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  • Canyon MTB Performance Flat Pedal review
  • 6079smithw
    Free Member

    -A full sus titanium fat bike
    -Muddy Fox Intereactive
    -Whyte PRST-4
    -BMW S1000RR HP4

    Free Member

    Bring back anodized purple everything and coloured tyres I say

    Free Member

    This pretty much explains the global ponzi scheme commonly referred to as the economy

    Free Member

    This isn’t a thread about Bis, change the title 😛

    Free Member

    Get one of those Rose bikes, a Granite Chief or whatever it’s called

    Free Member

    Basically, the only sane people left in this world are those who consistently question things i.e. regardless of where the information comes from.

    If you simply cannot conceive of the idea of the government lying to the populace then you must be, as Victoria Beckham once mimed on every tv show for a week with Dane Bowers, out of your mind.

    Let me make this really easy for you:

    Free Member

    Having to slow down on my BMX when it’s wet cos it only has the rear brake…

    Free Member

    TuckerUK – Member

    It’s extremely difficult (actually, nigh on impossible for me), to not be patronising (bordering on downright rude and dismissive) to adults that should know better spouting absolute nonsense. It’s 2013, and it’s not like the truth isn’t out there for everyone to discover.

    We live in a bizarre society/world, if someone tells me the Queen is a shape-shifting lizard I can mock them openly, indeed, they could even be Sectioned under the Metal Health Act. However they talk about ghosts or gods or spirits, and apparently I should respect their views. Well I absolutely don’t. They are ignorant (meaning they don’t have knowledge). Er… no. You can fill Wembley Arena if you talk about those kinda things. It’s a fact the royals eat human body parts anyway, go look it up.

    molgrips – Member

    See the example of the books flying off the shelves earlier. If that had been my bookshelf, I’d have been back night after night videoing and verifying it. I don’t think I’d be unique in this.

    So the question is, why has this never happened to someone who can reliably expose and investigate it? In the last 5-10 years the world has been saturated with recording devices and the ability to communicate this kind of thing.
    Electronic voice phenomena.

    Free Member

    Looking at the WSBK roll of honour there hasn’t been a Kwak rider as champion in ages so it will be good when Sykes brings it home 8)

    Free Member

    Ideally the front tyre should have the Black Chili compound

    Free Member


    Free Member

    36er FTW

    Free Member

    shifter – Member

    More important than the wheel size debate; why do people put an apostrophe in “doh”? because it’s correct, innit

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member

    Anyway which of these would you like?That there is bad science. Vaccines never eradicated any illness!

    To the OP this would be a useful read

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    still It must be hard eschewing all medicines because you dont trust the authorities

    No, any perfectly rational man or woman would not deliberately ingest or insert toxins into their body.

    It would require a HAZMAT team to clean up the mess if the contents of a vaccine fell on a floor. Yet if you were ever asked if you wanted mercury injected into your bloodstream the answer should be a resounding no. When it’s in a vaccine though somehow that’s ok. Cognitive dissonance much?

    kimbers – Member
    I take it you would refuse any and all treatments for illnesses, from headaches to heart attacks and cancer?

    I would happily take natural treatments.

    Free Member

    Could do with a Superbikes thread, what with the WSBK looking the way it is as well.

    Marques can only throw away the title now. Next year might be tougher though!

    Free Member

    rockhopper70 – Member

    I’ve only just got that youtube video of the truther girls posted on page 1 to work. That deals with MMR. It kind of suggests some sort of conspiracy and sweeping under the carpet that MMR IS linked to autism.
    Bt surely, some medical professionals (Andrew Wakefield) would be shouting this from the rooftops either for the good of the population or to make a name for themselves in medical circles (Andrew Wakefield) or to say “I told you so”.
    How much credibilty can you give to a blog site?People do try and warn others, however when you have a controlled media it’s difficult to get this message across. This is why alternative media including blogs like you say are such a great thing in this day and age. E.g. when the Jimmy Savile scandal ‘broke’ in the press – that was written about in the alternative media for years.


    A new scientific review from Poland addresses vaccines in terms of adverse events, immune system effects and neurological symptoms following vaccination. The following information was gathered form a Gaia Health article dated May 12.

    The authors of the said review state that:

    “…postvaccinal complications among children can be observed in sporadic cases and that they are disproportionate to the benefits of vaccination in the elimination of dangerous diseases in childhood.”

    They point out several adverse effects that occur shortly after vaccination including local reactions and postvaccinal adverse events of the central nervous system which include:

    febrile convulsions
    non-febrile convulsions
    paralytic poliomyelitis caused by vaccine virus
    Guillain-Barré syndrome

    Other adverse events following immunization were also listed. The authors go on to state: “…it is not reasonable to assume that manipulation of the immune system through an increasing number of vaccinations during critical periods of brain development will not result in adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.”

    How much credibility can you give to authorities who said thalidimide and asbestos were ok?

    Free Member

    Vaccines are TERRIBLE. Just awful.
    And since when has everyone else doing something make anything right? If everyone was jumping off a cliff etc.

    Free Member

    Scott Genius 930

    Free Member

    Conti X-King Protection?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Doom and gloom! And doom! With gloom!
    We’re lucky to not be sweltering all day every day in 2013

    scare·mon·ger (skârmnggr, -mng-)
    One who spreads frightening rumours; an alarmist.
    scaremonger·ing n.

    Free Member

    It’s 2013, how can any man even think about having kids?
    Think of the carbon footprint. Polar bears will drown!

    Free Member

    Was it an active profile though?
    If you don’t delete an account from yonks ago the profile can still be found I think.

    Free Member

    Nice filing system 😛

    Free Member

    My BMX is worth more than my car, nevermind any mountain bikes

    Free Member

    Call me jaded but the main things to consider are can you avoid a place with bitchy politics and will you be able to ride often.
    Starting at RR like you say is a sound thing. You seem to be qualifying well with experience, you shouldn’t worry so much.

    Free Member

    zokes – Member
    You keep believing. Keep the faith. Because that’s all it is – climate deniers have about as much credibility as religion. The only reasons they think otherwise are 1) the media’s obsession with balancing an unbalanced argument, and 2) the huge amount of money spent to cloud the issue by those who would, in the short term, be disadvantaged by legislation to attempt to mitigate GHG emissions. These are nice organisations such as the oil giants, big coal companies, etc. Lovely people to side with I’m sure.

    You’re the one believing and keeping the faith in the scaremongering nonsense and hockey sticks, proven to false – and criminally so with the Climategate scandal.
    You continuing to be a worshipper of authority is like taking sides with the likes of the BBC (proven paedophile protectors) and other propaganda outlets with a penchant for eugenics. They’re not a nice bunch so you should reconsider.
    1) The media is not interested in balanced arguments. Especially on this issue. Wow, how have you not even noticed this? When have you ever seen Fiona Bruce or whoever go “and now to xxyy for the argument that the IPCC are biased fraudsters”???
    2) All that seems to happen are attempts to strangle poor people.
    When they introduce a tax on breathing, I hope you’ll be happy with yourself.

    zokes – Member
    And just out of interest, 6079smithw, what do you do for a living?

    lol, you can mind your own business.

    Free Member

    The true scientific method is founded on empirical observation. When a theory – whether embedded in a computer program or not – produces predictions that are falsified by subsequent observation, then the theory, and the computer models which enshrine it, have to be rethought.

    Not for the IPCC, however, which has sought to obscure this fundamental issue by claiming that, whereas in 2007 it was 90 per cent sure that most of the (very slight) global warming recorded since the Fifties was due to man-made carbon emissions, it is now 95 per cent sure.

    This is not science: it is mumbo-jumbo. Neither the 90 per cent nor the 95 per cent have any objective scientific basis: they are simply numbers plucked from the air for the benefit of credulous politicians and journalists.
    Hear hear

    Free Member

    More importantly, RA should be Sports Personality of the Year.
    No-one ever broke a limb playing tennis

    Free Member

    zokes – Member

    Your opinion will have no effect on the warming atmosphere and climatic effects.

    I can’t help wondering whether the amount of hot air emitted by frothing deniers (and that’s what they are, by and large, as ‘skeptic’ implies a strong understanding of a topic) does directly result in increased global temperatures.

    And @6079smithw: if you’re happy believing anything this guy writes:

    well, more fool you
    Climate change is a stupid phrase because that’s what climates do anyway.

    BTW, Alex Jones didn’t write that article. It’s just on his site.

    In case you didn’t read it, the BBC were saying how the ice caps could be non-existent by 2013. Hahahaha! And you pay £150 a year for that crap…

    Like you say, the actuality of whether man-made activity is making the planet warmer is simply not a democratic process – the truth is what it is. No amount of Bilderberg/elite bank-rolled propaganda can change that.

    Free Member

    Proof of global warming scaremongering

    Global warming computer models collapse

    Free Member

    No mountain bikers survived the 90s on their cantis and V brakes.
    Anyone into mountain biking now got started after the turn of the century 🙄

    TBF the specs if they’re what I saw are Commencal own brand V’s compared to Tektro hydraulic discs. I would go with the disc model in that case.

    Good V brakes are better than bad disc brakes, as my ‘mate’ will testify after having a brief go on one (his disc brakes sucked)

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Phone, sandwich, apple, maybe some chocolate is all I carry.
    Doesn’t slow me too much for the quarter mile on my BMX 😆

    Free Member

    If you’re not too lanky then this is a bargain

    Or just go crazy and get this on Buy Now Pay Later (12 months)

    Free Member

    moss – Member

    Forgot to say it’s a Hartail bike I’m looking at.
    Would you buy a 4×4 without rear suspension?

    Free Member

    Full suspension > wheel size

    Free Member

    THIS is a good looking bike, buy this instead for me

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