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  • Orbea Laufey H-LTD review
  • 7hz
    Free Member

    Nooooooooooo :evil:

    Fing bull…

    These people that did so much for the whole place are getting kicked out so the FC can put a chain restaurant in.

    That is totally unfair, and also will spoil the atmosphere of Glentress irreparably.

    The *bright* thing to do would be to have MORE THEN ONE cafe and let people decide where they want to spend their money.

    Ok, the current cafe isn’t exactly salubrious, but it oozes character and community. That is going to be shattered once they are closed and the new goldfish bowl opens… and how many muddy bikers are going to be allowed in there? Take a £5 shower 1st matey.

    Free Member

    Any tips for DIY winter tires?

    Do I just buy 1000 4″ wood screws, and put them in the tyres from the inside?

    What inner tube? Gaffa tape? Does stans work on r16 265s?

    Free Member

    If they are paying you to give advice, give as much as you like in whatever manner you think appropriate.

    If you are interacting with the person in some way, or if they ask advice, then it is ok to give gentle advice.

    Doling out tips when passing / following random cyclists you don’t know is just big headed and intrusive.

    Free Member

    Have to take the wheels off
    Makes a horrible mess
    Likely to scratch or damage something.

    Free Member

    Hey Diane – didn’t see you, but we had to leave straight away so didn’t go to the Hub. Was another good day at Glentress though, forecast was totally wrong, only a sprinkling of extra snow, trails quite compacted but snow powdery and gave reasonable grip, apart from once I almost lost the front end in Spooky Wood. Hope to catch u soon anyway!

    Free Member

    Bump – still going – 11am or thereabouts (probably 11.30) start.

    Free Member

    Nice video, up to your usual standards!

    Have a good day today…

    Free Member


    Going back for more tomorrow.

    Conditions will be lots of snow.

    If anyone fancies hooking up, will be leaving Edin 9.30, Pathhead about 10, to be at Glentress about 11am. Sorry but truck will be full (4 of us going so far) so I can’t offer a lift.

    Leave a note here if you fancy it and I’ll make sure to wait for you.

    Free Member

    Washed the bikes on the car rack at end of ride. Went inside to warm up and have a cup of tea. Went outside and found the straps had almost frozen solid, another 15 mins and we wouldn’t have been able to take the bikes off!

    Free Member

    I love it, the combination of the two hobbies is very symbiotic.

    I just got a special backpack for carrying a camera whilst MTBing – – like a camelback with a compartment for a camera in the bottom half. Makes it quite quick to get the camera out, just have to take one strap off and swing the back under my arm, and zip, and the camera is right there.

    Camera system of choice is a Panasonic Micro Four Thirds, GH1. Good compromise between size and weight and quality, plus the ability to change lenses. Current fave is a fisheye.

    If I go solo, I’ll really take my time and take lots of pics.

    If I go with more people, I tend to take less as I imagine it is a bit annoying waiting for someone to mess about with cameras. However, it is worth making a fuss occasionally to get a good pic, and people like pics of themselves riding!

    I don’t tend to get a lot of pics of the middle of trails on the way down, I am having too much fun riding then.

    If the weather is crappy, or the group is big, or I just don’t feel like it, I won’t bother with the camera.

    Pics at

    Free Member

    Pisted these in another thread, but what the heck.

    Glentress today:

    Full size and more pics of non-snow MTBing and other stuff at

    Free Member

    Hey Diane – thanks for the weather report! I read it but didn’t have time to reply as was rushing out the door.

    GT was great today. Very calm, occasional sunshine, about 1 to 2″ of dry powder snow max, the compacted tracks helped. Going up was a little more draggy than usual but ok. Coming down was fine, but took it a bit easier. Front end slipped a few times but never more than an inch.

    The bermed runs felt like I was on a luge or something, lots of fun.

    Thinking of going back tomorrow, looks like it will be a bit more windy and possibly lots of snow…

    Free Member

    What’s the report for today? Heading down there in 20 mins…

    Free Member

    Ah yeh. Mean to do that sometime too :-)

    Once met a guy who had cycled from Glasgow, met him on the path at Ratho. He looked a bit the worse for wear.

    I love the Aqueducts outside of Edinburgh. There is also something therapeutic about cycling along the flat path and the canal for mile after mile, quite different from any other cycling in or about Edinburgh.

    Free Member

    I enjoy riding the canal path. I can see how it would be annoying if you are on a road bike and it’s rush hour. The path also gets a bit mental in the summer, lots of people. However, ride it at 9pm on a dark crisp winter evening, it is great. Keep meaning to do it all the way to Falkirk.

    Free Member

    I ride it as fast as I can, if it’s clear. That irons out the cobbles.

    If anyone on it, I give way to all and bide my time, no rush.

    Wind + ice I may think about walking it.

    Overtaking a pram sounds really daft, take it that’s a joke.

    Free Member

    My normal greeting is “Allright there!” or “Allright mate!”, if I see someone with a breakdown I’ll slow down and make it a bit longer “_You_ allright there?” and look a bit longer at them. If someone is in obvious difficulty (physical) than I hope we’d all stop straight away.

    Have to learn the basics for looking after yourself though. Do you carry a basic kit Jane? Inner tube, puncture kit, pump, chain tool, power link, allen keys. Do that, and learn to use it. Basic first aid kit as well…

    Free Member

    I don’t think scat vigilantism is the most positive method.

    Take a deep breath, and write a short, concise note to him, explaining what happened, how it affected you, and the possible consequences if it happens again or if he kills someone doing such a stupid manoeuvre.

    Free Member

    Sounds very very sketchy to me.

    Free Member

    I recommend these:

    Free Member


    That thing hit every branch of the ugly tree on the way down, didn’t it?

    Funny it looks exactly the same design as a £59 halfords apollo, apart from the £59 bike will be easier on the eye!

    Free Member

    plenty of hard offs


    Free Member

    Can’t get them in the UK, and the European ones are the old version last time I tried, but if you can find a way to get one from the states for a reasonable cost (good luck!), then is the ideal solution IMHO.

    Free Member

    Swiss army knife
    Bike cleaning stuff
    Bike maintenance stuff
    Travel insurance
    Walkie talkies

    Free Member

    Was on the Union Canal path today, good cycling from the city end to start of Water Of Leith path.

    Water Of Leith path was a bit wet and muddy in places, but not too bad. Forecast for tomorrow is windy but no rain, so paths should be not too bad.

    Free Member

    Sorry I guess my button was just being pushed, will now relax, point made.

    Free Member

    starsh78 – well, there is some kind of learning disability going on there, I guess you could give us a full diagnosis since you are an expert?

    DezB – Grow up.

    Free Member

    You know some people are dyslexic, right? And that, as daft as it seems to you, they have great trouble with the simplest writing tasks.

    What other disabilities do you like pointing and laughing at?

    Make you feel big, does it?

    Free Member

    First thing, with any interchangeable camera, it is the lenses you invest in, not the bodies. Consider the bodies disposable after 3 or so years.

    At the £400 end of the DSLR market, you’ll get a basic body and a entry level lens. I’m not a fan.

    I’d advise staying away from the entry level DSLRs and going for a mirrorless camera system. My recommendation would be to get into the Panasonic / Olympus Micro Four Thirds system. The best value would be a Panasonic G1 if you can find one for under £400. Any of the cameras in the G1 / GH1 / G2 / G10 / GH2 range would be a good starting point, and they are compact enough to take cycling.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Shared Trail Riding Rules

    * The nicer the weather, the dozier the walkers.

    * The more people in a group, the slower they are to react.

    * Large groups tend to act like sheep rather than individuals.

    * Old people move slower.

    * Dogs and children move randomly.

    * Everyone moves double slow on Sunday afternoons, apart from dogs and children who move double fast.

    * Bells can make people jump, ring them frequently and repeatedly, long before you are near.

    * Shouting ‘bike coming’ feels weird, get a bell.

    * Zipping past people with inches to spare would piss off anyone, don’t do it.

    * A smile and a thanks improves everyone’s day.

    * Be extra cool with horses.

    * Everyone has a right to enjoy their activity. Bikes are the fastest thing on a trail, ride with consideration and you’ll have a better time, as well as everyone else.

    * There are always occasional prats. Ignore them.

    Free Member

    Thanks for another great day Coastie, trails, tea, and cake!

    Free Member

    Hey Coastie, me and a friend will be coming along, looking forward to it.

    To all – I will be driving, have room in vehicle for another 3 people + bikes, so if you want a lift from Easter Road in Edinburgh, let me know.

    Free Member

    If your bike is the standard 27 speed, then you have most likely got either the 34 or the 32 out back. MTBs don’t usually come as standard with the 28 AFAIAA.

    For me, the 34 gives too low a gear on the 22 front chainring, the 32 is better as the jumps between gears are less, and it still covers a massive range of gearing.

    Free Member

    TJ – to be honest, I’d rather do a hardpack / track ride that was non-technical, than a boggy mess of singletrack that is nasty to ride and I feel guilty for being on. Just being oot on the bike in the hills is good enough for me – throw in some good climbs and I’m happy.

    After saying that – I can carry at least 4 people + bikes in my truck, so if anyone fancies somewhere else for a change, I am happy to drive. Niteride at GT?

    Free Member

    Good ride – well chosen route that wasn’t muddy (for the most part).

    I looked at my brakes when I got home – no oil in both reservoirs – must have used up more pads than I’d though in the last couple of weeks, or just not filled up the reservoirs enough when I put new pads in some months ago.

    Anyway, working now. Thanks to Ian for guiding me home after I trundled on ahead and went the wrong way. Going down Dreghorn Drop with no front or rear brake… even walking it was hard work, if I was walking down a hill I’d normally drag the breaks to keep me steady, bikes are funny things without brakes :-)

    So – my first Wednesday group ride. Must try harder (maintain the effing bike better!).

    Hope to see some of you on Sunday?

    Free Member

    Thanks TJ!

    Free Member

    Where exactly is the store you meet up at? I haven’t done this before and fancy it…

    Free Member

    Hope to make this!

    Free Member

    I think that is a good point devs – water gets mud off just the same as any fancy stuff, and is by far the safest (and cheapest) option. An oily rag will shine a frame and stop mud sticking as much.

    Why exactly are we throwing all these chemicals at our bikes?

    Cleaning the drivetrain is a different matter, and something is needed to get that grease / oil / muck off.

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