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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • 4130s0ul
    Free Member

    @Merak If you buy direct from Durston in Canada you can claim some of the duty/tax back which makes it a fair bit cheaper than buying in the UK as they tend to put their import mark up on it.

    Having experience of the Lanshan and the Durston i’d definitely be happy to pay more and not have the condensation issues of the Lanshan, as even with the mods it still suffers badly. And as the Durston is a two skin tent you have the flexibility to adapt it to suit your needs, ie fly / inner only (and drying separately as per Stanleys post)

    Another alternative which i also have is the Aluxe Mini Peak, which is a single pole pyramid tent, this is massive inside for a one person tent and the single inner only takes up half of the inner space meaning you get more space for kit / lounging. It is a touch over 1kg though, but it’s been a great little tent.

    Free Member

    Have you looked at the Durston X-Mid tents? depending on budget they go from 440 grams for the X-Mid pro 1 to 825 grams for the X-Mid 1 Solid. they sell poles at 88grams (Pair) and only needs four pegs to tie out the corners, though an additional two may be needed for the door if you want a taut pitch.

    Bags of room for such a light tent and decent headroom and is outer pitch first which is always helpful in the UK.

    Free Member

    From a purely aesthetic point of view, on face value it looks gopping. But viewed through a Robocop / Bladerunner / Cyberpunk 2077 lens….that’s frikking awesome looking

    Free Member

    That tree’s looking a bit shifty if you ask me.

    Free Member

    Thanks @nicko74 i use it for the Network setup, but that’s because that’s how it was done when I bought them initially. I never knew the bridge was no longer needed. More reading for me to get to the bottom of this, thanks for the link.

    I’ll also check out Edifier, thanks @Kilo

    Free Member

    @nicko74 yes the legacy app. That’s not good to hear about the Bridge unit, i’ll look at that Reddit link and investigate further. Thanks for your help.

    Any thoughts on a comparable alternative?

    Free Member

    This is music to my ears (see what i did there…IGMC) I’ve just spent the last few days trying to get my Sonos Play 1s to be recognised on the app to no avail. I thought i’d made a breakthrough with the possibility that the Bridge unit was not working. But if it’s app related then it’s at least fixable.

    That said i have noticed over the last year it becoming more unreliable in recognising the speakers around the house. So what do the experts suggest as a suitable replacement for roughly the same kind of budget? (in my case that’ 3x Play 1s and the want to upgrade to a soundbar in the living room)

    Free Member

    My go to mug for years now has been my classic orange Le Creuset mug. Feels nice and weighty, like i’m getting a workout to go with my brew.

    Though i now also have a new mug on its way thanks to TiReds link to Arthouse Unlimited, along with some other treats to help support a great cause. Thanks @TiRed

    Free Member

    I think farage may have played a blinder by endorsing tate. It may have been a savvy response to Sunaks statement re national service and removing rights. A number* of those young voters who heard that and thought nope, not voting Tory are also going to be the impressionable types who may look up to tate and therefore vote for Reform.

    That and it’s the playbook of say something controversial = more airtime. It’s a win win for him.

    *no idea what that number may be but if it’s greater than zero then it’s a win for him.

    Free Member

    @Solarider, thanks for your contributions and putting your side across so eloquently. It is a brave thing to do when 99% of people are against the party you align to.

    But ‘in what way will Labour cost you more?’ is slightly missing the point as surely it’s more appropriate to ask “what unpopular decisions do Labour have to make to make this country a better place to be, which may cost me more but are wholly down to the last 14yrs of Conservative rule, of which i voted for?”

    You blame Labour for making these choices but if they weren’t given the sh*tty end of the stick they wouldn’t be in this position to begin with.

    Free Member

    Good timing as i’m not long back from the hydrotherapy place with our lab (9) as she’s getting early onset of Arthur Itis. We did look into options with the vets but the meds discussed all came with long-term side effects which meant once on that avenue there’s no going back.

    We give ours 1 paracetmol per day with food an monthly hydro sessions after an initial period of twice weeklys. It has made a difference with her ease of walking and if it staves off the meds route for another few years it’ll be worth it. our monthly sessions are about £75 a pop and at the moment is covered under her insurance to some degree.

    The other bit of advice was to steer clear of rapid stop/starts so no ball throwing/chasing as this puts a massive strain on the joints.

    Edit: forgot to mention the Yu-Move with food too.

    Free Member

    “Chow-Yun Fiat” Would he store that in a (Car) Park Chan-Wook?

    Free Member

    Burt Subaru Outbacharach

    Free Member

    Ford (P)Uma Thurman

    Free Member

    Were you struggling to find mental and physical energy prior to starting the 5k challenge? If so then definitely look at the underlying issues, whether that’s diet, mental or otherwise. Starting to exercise from scratch will take it out of you but shouldn’t leave you with an underlying fatigue that goes beyond your bodies recovery period.

    I found doing the STW Chub Club last year really helped, firstly it gave me something to aim for (pick a weight loss target over a given time) and because of the public element of it I felt more obliged to keep at it and in turn became more aware of what I was eating, it also meant that when I wasn’t feeling it or couldn’t be arsed to get out I had that subconscious kick to help me out of the door.

    I hate running, but love having had a run. And knowing that makes it a tiny bit easier to drag myself out of the house and getting going.

    My challenge for this year is to reach 520km. It’s nothing compared to a lot of people’s efforts on here but if i can commit to 10k per week albeit one 10k run, 2x 5k run or 5x 2km runs depending on weather and whether (I can be arsed) then i’ll have beaten my mileage for last year and hopefully that’ll be reflected in my health and performance.

    Good luck with the 5k challenge and getting that energy back

    Free Member

    That is sad, he was a big part of my growing up and he seem such a humble and charismatic person. RIP

    Free Member

    Yep, easy to do even for a luddite like me. The only time you’ll have to do anything is if you’ve saved a PS5 game to an external SSD, then you’ll just have to save it to console prior to play. Otherwise it’s click and play as normal (all my PS5 games are store on console so i’ve never had to do anything)

    Free Member

    …Toenails need cutting

    Free Member

    When you can no longer bend your arms to put your hands in your pockets

    Free Member

    There’s a slight conflation of two issues there, firstly the licence is not just for the BBC, it is a requirement to watch any  live broadcast TV through whichever medium you choose.

    The BBC have a mandate to oversee the licencing due to the historic way the broadcast rights were set up.

    There will always be those who try and dodge whatever licences/fines etc they have to pay but in this day and age there are also a large number of people as evidenced here who legally have no requirement to pay for a service they do not consume.

    For the latter group, it is not a case of “Getting rid of the BBC” or “doing Tufton St’s bidding” by not paying, merely exercising their right to choose.

    The BBC / Gov need to accept that times have changed and if the BBC is at risk of collapsing due to the drop in people consuming live TV then they need to look at how they can continue to function. PPV is one model open to them. One idea is maybe they can go down the YT route and have basic channels available with adverts for free, and more channels plus no ads for paying subs.

    Free Member

    Your grass needs cutting etc…

    Free Member

    If you have debris in there no wonder it’s smelly (said in a French accent)


    Free Member
    Free Member

    Holy crp that hit me! smiles and tears here and not afraid to admit it.

    5yrs must feel like and instant and lifetime ago, but i’m so glad you came on here to post your update, thank you for sharing and being so brave. I know i’m an internet stranger but like those above can attest, your well being is something that I do reflect on and that I’ve hoped you’re out there doing well.

    It’s great to see you all have some major silver linings to what seems like an ongoing grey cloud, and long may they continue. Sending you and yours a massive virtual hug and this evening i shall raise a glass to the memories you have had and to those yet to come.

    Free Member

    About Wednesday I think

    Free Member

    Looks like i’m stuck at 81kgs without a massive change in lifestyle/effort. I’m happy i’ve dropped form 89kgs to a smidge over my target though and hopefully can maintain the 81kgs easily enough going forward. I need to up my running a bit more as it’s dropped a tad lately due to yet another injury so maybe just maybe i’ll get to 80kgs by the end of summer

    Free Member

    Exped were great in this area recently. They advertise as working to Net Zero and will repair/replace faulty goods as part of keeping kit going rather where possible.
    I enquired about getting my old Downmat7 repaired as the baffles had blown. They confirmed that it was not covered under their manufacturing warranty as it was bought in 2011 and that it was not able to be repaired due to the nature of the fault. But they offered me 40% off the cost of a new item and would accept my old item back so that they could investigate the fault as part of their R&D and to recycle the down and any other recyclable parts.

    I know where my money will be going in 2035 when my new roll-mat eventually kicks the bucket.

    Free Member

    Still in the high to mid 81’s even though I’ve busted my ankle and have been sedentary for the last week. I’m hoping I can get back out there and put the miles in over the next few weeks, I’m determined to get to 80kgs by the deadline even if it means cutting off a limb…or rigging the scales which seems a less drastic approach to take.

    Free Member

    I agree with the OP wholeheartedly

    Free Member

    Still hovering around the 82 mark, but i can’t complain as all exercise has gone out the window over the last month or so.

    Free Member

    That’s a bargain!

    Free Member

    Did you use her as a nightlight to read while you were up?

    Congrats by the way :)

    Free Member

    As has been mentioned for a sit down breakfast at camp then it’s got to be any type of wayfarer pack according to taste as these are generally made with kcals in mind and take up little space.

    For food on the go then I go with little and often using mini Pepperamis and snack sized cheddar blocks for savoury (dirty food), and trail mix made up to suit tastes. Pepperamis and cheddar packs are a bugger for packaging/recycling but they’re fairly calorie rich, and I can secrete them in multiple pockets / zip lock bags and they’re easy to keep an eye on with regards to pacing fuel throughout the day until the evening meal.

    Replacing fats, salts, sugars throughout the day along with hydration is key as well as finding something that half appeals in the first place (which for teens is usually salty flavour overload)

    And i also recommend the moveable feasts book mentioned above as a great resource.

    Free Member

    As much as a pain as it is, follows TINASs recommendations and then some, don’t scrimp on this step. I know from experience having done exactly that (5 coats of mist, not scrimp) and the paint still didn’t adhere and was peeling off like old wallpaper. I’ve now got to do the walls again but i’m starting with either an alcohol based primer or PVA mist based on advice from someone in the trade

    Free Member

    Didn’t post my weight on Friday as i wasn’t online but i did weigh myself. interestingly i seem to be holding steady at circa 81.ish kgs even without the exercise routine i’d gotten into pre March. I think i’ll have to adjust my summer goal as i may have gotten a bit carried away after the initial success but hopefully once i get back into regular running i’ll see it drop off an get a better idea of how feasible it may be.

    Free Member

    Thanks for setting up round 2! i automatically weighed myself this morning without thinking, jumped for joy that i had gotten below 82kgs after my three week hiatus only to have that moment of deflation when i realised there was nowhere to log it.

    The kitchen is done and we’re back on real food, and as of tomorrow i’m back on scheduled running so hopefully i’ll reach my original goal of 80kgs, then onto phase two!

    Keep on keeping on and thanks for the motivation

    Free Member

    I was looking at both of these cars when it came time to replace my old one and it was a tough call. There wasn’t much between the two and the Mazda (newer model than yours) just looked so much better in and out, but in the end head won over heart and i got the Octavia as i just couldn’t see myself chucking wet gear / dogs in the Mazda without wincing every time.

    Looking back i feel i made the right choice as it’s a great car for me. More than enough space throughout the car & ACC on the motorways was a revelation. The android/airplay has been no issues and the built in sat nav has been just as reliable as via my phone.

    Free Member

    Crept back up to 82.4 which is disappointing, but understandable after three weeks of eating badly due to no kitchen and no exercise due to renovating said kitchen. Along with my running I’m giving myself an extra three weeks into April to reach my targets, and hopefully continue the mindset way into the year.

    As Wally said, good luck all

    Free Member

    I’m guessing Dusty Bin was somewhere just out of shot in the second pic?

    Free Member

    Keep at it MCTD, hopefully the hard work will pay off eventually at the gains will show. for all who have given this a go you have my upmost respect for putting yourself out there with both the ups and the downs. It’s been a suckerpunch at times seeing the scales and wondering where all my hard work had gone, but joining in this years Chub Club has been the catalyst for mental change and it’s something i’m going to be conscious of beyond the 12wks. I hope that whatever the scales say for you this holds true for you too and i’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines in all your efforts

    Edit: i hope that came across as supportive and not preachy

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