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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    Its just a header in the HTML, GNU Terry Pratchett, where G=”pass message on”, N=”Do not log” and U=”Turn around at end of line” from the books containing the clacks system.

    X-Clacks-Overhead is the directive.

    Certain plugins for browsers (I’m using my Chromebook so have it for chrome) can detect it and just flag up if it is present.

    Free Member

    Awww – STW now has the clacks overhead.

    Great stuff!

    Free Member

    Tonight we’re having a bottle of Aldi Californian Merlot. Not too bad, about £4.50. And some of their cheesy nibbles. #theresposh

    Free Member

    My wonderful collie had cruciate ligament rupture last year. We took him on long walk and at the end of it he was lame. We were referred to Solihull (Willows) who confirmed it.

    Two options were offered:

    1. Replace ligament by hooking piece of nylon behind the knee and thread it through a hole drilled in the front bone. This was not recommended as the ‘ligament’ is liable to stretch and eventually snap.
    2. Reshape the knee through a tibial wedge osteotomy where they cut a small piece of bone from the lower bone which meant the upper bone did not push it out and stabilise the knee. The bone was held together with plate which is still there.

    We went for the latter. The poor mutt had limited exercise for about 3 months thereafter. Fortunately I had recently insured him (only got him last year as a rescue) but expect the bill to be around the £4,000 mark.

    After recuperation he has come on fine. Long walks are not an issue now. One thing to remember though, the dog will eventually get arthritis in later life as no matter what is done you can’t replace the full functionality of the ligament.

    Free Member

    Not sure on Mowglis graph. When I’m 55, I can ‘date’ a women who’s 100……….. Surely that’s wrong. I mean saggy boobs and all that for starters……..and teeth………… and zimmers……euurrgghhhh

    Well get yourself to the gym then to tighten up those boobs!

    Free Member

    Sherlock Holmes?

    Free Member

    @mrblobby more like a spot of shenanigans.

    Free Member

    Serenity? Ooo. Recorder set.

    May be interested in the climate change one but since it appears that 90% of people on the web appear to have multiple PhDs in climate sciences I doubt it will change owt.

    Free Member

    It would appear that your PS3 is both activated and deactivated so I thought forcing it to be deactivated then activated would fix it. I could be wrong. By ‘machines’ I mean ‘a playstation system’ as you may have a PS3/PS4 and a PS vita (I have a PS4 and a PS3 so ‘machines’).

    Here’s a handy link for your issue. I had thought about number 7.

    unable to download

    I’d make certain you know your Playstation Network password just in case it asks for it.

    Here’s a link with a natty video to activate/deactivate: here

    Free Member

    You could go onto PSN via a web browser, deactivate all your machines then reactivate the one you want from the PS3?

    EDIT: or deativate/activate via the PS3?

    Free Member

    So OP…. this, err, ‘bum fun’ you mentioned. I have an, erm, mate who may be interested.

    😀 😀 😀 😛

    Free Member

    HP are doing some very small box ones that aren’t highly powered but are quite cheap running Windows 8.1, that are upgradable for memory/disk. They’re called ‘Pavilion Mini’, and the cheapest (although Pentium class CPU) is here.

    I own a 2009 27″ iMac and while I do like it I don’t like the idea of getting rid of a gorgeous screen like that when the internals go pop. And also for the newer iMacs they’re all full of glue so even less chance of fixing stuff. I was thinking about replacing my internal hard disk but realised I’d have to do a lot of careful fiddly work to get into it to replace it, so my next machine will either be a laptop, an Intel NUC or a mac mini with a separate screen (though that’s less likely due to the fact you can’t get into them either now).

    Free Member

    GNOME. I installed Fedora 21 t’other day as I will eventually have to hit systemd and wanted to gen up on it. I chose workstation and it comes up with their strange window manager designed for touch too.

    Otherwise try mint or something as that’s quite good.

    Free Member

    jfletch said what would have said if I were more elokwent.

    Free Member

    I miss AdamW, but he was a right tosser tbh.

    Free Member

    You have the feminist lobby, lobbying for women’s power but there’s no equivalent male lobby group.

    It isn’t needed because the males are in power. Where they are *not* feeling as if they are in power you find them – off the top of my head “Fathers for Justice” may be considered such. Similarly there are no heterosexual lobby groups but there are gay/lesbian/trans ones.

    Things are different around the world where very real problems still exist but in this country at least, and probably a lot of other developed nations, the concept of feminism is anachronistic at best and divisive at worst.

    Now you’re trolling.

    Free Member

    I was mad about My Bloody Valentine in my yoof. Very influential but very ‘of the late 80s’.

    Free Member

    In my local town there is a decent recycling centre near the leisure centre. Every christmas complete idiots turn up and just throw rubbish there as the bins are quickly filled to overflowing.

    Fortunately this year there has been a camera (with plenty of notices telling people about it) and people on faceache are complaining about receiving fixed-penalty fines for tipping.


    Free Member

    “Transparent” was free last Saturday on Prime so I took a peek.

    Really interesting, slightly funny in places and very sympathetic to trans people. You can see from the acting and story why it won two Golden Globes.

    Free Member

    Consequently, both sides can be treated equally. Your statement, gonefishin, is perfectly correct, but not limited to either side.

    That’s a false dichotomy. There are literally *thousands* of gods. Not Yaweh/non-Yaweh.

    There are not ‘two sides’. There are literally millions of sides. Now which ones do we choose, and why?

    Free Member

    I’m with Ro5ey, OP. BUT

    You should try at least ten more gods or so before the christian one. You could start wit HUAI-NANZU who was a Chinese immortality god. Loads to choose from.

    Have a look at godchecker[/url] as there are over 3,000 other gods!

    Free Member


    Dagnabit, you found it!

    Nah, it is a scheme where everyone is gay for three years. You get allocated a girl/boyfriend and at the end of three years you can choose to split or continue.

    In order to reduce homophobia. *obviously* as the one who suggested it I get dibs on the blokes. 😀

    Free Member

    I always thought that gnosticism was about ‘knowing’ something. So I (like Richard Dawkins btw) am an ‘agnostic atheist’ – someone who doesn’t know if god(s) exist but based on evidence and probability will live my life as if they do not.

    Although my view can be changed by evidence.

    Similarly you can get agnostic theists which move to the side of ‘living life as if they do exist’, then you get gnostic theists (“god(s) definitely *do* exist!”) and gnostic atheists (“god(s) definitly do *not* exist!”).

    Free Member

    Nationalise railways.
    Multiple of pay so that the CEO earns, say, 30x the wages of the lowest-paid.
    More stringent bans on dangerous drivers. Automatic life ban for anyone killing someone through their own incompetence.
    National Gay Service.
    Scrap HS2 and trident.
    Earned in UK, taxed in UK.
    Welsh to be made language of commerce.
    Ban religious schools – that’s for your home, not education.
    Proportional representation.
    Turn House of Commons/Lords into a museum and set up a nicer chamber with fewer shouty gits.

    Free Member

    Scan it into a PC, print out some copies and practice. When you’re happy then do the original.

    Free Member

    When we got our wonderful mutt (Brân) I wanted to call him ‘Deefur’ so he would be Deefur Dog.

    Free Member

    I’m Spartacus, if that helps.

    Free Member

    Isn’t television now wrong too?

    Free Member

    Thanks folks! I’ll look at both the Hibiki and the Yamazaki.

    STW comes up trumps again! 😀

    Free Member

    Christ that could actually be loud enough to blind someone in the ear.

    Ear cataracts? 😀

    Free Member

    turn this world inside out, turn suburbia upside down.

    Free Member

    My firm is also getting rid of 500 staff by the end of February, voluntary people go end of January, the rest via compulsory end of Feb.

    Last year they did the same, saying 1200 to go. The send out the basic message just before Christmas but won’t give any more details until after. Bar stewards, playing about with people’s lives like that. 🙁

    Free Member

    I used to manage a team of about 14 people of a variety of backgrounds. I had to step in a few times as the same people each year would attempt to refuse to cover on-call at Christmas/Easter etc. because they were parents.

    In the end I had to rota it. If X got last christmas off then s/he was doing this christmas. It isn’t fair on the others who wanted to celebrate/do their own thing and not have their life dictated to by someone else in the team. If someone put their hand up for it then fine, but I refused to give any one person or group of people preferential treatment and treated them all equally.

    During half-term it was usually OK as people who didn’t have kids didn’t bother, but at Easter and Christmas there was usually a fight!

    Free Member

    My family. I apologise.

    My late mother constantly bought from ‘Gems TV’ and ‘QVC’. When I was clearing her bedroom I found a box full of ‘authenticity’ cards for GemsTV. She demanded a set of earrings from QVC a while ago from a gemstone that I could have bought a kilo of it for £20, but the teeny earrings were about £150. I offered her real emeralds but they “weren’t as nice”.

    My sister is so sad she records GemsTV to watch later if she’s not in.


    Free Member

    Agreed. I joined that there ‘’ the other day. Within a week it was full of Daily Mail UKIP ranters saying that all cyclists are dangerous and “until they have mandatory testing and insurance we’ll have to pussyfoot around them”.

    Deleted account sharpish.

    Free Member

    Paypal are doing 20% off iTunes vouchers. Which is nice since my niece wants that for christmas!

    Free Member

    As long as he can play his mates across X-box versions I’d go for the XBox One as it is the latest model. Unless he wants to waggle his arms around a lot then its cheaper to get the basic model without Kinect. You can always add that later.

    If you look on Amazon at the moment it is Black Friday Deals week and I’ve seen quite a few XBox One packages reduced on there.

    Agree about the hard disk size. I have a PS4 and it copies the entire game to disk for speed when you first play, but you need the disk in the drive to start it. Games are generally about 20GB from disk.

    Free Member

    I have mates who say they can have one or two and still be under the limit. These are the people this is targeting.

    I reckon saying you can have *no* alcohol and drive is the best but with a fuzziness to allow for mouthwash or a small amount of cough medicine etc.

    Free Member

    Then turn on automatic updates overnight. The system will turn on, check for updates, download them, install them and shut itself down. It was at one point only available for PS+ but now available for all.

    XBox has the same. Yesterday’s Destiny update was 2.4GB regardless of platform, for example.

    Free Member

    “all fur coat and no knickers” – to describe a person who outwardly looks affluent but in fact has very little.

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