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  • Become more Aero, thanks to Socks
  • 2unfit2ride
    Free Member

    Daffy – Member
    Right now scardypants I can’t afford the “Hit” I’m a student who was living offof the interest on my savings. I can’t afford to do that now, hence selling stuff, Including the Ti456, the Kona A, ALL my spare wheels, the Alfine, the Satmap etc etc.

    Wow, a student living off the interest off their savings, I feel for you Daffy, I really do.

    I reckon I will be in my deathbed before my savings pay for my wellbeing, but that’s just the jealousy talking.

    And to think the mods say the classifieds are good as they are.

    Free Member

    Which one is Fred in the pics?

    Free Member

    I’m with Jedi (unless I’m p155ed), just ignore the idiots & get on with what your happy doing, Oh & SFB is a self righteous argumentative c0ck ;)

    Free Member

    The Klein looks lush, in a retro kind of way.
    GF’s offering looks great, I think it would look better if the seatstays met the TT in the middle, but that may be just me.

    Free Member

    Bolt, shot.
    Pass the B&H please.

    Free Member

    GW – Member
    Usual STW blinkered, stuck up views, no surprise there really personally I loved the video.

    those riders have more skills than 99% of the riders here, fixie skids look so much fun. drifting one looks well difficult, nose manuals, wall rides and 180 to fakies must be way more difficult to pull on a fixie.

    Couldn’t agree more on the skill’s front, but I fail to understand why a nose manual would be harder on a fixie.

    Oh, & you have met jedi right?

    Free Member

    Look for a V patten in the tread if you want wet weather performance over everything else, lots of goodridge F1 copy’s out there since they ditched the design.

    Personally I find conti’s the best overall compromise, but they aren’t cheap.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Sodafarls – what an incredibly stupid thing to say.

    See, I knew I agreed with you sometimes ;)

    But I can see where the angst is coming from in sodafarls post.
    Councilors are often a little left wing in their thinking, as a man you go into these things expecting to be put down, I would be surprised if the OP came out thinking different.

    Free Member

    The Black Country Museum was a good day out for us (me, wife, the mother in law, & kids aged 9 & 11) the mines were an eye opener, & on the plus side there wasn’t to much for the kids to ‘want’ outside of the main shop.

    I came from herts, so not exactly a short round trip, but I did enjoy it.
    The beer was crap, as was the fish & chips, but I guess thats not what you go there for. The canal ride was good though.

    Free Member

    Just a few?

    I had a warranty replacement on mine no problem, but that was 5 years ago.

    Free Member

    Adjust the saddle angle please (unless you like it that way).

    Free Member

    RudeBoy – Member
    That’s funny; ‘cos yours haven’t!

    I bet you come up with something, I know you won’t let it lie.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    2 unfit to ride – how can I show this on the forum? I am fairly sure I can do this in real life. It needs rather more than forum posts. All those little subliminal signals that you get in real conversation

    I’m sorry, I thought you were posting on a forum, boasting about being able to tell which type of school people went to. I didn’t realise you meant you could only tell if you had actually met the person, & asked them where they went to school ;)

    Free Member

    Fred, you know, I just pull them out of the hat sometimes ;) Your posts have always had me enthralled, its been fun watching you change over the years.
    You used to have a bag of spuds on your shoulder, now your down to a potato or two, not long before it becomes a mere chip.

    Free Member

    TJ is very vocal on a small amount of subjects, I would say I agree on some, disagree on others. I would never normally challenge someone on here, but such a bold statement just reeks of self worth.

    And besides, I can’t tell, so I’m interested in how he can.

    Free Member

    Your opinionated and vocal what? Uncle? Best mate? Pet frog?

    I prefer TJ’s vocal opinions to some others on here…

    Fred, from someone who used to pretend to be black, just to get a reaction, I find that quite amusing.

    If TJ says he can tell who has been to which type of school, then let him prove it. I’m sure he doesn’t need gobshites to speak for him.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Well said trailmonkey.

    In response to an earlier post I bet I can guess wh went to state school and wh went to feepaying schools with a high degree of accuracy – Dead easy to do from attitudes. Really really simple.

    Put up or shut up TJ, your opinionated & vocal, so show us your worth please.

    Free Member

    Oh come on guys, at least make an offer ;)

    Free Member

    oldgrump & hora, anything for a free ad in the main forum ;)

    Free Member

    If it helps I’m trying to sell a frame I have used three of four times, at about a quarter of the new price, its still for sale if your interested :)

    Free Member

    Currently in a different guise.

    Free Member

    Coyote, if your calling me a ‘needle dick’ then fine, I have no problem with that, but I do have a problem if you have proof.

    But hey, if you do have proof then your point is, err, pointless because you have seen my dick, and that makes you, err, happy, or gay?

    Do you want my phone number?

    Free Member

    TheYeti, because you went to such lengths, then I feel obliged to reply…
    And I agree, I have owned two ETSX’s, & a slayer, I have never fallen in love with any of them, my brother even said my Alu hardtail with suss post was more compliant than the slayer, & he rides once a decade!
    The Azonic propulsion & Burner on the other hand, although shorter travel (3.5″), are stiff as, & still feel ‘bottomless’. I know which I would rather own, but never underestimate the OP, 99% of the time they have already made their minds up ;) (sorry OP)

    Free Member

    I’m with PK, it is totally understandable, but I really thought it was going all the way.
    Just who will be the one to stand up? the father of a dead son?


    Free Member

    David, well put, speeding in itself kills no one, but it is the excepted view.
    TBH I have calmed down a lot, my gap has increased by quite a margin, & I VERY RARELY[/B] break a ton nowadays, in my defense there are also a lot of situations in which I would drive at half the speed limit because of poor line of site, or to much risk of a pedestrian appearing.
    I have, & would again, admit to a copper that the law is an arse & I never adhere to speed limits, but I’m ashamed to say the ikkle devil still gets me now & again :(

    Have fun on two wheels, you brave man ;)

    Free Member

    HTTP404 – Member
    nukeproof – that’s an option we could be looking into for a couple of years time (middle schools).

    I’m probably going to open a can of worms but middle-class family church attendance is pretty good in our area due to a very good performing church sec’y school. Admission based on church attendance and commitment

    Hypocrites, I can’t stand them, if you believe then yes, exploit it maybe, if not leave it.
    If you believe then your conscious is clear, if you don’t then what sort of message are you sending to your children?, I’m dead sure they will hear you discuss it at some point, intentional or not.

    FWIW, I moved in to a ‘cheap house’ (and I do hate it), in an expensive area, to get the best schooling (as I see it) for my kids.
    I’m sure I’m wrong in so many ways, but to me it made sense, I could never afford to send both my kids to ‘private school’, & I’m sure as hell I would never send just one.

    Good luck, & please don’t feel pressured from a bunch of people you have never met (me included obviously) into making a decision that will effect the rest of your children’s lives.

    Take care out there.

    Free Member

    solamanda – Member
    Speeding doesn’t kill, stopping too fast does

    Really, what ever happened to being able to stop within the distance you can see ahead, & being able to cover any eventuality? (yes it was never going to work in reality)

    So, just to make it clear, your saying if you were chasing a ‘better’ car with say carbon ceramics, & he manages to brake for the unforeseen, & then you run up it’s @rse, that becomes the drivers of the car in fronts fault?

    Can I get out of this thread please?

    Free Member

    I’m 6′, I used to have an original type in 19″ & I found that short.
    As others I snapped mine, but got a replacement, sold it ASAP, I always found it flexy & to ‘racy’, but if pure XC is your bag I think it would be a great choice.
    They are sexy frames, whats not to like?

    Free Member

    There is nothing new in shock & awe, I believe the US still think this works in wars & against terrorism.

    One day we will all learn it just doesn’t :(

    I thought we were supposed to winning the battle against DD in this country, the statistics say we aren’t. People switch off to ads, because they are ads, and they are far to cleaver to fall for the marketing bull.
    Complacency is king, & lawyers are Gods.

    Free Member

    **** awesome riding.

    Free Member

    *pulls up chair for tonights installment*

    Pass the popcorn please.

    Free Member

    I can’t believe paddedfred is having a go at a fellow forum member for being a female appendage with a nipple, pot kettle & black spring to mind.

    Free Member

    Mike, can you not just leave it?
    Your being ignored, & you are in danger of looking like a storker ;)

    Free Member

    Doh, am I not the only one to track MissGulliver’s post’s then ;)

    Free Member

    Ooh, interesting, I saw this thread a few days ago & went to Iplayer to see it, TBH after 2 minutes I was bored & forwarded the the T&F, now don’t get me wrong, I like T&F, but the web can give you so much better, next time I’ll stick to the dedicated sites ;)

    Seriously its degrading to your own intelligence to believe it was anything other than a rating grabber, & why do all the men have to appear to be g@y?

    And I really don’t believe anyone was forced to go naked, I’m sure they couldn’t contract you to it without prior knowledge.

    Free Member

    Matt’s first one is class, it shows how us southerners are betters crashers than you northern poves ;)

    Free Member

    If he is a ‘nice guy’ why does he do work like this?

    He also botched a job of mine, horrid clamp marks left on the seat tube & messy welding adding a disc mount. I wish I had never heard of the bloke.

    Free Member

    Is it me, or is the cable routing on the hustler a we bit wrong looking?

    Free Member

    piedi, that ‘wood’ photo deserves a prize ;)

    Free Member

    Just what is so great about the CK hub?
    Hope & the like are half the price, are the CK twice as good?

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