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  • is a scam website
  • 6079smithw
    Free Member

    Prevention is better than the cure.
    Tyres are no exception.
    Tyre liners are the answer.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Under neon loneliness, carbon fat bike emptiness

    Free Member

    Jupiter Ascending was made for people like me i.e. have read the books and texts the Wachowskis have.
    I give it 8/10. It was like a documentary.

    Free Member

    Mange tout, mange tout

    Free Member

    Wheels too small. No rear suspension. I’m oot

    Free Member

    2014 Rose Uncle Jimbo 2
    Pikes and 26″ wheels which are faster than 27.5 – fact

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member

    If it’s a secret why is it written in a book for sale?That’s the aim, for it not to be a secret and thus liberating the human race from servitude. You should get it, it’ll change your life for the better.

    Free Member

    What about this bad boy?
    29 & 27.5 wheels on the same bike, will annoy the hell out of wheel size evangelists

    Free Member

    Has to be a fatbike

    Free Member

    Touring car and LMP1 racing drivers wear full face helmets, so why not someone on an MTB who can fall on their face?

    I think even for Tour de France roadies full face lids should be mandatory

    Free Member

    Santa Cruz Superlight 29. This is STW afterall.
    Has a threaded BB

    Free Member

    I can see that being a liability
    I think you’re thinking of a stability control thingy like ESP

    How about, right, to make climbing easier.. an engine? who wouldn’t want that eh?
    Depends what type of traction control it worked with innit

    which is why racing cars/bikes don’t have it
    No, it’s cos it’s banned in most formulas

    Surely you can react just as quick by not mashing on the pedal as you can by squeezing the brake lever? Or are you dragging the brake all the way up the hill?
    A bit of both, plus grabbing brake as you mash, it’s worth experimenting.

    Free Member

    How much would the ABS sensors and pump weigh?

    Have you ever tried ABS on gravel?
    Yep, didn’t lock up

    That pic is brilliant

    Free Member

    People who don’t know that faeries are real aren’t worth talking to

    Free Member

    DezB – Member
    Hey 6079smithw, are you aware that there is a lot of new and original sounding music out there?

    Yeah cos Royal Blood and Honeyblood invented whole new music genres 🙄

    Free Member

    Marmozets > Royal Blood

    Free Member

    From 3:30 onwards

    My Spanish isn’t what it was but it’s clear here that the footage is just some crisis acting, and not very good acting at that. Smoke from a can in the copper’s hand!

    Yes, I would say most things that bring out the western scum leaders usually are false flags
    -9/11 – you have to be an absolute moron to believe the official story (no offence to any morons here)
    -7/7 – no way in hell those patsies could get across London in the time to be where they were supposed to – and I don’t mean Greggs
    -Sandy Hook – crisis actors all over the place
    -Boston bombing – as above, pictures of fake blood etc.
    All used to introduce mass surveillance we normally wouldn’t entertain, further wars on the middle east, or in the last two cases push for gun control to disarm citizens, which tyrants tend to do to groups they want rid of (Hitler to Jews, colonisers to native Americans).
    Glad we got that settled.

    Now how are we gonna stop the onset of a global police state and a possible WW3? Any constructive suggestions?
    It’d be embarrassing if in the future your kids ask you why you didn’t do anything when it was so obvious, like duuuh.

    Free Member

    Nice fibre weave on that frame

    Free Member

    Yeah, I think more likely than not the Hebdo attack is a false flag.

    You just have to think who benefits from this.
    However much the media whips you into a frenzy about muslims being fanatical hate merchants, the true fanatics are the cold-blooded murdering, child-abusing satanists at the top of the military industrial banking complex and their intel agencies, who are hell bent on whipping up anti-muslim fever to justify further taking away your rights in the fast approaching fascist police state they want and eventually getting into a full on WW3 on Islam (just like that sicko Albert Pike wrote about as their grand plan).

    Free Member

    Does anyone think the Hebdo attack was a false flag?

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t happen on a 29er

    Free Member

    I wear elbow pads in addition to knee pads. Better safe than scraped and in pain

    Free Member

    Well done to the OP.

    7/7 – the alleged perpetrators were more likely just patsies btw.

    Free Member

    Cars, now there’s money down a black hole…

    gardron – Member

    If you look at the beargrease prices last year though, it made a lot more sense. Beargrease frameset could be had for 1500 and mukluk was 600. This years prices on salsa, since they lost ison as a disty, are nuts – and this is why I haven’t replaced my stolen beargrease with another one. Some of ze German shops have 2015 Salsa bikes at normal prices

    Free Member

    What type of bottom bracket does it have Neb?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member

    I was going to nominate myself, single and ready to go this year…. I can’t say I recommend, but if needs must…

    TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsSTR – Member

    This is much better (IMO of course) – from a quick search of January releases…It’s pleasant but loses marks for slightly soulless electronic sounds and very contemporary production. 7/10

    MSP – Member

    Oh, and the lead singer looks like a 39 year old skank, who doesn’t realise she is no longer 19 and what 20 years of injecting heroine and working street corners has done to her looks. ”Is the casual objectification of women so commonplace that we should all just suck it up, roll over and accept defeat? I hope not. Objectification, whatever its form, is not something anyone should have to “just deal with”.”

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Would rather have a Cube HPC Stereo 29er

    Free Member

    “You are what you eat”

    Free Member

    so basically what David Icke has been saying on this topic for over two decades is true

    Free Member

    If you ever feel the need to speak to Samaritans to unload, don’t hesitate. They can even ring you back if you’re skint.

    Free Member


    Not everything is a conspiracy.

    I did watch it and he didn’t go into any. And certainly not the fairly well known one related to the first movie.

    It’s just stuff like Neo’s room is no. 101, which I didn’t notice watching it, and how that’s an Orwell reference, which is plausible. And the book he hides his disc in is Simulacra and Simulation which had similar concepts to the movie but in the 19th century.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    By the nature of people here who know exactly what they want on their bike they will build one up / heavily modify a bike anyway.
    But not everyone is like that hence they buy standard bikes off the shelf. As an international playboy myself I simply don’t have the time to build up a bike.
    That’s why I think it makes sense for bikes to come with everything. Think of all the people on cheapo bikes they’ve bought from Tesco cycling around at night without lights. That’s no good to anyone.

    The Rose model is very good. German bike mfrs/shops generally lead the way IMO

    Free Member

    Borealis Yampa

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