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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • Abarthchris
    Free Member

    Can we have some more support for him to buy fervouredimage’s Commie please? He’s tempted, and he’s got the willpower of a small child when it comes to buying bike bits!

    Basically, I want to borrow it when Flange builds it up…

    Free Member

    Hang on, ‘stopped after the whole thing to check he was ok’

    WTF? he didnt get assaulted, he got shirty when being passed and started to tussle with the other bloke. Its not like 55 just went passed and tw*tted him was it?

    Sounds like your mate needs to man the heck up a bit.

    And for what its worth – DavidB – you’re attitude is spot on, i wouldnt expect anyone to lose momentum or fun just because I’m going a bit quicker, but then nor would I expect to hold anyone up because i havent got the skill to carry on my line whilst letting others through

    Free Member

    Well, why don’t we all enter these races and bimble about behind each other then, in a massive slow moving train, as nothing matters anyway! Whether anyone cares about our little results doesnt matter one jot, the fact is, its a race. if you don’t like being passed then don’t enter


    Courtesy comes first, from both the passing rider, and the passed. how is that so difficult to comprehend?

    As for your incident on thursday, cant pass judgement either way as I wasnt there, but being a non-event, there definitely should’ve been more tolerance…

    Free Member

    You’re missing the point massively. It doesn’t matter who was in what race, rather thats exactly why the guy in front should’ve used his common sense and courtesy to not impede the other guy too much.

    Bikefest is busy, we all know this, and 99.9% of riders react accordingly, but every now and again you get one that has a little tantrum about being passed, acts like a tool and then blames it on the other guy.

    or was it you that got passed? 🙂

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – Just looked at the results to see you mean No.55. As i said, its not me so i dont know if the comments aimed at me, but as a defence, what difference does it make it 55 was 1st or 21st?

    The fact was he was being held up for an unnecessarily long time, despite asking to pass a number of times. poor form of the rider in front if you ask me.

    Free Member

    Gee – your mate wasn’t ‘started on’ for being slow, he was being a complete nobber himself! It wasn’t me by the way, but I was there. Your mate was holding up No. 55 despite being asked repeatedly and politely to allow him to pass at the next convenient opportunity. I think no.55 got a bit annoyed with being held up for ages and may have started to get a bit shirty but your mate completed unnecessarily brake checked him which led to a bit of pushing as 55 finally managed to get past.

    If your mate hadn’t had a massive chip on his shoulder about being passed, then the incident wouldn’t have happened IMO. There’s always going to be faster and slower people around, a bit of give and take goes a long way. Maybe your mate should remember that next time he enters a race eh?

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, these all sound good!

    I’m happy with travelling on my own, but its always better with mates. Especially as I’m accident prone and may need someone to call the ambulance 🙂

    Free Member

    No recommendations? brilliant. thanks.

    Free Member

    Blimey, that was a tough one wasn’t it! I had a blast though, apart from suffering the last 10km in silence. Well, I say silence, but I swore out-loud at every climb…

    Managed the 60km in about 4 hrs 30 I think, pushing a heavy Commie Meta 6 with a single ring so I’m properly happy with that time 🙂

    T’was a good day!

    Free Member

    Neil_Bolton – Member
    They said mine was 26, as if I knew what that was good against.

    The doc seemed a bit rushed to be fair, it was first day back after the holidays

    For comparison Neil, I’m between 19-20…

    Free Member

    dirk_pumpa – Member
    thats mad money, would you not want to kill yourself if you were taken to the cleaners by someone on a much cheaper bike?

    i probably would.

    Unless you’re the fastest in the world ever… there’s always going to be someone faster, and probably on a cheaper bike.

    Who cares, just ride the best kit you can afford and enjoy it!

    and if you get left, train harder!

    Free Member

    You never break anything as you’ve got plenty of padding!

    Anyway, Carbon hardtail is out for the Bikefest, so I’ll be running a Cannonfail Rize 120. Perfick

    Free Member

    Irrespective of how fit(ish) or strong I might be, BMI rules supreme and I’m now categorised as overweight.


    Yep, its definitely your arse that’s the cause of your woes!


    Free Member

    I thought the bumble bee bloke was the cock. It takes 2 seconds to wave someone pass, then no-one gets held up.

    All those who are saying he should wait, what happens when someone else rides down the same trail whilst he’s waiting, goes in front then he has two people to pass.

    BKB in surrey is like this all the time, if you were forced to wait for every person you were faster than, you’d never get down it!

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, thats great info! I’ll give them a bell

    Free Member

    I’ve thought about it a fair bit since the weekend and whilst at first I was a bit ‘well there’s clearly no way I’ll ever be that fast’, its since changed to ‘Hmmm, maybe if I did this/did that/Stopped doing that’. Anyway, training in anger now for Dalby

    Maybe if you stopped smoking you’d do better!

    Free Member

    So it seems like there’s a pretty even split between people who love SJ’s writing despite his poor sentence structure, and those that find it unreadable.

    For what its worth, what me and Flange were saying was that steve’s articles would be great, if he had someone to review his writing and re-structure it slightly.

    @steve – fair play for posting! quite funny 🙂

    Free Member

    steve jones articles may be hard to read, but he can ride a bike better than any of you, and at least the reviews are based on his opinion and not the bribery that is rife in most other magazines.

    Ha! I bet his dad is bigger than mine too! *shakeshead*

    No one is questioning his bike riding talent, nor his testing abilities, but for god’s sake, he gets paid to write for a magazine! He should at least be able to write an article that is decipherable!

    Free Member

    I can cope with content that I deem to be bollocks, but its the fact that I cant even decipher Jones’ writing enough to form an opinion either way!

    There’s no flow or sentence structure, and they’re often too short and the paragraphs are disjointed. If you handed his article to an high shool English teacher, he’d probably get a C-.

    Free Member

    abarthchris, you might want to read the thread title….

    Dammit! threadtitlereadfail! I shall hang my head in shame, and edit my post before no-one else notices…

    Flange – You need to be beaten with a spoon for talking like that douchebag Mills!

    Free Member

    I have the same opinion of Jones, his writing is utterly atrocious to the point where it is largely unreadable. 90% of the time I’m not even sure what point he’s trying to make, and there’s times when I’ve started reading an article without knowing the author, but I soon realise its another Steve Jones special.

    Its getting to the point where I may cancel my sub, which is a shame as I think the content is spot on.

    Free Member

    This was mine from Afan in Feb ’09. There was a thread on the crash on here at the time as I had to be airlifted out 🙂

    This was my collar bone after this years Sprint DH race whilst out at the mega. I crash a lot 🙂

    Free Member

    It was my first time and after registering stupidly early, I was given race number 45 and placed on the 2nd row of the 1st qualifier!

    I ended up 82nd in quali due to a crap start and not being agressive enough and eventually managed a 1hr28 in the Promo to come about 585th overall.

    I was pretty chuffed but I know I could do better as I started around 350th in the promo and finished 180th, so with a better qualifying effort I reckon I could get into the Mega.

    Cant wait for next year!

    Free Member

    Cheers for all the replies guys!

    TandemJeremy – I was seriously out of it mate, the rangers were called first and they decided to call the air ambulance as I was repeating myself and couldnt remember anything about where I was or what I was doing. The Air ambulance couldnt land so the Seaking was called. Hope that explains a bit! I would’ve loved to walk off that hill but as it stands I still dont remember a thing about being on the trail for over 2 hours.

    I was in Morriston as well, and I was in Plastics. Im not sure who my surgeon was, but whoever they were I extend my gratitude to them!

    Free Member

    Hi guys, I was the person who went down at Afan on saturday. I’m back at home now in Surrey after having facial surgery to close the rather large hole in my cheek that the chicken wire caused. The surgeons did a great job as did everyone who helped in getting me off the hill and into the hospital. In the end, the air ambulance couldnt get to me so they winched me off the hill into an RAF SeaKing (which was kinda cool)

    I’m sore and swollen and a little shaken from having such a heavy head trauma but i should make a good recovery with minimal scarring. I’m definitely glad I have a standing order giving to the air ambulance!

    I dont know if this is me being paranoid but I’ve noticed that some people (not necessarily on this board) have maybe been questioning my abilities. I made a mistake and lost the front wheel off the boards, thats all. I’m a decent rider as my friends will testify and I can normally handle stuff like Whytes level.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m ok and thanks for the concern.


    Free Member

    Richmond park yesterday! Snowboarders and MTB’ers in the same place

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