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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • 6079smithw
    Free Member

    For the record, I’ve not seen the movie you all speak of.
    It’s not where I’ve seen the evidence for these things, only books and websites.

    As with everything else in life, and as I’ve said before in this thread (and others), if there is no concrete peer reviewed court admissible evidence to support something, you can safely dismiss it.

    What a goody two shoes toe-the-line rhetoric.
    It’s been exposed that paid-for trolls exist to maintain the official authority line on forums if anyone’s dare questioning it. I’m not saying that’s you but if those really are your thoughts, heck, why not get paid for it?
    That statement would only be true in an ideal world where bent coppers, judges, secret societies and a bought & paid for media don’t exist. Unfortunately they do.
    Hillsborough is a good example.

    I’ve heard Ruby was a small time wannabe who hung around the cops trying to get himself some influence, he loved JFK with a passion, and thought he could become a hero by shooting Oswald. In my limited experience of people that doesn’t sound implausible.

    And in the real world, Jack Rubenstein worked for Meyer Lansky, the big mafia crime lord of his day who had connections to Lyndon Johnson.
    Oswald wasn’t going to go quietly. He said he was innocent and was just a patsy. That’s why he had to be silenced, and that’s where the gopher Ruby came in. It worked well in keeping the truth supressed.

    Free Member

    That professional liar should be in prison with Tony Blair

    Free Member

    Not the one I woulda gone for but do love a fatty!
    Had a go on matey’s at the BBB, totally see the appeal.
    I want a fat babe bike!

    Free Member

    TuckerUK – Member

    Do not take details from the film JFK as factual.

    Do not take details from an official government narrative as factual.

    Sure, LHO’s bullet would be responsible if it could do a bit of a hairpin turn in the air.

    And there was also probably some special driver training where it’s best to not floor it and get the president of the country away from any danger ASAP, but instead to go slower. 🙄

    Anyway, the occult ritualism of the whole thing smacks of something planned by initiates in high places. For them to get away with it of course they would need someone else to blame it on – poor old Mr Oswald. Then repeat the official narrative enough for it to become the established truth (a technique they learnt from Goebbels & co) et voila. And the pièce de résistance was to begin to use the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ to smear anyone who questions or points out holes in the official story. The scumbags at the top are clever, you gotta hand it to them. Their lies fooled me for a long time too.

    ^The official line is a great piece of fiction.

    Free Member

    And how badly do you want the trails to come alive?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    You’d have to get him on a 20.5″TT bike to see. Or somehow simulate it on his current one

    Free Member

    Where will you put a bottle cage?

    Free Member

    The Haro 100.3 has an 18″TT with 20″ wheels but again isn’t full chromoly.
    If you want full chromoly you’ll need the WTP Versus or the one I did a PSA about and you’ll be looking at a 20.5-21″TT

    Free Member

    So sorry.

    Samaritans are there if you or your friend need to talk to someone anonymously, some say it’s helpful

    Free Member

    Why do some have front and rear brakes and others have just a rear brake?

    It’s a fashion/usage thing. They might be pictured w/out a front or any brakes but I think if you order it, it’ll arrive with a front brake, bell, pedal reflectors etc supplied loose.

    Depending how tall the 12yr old is he might not have the easiest of times getting it airborne for now but the above bike would be lighter than a smaller sized typically cheaper one because it’s such a high spec.

    Free Member

    Where can I get a Hite-Rite?
    And is it not the same thing but simpler?
    I remember seeing it on a Breezer in an MBUK issue back in ’94…

    Free Member

    popstar – Member
    What makes you think that winter tyres are best to be used all year round, or even make bold statements that winter tyres are better than summer tyres in summer?

    Don’t shoot the messenger. Just thought it was useful info.
    I am inclined to agree, especially when Continental say:

    When should I fit winter tyres to my car?

    It is recommended that you switch to winter tyres in the UK between October and April.

    If you are reluctant to change tyres and have nowhere to store summer tyres when they are not in use, you are better off using winter tyres all year round.

    Winter tyres are as quiet and comfortable as summer tyres and, thanks to sophisticated compound technology, do not wear any more quickly.

    There is a slight trade off with stopping distances as a winter tyre does not stop as quickly in the dry as a summer tyre, however, on balance if it is not possible to switch tyres in the winter, experts say you are better off with winter tyres all year round. This is because the difference in stopping distances of summer tyres in winter is far greater than for winter tyres in the summer.

    Free Member

    Buy 4.

    Free Member

    Basically, any type of average joe individual making any changes is going to make sod all difference to the environment at large.

    The only way to end the raping of our planet and the environment is to end capitalism/monetarism/private property – whatever you want to call the insane system we have now. That is the only way. How many generations that might take before it’s too late and we reach oblivion is the question.

    Free Member

    Didn’t know Prince was into MTBing, nevermind Marins

    Free Member

    This is the 26″ wheel bike you want

    Free Member

    This world is so insane that there would be something wrong if you were completely happy with everything and never got angry.

    Forget all that keeping up with the Jones’ stuff. Material wealth is fleeting. The only thing that leaves a legacy is kindness.

    I still want that ltd edition Surly fat bike though.

    Anyway, some people don’t even get to ride bikes or post on STW.
    Well tonight thank god it’s them instead of yoooooooooooouuuuuuu

    Free Member

    Dawkins is a bigger fundamentalist than any person of faith I’ve ever met in my life. And I’m old.

    This book is excellent and anyone with a brain will be able to pick holes in Dawkins’ dogma

    Free Member
    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    Al-Qaeda is an extremely nasty organisation with an extremely nasty ideology and it needs to be eradicated. Misrepresenting their aims and goals won’t help to achieve that.

    It’s a CIA invention, created from the time they funded the Afghans to fight off the Soviets in Afghanistan – that’s a fact. Operation Cyclone. They do what their masters tell them, just like how they’re helping the US out in Syria.

    Free Member

    For Bin Laden read Emmanuel Goldstein.

    Dawkins should be mad at the CIA, NSA and PNAC, except he’s not very bright so he isn’t.

    Free Member

    How can a pic in itself be fussy?

    Free Member

    Probably the Mountain King

    Free Member

    I answered the door to a JW once whilst in my pyjamas. She couldn’t wait to go, no idea why

    Free Member

    It looked like they were 26″ wheels in that video.
    No wonder all the controversy!

    Free Member

    What you need is a fat bike

    Free Member

    johnellison – Member

    Snowden and Assange should be strung up. Traitors to their nations, the pair of them.

    If you’ve got nothing to hide, why do you have curtains in your house?

    Nations are just artificial political constructs. Better to be a supposed traitor to a nation (Snowden, Assange) than a traitor to humanity (Obama, Abbot).

    Intelligence didn’t help prevent 7/7 because they were busy setting it up! Total false flag event using patsies, nothing in the official story even adds up.

    Free Member

    gonefishin – Member

    Umm Alex Jones? Do you really expect people to believe what he says? I appreciate that it’s a bit of ad hominem but I’d rather take the word of the Daily Mail than him!Alex Jones didn’t write that article. People shouldn’t believe in anything, they should continually evaluate evidence.

    Free Member

    Vaccines are a total fraud.

    £7 would be better spent on proper food instead of lining the GSK and Merck coffers

    Free Member

    I think Sheene and Cox are funny. They would brighten up F1 no end!

    I gave up on the erratic WSBK highlights on Channel4 so followed the last two seasons on YouTube with people’s uploads. Hopefully that’ll be done for MotoGP in 2014

    Free Member

    ^ 🙄
    Someone’s in love with Big Brother.

    As for Snowden, brave yes, hero not so sure. He could be a stooge. He didn’t reveal anything truly earth-shattering. He’s no David Icke for instance

    Free Member

    I had a go on a fat bike briefly, only on grass, and couldn’t get it to slide.
    A bike defined by its tyres is silly but I’d still get one

    Free Member

    Whoever has a Cotic Rocket or Ti fat bike

    Free Member

    Need to find another way to get my hugs. Any suggestions?

    Analogue always > digital
    Get out there and meet chicks in real life. I’m a great wingman if you need one.

    Free Member

    All mountain bike paintwork has been assimilated by the borg

    Free Member

    Panaracer Dart ftw

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