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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • 6079smithw
    Free Member

    Tin foil is the new black

    Free Member

    It’s actually a con tent – a tent set up to trick you

    Free Member

    RestlessNative – Member

    Where does one get the motobecane from then? Are you a Big Country fan? They’re awesome.
    Click the pic. You’ll have to use or somesuch but it would still be cheaper than a Mukluk or Caribou

    Free Member

    dazzlingboy – Member

    Yes probably, but show me a new bike that isn’t!

    Free Member

    Both are way overpriced. Import a Motobecane fat bike instead

    Free Member

    Or sell one of your awful (IMO) road bikes and get a Ti full sus!

    Free Member

    Cannondale make the best bikes so I would suggest this

    Free Member
    Free Member

    breadcrumb – Member

    I lust after a bmx. I don’t possess any skills and I’m in my mid 30s. I just think they look cool. Do it.

    Lately I want a Trek Sawyer, a Borealis Yampa and a Van Nicholas Valkyr.

    Free Member

    jivehoneyjive – Member

    The extent of child abuse has truly shocking implications

    As you said, it goes right to the top. Absolutely disgusting.

    As for water cannons, terrible idea. Most supposed riots are kicked off by undercover cops being agent provocateurs anyway.

    Free Member

    Swap Button for Di Resta asap.

    DTM streams live these days.

    Free Member

    Gorrick 100? Yeah, I aim to do 2 laps without crashing. That will feel like a victory.

    Free Member

    stavromuller – Member

    Urban “freeclimbing” Channel 4 9;00 Sunday. Ultimate display of crass stupidity and pointlessness. 😆 He says to a forum of mountain bikers

    Free Member

    Re: the water experiment – if you had a microscope at home that would make it something you could repeat yourself.

    As far as I’m aware I think homeopathic remedies are prepared using distilled water i.e. it’s not straight out of a tap.

    This report is evidence for homeopathy working in randomised controlled trials.

    Therefore it is valid to explore how homeopathy works.
    Just in my opinion I think that the holographic universe idea will become the prevalent one to better explain our universe.

    After all, everything ‘solid’ is made of molecules which are made of atoms which are made of mostly empty space and the particles in it are also made of empty space – so there is no real ‘solidity’. The screen you’re reading this on now is a holographic projection of waveforms from a source.

    Wave/particle duality is solved because the particle is simply the holographic projection of the waveform information.

    And this is why the dilution thing works. Here goes:
    The water holds the information of the original plant/mineral (it being what would cause symptoms of the illness to be treated in a healthy person). So it’s not the measurable substance anymore itself that is responsible for the healing – it’s the source information that enables realigning back to health. Diluting increases the potency because you’re getting more water to hold that information by volume.

    The most obvious analogy would be Arnold J. Rimmer – we are all like him. Stay with me here… Physically he is perfect, so for him to have eczema or something would come from his projection unit. Therefore homeopathy is just an effective method of correcting the information in the projection unit to project the hologram in its full glory again. Except your ‘projection unit’ and that of the universe itself are invisible to us. We can only see a slice of the electromagnetic spectrum which is at best 4% of the universe.

    I think in the next ten years this is what science will explore and explain better than I can.
    Was that really outlandish? Thanks for reading if you did.

    Free Member

    Back to the non-personal critiquing of responses to the thread topic.

    Homeopathy shouldn’t work because diluting things loads means there’s virtually nothing left, and the idea of something being more effective the more diluted it gets sounds mental. And it reminds me of one of Pratchett’s funny descriptions of Rincewind being outnumbered in a Discworld novel – something like “homeopathic warfare”.

    See – I do get it.

    But there are people other than me out there who say it works and also there are people far more qualified than I am who will say it works beyond placebo effect.

    Now, let’s say you can suspend your belief and temporarily go along with the idea that homeopathy works and works beyond the placebo effect.
    For it to work it would have to involve some kind of principle or process hitherto unknown to the scientific community at large and/or at odds with what we know so far.

    We can agree with that right?

    If it could be demonstrated that water has memory, that would mean the basis for homeopathy not working would have to be re-thought at least, shirley

    Free Member

    Ok thanks Cougar

    Free Member
    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    I’ve spoken to my contact at Section 5 and he gave me a couple of surveillance stills.
    6079smithw looks nothing like kaesae

    Cyberbullying is a crime.
    Who moderates this forum? I would like a word.

    Free Member

    Hey, I get why you’re all sceptical about homeopathy. Your education, the news, the mainstream science reports and articles… I get it.

    I just wish you had the same level of scepticism towards the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical corporations who, guess what, would rather you take their pills than try something natural that thay can’t profit from. Prescription drugs kill more people than illegal drugs and road traffic accidents.
    Therefore you should be happy your relative isn’t popping toxic pills.

    Anyway, back to homeopathy. It works. Since science is highly politcised, which of course it shouldn’t be, no you’re not gonna see a mass admission about this from the mainstream. Criminals try hard to not incriminate themselves you know.

    Those saying there’s no evidence of it working… well there is of course, otherwise why would it still be in existence?
    And it’s not placebo because it works on animals.

    Free Member

    Why is Vettel so terrible?
    Let’s see, he got lucky and spoon fed like a spoilt brat.
    He’s generally not very likeable (not his fault).
    Thinks he’s bigger than the team.
    His celebrations are awful. Though the doughnuts are a nice attempt to please crowds.
    Brazil GP he coulda slowed and let Webber win. How popular would he be for doing that? Loads. But he didn’t cos he’s awful.
    Hamilton and Alonso are better drivers.

    Free Member

    Spin – Member

    Is that the generally accepted standard of knowledge one needs before one can comment on an issue? By that standard no one would be qualified to comment on anything.Yes.
    Quite why that’s so scary for people to admit is another story.
    So yes, real knowledge comes from knowing you know very little and going from there.

    I have. I’m not aware of any study that shows that homeopathy works better than placebo. Do you know of any?


    Free Member

    georgeorwell – Member

    If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here

    Free Member

    Beloved relatives posting pish about homopathy on FB

    Are you the knower of all things in the universe and how everything works from a quantum level to astrophysics?
    If so, then you can tell your relative with certainty whether homeopathy works or not.
    If not, do some research first before thinking you know everything.

    Free Member

    gonzy – Member

    some people are so ignorant and selfish…i think the OP saw 4 of them that day.4 Londoners out of town for the day… 😀

    Free Member

    Prepare for the lazy interviewer’s
    “So tell me about yourself”.

    Free Member

    27 and 28 should be reserved for Ferraris and they should be back where they belong – 3rd row of the grid, a few podiums and the odd win.
    I used to like them back then

    Free Member

    Was ok.
    I don’t like how it’s engrained that Jimi died ‘because of drugs’ because now we all know he was murdered.

    Wish Buffalo Springfield and maybe CSN/Y had got a mention.
    Anyone going to see Neil Young at Hyde Park in July?

    Free Member

    Pssst. It isn’t real

    Free Member

    They’re repeated later so I’ll watch em post-kebab

    cinnamon_girl – Member

    10 silver saxes
    A bass with a bow
    The drummer relaxes
    And waits between shows for his cinnamon girl

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I’m too sexy for my bike, too sexy for this forum, too sexy for this thread

    Free Member

    CountZero – Member

    I’m sure these people can help you out there;
    Hmmm. Not only is that the worst designed website in history, I don’t think it can help. See:

    nealglover – Member

    With who though ?
    People who think Alex Jones is a credible News Source ?Yeah, sure some of them are. Most people are just ordinary folk who don’t buy the propaganda and non-journalism of mainstream news.

    nealglover – Member

    No. Of course they aren’t 🙄So which of his books did you read cover to cover to reach that conclusion?

    piedi di formaggio – Member

    Capacity of Wembley Arena – 12,500
    Population of United Kingdom – 63,700,000

    You could argue that % wise that’s 0.02% of the UK that went to see him. Wow – mainstream!!!!!!
    His views are extreme – extreme can be defined as ‘furthest from the centre or a given point’, which I think sums up his views really quite well.Selena Gomez did one UK show last year at a smaller venue. She’s a mainstream act.
    Of course he’s not going to be welcome on Newsnight or The One Show anytime soon because he’s highly critical of the BBC. Yet lots of ordinary people are too!
    And which book of his did you read from cover to cover to define his views as extreme?
    From what I can gather, David Icke writes and talks about what he does because he just wants us and future generations to live in a world where we’re free, happy, healthy and can pursue our joy and passions – and not in an abusive, perma-warfare, super-fascist police state like some people in power want it to be.
    We all agree with that. So what’s the problem?

    piedi di formaggio – Member

    Well, that’s not quite true from what I can see. Some googling finds:
    “Mitchell has publicly expressed his opinions that he is “90 percent sure that many of the thousands of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, recorded since the 1940s, belong to visitors from other planets”Link please.

    piedi di formaggio – Member
    Yes, but what’s your point here? Yes it’s permissible as evidence, but that does not mean what is said is true. Evidence is judged by ones peers in a jury and either accepted as true or rejected as being untrue

    Precisely. It’s for a juryy to decide so you saying “I don’t want someone saying they saw something as evidence” is facetious.

    piedi di formaggio – Member
    What do we want as evidence? Its simple – something that proves that (in this particular thread) at least one crop circle was made by aliens and that proof should be such that there is no other reasonable explanation for what happened

    Just for everyone’s benefit, I’ve already said I’m not sure aliens make all the non man-made crop circles.

    mrmonkfinger – Member

    Are you happy with that statement to exist for eternity on the internet?

    Sure you don’t want to retract it?

    Because, unless I’m mistaken, you do have to have evidence before accusing someone of a crime, within our legal system. And that evidence has to stand up to scrutiny by a court and jury. I think we agree on the latter but there’s confusion as to who the plaintiff is here

    molgrips – Member

    Why doesn’t an alien land on the White House lawn?Because there’s some in the White House!
    In the higher echelons of freemasonry that many presidents and high-ups are in, they worship an alien entity with a weird name.

    Why is it always the middle of Nebraska or somewhere?

    Look up the Berwyn and Rendelsham Forest cases.

    It would be very very easy for an alien to convince me of its existence.

    That’s good, in a way.
    Ironically, most ET researchers think any kind of alien invasion in our lifetime would be a fake one because of what’s in the Project Bluebeam documents.

    Is that enough ?No, because I would want nvidia to prove it.
    E.g. if I said “Hey, I built the pyramid at Giza.”

    Did anyome else have a dream they were on STW last night? It was all a bit Vanilla Sky

    Free Member

    That Borealis fat bike wins.

    Honourable mentions to the Rocky Mountain Thunderbolt in blue

    Surly Pug Ops Ltd

    Stolen Mercedes AMG Petronas Score

    Free Member

    Sacrilege and heresy

    Free Member

    Only had it since Nov and hopefully will never have to find out how well it protects!
    Reviews on that have been positive though.
    It weighs less than some more expensive ones. So it was a no-brainer for me to get it.

    If you really want cheap try Decathlon if you’re near a store.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    It says at the beginning that he made his ‘discovery’ in retirement. So he’s no different to any other nutjob. In fact the implication that whilst working ad the defence minister he did NOT find evidence of aliens actually backs up the idea that there has not been contact.So are you saying your beliefs are more credible than his then? You must be able to talk to some important* people when you want to 🙄
    *Like me 😛

    mrmonkfinger – Member

    Burden of proof, another logical fallacy.

    Thing is, we do have some proof they’re made by blokes with a plank and a bit of rope. Which would be them owning up to it. If burden of proof is a logical fallacy then so is our entire justice system.
    All I want for proof for the claim that all crop circles are man made is to see the really complicated ones replicated by men, at night. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. The video pedro di maggio posted is not one of these.

    piedi di formaggio – Member

    As to whether they have visited us, I’m yet to be convinced. I’m happy to be convinced if someone can actually produce some compelling evidence to prove it. This evidence would need to be convincing though, not just something that someone has written because that’s what they think / believe has happened. As has been said already in this post, it’s all very well someone saying ‘prove it wasn’t aliens that made crop circles’, but that’s a piss easy thing to say when you can’t prove it was aliens either.That’s all well and good, but what would you want as evidence? You do realise eye-witness testimony is permissible evidence in a court of law by the way?
    Let’s say I took a selfie with an actual real alien and posted it here.
    Or if I brought one round to your house.
    Fake!” or “Deformed child!“, “…I meant you!” etc.

    piedi di formaggio – Member

    As for saying we should believe because such & such a person ssays we should, because they used to be a politician or something, well that’s just silly. David Icke used to be a well respoected sports commentator, but he’s got some pretty extreme views now and doesn’t command the respect he once did. As for trusting an ex politician??? I think we know that politicians can’t always be trusted. Au contraire. David Icke is more popular and respected than ever. His last talk in London sold out Wembley Arena. He certainly couldn’t do that 20 years ago. And neither will any of you in your lifetimes, most likely. His views aren’t extreme either – Infinite Love and all that.

    piedi di formaggio – Member

    As for trusting an ex politician??? I think we know that politicians can’t always be trusted.AFAIK this is the first man ever to have held high office to come out and say aliens are among us and that at least 2 groups are colluding within the US government. I think you’ll find it’s most of the other politicians that can’t be trusted.

    Take current primo banker-puppet David Cameron. This was before he was selected.

    His response is to fob-off the seriousness with a joke, then say there’s likely rational explanations but that he doesn’t know anything and there should be openess blah blah. What a cop out. Even if he’s telling the truth here he certainly hasn’t been open and honest about it since, the lying scrounging poor-killing ****.

    Dr Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut, has said aliens HAVE made contact and it’s been going on for decades.–covered-60-years.html
    Cue all the responses like
    He must be out of his goddamned mind! Or a liar! Those astronauts, all that time in zero gravity to smoke weed and make up lies, the barstewards! Giving us things to have to refute on STW. Booooooo! Enough of this, I’m off to stick my Orange 5 in a diesel VAG-mobile

    Free Member

    They’re ok. None of them are exactly Sue Barker

    Free Member

    Buy a GT Fury World Cup then spend £23K on a car

    Free Member

    Schwalbe Muddy Mary

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