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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    How did Tegan survive the fall down the elevator shaft?

    Free Member


    A few things to remember:

    – the magnification is due to the eyepiece and not the telescope
    – you’ll get at most 50x the aperture size in inches at best (usually half),the above will give you about 250x magnification maximum.
    – get as good an eyepiece as you can afford; choose a few that cover the range you need
    – max magnification is not the ideal, especially with planets
    – the above pic is a newtonian, make sure you collimate if you can to get a clear image
    – deep sky is going to be a challenge possibly with this scope, but you should be able to get to see Orion’s nebula.
    – use red light torches and get your eyes used to the dark, use averted vision too.
    – good website is Clear Outside for weather checks.
    – other good websites are Stargazers Lounge and Cloudy Nights
    – Wrap up warm!

    Good book to get is ‘Turn Left At Orion’ as a starter to show you what you can look at.

    Free Member

    Err.. no. Discussions a few hours ago were about buying networking mesh kit on prime day…

    Unless I got something wrong, in which case please update me, I like to learn from my misteaks.

    Free Member

    I took a look at the mesh networking. I may go Tenda but Eero doesn’t do PPoE which most of the UK uses, so I’d have to use the router I already have, turn off its wifi and plug the Eero into one of the network ports. Which would mean double NATing as the Eero would DHCP an address from the router and it would then have its own DHCP system for client devices. I just didn’t want to go there.

    Free Member

    Anyone try a Noodler’s flex nib? I’ve been hankering after a flex nib but I keep reading that the pens themselves actually stink due to the production process.

    Free Member

    How is it powered? Some CD/DVD players that are external need a bit more juice if they’re getting their power via USB (if externally powered please ignore). As a result you sometimes get USB cables with *two* USB-A connectors on so it can pull power from two ports instead of one to get it enough current espeically if USB2. USB2 can deliver up to 500mA but USB3 can give 900mA.

    Free Member

    Century Golem edition
    La Flamme Rouge (you lot on a bike forum haven’t done this one yet?! 😛 )
    Qwirkle – really good this
    Lords of Waterdeep – excellent
    Istanbul – bit like Lords of Waterdeep, but excellent too!
    Space Park
    Sea of clouds
    Dungeon mayhem – very quick card game, mate’s sons love it
    Professor Treasure’s Secret Sky Castle – again quick but pretty good

    Edit, oops forgot

    Odin’s Ravens
    Ticket to Ride (natch)
    Forbidden Desert
    Pandemic (though it can be long-winded)

    Free Member

    This reminds me to sort out the will. Although me and MrAdamW are civil partners (so if one should kick the bucket the other would get everything) I read about something which made me a little worried the other month.

    Assume you and your partner are in a car/plane/kinky fetish dungeon and something happens and you both die at the same time – car crash, plane crash, allergy to rubber etc. For legal purposes the *oldest* person is considered to have died first. Since MrAdamW is older than me by 7 months legally he would have died ‘first’ and his estate would flow to me which would then become part of my estate, which if uncontested would flow to my siblings and their kids.

    I don’t like this, so need to make sure my will is sorted to give monies to wherever I want and not my nephews to pee up the wall.

    Free Member

    Love Thy Neighbour (yes showing my age). I saw a clip of it a number of years ago and my jaw hit the floor with how racist it was, though to be fair it was always about the racist being an idiot.

    All soaps. Every one, including the Archers.
    Kardashian type tripe and anything “celebrity” related.
    Pob. I hated Pob when I was young. Explains my visceral dislike of Michael Gove I guess.

    Free Member

    I bought an induction hob a few months ago. In the end I got a 13A one. There’s only two of us. I had to get rid of a lot of pans. I bought a Bosch one and if it doesn’t recognise a pan on the hob (magnetic I guess) it refuses to turn on the ‘ring’.

    My reasoning was that with careful minor planning I’d get something hot then turn down the power and that seems to work. I did a meal for five last night no issue. It is fast. Faster to boil water on the hob than in the kettle.

    If your pans aren’t magnetic that would most probaby be the issue.

    Free Member

    Wow, exactly what we’re going through now. Hob was installed Tuesday and yesterday found most of our pans were not induction-capable.

    I just bought a set of Tefal Jamie Oliver on Amazon reduced from £200 to $59 to get me going. I’ll let you know how I get on. If they’re passable I’ll keep then slowly replace with good quality as time goes on. If they’re brilliant I’m all set.

    Free Member

    I don’t think of this as social media. That’s that Faceache, twitter and the like.

    That’s what I believe anyway. ITS MY OpinION AND i DON’T CarE! /s

    Free Member

    I saw it and initially thought it was about the spectacle of the royal birth or them being circus entities until I was read it could be construed as racist.

    But MrAdamW has been reading off twitter the past few days and while I couldn’t give a rat’s bum about the royals the amount of racist vitriol against Meghan Markle/Duchess of Somewhere I Can’t Be Bothered to Look Up is extreme. Really nasty stuff.

    Which is why I tend to keep off social media. Tis truely an awful cesspit. There are a lot of sick people on those platforms.

    Free Member

    For the breadth of hardware support I generally use Linux or even MacOS as it tends to keep support for older hardware. I’ve had hardware that was suddenly no longer supported by the next iteration of Windows, e.g. one of the first USB scanners from Epson would no longer work with XP after W98 so I switched to Linux and used SANE for it and continued to use it until recently. I am hoping that Windows 10 puts paid to that, depending on the stability of the kernel APIs for device drivers. I’d imagine Microsoft would keep in touch with hardware vendors, else we’ll have instances of “This hardware is supported in Windows 10 from release XXXX or until release YYYY.” Which will be a nightmare.

    Free Member

    I didn’t meet him, but spoke online to him once or twice. Am gutted.

    RIP you fierce tenacious wonderful man.

    Free Member

    asexual? People who are attracted to others but have no sexual urges. So you love someone but don’t really want to jump on their bones.

    Free Member

    I find the term ‘demisexual’ interesting (A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. It’s more commonly seen in but by no means confined to romantic relationships.) I’ve not met anyone that has identified as such but they are out there. I’ve met some asexual people.

    People are fascinating.

    Free Member

    Have we done Brian Bilston?

    ‘Let’s jump off this cliff – it’ll be fun! A right laugh!’
    urged all the people (well, I mean just over half
    of those who had bothered to speak up at all).
    I peered down at the rocks; it was a long way to fall.

    I said, ‘This cliff’s more than three hundred feet high
    and my doctor tells me if I jump I will die.’
    ‘Cliff-jumping’s fine!’ they said. ‘Don’t trust doctors, trust us!
    We read all about it on the side of a bus.’

    Worried, I met up with my local MP.
    I shared my concerns. He was forced to agree:
    ‘Why the rocks below would smash you to bits!
    Where did you get this idea of jumping off cliffs?’

    ‘It was the will of some of the people,’ I said
    and his expression changed to another instead.
    ‘I think,’ he revised, ‘you’re being melodramatic.
    The problem is you. You’re undemocratic.’

    On the clifftop, we waited. In silence we stood.
    Then a voice: ‘Remind me, why is cliff-jumping good?’
    But we looked down at our shoes, baffled and stumped.
    Then, out of embarrassment, we held hands and jumped.

    Free Member

    Am Welsh. Can confirm that I sometimes get confused by borrowed/lend so use the phrase “borrow when you’re broke, lend when you’re loaded” to remind myself. Such phrases are very useful especially when you need to mix acid and water.

    Also while growing up had big issues with ‘learn’ and ‘taught’. “That’ll learn them” was a common phrase.

    Borrow/lend = benthyg
    Taught/learn = dysgu

    I now get annoyed by people using ‘of’ instead of ‘have’. And people who use ‘less’ instead of ‘fewer’. Which is somewhat grating at supermarkets.

    Free Member

    Hold on a second. Someone mentioned Dawkins.

    I think there is a rule that *requires* the use of the word “shrill”. Usually used when someone cannot argue their point but still requires to be offended by facts and logic and stuff. Or something.

    Free Member

    What I’m taking from this conversation is that unless you buy from Dyson you’re some form of bigot. Funny that I thought when you were the customer you could choose the product based upon your own preferences.

    Free Member

    Enters thread. Was disappoint.

    Saw doggie. Now not disappoint.

    Free Member

    So based on some reactions on here, it would be sort-of OK for me to deface church posters? So if I removed/defaced the signs outside the evangelical church in Llangollen I went past on Sunday morning about people being fools if they don’t believe and that marriage is only for one man plus one woman etc. then I would be criminally responsible but the church would be ‘smart arses’ and we’d both be ‘bellends’?

    Free Member

    I miss the period when gay didn’t mean bum sex.

    I really really don’t.


    Free Member

    I’m not fussed either way but strangely enough I just got rid of a new bottle of tomato ketchup today.  The taste was good but it had xylitol as a sweetener in it which is pretty toxic for dogs.  I’d sooner do without than risk having Brân get ill.  Some manufacturers have been replacing sugar with xylitol in peanut butter and there have been some fatalities.

    So I’m happy with aspartame etc.  Just not xylitol.

    Free Member

    I don’t have a life.  Does that count?

    Free Member

    Apart from his lectures being somewhat vague and unscientific, here’s a load for you to be getting on with.  Knock yourself out.

    He talks a lot about stuff he really doesn’t know, perhaps sticking to his subject would be best.  If he was that good a university lecturer then he should at least be able to get his views across clearly.  As the link says “His statements are notoriously incoherent and ambiguous, which allows him to handwave criticism as mere misrepresentations of his views.”

    If that is true then he should go away and write a clear succinct book full of his thoughts which can be examined for truth or not.  But then perhaps the people who give him money may decide not to.

    As for the OP, it appears that every time Peterson does something he’s on here telling us about it.  Perhaps have a thread that you can update as needed when Peterson describes his breakfast or something equally important that we need to know?  Or even better, perhaps leave Peterson in the background and pick one or more of his pronouncements and start a thread on that?  It would then allow us to play the ball and not discuss the strange man himself (“atheism causes baldness”? Oy vey).

    Cult of personality is a very dangerous thing indeed.  Just look at Trump.

    Free Member

    Seal of approval

    Free Member

    Hi, yes, PhD in chemistry here.

    Main branches are organic, inorganic and physical.  The physical aspect of it tends towards the engineering side if you will focussing on areas such as thermodynamics.  This is where chemical engineering comes in.

    I did post-doc in Nottingham Chem Eng department on polymer manufacture.  I explained the Zielger-Natta method of creation of polymers and the lecturer’s eyes glazed over so I got the impression they are more interested in the physical characteristics of heat transfer, fluid dynamics and the like.

    Just looking at the Nottingham syllabus for Chem Eng year one shows this to be so:

    Fluid dynamics

    Engineering mathematics

    Heat and mass transfer

    Process Engineering Fundamentals

    Separation Process Fundamentals

    Introductory Chemistry

    Engineering Thermodynamics

    Introductory Geology

    Engineering principles

    Chemistry in the Environment

    Fundamentals of Engineering Design

    As opposed to the areas such as the disconnection approach to organic synth, IR spectroscopy, etc.

    Suggest you peruse the syllabi of different universities to see how they set-up their courses to give you a better view.

    And good luck!

    Free Member

    Unix has as much relevance to modern Linux as Windows 3.1 has to W10

    Err.  No.  Linux is splendid and I love it, and it is a UNIX clean room clone but UNIX itself has not stood still.  I manage quite a few of them and they are all nice and some have cool features too.  AIX 7.2 has running kernel patching, MacOS has had a systemD type lauchd for some time.  Solaris 11 (even though owned by the Evil Oracle Empire) has also grabbed a lot of GNU stuff and has a decently designed kernel.  And ZFS.  I’ve not seen anything that can match that even though it is causing me some serious issues today!

    So yes Linux is fab, but is isn’t like UNIX is the old cousin from 1985.

    And strangely enough most Intel chips are also running MInix.  Which is pretty old but has a true microkernel design.

    Free Member

    Registry office, small invite list, take them to a decent restaurant afterwards.  We did that and it was about £700 total.  We had a brilliant day and all the guests thought so too.

    Free Member

    The first indications of my sexuality.  All I could think of was “Just look at those frocks!”

    I did have a thing for Tarrant at the time as I recall.  Though nothing changes.  I have a strange crush on Shiro from Voltron.  🙂

    Free Member

    The gay couple that were in the middle of things there have apparently stated that Ben Stokes was protecting them.

    Free Member

    It could also be the act of letting go of her husband’s memory.

    When my dad died in 1982 my mam kept his name on the electricity bill for about 20 years.  She couldn’t bear to let him go.

    LPA is the way to go, but if she won’t do it then you’ll have to leave her be, unless she’s in way of harm.

    Free Member

    AbFab (natch)

    “Inside me there’s a thin woman fighting to get out!”

    “What, just the one, dear?”

    Free Member

    @poah – not as rare as you would think, if you read the article.

    Free Member


    not exactly true but it appears to be a common mistake to make.

    I read about the crazies at the march.  Looks a lot like the knee-jerk rubbish coming out of North Carolina with pearl clutching and “will someone think of the children!” malarkey about something that doesn’t happen (“men in dresses using loos where ‘women’ could be present).  I don’t know of a single trans person who thought “Aha!  I’ll take hormones, change my body shape, wear different  clothing and even get my bits and bobs rearranged and *then* I’ll be able to force myself on people, muhahahahahaha!”.

    If you don’t want to have sex with someone then don’t.  If that person forces you then it’s called ‘rape’ and is very wrong.  Trans people are not men in drag/women in suits, they’re people like you and me trying to get along in the world as best they can.

    Free Member

    The latest Kylie album  (“Golden”) is country-based and is Very Good.  I capitalised that so it is definitely true and therefore a thing.

    Free Member

    TJ has his own dubstep?

    Free Member


    Nah, just common.

    I’m with Project on this.  Most camp men I know are rarely lecherous and are usually quite funny.  I don’t care about whether someone is camp or not.  I just care if they are a nice person.  Diversity is a great thing.

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