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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
  • 5plusn8
    Free Member

    On a less practical note, I’d rather see 100% inheritance tax rather than reward children for being lucky. Would sort out a lot of inequality. That being said, no one is going to do that unilaterally (least of all me!).

    If you take this to its logical end then people should be handicapped if they are born taller than average, smarter than average etc.
    I find the suggestion ridiculously fantastical. and the least thought out suggestion I have ever heard. It is just the politics of envy.
    1) As a parent imagine knowing that all you have worked for would be taken away at death. I am only 52 but I have been thinking about how to give my kids an easier ride than I had, since before they were born. It is hard wired in as a parent.
    2) It really easy to get it all sorted out and handed over long before you die. How do you take the “born lucky” out of that.
    3) My kids get all kinds of advantages because me and the wife are their parents over many other kids (and lots of kids better off than ours too). How do you take the “born lucky” out of that?
    4) If you want a meritocracy (which I do) just fund schools, health, social, sports to a much higher degree. I’ll pay more tax for that.

    Free Member

    If you love your mate, just be there for him no matter what.

    Free Member

    Friends wedding. He is known by his middle name, Ian, has been since birth, typical Welsh, Irish and Scottish his first name is James.
    Registry office, wedding, you have to go a few weeks before to do the formals etc, including telling the registrar that he would like to be addressed as Ian during the ceremony. Was assured this was no issue and perfectly normal, there was even a place on the form to show this.

    You can see where this is going…

    On the day they lady registrar was not the person they had seen before, she did the whole ceremony to James, not Ian, and then proceeded to accuse Ian of fraud when he signed his name starting with and I not a J.

    There was a pause in proceedings while she was forced to check her notes, and did not give any apology..

    Free Member

    I am pretty sure they just copied the Giant press release.

    I mean this part of the screed below positively encourages you to fettle. It seems like the want you to change the flip chip on the mountain to suit the terrain? Which, in the immortal words above would thereby invalidate the warranty.

    Featuring the new flip chip Maestro 3, riders can change the head tube angle, seat tube angle, and bottom bracket height to high, mid, or low settings depending on the terrain and wheel configuration. On average, the change between each of the three positions is 0.4 degrees for the head tube and seat tube angles and 5mm of bottom bracket drop. For frame sizes M and L, the flip chip also enables the change of rear wheel size between 27.5-inch and 29-inch, providing stability for different terrain and riding preference.

    It would be really funny if it wasn’t so bloody sad.

    Free Member


    : )

    Free Member

    I feel like every time someone buys a bike and has deliberately avoided buying Giant because of this thread, they should comment on here to keep it live.

    Free Member

    Thus voiding any warranty.

    I was literally waiting for this, I bet every single bit of giant uk’s marketing literature has encouragements to void the warranty. Hilarious.

    Free Member

    I wonder if the fork removal message is just the same CS guy  making shit up because he realised he had to follow on from the bullshit reason they rejected it in the first place. I mean his response is the logical conclusion to the policy so he kinda had to make it up. I realise this puts actual Giant policy in a better light,  but it might just be some entrenched always rightism of the individual rather than a reasonable response.

    Free Member

    Yeah there is no conceivable way dismantling or changing parts even by a hamfisted moron could cause that failure.
    Its just weasling.

    Free Member

    Exactly, and if you are a frother like me who must have a knife, just carry a less than 3 inch non locking blade, there a loads of them.
    Hennie Hayes, a great knife shop, have loads of UK legal knives here.

    I have 4 of these. Holds an edge nicely, and small enough to not even notice it.

    Free Member

    Again, this does not look good for Giant and any future purchases from me. The smart move for Ian@giant would have been to contact the OP and try and sort this out.
    This is not customer service, this is customer eff off because of a technicality..

    Free Member

     If you’re out on the lash at 3am, you would likely be in bother, at most other times and especially when out cycling, you should be fine. They are not illegal per se, it comes down to the interaction with the Police Officer. It won’t need ‘testing’ in court if that interaction is normal… as much as both sides are reasonable (highly likely) and the reason given (a tool in my backpack) is acceptable.

    This is frankly bollocks, and really poor advice.
    I’ve just followed this up with another copper I know, a desk sarge, and he has backed it up again (unless you  are accusing me, or my mates of lying) , he said, if I come across a non legal carry knife, unless the carrier has a rock solid reason eg – is FAC holder with rifle on the way to shoot, is a chef/butcher etc on the way to work, or some other – I use it for work, and I am on my way there or home. They check, if its Saturday afternoon and the chefs knifes are just left in the boot until monday, he gets pulled and for some reason they look in his boot, he will get knicked.
    You cannot say, I am carrying it “just in case I need it” .
    The reason you do not hear of cyclists or ramblers etc getting down, is 99% of the time there is zero reason to stop them.
    However, if some interaction occurs where you reveal you have one, you will get knicked,

    So given the fact that he had it in his car, but was not on a picnic or caravanning at the time, means he had no good reason to carry and he was rightly done.
    Thinking a nice policeman will think you are Ok because you are middle class white IT engineer is basically deluded.

    Free Member

    5plusn8, who had told them this ?

    CPS I think.

    Ambrose, just carry legal carry unless you are on your way to work as a chef/butcher/autopsy-ist.

    Regards the left wing liberty issue, I fully agree I would like the freedom to carry whatever I want, always did, never did anything silly or got involved in anything silly. However, the cops are trying to reduce stabbings which will save lots of lives, it is mildly inconvenient for me at most. Personally I can think of few reasons for me to carry a fixed blade, the one time I leave the house with one is when going deer stalking, but then I am carrying my firearms cert and rifle in the car and going with a purpose.
    I think that is why I accepted it so easily, I can’t keep the rifle in the boot of the car just in case, I have to be carrying the rifle for a good reason, Same with knife.
    Remember the max number of paracetamol thing, everyone on here was quick to defend as it saves lives, and it does. Same with fixed blade carry.

    Free Member

    IMO in practice highly unlikely anything would happen. At worst you get it taken off you.

    And lots of other “it will be fine” comments

    So I don’t want to piss on anyones bonfire but a few copper mates of mine who work in Crawley, Reading and Brighton etc have knicked loads of people for carrying. They have been told, charge everyone carrying, let the cps and/or courts decide.
    Cops are under huge pressure to be squeaky clean – eg my mates wife, called my wife, to get her to tell me, because he did not want to admit in text, on fone or in public that he knew I was breaking the law on our last ride with my lock knife. They cannot allow any illegality to pass. EG imagine i did lose the plot and stab a biking mate, when we all get interviewed everyone will say, “but our riding mate Bob the Bobby said last week, ignore it, you will be fine”
    I was a habitual carrier and have now got lots on loads of UK legal knives scattered about my cars, bike bags, toolkits etc, as they were all previously locking.
    I would not risk it now.

    Free Member

    I dunno much about pensions, but I bet its probably a good deal.
    However a more important piece of advice I think, is to do some other investing elsewhere, through a SIPP or something. Compound interest means that in 20 or 30 years time he may well be doing really well. What 19 year olds do not realise is that 40 comes around really fast..

    Free Member

    Also lost a sale here, been saving for an ebike, not getting giant now. Sounds bloody awful. You want them to look after you not weasel out of it.

    Free Member

    That warranty thread has turned me right off. Imagine dropping 5 or 6K on ebike and then changing the mech and the warranty fails.
    Big time suck.

    Free Member

    well, it smells fishy…

    Free Member

    Amd your name happens to be “warrantydenied”???
    My fishy-o-meter went ding the moment you posted.

    Free Member

    Often it’s a good idea to have a balanced, or close to balanced, incoming/outgoing ventilator (ideally with heat recovery) to avoid this…but they can be much more expensive, so initially less appealing. Essentially, make sure you’ve at least got a path for the air to vent through.

    I thought this also, but having fitted six in various houses this year, all they have is trickle vents, bathroom/kitchen extract fans. Has made huge differences across the board. We fitted them a some problem properties about 10-15 years ago and they fixed all issues. However the recent ones are all due to the no heating, and wet relatively warm weather.

    Free Member

    I honestly don’t get this, if he is considered decent by the coaches, then great, you have a new player. End of. What’s with all the drama?

    Also Dan Parks, not quality? What shyte.

    Free Member

    They haven’t, Scotland have.

    Apols, I lost the details…

    Free Member

    It’s not that simple.

    Yes I appreciate that, depends on temp etc, but most british houses in winter with 70% RH are going to get condensation issues. I only speak form experience of managing condensation across a range of properties and measuring changes in internal vs external RH as fans function and heating comes on etc.

    Free Member

    When there was the student fees riots or something around that time, 2011 or so, Liberty did a report (which I cannot find now for the life of me)  showed that the rates of various crimes detected and prosecuted in the public were 1000’s of times higher than that found and acted upon in the police. Liberty essentially did not believe this was possible, as GCHQ and MI5 MI6 etc had more rigourous vetting and also had much higher rates of proven crime in their ranks than the cops.
    IPCC was challenged to repsond/address this and they claimed it showed the police vetting process to be the best of the lot…
    I think the Liberty investigation was kicked off after the SPG beat up that newsagent ? Tomlinson? and He died?

    Free Member

    I don’t think anyone believes its impossible either. 

    There used to be a time when in court a coppers word vs suspect, the copper woudl be believed.
    I think/hope that has changed now. But in general we are supposed to trust them. I don’t, but people do…

    Free Member

    It is an “in” culture thing in almost every organisation. Almost every copper I know is pro cop and biased towards the public, any complaint as seen as likely backlash as the complainant is really a criminal.
    To me this is normal behaviour, it is not right, but I cannot see how we should expect anything different.
    This is why huge amounts must be done to combat it. At least UK cops are not habitually armed and doing WTF they like with guns…

    Free Member

    I hate it how people ruin sports with shit publicity.
    Both my girls play rugby and womens rugby is often shown on iplayer and via the premier 15s website, but they make it so diffcult to find.
    Eg Sarries went to Devon to play the Chiefs on Sat, it was on iplayer red button KO at 3pm. At 230pm it showed up nowhere on iplayer search, no publicity, nothing. However from experience I knew that if you had bbc1 on at about 3pm and kept checking the red button it would just appear.
    Even now if you search in iplayer for the replay you cannot find it with any single word, or combination of the words “women, rugby, Saracens, Exeter.” I found it by typing in premier 15s. Which is the name of the league, not everyone knows that.
    Someone at bbc needs a kick.

    With MTB its just the same, we knew the womens rampage was on last year, did red bull televise it or have any coverage? Nope.
    And now it seems discovery are going to kill the WCDH. We love it, we want to plan when we watch etc etc.
    Marketing people need a royal kick. I will happily do it.

    Rant over.

    Free Member

    I am so glad this has turned out well.

    Free Member

    You’re overthinking it – it’s so quick tap your card and you’re off.

    This, my youngest carsick child has the queen of peage for the last 2 years with her tap and gos.

    Free Member

    Seems a step too far to me.
    Not bothered about non Welsh coaches, they are not on the pitch.

    Me too, I get its the rules so fair play on Wales for doing it, but its a shit rule.
    I don’t mind it for tier 2 or below but you should be able to join a senior tier 1 team after playing in another tier 1 team at senior level.
    Eg I don’t mind if england players go to georgia and then they qualify as a team for tier 1 next year but just skipping over after a 3 year wait is crap.

    Free Member

    50-70% is a vast range, 50% is close to too dry for comfort, and 70% would have water dripping down the walls.

    Free Member


    Eddie Jones becomes Aussie coach!!

    Oh balls, WC revenge, earliest we could meet them is in the 1/4.

    Free Member

    the whataboutery it will generate, aka as legal precedent


    Free Member

    Aye but that’s a single sentence and a very short thread: ‘We don’t know’

    Indeed, even if she is a terrorist, we still need to try her as a peer.

    Free Member

    There are some who think she may be guilty or innocent (‘we’ absolutely don’t know) but should be allowed to come back to her home Country to face whatever is in store for her under the Rule of Law. No flaying/burning at the stake etc, just the usual legal process which doesn’t involve arbitrarily (and illegally) making her Stateless.

    If she’s innocent through manipulation (or whatever) this should form part of her defence.

    Not at all, I consider this approach to be part of the soft liberal view, my objection is to the removal of her citizenship. We show our civlization by bringing her back and putting her through the legal system. As you correctly said, she has not had a trial so we don’t really know what happened. Lets bring her back and let the system do its work.
    The current status is politcally driven, illegal, amoral, populist scumbaggery.
    The dividing line is those who would include her in our society, and those who think it is fine to just metaphorically drop her in the ocean.
    The more we reject anyone who we do not agree with, the more problems we create. She is one of us, and needs to be treated accordingly.

    Free Member

    The dividing line on this thread is clear, some of us are prepared to empathise with a 15 year old girl caught in a cultural web and fed huge amounts of misinformation. I think we see crime as a result of society and want to rehabilitate and show criminals that civilisation is the way forward, and the other half are a bit old testament and want to write off anyone who transgresses. We soft liberal types have to ensure that we are still nice and forgiving to those that we disagree with.

    Free Member

    If it’s ceiling mould there’s a good chance the issue is ventilation or lack of it.

    The tenants may be reducing their use or central heating (understandable) or failing to open the windows enough to get moisture levels down e.g. after cooking or showers etc.

    As a first step, clean / kill the mould with white vinegar or similar and then ensure the room is aired regularly.

    Assuming you do not have leaking roof or gutters then this above is a good first move. I am involved with the management of several residential let properties of varying ages from 1870 to 1990’s, we have had mould issues this winter like never before. I think these may be some of the reasons why it is worsening:
    1) Novemember was wet and warm, January is going the same way. So high humidty, and bloody hard to dry clothes.
    2) Tenants want to reduce bills due to the energy crisis so, reducing heating use, not opening windows, keeping trickle vents closed, actively disabling our installed ventilation, in one case a PIV and in another a heat recovery fan, and often not using extractor fans, in a bid to reduce their bills.
    3) Drying clothes indoors, without using ventilation.

    I’m not an expert by any means but I’ve been doing this for 20 or so years and have learned a few things..

    Firstly you can’t blame tenants for wanting to save money, however there is a bit of give and take. We take our advice from local environmental health and they will inspect and liase with tenants to give good advice to all, do as they say and you will be golden.

    Humans produce humidity at an astounding rate, breathing in and out, washing, cooking, drying clothes, all chuck litres of water into the air.
    This makes warm humid air which meets cooler surfaces and condenses on that surface making it wet. It can take a long time to dry and this creates perfect conditions for mould to grow.

    So around your house there may well be cold spots due to bridging. IE this means that any airgap or insulation has been breached, and the cold outside is connected to the warm inside.  You can buy a dirt cheap IR thermal gun from aldi for 19.99 and find these spots easily.

    It sounds like your ceiling issue may well be a thermal bridge.

    However, you can get around the issue by sorting out your ventilation.

    a) Do the kitchen and bathroom extractors work, and do they vent to outside?
    b) Trickle vents on DG windows? If not install them. £5 each and 20 mins with a drill.
    c) You may benefit from a PIV fan, this is a big slow fan in the attic that pushes air into your house which helps it get pushed out of all the gaps and vents. Make sure the attic is vented though, otherwise you’ll be contributing to the humidty.. (£600 fitted)
    d) Consider single room heat recovery systems, fans, like an extractor fan but also removes some heat from the exiting air and blows it back into the house. (£600 fitted)
    e) We provide squeegees to clear windows in the mornings, showers after use etc, makes a huge difference.
    f) We also provide condensing or externally vented tumble dryers, to all our properties.And a decent washing line of course.
    g) Clean mould areas and repaint with mould resistant paint.
    h) If you can, sort out any cold bridges, and increase insulation. But most of the above are quick and cheaper..
    i) Make sure tenants know that they should use the fans, leave the trickle vents open, use the squeegees, and at least try and open their windows for 5 mins a day, no drying clothes indoors, use the dryer. However be reasonable, we have 1st and 2nd floor flats with no access to external washing lines. We installed humidity controlled heat recovery fans in the lounge areas where they use drying racks – this is a reasonable compromise and I’ve asked them to only dry near the fan, works well.
    j) Most standard ASTs include this clause :

    1.21 Take all reasonable precautions to prevent condensation and or mould growth by keeping the Property adequately ventilated and heated.

    I am not sure how enforcable it is, but I use it to remind tenants that if they insist on closing all the vents, not using the fans or heating and drying clothes indoors, then at some point they will be liable for repainting.

    Free Member

    So an L2 minibus with the back seats removed would take the same I think.

    Free Member

    Because “tories”

    of course we have plenty of money to have a fair and decent society with our GDP per capita.  the netherlands does, The Scandi countries do

    this is exactly it, and lots of embedded wealth/ownership/tradition.

    We need to tax massive trades in the city where a huge wealth is generated, we need to ban offshoring and just tax at source end of story. Then we would have enormous tax receipts and a burgeoning health education and transport system.

    However the people in charge would be a bit less rich so it will never happen. Humanity is screwed.

    Free Member

    I have a link I will dig it out. The idea is to put it in the middle of the spring, when the spring it loads up it buckles in the middle, so thats the bit that needs covering otherwise you get an annoying clunk on every stroke. May also do some protecting.
    It is standard on most fox sprngs and I have never seen it walk. Just stays in the middle. I imagine because every load has an unload so it if does move one way, it will move back again..

    Or here, they have everything from 1mm to 76.5mm dia. Most heat shrink halves, so go about 75% of the way, eg if your spring is 32mm dia, then get approx 50mm to be fair 50mm or 40mm would probs cover most springs.|1

    here is 50mm transparent for example.

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