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  • The Trail Pot Launches: A National Mountain Biking Development Fund
  • 49er_Jerry
    Free Member

    Another VGer here.
    49er_Jerry – just to be original….. Currently about 54,000th. Very impressed with the fleet size!

    Free Member

    Have a digital sub. Will renew when it’s time, but happy to make a donation keep the bus rolling smoothly. What’s the best way to do that?

    Free Member

    Note of caution re the 3-way switch option. Check the power of the vacuum cleaner, stick it in an online ohms law calculator to check the current drawn by the device. Are the 3 way switches suitable for the current?

    As already mentioned, a relay / contactor would be be safest solution, ideally with a 12VDC coil. A simple job then to were in a couple of switches. Get a latching relay with momentary switches.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Mr Sharkbait,
    Glad that you’re dusting off the aging rockstar spandex once again. Show the Imposter nippers a think or 7!
    Quick pit stop in Howth for a Saturday series race (busman’s holiday) on the 14th on CM XVIII.
    Next year’ll be mostly a write-off. It’ll be a leisurely trip over the Pacific. Due EnZed in Nov 20, finishing with the AC.
    Hopefully back for a short stretch in the autumn. Howz you’re pedalling legs? Get Nipper and Bradders out?

    Free Member

    Dinghy sailing, and sailing in general is perhaps one of the best ways to meet people who’ll become life long friends. Not only that, but it can give you an ‘in’ into virtually every country / city. Wherever there is a sailing club, you can visit and have something in common. Such a large ‘global’ family is awesome whilst travelling. Sailors generally also do loads of interesting stuff too. Like mountain biking, climbing, kiting plus BBQs drinking and making merry.
    Sailing is truly a gateway to a fabulous lifestyle if you want to go down that route.

    I started sailing with my father in a Merlin Rocket, learned to sail ‘properly’ in a mirror. Raced a mirror unit about 16/17 then took over my old man’s Merlin. Laser IIs, Larks, Fireballs, 505s, various catamarans. Also started racing keelboats, from club to international level (and still do). After a break from dinghy sailing, Ultra 30 for a season then got a Boss followed by a 49er. After campaigning the 49er for 5 years, got to about halfway up the UK fleet and decided that both time, money were precious, plus got to about my talent limit. But, kept racing all sorts of keelboats winning numerous UK and international events.

    It’s now become work. In 2013, a significant career change had me using sailing skills as engineer on big (superyacht) sailing boats. Currently working on a 128′ carbon sloop. Little clip of good weather on last year’s ARC

    Friends all over the world. Literally. I keep bumping in to people I sailed against or with from years ago.

    Sailing = Friendship. Join the family!!

    Free Member

    Tado wiring may need to be reconfigured, but that’s all

    Free Member

    Just had a look at the wiring diagram. It looks like you can have either a regular thermostat, or a modulation thermostat for the boiler. So, a regular thermostat should work fine. See pages 34/35

    Tado has options for volt free, 230ac switched or extra low voltage, so all looks 100% compatible.

    Sounds like your plumber ain’t happy on the wiring side. Which if he’s not into wiring diagrams etc is understandable

    Free Member

    Great replies, thanks everyone.
    Started a new job in Falmouth last Monday and new wheels arriving this week so will be out on the local trails at the weekend.
    Probably wait for a few weeks until the moors dry out a bit, but otherwise bring it on!

    Free Member

    I think the idea is to have a dual luff groove and go for some sort of soft wing / controlled camber wing on the back of a fixed tube.
    Quite like the idea of self righting too. But, whether the mast / sail would survive a high impact capsize / crash is debatable.

    Free Member

    I was upset when the original Specialized Ground Control and Panaracer Smoke, in Amber Wall, stopped being made. Didn’t see you lot up in arms then

    Ground Control with skin walls were an awesome tyre. Those and Farmer Johns. Great Winter tyres…..

    Free Member

    Heroes of Telemark
    The Longest Day
    Guns of Navarone
    Cockleshell Heroes

    Free Member

    Oracle out on The Great Sound this afternoon. We got a flyby too. About 20m away, full noise (literally) and liking good. But, they were still landing significantly often…

    Our guests had a private tour around the Oracle team base, where amongst other things, Soft Bank was being cannibalised for their parts!!

    It’ll be interesting to see what happens on Saturday. It’d be awesome to see the Kiwis win before leaving!

    Free Member

    Sharkbait, the pace of the things is blistering. Had a great curry with Mitch a couple of nights ago. Apparently, the media team can’t stop laughing at Ken drawing nowt but pubes with the telescribe…
    The village is pretty cool. No Guinness stand, so the hord descended on the ‘French wine’ stand.
    Pretty certain BAR have full backing for the next Cup. Rumour among the sailors is that if TNZ win, it’s likely to go back to 90′ monos.

    Free Member

    I’ve been using an Osprey Sojurn bag for the last couple of years on regular long and short haul flights. It’s made very well, balanced on wheels and on the back. Also lots of organiser pockets internally.
    Highly recommended.

    Free Member

    Just coming the end of a 2 week learn to kite session in Essaouira, Morocco. Very mixed weather, from blowing dogs off chains to light wind. Waves all the time.
    Today, I ‘got it’. Dead chuffed.
    There is lots to take in. It looks easy, but there are lots of variables. A school has all sorts of kite sizes and boards so you can progress in most conditions. But, most importantly, instructors who know their schizzle and can impart the knowledge in a clear and structured way.

    Now on the look out of a big fat (not cool) learner board to keep practicing in the UK….

    Free Member

    Thanks for the input. Have looked at WiFi assist and switched off.

    The nub of the problem seems to be the sporadic nature of the connection. Satellite uplink (stupidly expensive) or GSM/LTE when in signal range.

    It seems to be that Apple devices like to ‘check-in’ with momma (Apple…) for a moment when logging in. When they have a signal, they tend to stay logged in for between 1 hour and a couple of days. The only think that changes on the network is that there is not an internet signal.

    Very difficult to replicate when there is a signal because there is a signal and it is needed for people to work. Very frustrating.

    Free Member

    And remove les chapeau on entering a building.

    Nice work Sainsbury’s!

    Free Member

    5 Winter Tough Guys. To quote Terry Pratcett, “The most fun you can have with your clothes in”. If your going to do one of these, TG is still regarded as the Daddy by folk who travel the world doing Obstacle Course Races.
    The Mighty Deerstalker is just a hoot. The course is challenging, with great little surprises around the course. And the party is great fun. Lots of dancing, crowd surfing and Alestalker beer, brewed specifically for the event.
    Have tried a couple of others, but they really don’t measure up to these two.

    Free Member

    Don’t discount ASHP technology. Far less expensive to install and not far off as efficient. I heat my house and hot water with ASHP. It has a backup elecric jacket heater over the flow if the ASHP needs the occasional assist. However, with smart programming and zoned heating installation, it is rarely used even in the coldest days of winter. Installed before RHI was even a twinkle. It replaced a gas combi in a 2 floor bungalow.
    Caveat. I also use a wood stove in the winter!

    PM me if you want details. Am at sea for a couple of weeks so may not be able to repo d instantly….

    Free Member

    All the main manufactures will let you know the wheel tyre recommendations for their vehicles. You have to persist because they initially seem to tell you the ‘standard’ spec. But, there will be a winter spec.
    Once you have this, call the insurance company, and tell they you are fitting manufactures specification winter wheels and tyres. That they are the recommended combination for the vehicle for the winter. Whenever I have done this and asked for any alteration to premium they have answered negative.
    At the same time, I ask them to not the conversation of my policy. Just in case…

    Free Member

    You’ll get the least possible loss from the network by minimising the cable running to your modem / router. If possible, don’t move the socket, but have your modem / router located next to it. Run Cat5e/6 cable to a switch and distribute the ethernet from there. Providing the run from the modem / router is <100m to the switch you won’t need any signal booster and there shouldn’t be any degredation in signal.

    DHCP for the whole network will be handled by the router.

    Free Member

    The Royal Oak as above.

    Very few boxes it doesn’t tick.

    Also the Bulls Head at Ashford in the Water.

    Free Member

    See, that’s what’s wrong with British society. Conflating nudity with sexuality. The Swedes and Finns have it sorted!!
    Kids grow up seeing other peoples bodies with all their incumbent normalities as just that. Normal.

    Free Member

    Really, some people don’t seem to have left the ridiculous vestiges, hangups and pomposity from the Victorian era.
    From a very young age I have partaken in mixed skinny dipping together with mixed communal showers afterwards. You know what the really sad thing is, the number of people who shower in their underpants. What on earth do are they worried about….
    I spend most of my time abroad these days, and without fail, it’s the British who are overly concerned about ‘protecting their modesty’. People from other nations of all ages, particularly the Germans and French just get on with it. Getting changed on the beach into swim gear is just that. No towel dances or friends holding a screen. Just a couple of seconds and job done.
    Time for some people to move from the late C19th to the C21st!! Come on.

    Oh and what do you do when you’ve been out biking in the cold and wet. Getting naked in a car park appears to be pretty normal away from trail centres…

    Free Member

    Piemonster, pop by and say hello if you’re around the race village tomorrow. We’re just in front of the Abu Dhabi / Brunel tents under the shed. Nilaya.
    We’re out for a sail around lunch time, but will be back in by 4. Shitloads of guest during the daytime tomorrow and Saturday, so don’t be offended if I can’t stop to chat.
    Ask for Jerry

    Free Member

    Still regularly ride my 1990 Cannondale SM700, complete with retrofitted Girvin FlexStem.
    It sits on city rubber and is an awesome lightweight city bike. Still pretty good off-road with knobblies too. It’s a shame I can’t get any ‘in period’ Ground Controls anymore though….

    Free Member

    Yep, I’m working on a yacht that’ll be full of ‘Brunel’ sponsors for the start. We were there for the import race last weekend too. A great vibe in the Race Village all weekend.

    Free Member

    I’ve just had a similar quandary, just as the Booker long list was published. A list of 13 new books, all of which have won enough acclimation to make it onto the list.

    There are worse ways to select books of course.

    Free Member

    Wear the socks that you prefer to run in. They’ll just get muddy.

    I assume you have some decent shoes. Fell type work well for mud. Also, they’re less likely to fall off. Seen plenty of folk having road shoes lost to mud suction. I know it’s wrong to laugh, but…… 😉

    Free Member

    I’d inform NICEIC, TrustMark and the letting agency know that you are far from impressed by their utter lack of professionalism.

    Free Member

    Footflaps, I don’t know the company, but that report is rubbish. I’d offer to pay them when they send you a full set of results from their inspection

    Note. A visual inspection cannot diagnose poor insulation. £200 is a fair price for a full ECIR by the way. That would include all test results, and reference to deviations from BS7671.

    Out of interest, are this outfit registered with any of the professional bodies – NICEIC, NAPIT, ELCSA etc? If so, I would make a formal complaint to the. I don’t like to use the term, but just let me suggest cows and young men, Indians and John Wayne

    Free Member

    I was a self employed sparks until October. Since moved to another industry.
    Seriously, GET ANOTHER quote / opinion.

    A fault on a kitchen ring is very repairable. BUT, it can be tedious and hard to find faults in fitted kitchens. BUT, a fault location can be isolated relatively simply. Replacement cable and accessories can be installed, even if surface mounted (not pretty, but safe and cheep).

    Whenever I did an Electrical Condition Inspection Report (ECIR) which required work to ‘bring the installation up to the required standard’, I would ask the client whether they would like me to supply a quotation for the work. I always suggested they got alternative quotes based on the ECIR for the required work.

    I won quite a few great contacts by supplying work for people who had been told they needed a full Rewire. Yes, a full Rewire will solve any issue. It’s also a nice little earner for the sparks too. It will also leave your property in need of plastering, decoration and possibly new carpets.

    Feel free to contact me for free advice. Not able to do any work now, but happy to give you I partial advice.

    [Contact details in profile]

    Free Member

    Rancilio Silvia +3

    Has been going strong for 9 years now. Awesome bit of kit. Married well with Rocky grinder.

    Free Member

    Just bought a new OEM copy of Win 7 home from Amazon.
    Avoid win 8. It’s is rubbish. In my opinion

    Free Member

    [OT Sharkbait, improving all the time. Range of movement improving daily as is strength. Still as weak as a gimmer though. Doing a couple of sets of girlie press ups last night was mildly uncomfortable… Wasn’t expecting to have the tedium of the Great British winter though. Dodging flying fish is much more agreeable! Still planning to get back out early March though.
    May be popping over to Nipper’s for a curry next week. Will let you know and pop in for a brew?]

    Free Member

    Put something in writing, sooner rather than later, short and to the point.

    Dear buyer

    On xx/yy/zzzz you purchased the vehicle dd44 xyz in a private sale from me. The vehicle was sold as seen, as stated on the receipt.
    You contacted me nn days following the transaction, informing me of a problem that had developed with your vehicle. As a gesture of goodwill I offer to contribute £xxx towards repair. This offer is made without prejudice.

    This is my only offer in respect to repair to your vehicle, that was sold in good working order, and as already stated, sold as seen.

    If you do not accept this offer and cheque enclosed, all further correspondence should be addressed to my solicitor.
    I am sorry you have experienced problems with your vehicle and hope you resolve the matter to your satisfaction.

    Regards etc

    Send recorded too

    Free Member

    Before thinking about reducing insurance costs, check online…

    I have an alarm at my house. If I select alarm on the quote, a clause appears stating that the property will not be insured if he property is left without the alarm set.

    Without the alarm selected, the property is insured whether or not the alarm is set. The premium is increased by a princely £5.

    The same was also true at my Mums house. Both properties are insured without the alarm option, so that they are always insured whether out on the garden etc or not..!

    Free Member

    I’ve done it 6 times now, and wrote this after last year. Hope it helps.

    Prior Planning Prevents Perishing Poor Performance

    Tough Guy Advice – take it or leave it, the choice is yours…..

    When the weather is kind, the winter ToughGuy is harsh. The weather in the lead up to the event, and perhaps more importantly, on the day can lead to a downright Perfect Storm of Cold.

    This article mentions the race, but more importantly the post race phase of the day. It aims to assist you enjoy the experience and hopefully help you from arriving at the Fields of Pleasure to leaving happy with the well earned title of Tough Guy.

    Preparation is key. The training and physical aspects are up to you, but these are some thoughts, ideas and observations that may help you on race day

    ToughGuy is a very popular event with 4 – 5000 participants. Register early, preferably before the day. If you have no option but to register on the day, aim to arrive on site NO LATER than 9am. Registering late is the beginning of the end.
    Dress in you race gear before you arrive. Add warm layers on top. Keep your feet warm and dry. Wellies / plastic bags. Remember to put plastic bags in bins though when you take them off!
    As soon as you have registered, locate the changing areas. Stow your gear and make a very clear and positive note of the EXACT location of your gear. Not only the location, but also the CORRECT BARN. Leave it, then, go back to it from the finish area / showers 2 or 3 times so you know exactly where it is. Ideally, make your bag conspicuous. DO NOT rely on friends and supporters to bring your bag to meet you. If they are late or you don’t find you, you could be in a whole world of misery.
    You WILL finish the race cold. Packing your post race bag is an art and a skill. Apply plenty of thought about the order in which you pack it. Think about the order you will need things. Towel on top, underwear, very warm hat(s), full body thermals, fleece(s), trousers, buff, thin socks, thick socks, windproof trousers, windproof top, footwear, warm gloves. ALSO, consider contingencies. When you finish, your fingers will have the dexterity of frozen fishfingers. How will you get you shoes off. Pack some easy to operate scissors or maybe a small sharp knife.
    As soon as you get to your conspicuous bag, and before you even open it, REMOVE as many of your wet clothing as you feel comfortable with. I suggest the absolute maximum that you should be wearing is base underwear. The windchill from wet clothing is hugely significant. Evaporation from clothing WILL continue to chill you whilst ever you are wearing it. Skin will dry quickly and evaporation will stop.
    Get your towel out and dry yourself vigorously. Large and exaggerated muscle movements will generate heat and help restore heat.
    Dress quickly. Leave socks to last. Putting socks on frozen feet with frozen hands is VERY SLOW. Once your body stops loosing heat and starts to warm up, your hands and feet will follow.
    Be proactive in warming yourself. Just as during the event, you generate heat from your large muscles. Punch the air hard and vigerously for 30 – 40 seconds, 15 deep squats will get your legs generating heat quickly. You will feel the benefit with in seconds.
    Tidy up your race gear. Get a warm drink
    When your are warming up, head back to the changing barns and try and help people who are in a worse state than you. Some people with think they know better, and be sitting in wet cloths, slowly descending into hypothermia. HELP THEM. If you see someone sitting still in their race clothes they are AT SERIOUS RISK.

    Race Clothing

    This is very much your choice, but there are some things that you should avoid.

    Any clothing that will hold moisture. The main culprit is cotton; t-shirts, jogging pants, cotton combat pants. It is well worth investing is a ‘warm’ training / event top. Gloves that are warm when wet. Neoprene gloves work very well.

    Footwear. It will come as no surprise that there is mud. Mud everywhere. Consider wearing trail shoes at the very least. Those will specialist mud shoes seem to sail past others. Not only faster, by also less energy sapping and you are less likely to slip and twist an ankle, or maybe worse.

    Headwear. A warm hat. Even a wet fleece or knitted hat will be far warmer than a rubber swim cap. You can regulate your temperature very effectively by adding / removing hat and gloves. If you aren’t wearing them, stuff them down the front of your pants. If you drop your hat during the country miles, stop and pick it up! You WILL feel the benefit.

    The Race

    In the water, keep as warm as possible. Punch the air, big fast arm/ shoulder movements will send a degree of warmth to your hads.

    Don’t stop. It’s only the heat generators in your legs that are keeping

    Free Member

    Lifeproof for 5s isn’t out yet.
    Am holding off phone upgrade until the case is available.

    I’ve had Lifeproof on my 4 for 3 years now. The phone inside is in perfect condition, even though its had a stupidly tough life. Climbing, mtbing, sailing, toddlers….., work in the construction industry – it has survived everything.

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