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  • Specialized Trail Pants review
  • 4130s0ul
    Free Member

    A party, and you’re all invited

    Free Member

    +1 for Quasi / madlib / MF Doom

    for some brizzle action and not to be taken seriously how about Aspects

    or some intelligent(ish) UK Hip Hop from Braintax

    some bleep based stuff from Prefuse73 or for sh*ts and giggles try out MC Paul Barman

    Free Member

    The fear factor is perfectly natural, it’s just your brain calculating the dangers and your chances of getting hurt. a simple survival instinct which is in all of us to differing degrees.
    the trick is to override the irrational part of the brain and remind yourself that you’ve already done the hard work and cleared the gap.

    I usually use a rule of 3’s. first one is considered lucky, 2nd one is getting then hang of it, the 3rd I’ve got it.
    mind you it doesn’t stop me from bricking it the whole time, but i’d prefer to be scared and alive than reckless and broken.

    the best thing to do is not stop trying, to stop trying is to admit defeat (not on that one jump but all jumps) which wills et you back even further

    good luck to you mate

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I was hoping this thread would be inundated with ideas as i’m currently looking into bike storage.
    I’m also looking into ways of getting 5 bikes off the floor. but I have to store mine in the spare room.
    I was thinking of a simple A-frame with a cross bar / hooks to hang them from. this seems a fairly cheap way to do it.
    alternatively I was considering getting a couple of sheets of 4×8 ply and creating a box frame so it’s enclosed which would keep any muck from getting on the floor.

    Free Member

    Clove oil, I’ve come to the realisation that intense toothache is preferable to sticking clove oil in yer gob

    Free Member

    Stevie Wonder was the only redeeming feature of all that. the rest of it was bland and soulless like the people singing

    Free Member

    Passtherizla: you beat me to it

    Shaolin vs Wutang, Chessboxing etc, basically any Gordon Liu films from that era
    early Jackie Chan / Sammo hung films

    I still have a box of about 30 Kung-Fu movies that I need to digitise from VHS

    Free Member

    I recently bought a ‘cruiser’ board as my friend is into longboarding but I didn’t want to commit to something so big.
    It’s been great to get out and skate again. though by skate I do mean wobble along looking tre gangly.

    I can recommend a cruiser board for those who want to ride and carve rather than do tricks n stunts. it has a more surfy feel too it and also rolls on nice wide old school wheels.

    though the helmet, knee pads, ankle / wrist guards, elbow pads and 661 padded shorts do make me look pretty stupid as far as the kids are concerned…but hey, i’m still walking (please don’t jinx it please don’t jinx it!)

    Free Member

    Cloudnine & Sandwich: Bravo sirs, nicely done

    Free Member

    Mogrim: thanks, needed that :-)
    Oh, and why the hell would anyone want to pleasure themselves on a train? no journey is that exciting

    Free Member

    Aiden: ah yes the classic “it’s not strangulation, it’s a hug” pose

    If I can just work out how to post up a picture without hosting it online I think I have a “it’s coming straight for me” shot

    Free Member

    Aiden, that is one great looking dog

    Was trying to get a few good pics of my Labby-Springer puppy but she just won’t stay still long enough for me to get non-blurry shots.

    Free Member

    yes your OP was so obviously lighthearted, the bullet points and instruction for these types of people to ‘have a word’ just screamed joke.
    the Will Self and schizo comments were obviously in jest, yours and a few others, not so.

    but so as to join in on the joke…

    Those that judge others by their own standards, have a word….ha ha ha ha

    Free Member

    Get the **** over yourselves

    Free Member

    +1000 for the Karman Ghia. absolutely beautiful

    Numbnut: how does the gullwing driver fit all those bollards and chains in the back of their car at the end of the show?…

    Free Member

    As beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that I say no

    Free Member

    I believe this years Microlight uses hydrodown so it should have the same warmth / packability as previous years but with the added bonus of not becoming useless once wet.

    on that basis i’d recommend the Rab

    Free Member

    Labour have had a very long time to sit there quietly formulating the best policies to win back power and what happens?…
    same sh*t , different day.
    there’s nothing new or radical enough to make them stand out from the crowd IMO

    Free Member

    playing the devils avocado and avoiding any “evil smoke” etc

    why not just have a pay as you go hospital?

    you injur yourself on your bike, it was your choice, pay up
    you can’t stop eating pies, your choice, pay up
    you smoke and now have medical problems, again, pay up
    you drive at 70mph in a metal box surrounded by other metal boxes daily, one day you’ll pay up
    you’re extremely healthy and run/swim every day…oh you’re joints now need replacing…pay up

    everything we do in life has the potential to end up with a trip to the NHS and who’s to say why social ills are acceptably taxed / charged when others aren’t? and yes I am aware that smoking etc causes more direct harm but my point is why should an obese person be taxed more heavily for future healthcare due to current dietary choices when someone who indulges in ‘extreme sports’ is not. both are personal choices

    (the above does not represent my personal views on smoking, the NHS or taxation, or the welsh)

    Free Member

    90% of comments on you tube are just vile bitter insults that have little or nothing to do with what has been posted.
    it’s what the evil little sh*ts do when not insulting people on COD.

    if you posted the video for your family / friends enjoyment then my suggestion is ignore the comments section entirely

    Free Member

    it’s a bit like tipping, if you provide a service above and beyond your job then you’ll get a tip as thanks.
    otherwise you’re just fulfilling your half of the expected transaction.

    Free Member

    Tropic Thunder : Everybody knows you never go full retard

    Free Member

    Personally i’d like to know who is in charge of managing a stretch of road and how they base their judgements re speed etc.
    so many times I have been on the m4/m5 and the signs read 50mph/60mph and also open the hard shoulder as they highlight congestion.
    yet there are only about a dozen or so cars on the roads and all well spaced apart over a good mile or two.
    so is it that there’s someone with poor judgement deeming the road as busy and therefore slowing down the maximum speed and opening up the hard shoulder. or are they not being managed in real time and the speed limit / hard shoulder have remained the same beyond their need?

    BTW I have no problems with managed motorways or variable speed limits

    Free Member

    This and the Christmas thread are right up there on my FFS scale this morning.

    CARRRRRRR!! good memories

    Free Member

    I won an Unt t-shirt via MBUK

    Free Member

    Dust, you’ll find yourself losing hour upon hour while creating landscapes even if not playing the actual game.

    it was free the last time I checked

    Free Member

    my artisan coffee
    my craft beer
    my collection of single malt
    my woodstove
    my wood pile
    my T5
    my beard
    my 26’er
    my 27’5…er
    my 29er
    my trail dog
    my audi
    … arse! status symbols indeed, get out and ride your bikes

    Free Member

    I think your lunch is spelt RYvita…

    swiss army knife

    they all live in my bag all the time

    Free Member

    A bit late to the thread admittedly, and hopefully the link works!

    Free Member

    Fubar > Thanks for that I will check it out later

    Free Member

    So out of interest, who does the hive mind favour for hassle free energy?

    I have had a nightmare with npower / BG over the last year and I am set to move house so will need to look into setting up a new account.

    Free Member

    Learn to commando roll your landings. or go oldschool and huck to flat on your FS bender style

    Free Member

    Fox 36 TALAS 160mm’s for me (2011’s I think) they’re a great complimentary fork for the bike.
    at 160mm they’re all the burl you need
    at 130mm they help on the climbs.
    and the thickness of the stanchions match the frame perfectly. anything thinner and they just appear too spindly IMO

    Free Member

    Oakley deserve a mention for excellent customer service. I snapped an arm on my Flak Jackets twice, first time I was given a new complete frame free of charge, the second a new pair of replacement arms (both times I was enquiring as to where to buy the replacements and not looking to blag a freeby)
    I also recently purchased a pair of Bottle Rockets, The coating on the lens seemed to wear off in places, one email later and they were sending me a new set of lenses no questions asked.

    Free Member

    i refuse to subscribe to the notion that a broken clock is right once a day.

    Once a day?

    And really? the end of a conflict? I doubt that very much. I mean good on them for managing over 24hrs without breaking an 80hr ceasefire but I very much doubt it’ll be then end

    Free Member

    Such a great thing to do. donation paid over. and I’ve spread the link around a few people at work and others, they may not be into cycling but that’s not the point here is it.
    keep up the good work

    Free Member

    A lot of the time when you think you’re hungry you are in fact thirsty, the brain interprets the signals the same way.
    make sure you try drinking more fluids when you get the pangs.

    alternatively trail mix is a good choice, high in energy content and easy enough to nibble.
    if it’s post commute then keep the salts and sugars topped up after burning the calories.

    another option is make sure you eat well prior to commuting, died fruits / porridge oats for breakfast should help with the slow / fast burning energy and give you plenty in reserve until lunch.

    Free Member

    not sure whereabouts you are but Clarkes village in Street have a Le Crueset store which sells at cost which makes them a whole lot cheaperer.

    alternatively I believe Staub are a decent alternative

    Free Member

    As you discussed things with the driver and seemed to agree that you’d settled it amicably at the time, are you able to contact the driver and let him know what is happening?
    He will then understand that you aren’t pushing for him to be convicted of undue care whilst driving, nor are you pushing for him to pay out for the course. but they are the result of his actions and you wanted him to be aware of things as they progress.

    Hopefully he’d take this on board and realise how lucky he is to have these options rather than just being banged up and that it is because of his actions rather than a retaliation by yourself.

    (judging by the amount of comments above I await a flaming for passing an opinion)

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