight) bookings. Tough. It wasn’t a bide-a-wee cottage, it was a pretty large business.

    Free Member

    I am begging everyone. Do *not* post pictures from Anne Geddes on here in retaliation for funkmaster’s image. Even thinking about them makes my brain hurt. 😀

    Free Member

    But that’s where it’s unclear Adam, if I walked in and ordered that design as a married man with a family, would they make it for me. If they wouldn’t (As I suspect is the case) then they aren’t withholding a service, so it comes down to is do you have to actively promote something you disagree with.

    They are not promoting anything. They are making a cake for a customer.

    Perhaps they should put on their doors “We discriminate against anything gay regardless of who asks for it”?

    Free Member

    Go watch LifeCycles. That always makes me smile.

    And go phwoaaar! at Matt Hunter. 😆

    Free Member

    Does the scope of the legislation extend to compelling people to participate in the promotion of something they think is wrong?

    No, just to do their job they offer to all without prejudice.

    Free Member

    I feel so sorry for normal Homosexuals. most of them are perfectly happy to live their lives like every other member of society, without interference from or interfering with anyone else,

    Unless, of course, they want a wedding cake or not to be gay bashed or owt like that. Or even holding hands will end up with you in hospital, never mind a peck on the cheek.

    but the only ones you ever hear about on the news are the sort of attention-fulled lunatics who think that they have to prove a point by outing people against their will

    Rarely happens – the last I heard was in the 90s. People who are gay but gaybashing. And in my book they’re fair game, as they are attacking others and being hypocrites.

    demanding that someone bakes them homocakes against their will, or walking around wearing bright pink tutu’s and a big sign saying ‘everyone look at me, I’m so gay’

    (By the way, I don’t see owt here about lesbians. Or are they OK?)

    Sorry, tutu is in the wash. My sign is in Welsh, is that OK?

    Or, lets say, its the complete nutters that think that gay people should be hidden away, afraid, never going out, never asking for *gasp* equality as that would be just too much!

    They are usually the right wing nutters that are ex-brigadiers who live in Tunbridge Wells wearing women’s undies.

    Free Member

    *picks up cup of tea*
    *opens hob-nobs*

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