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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • 2wheels1guy
    Free Member

    I’m looking to get a 456 carbon.
    Any further news regarding custom colours?

    Free Member

    My wife is always cold, so we’re at a toasty 22deg.
    I live in shorts & t-shirt all year round.

    Free Member

    couldashouldawoulda – Member

    Al short sleeve shirts are fine if you are –

    A. A car salesman

    B. A bus driver

    C. A policeman

    D: A scumbag at a job interview.

    E: The defendant

    F: Homer Simpson

    Free Member

    I’ve just picked up a Lumix DMC FX40,
    Think it has HD filming.
    I love it, although i’m not a camera buff, it’s the best i’ve had.

    Free Member

    All neds should be strapped to fireworks and shot into the sky.
    We can all clap and go “oohhh, aahhh” at the lovely blood red colours sparkling in the sky.
    I can only dream…

    Free Member

    How weird are her eyes?

    Free Member

    This bloke has been in palomas sights all night…

    Free Member

    It would seem that it is a case of clever (?dodgy) accounting/legal maneuvering in big European deals rather than a blatant refusal to pay a bill that dropped through the letterbox.
    These shenanigans appears to be the modus operandi for big business while the proletariat pick up the bill.

    I’ve not used shenanigans in a post before…
    Felt nice.

    Free Member

    Had mine for 9 & 3 months.
    I used to have an irrational fear of carbon too but am coming round, especially since i clapped eyes on the On-One 456 Carbon…mmm.
    Coloured clamps…mmm.

    Free Member

    I’m surprised that the German company Bilfinger Berger is getting so much stick, zee Germans are normally spot on with building stuff, it’s the UK companies that are usually pants.

    Also with the parliament building being 3 years late and went from an estimate of £40mil to over £400mil final cost, it would seem Edinburgh stumbles from one embarrasement to another.

    Free Member

    They’re past the point of no return finacially i think.
    Completely unrequired as Edinburgh has a great bus service.
    It’s shocking that hundreds of millions will end up spent on this while the roads are a mess, cycle routes are underfunded and people regulary die on the non-dualed A9.

    Free Member

    Close to 100% (>95%) for our patients (for AVNRT, conceled AVRT, WPW)
    AF success rates vary, depending on type, (paroxysmal, persistant or permanant) and cause (mitral valve disease, High blood pressure etc)

    Free Member

    Yup, i have two hope eternity posts.
    I lurve them, although i am a bit of a hope whore!
    I think they look awesome and the seat fixy bit is cool, alu blocks.
    I wouldn’t run from carbon at all, carbon is great nowadays.
    Hope for me though.

    Free Member

    Ablation is extremely safe and almost completely successful for most arrhythmias. (AVNRT, AVRT, WPW)
    Ablation for AF is more problematic.
    If you only have short bursts of AF (paroxysmal) then there’s a high success rate.
    Persistant & permanant AF is much more difficult to sort.
    Simple Ablation for most arrhythmias can be done within an hour with a little bit of sedation.
    2-4 2mm tubes are placed in the vein in the groin.
    It’s mostly pain free and you’re home the same day.
    Success rate is close to 100% and serious complications is less than 1 in 1000 (which is good as far as operations go)
    AF ablations can be more painful as the area treated is a little more sensitive, also the procedure can last a few hours.
    Ablation is not the last line of treatment at all.
    It is curative, and as such, is far superior to drugs such as beta-blockers which a lot of people don’t like (fatigue, loss of libido etc)
    I don’t work in the JR but have been there for conferences.
    It has an excellent reputation.
    I would take an ablation procedure before nasty drugs like betas & amioderone etc.
    Don’t worry, it’s common, safe and successful.

    Free Member

    The first thing i do is take all the naff reflectors off.

    Free Member

    Last week mine went down.
    Broadband & 3G.
    Couldn’t even look up tinternet to find out what was going on.
    Felt strangely isolated/cavemanny.

    Free Member

    I first deleted all info & photos for a while before deleting.
    For me mixing friends, family & work people was not attractive to me.
    Why do I want to be “friends” with people at work? I see them for 37.5 hours a week, probably more than my wife FFS.
    And “friends” with my family!! I manage to speak to them regulary.
    And the rest of my real friends I give a shit about I talk to/meet up with anyway.
    It was becoming a collection if people I hadn’t seen in years, usually for good reason!
    One of my friends “chats” to his wife via status update on FB while in the same room!
    No, I’m done with it, don’t regret it for a moment.
    If someone is important to you, you will make the effort.
    Otherwise it’s cyber-egotism by collecting “friends” like it’s some competition.

    Free Member

    Do you think music will stop being made if artists & record companies stopped getting stupid-rich?

    The age of an artist releasing an album every 2-3 years then raking in the cash is over.

    You don’t need record companies anymore, music is in the digital age.
    You can make music at home on laptop software and equipment and upload to he internet yourself.

    There is no viable replacement for a hardcopy yet anyway – CDs were the biggest con of the modern music age, an awful medium. minidisc never took off, so now you buy what? a computer file, a little brown folder on your computer screen, hardly a tangible object, but still get charged £8 from itunes!

    There’s so many bands that i’ve got into via torrent download that i never would have taken a punt on, they now have my money through gig tickets.

    So the solution?
    Record companies accept that we are not hostages to their demands and artists will (shock/horror) work harder by gigging regulary and releasing albums more often, which will separate the talented hard workers from the plastic puppets.

    my 2p.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Now there’s a manly post.
    You won’t see that on mums net!

    Free Member

    That’s wrong in so many (criminal?) ways.
    What that child was “doing” to the adult in the beginning was more than a little inappropriate.

    Free Member

    You’ve lost the passion for it man,
    Maybe it’s time for a new steed?
    Or new riding mates?
    Or different hills.
    Or how about a skills course like a Great Rock type thing, might re-awaken the inner bike soul?

    Free Member

    The most vacuous, inane bunch of belligerent morons ever to grace the realm of TV.

    I’m not a fan.

    Free Member

    Yup, loved the pilot.
    Sky+ing the series.

    Free Member

    I downloaded it with HSBC and it was a nightmare, slowed the laptop right down.
    It was quickly binned.
    I don’t see the point if you have adequate protection in place.

    Free Member


    Done mine 6 weks ago now, doc says conservative treatment for now, i’m going back to see him next week for a final decision regarding surgery or not.
    I’m finding that i’m still in alot of pain but mainly around my shoulder joint & down my arm.
    Anyway, being off the bike is torture!

    ps Took picture of the xray on the computer screen when the doc left the room!

    pps, why is the still showing up?

    Free Member

    I’ve worked for agencies doing ITU work as well as home ventilation.
    There definately is (or was) a pressure to “get on with it”.
    Although well trained, i did come across vents that i hadn’t used before and so always asked the previous nurse for a crash course (not totally desirable, but often unavoidable).
    You do need a fair bit of confidance to speak out and say, “I don’t know this etc”, “i’m not happy etc”

    I understand TJs point of a blameless culture achieving better results, but i know that will stick in the throat of the family who know that without mistakes or negligance, their family member would be unhurt, and rightly or wrongly want blame assigned.

    I read the link to the edinburgh case, very sad. Mistakes were made on many levels and lessons were learned and better practace implemented.
    As sad as it is, our health care is as safe as it is due to lessons learned from harm/death occuring from mistakes.

    So, certainley a full and fair investigation needs to be conducted but blame is rarely simple.

    Free Member

    That’s awful news, so tragic.
    I’m very sorry to hear that.

    I’d like to echo what MrNutt & Elfinsafety said.
    I’m fairly new to this forum but already have a lot of respect & time for you all.
    After I read this post, I re-read the recent thread “talk to me about your experience with depression”
    It was amazing to see so many of us have had, or are in, a darkness.

    So, please guys, let’s not be shit at asking for help or saying ‘I can’t cope’
    It’s no disgrace or weakness to reach out.
    We all have more than bikes in common so let’s build a great community here.

    My deepest condolence to Rays family.

    Free Member

    Yup, Pedros here.
    They’re really long for extra reach & leverage.
    Seem good quality too.

    Free Member

    I got a hardtail stripped & painted for £70 in Edinburgh.
    A bit steep it seems…

    Free Member

    “I thought that as it is, albeit weak, a ?-opioid receptor agonist, that it could be considered as part of the “opioid” family.”

    It’s just what a doc told me some time ago.

    It’s effects on little old ladies can be somewhat spectacular, in an inappropriately sweary sort of violent way!


    Free Member

    ratherbeintobago – Member

    “I thought that as it is, albeit weak, a ?-opioid receptor agonist, that it could be considered as part of the “opioid” family.”

    That’s what Wikipedia says.

    What are you suggesting?


    Free Member

    ratherbeintobago – Member

    It is effectively an opioid, same family as codeine, morphine & diamorphine (heroin).

    It’s not. Its main action is not on morphine receptors (though it does have some weak ? action), so it can’t really be called an opioid.


    I thought that as it is, albeit weak, a ?-opioid receptor agonist, that it could be considered as part of the “opioid” family.

    Free Member

    Yup, go easy!
    They are very effective, and people do go a little “off” sometimes.
    It is effectively an opioid, same family as codeine, morphine & diamorphine (heroin).
    So, enjoy!
    Just stay away from operating heavy machinery!

    Free Member

    Try the MBR forum for tedium, getting very bored of that lot!

    Free Member

    crikey – Member

    I’m a nurse.

    I’ve been one for 20 odd years and I’m pretty good at my job.

    What all the dimwits don’t seem to grasp is that the bigger organisations get, the more complex institutions become, the more managers you need.

    What the NHS suffers from more than anything else is managers who have ‘come up through the ranks’, who know ‘what goes on on the shop floor’, in other words, people who have had no experience and no training in actual management.

    What it needs is lots of good managers, who manage well.

    Good point, too many nurses are pushed into management as their only career opportunity without the adequate training or support.
    Nursing splits into 1)clinical specialist and 2)management, after a certain point if you want to gain promotion. Whereas the first seems a natural progression, management seems poles apart from what nursing fundementally is, like jumping from communism to capitalism.

    So yes, we need good managers who manage well.

    Also, there are many specialities in a hospital so to say managers should “nurse” is negating all the hard and valid work done by others.

    I am speaking as a nurse with 11 years experiance who has always run a mile from management and opted for the clinical specialist route.

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