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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • 2unfit2ride
    Free Member

    Yeah that’s the one

    Isn’t that designed to get you further forward rather that backward?

    letmetalktomark, looking at the pics it doesn’t seem as if it will let me go back, what were you using beforehand? molegrips has an interesting POV, I’ll look into that.


    Free Member

    I thought it a sensible enough question, but hey ho, such is life.

    Free Member

    I won’t shell out for a new dropper as I just don’t use them enough, I’m nearly as old skool as flashy :D

    I may try a standard setback post with more layback than the Thompson thought, CR have a good deal on a 25mm 3t that seems worth a punt.

    poah, tell me more please.


    It’s a long shot but what about an I Beam saddle and a suitable dropper post?

    That reminds me as I have/ had Ibeam, why can they go further back than normal saddles?


    Free Member

    I’m 6′, large 2012 transition bandit 29er which I thought would fit me but my leg extension is causing me pain as its a bit forward for me as I’m long in the leg (33″ inside leg)


    Free Member

    Using a Reverb post, not that I use it much, I have a Thomson layback but that is not extreme, I would rather keep the dropper THB.


    Free Member

    How do these batteries & indeed greener transport modes make there way to our island, & how many miles do they need to travel via that power source?

    Battery’s need to be made, mainly halfway around the world away, they still don’t last the life* of the car, they need to be disposed of carefully.

    *unless we only expect a car to last 5-10 years, in which case how much energy is used to make these new cars & will that save on pollution?

    Free Member

    I have a sealed can, looks like a big tin can that you can only get into if you use a tin opener (as I was sick of the misses raiding the jar :D ) for all the coins that I don’t recognise as being common or I have not seen before, lots of 50p’s as I find them most interesting & I know i have at least one of the ducks which is proper mint, lots of £2 coins as well, I figgur that by the time its actually full they may be worth something, maybe not but I won’t of lost anything!

    Oh & I used to have a few 50p Kew coins, but they went AWOL :?: :(

    Free Member

    I think this was an accident waiting to happen,

    scan bmx by Martin Robbo[/url], on Flickr

    I wish I still had the bike & the Pringle jumper ;)

    Free Member

    like telling a woman that its her fault she got raped ‘cos she wore a miniskirt – we all know thats ridiculous so why keep on with this stupid idea that its up to us non dog owners to learn how to behave around dogs.

    As wrong as it now is (and always has been as far as I’m concerned) it used to be a ligament defence, times have changed, dogs have not sadly.

    Free Member

    Can pictures calm things?

    IMG_0539 by Martin Robbo[/url], on Flickr

    dogs1 010 by Martin Robbo[/url], on Flickr

    dogs1 008 by Martin Robbo[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I agree but I understand that this may not be applicable to a young child.

    Free Member

    Thanks for quoting me TJ, at least you have read the thread.
    My point was exactly as I said, people have changed, their expectations have changed, dogs are obviously not so quick to evolve. For better or worse we live in a society that expects a basic animal such as a dog to behave the way they want it to, not in a way its nature suggests it should, dogs are dogs, even the most highly trained police dogs bite the wrong person every now & again, they are not infallible even given a fairly short brief in life.

    TBF I think I bought the wrong breed based on the positive experience of the first one I bought, but then I have now realised that buying the same breed from working stock is not the same thing as buying one from show stock, you live & learn ehh, but that doesn’t mean my dog needs to be destroyed.


    Free Member

    [/url]Snap-on box by Martin Robbo[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    I’m often embarrassed by the amount of tools I have, they have cost me thousands but then they have saved me that amount tenfold, if you have the right mindset then you can reap rewards.

    Only today I have ordered the parts to fix a shower that is under warranty to save me taking time off work, the parts were a tenner including postage, a day off work is worth much more, having the tools to fix the problem makes it a no brainer.


    Free Member

    Right, I have no idea what I’m getting myself into but(t)

    I read your post and was waiting for the point at which you said ‘so I keep my dog on a lead when in public because it is too unpredictable’ but alas it never came.

    As a dog owner whose behaviour I take very seriously, she’s 38kgs, I’m getting more and more annoyed with other dog owners too. I will more often than not cross the road if I judge from a distance that the dog is gonna be a PITA. Only yesterday a small terrier was off lead at the bottom of it’s driveway with the owner not two metres away from it, I thought nah I’m not doing that dont be stupid, so before the dog had even seen us I crossed to the opposite side of the road. Cue the dog spotting us, barking and yapping and ran straight across the road towards us (lucky for the owner that there wasn’t a car at the time) with the owner doing a feeble ‘oi get back here’ at which point I shouted aggressively at the dog, fully ready to kick it in its stomach if it proceeded on towards us and made an effort to bite. Luckily the shout was enough to make it back off and guess what, no apology or recognition at all from the owner. My dog would bark at the dog but only after she has been bitten or attacked and I’m sick to the back teeth of her getting attacked, she already has two bald spots on her back where a GSD bit her.

    Unfortunately being a mostly walking alone female my chance to actually shout at people whose behaviour with their dogs is completely wrong is few and far between. I’d rather seethe on a forum than get smacked in the face! I get really annoyed when peoples dogs are barking and snarling and snapping and the owner doesn’t even say a word to them errrrrr hello how about you try correcting your dogs behaviour and telling it a firm NO so it understands what is right and wrong!!!

    Dogs are a wonderful thing and it would be a shame if your son was scared of dogs so I hope you find some well behaved dogs that he can spend time with. Dogs are common place and everywhere and life will be really difficult for him if he’s not confident or happy enough round dogs. However, I would also counter act this with please can parents teach their children to not walk straight at a dog without asking if its okay first. My dog is taught to walk to my left side and to ignore everything when she’s in that ‘on lead’ situation. Yes she’ll say hello and be lovely as pie but that’s not how I’ve taught her to behave and not all dogs want every random person who passes to poke and prod them. Equally I’d be pretty annoyed if some random person walked up to me in the street and randomly hugged me or stroked my shoulder, I have a personal bubble you know!

    OK, have I not already said I try to avoid situations?

    I’m not sure how exactly you expect the other dog owners to explain to their dogs, who BTW do not speak English, that it is only safe to approach another dog when it is facing away from you!! Dont be so utterly sodding ridiculous

    Dogs, & if you knew them I’m sure you would agree generally great each other by sniffing arses, the angle of approach is not the question here.

    However, I would also counter act this with please can parents teach their children to not walk straight at a dog without asking if its okay first. My dog is taught to walk to my left side and to ignore everything when she’s in that ‘on lead’ situation. Yes she’ll say hello and be lovely as pie but that’s not how I’ve taught her to behave and not all dogs want every random person who passes to poke and prod them.

    That sounds like you need to keep control of a 38kg dog in a situation it doesn’t want to be controlled in, I hope you’re strong.

    Please don’t think I’m an over-protective parent though – arguably I’m the farthest thing from it, and generally have no problem with dogs irrespective of size. However when I see an unknown staffie-type (big head, wide jaws) dog running at speed towards my young child I think I’m justified in being a bit concerned.

    Point is, as you sound like a responsible dog owner who knows the flaws and behavioural tendencies of your dog, if you knew your dog acted aggressively in certain situations, surely you’d try to keep it out of those situations if possible, right?

    As said, I do, but my dog is not vicious, it’s not even aggressive as terriers go, but he doe’s have little dog syndrome of which I can’t cure him.


    Free Member

    Did you bake it in a pie binners? 8O

    Free Member

    people picking up their dog/child to protect them, it sends him nuts, he will stand on his back legs yapping like terriers do.
    So genuine question – as the owner of a dog that you know behaves like that, how would you feel if the person who picked up the child kicked him in the aforementioned nuts? And follow up questions – how many times do you think he would have to be kicked in the nuts before his learnt behaviour was to cross his legs and walk the other way? Also, as he licked the swollen gonads later that evening would you blame the kicker for over reacting, yourself for putting dog and kicker in that position by not having him under control or the dog for being a tool?

    TBH I was just about to delete my post as I have just read page three & I don’t like where this is going, but as you have asked a question I guess I will just have to bite the bullet & reply rather than just retreat.

    Personally I would kick my dog in the balls for you, the trouble is I would probably get done for animal cruelty, such is the world we live in, a bit like disciplining kids, you just can’t do it for fear of being reported.
    When I was a kid I wouldn’t argue with a teacher or a policeman for fear of getting a clip around the ear (or worse) but now there is no fear just a sense of superiority that says you can’t touch me.

    Ho hum.

    Edit to say I am ever watchful of whats around me when out with the mutt so I do try my best not to put my dog & myself in the sort of situation we are talking about here, but only today a dog came running at my dog from 200 yards away so you can’t always predict what’s about to happen.

    Free Member

    Straight off the bat I will fully admit to not reading the entire thread, so forgive me if I go over old ground.

    As a dog terrier owner I can tell you that controlling the git at times is not easy, he is mostly responsive but there are times he loses the plot a bit, (he has never bitten anything but did manage to pin a cat down once or twice(in my garden)) they are…

    1, people picking up their dog/child to protect them, it sends him nuts, he will stand on his back legs yapping like terriers do.

    2, dogs that run up to his face (as apposed to his arse) he just doesn’t like it & will yap/bark & lunge at the other dog (without biting)

    So although he is mostly well behaved there are circumstances in which he can become unresponsive to recall.

    The main point I wish to make without provocation is that I see more & more parents & dog owners that are (over?) protective of their kids/mutts which makes them nervous of dogs which in turn leads to the dogs to be cautious of them, dogs have pretty high levels of sense & this can make them aggressive/protective.

    Just saying like :oops:

    Edit to say I wrote that before I saw pinetree’s post.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    I had until yesterday a 25th anniversary Burner.

    As you will see in my history I have enjoyed it as a piece or “art” hung on the wall & I also made a profit from it, see HERE, I’m tempted to buy the new one as I just can’t get an original DP freestyler which I had BITD for sensible money, it was a £50 frame when I bought one, the prices now are just mental :(

    Free Member

    [Harshbutfair]It was a copy of a pretty rubbish bike and as such was only really worth hanger-on money to those that can’t now afford an original. You’d have been better off buying a real one as “an investment”. Assuming you made someprofit, I’m sure you’ll get over it[/Harshbutfair]

    To be fair {not harsh} I have enjoyed owning it & it always amazes people I have a bike on the wall in the house (my office) & yes I did make a profit, I think I paid £230 for it in 2007 :)


    Free Member

    I gave it a go, lessons learn’t are that people pay the best prices on a Sunday night at about 8 or 9 & to start with no reserve, it generates far more interest, it appears I made rookie mistakes but looking at similar sold I didn’t do to badly.


    Free Member

    It was £360 when I just posted, went for £462 in the end, not sure if I’m happy with that or not, still it’s sold now.


    Free Member

    12 minutes to go, approx 80 watches, 6 bids so far, I’ll report back in a mo :D

    Free Member

    I had a petrol Mountfield multiclip, it was as end of season bargain at B&Q for £150, it was ok for about 6 years but I have gone back to an electric Bosch, I would of loved one of THESE though. The cut & finish is much nicer & I don’t have to rake loads of crap out of the lawn all the time.


    Free Member

    I doubt most will admit to spending money on something they don’t use, the only thing I regret spending money on is a Logitech Squeezebox Touch, separate amps for the dining room & downstairs shower room & Keff ceiling speaker, probably cost me over a grand & now we just use a Bose soundlink via wifi that sounds just as good.


    Free Member

    Interesting, thanks for the info, I shall inform my mate he is wrong :D

    Free Member

    Want, for the first time in about ten years this is the bike I now covet.

    Free Member

    All i can do is post an emoji :lol:

    Free Member

    The original post makes no mention of fast. Fun, yes. Fast, no.

    Hold on, did the original OP list mention

    Shortlist so far is BMW m4 (eldest sons choice) or a newer 911 cabrio (my choice). Audi rs5 doesn’t seem to appeal for some reason.
    Anything else I should be looking at?

    In what world is that not a fast cars list?

    Free Member

    See, you really have no idea what you want, you said fast, but then said you wanted a 993, they were fast in there time but pedestrian now, a new golf would kill it. You also said not hard to drive, again anything classic may come as a shock to you. There has also been mention of Mercs, defiantly not fun in anything other than a straight line, same goes for the Mustang, so do you want fun as in a sports car that handles or a fast car with toys that will impress the neighbours?

    I’m in no way having a go at you, but modern cars are so very different to cars less than a decade old.


    Free Member

    Why not go for a late 996 convertible? You may even see it appreciate.

    They are a good choice from the perspective of not having the bore scoring or ims issues as they have a metzeger engine.

    I’m struggling to get involved, but no 996 convertible other than the turbo has a dry sump, & all convertible Porsches have limited rear room for anything other that those under 5′ with flexibility & a penchant for sitting upright.
    Now I’m involved I have to say I’m struggling to understand what the OP want’s, I don’t think he knows what he wants. (no offence)

    Free Member

    how did you get on Op?

    I’ll let you know in 9 days ;-)

    Free Member

    Maybe, but as it’s a limited edition repro BMX then I doubt that many people have one to sell.

    Free Member

    TBF I have bought a couple of Rock Brothers bells, I didn’t realise at the time that they were a complete rip off of a very expensive bell, all i can say is they look expensive & work as they should with a loverly ring but were cheap! That about summarises the Chinese export market, they are good at copying shit :D

    Free Member

    I have just bought a Samsung UHD 43″ curved jobbie to go in a corner (not flat on the wall)l, for £440. The deals you can get now on older stock will not be replicated unless the brexit deal far outweighs everyones expectations, buy a cheap TV now or suffer the consequences :mrgreen: :lol:

    EDIT, the same TV not curved for £399, check out google :roll:

    Free Member

    If anyone wants a bargain shock to fit the frame then I have an as new fitted but only used to ride around the block Monarch R Rear Shock in the appropriate size, £100 posted 8)

    Free Member

    Those north flags are really nice, but go see one in the flesh; they are very angular.

    I have, put it on, played with it & looked at it for 10 minutes, the only thing I’m not convinced about is the black on the bezel, you can’t see it from the picture but the whole outer bezel is black :?

    Free Member

    I don’t think the OP’s choice looks like a classic Rolex, more of a modern statement :?

    I had my old 70’s Omega seamaster in for service recently & they want over £700 to put it right so I have been looking into alternatives, came up with the Tudor north flag as I like the shoulder design, very similar to my Omega.


    Free Member

    I asked Enigma about a longer shim & they said they would have a look but nothing was done so I assume the original is well & truly stuck, I should of asked again after they had done the repair but I forgot.

    Free Member

    It has a shim which seems rather solid but not all that long, I don’t really want to try & get it out :(

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