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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • 2unfit2ride
    Free Member

    Matt, they are fun, but don’t tell anyone as it will ruin the thread :-)

    Free Member

    ok I lied i only bought one to keep up with my lazy bastard mates who like riding ebikes. I hate it really

    What did you buy anyway, a Levo or Kenevo?

    I first bought a E HT, my back hated it as it was made of pig iron, so soon swapped it for a Merida E120, I don’t need the long travel as I get scared popping off a kerb nowadays just preferred the comfort ;-)

    Free Member

    The mystic 8 ball is strong with this one.

    You can’t loose.

    *I predict a foxtrot oscar from the garage and likewise any solicitor you try to get to take on the case for court.

    I’m so glad I bothered to reply ;-)
    but it’s ok because someone else has said the same thing a backed it up with a real internet link & everything.
    I have had experience from the other side of the fence when a fault on a used car was pointed out & documented on the invoice but we still lost in court as the extent of the fault was not made clear in the judges opinion.

    Free Member

    Yes, the car must be fit for purpose & if you have to go to court then you will win.
    Be nice to begin with & ask the question, then send a recorded delivery letter stating that you plan to take legal action if they do not repair it, the only thing they won’t cover is the clutch so worth confirming what is wrong with it before you go in all guns blazing.

    Free Member

    Do you have a baldy head by any chance?

    No, why?

    Whatever it is, your dog’s got two of them

    (I think your daughter is right though)

    It’s a devil dog but sadly no longer with us :-(
    I know the green dot in the middle is lens flare but my daughter thinks the entire round red thing is flare also, I just wondered…

    Free Member

    I’m now happier to think its a Death Star so end of thread ;-)

    Free Member

    Cool, I never thought he existed in real life.

    Free Member

    I have a Bosch condensing one which has been fine for 7 years & was only a few hundred quid, now if you had asked about washing machines i would bang on about how great the Miele machines are, mines 10 years old so just coming to the end of the warranty that i have never needed so £1000 well spent considering we replaced every other machine we bought on a yearly basis at best or suffered downtime whilst waiting for warranty repair.

    Free Member

    I have used Virgin for over 10 years, they have lost the customer service they had & put up the prices but the BB is great, I had to go down to 50mbps when I asked them to price match BT & the service has never been so consistent, always 50 regardless & I have never had any problems streaming (also have 2 daughters so unlimited is a must), it’s just a shame they are no longer reasonably priced, £70PM for the XL telly BB & LR when it was less than £50 last year.
    I’ll look into Zen when they next hike there prices or the contracts up as the TV service is not worth a toss along with the landline.


    Free Member

    Thanks Mary, I have read the instructions now ;-)

    Free Member

    Thanks for the link regenesis, I didn’t see that on the product page & my daughter didn’t order them (I just get to fit them), but they still attach to hardboard though right or am I missing something?
    Edit, just read the instructions, ignore me ;-)

    Cougar, very good :-)

    Slab, thanks but I dint see them & when I googled I couldn’t see anything but that just maybe my weak google skills ;-)


    Free Member

    I still have an original scandium frame that I bought off here 10 years ago, it’s not going anywhere as it’s not worth anything & I love it, haven’t ridden it in a while but built up 10 speed & rigid & just hangs in the garage. I occasionally I steal the nice the bits off it & build up the Singular Pegasus but I prefer the OO to ride although the Pegasus looks prettier even after the repair & that now hangs on my office wall ;-)

    IMG_0301<script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>

    (Ti bike in that pic is a Pipedream & not the Pegasus)

    Free Member

    So John’s dead, he must of been a good guy, will she now take over as ac12’s insider?
    I also think another red herring is the constant presence of the asu with the same main man, just how ridiculous can it get?

    Free Member

    I’m still loving my E, but then I don’t ride that much ;-)
    I also bought the lowest rear travel bike I thought was good value at 120mm rear 130 front (although I now have 140 front) The trouble is that the big EMTB marketing machine makes you think you want a monster travel enduro or DH rig, what you need to do is be honest with yourself & pick a bike suitable for the riding you do. That said I first bought a HT EMTB & didn’t really get it as for me to enjoy riding I want a bit more comfort & the HT with a suspension seat post weighed more than my current FS.

    Free Member

    I don’t know what the answer is, although I am inclined to think that if we could visually demarcate ebikes somehow, so that psychologically we made the distinction between the “pure” activity and the “assisted” activity, it would be a good thing.

    Unless you’re some how cheating others, ie in a race pretending that you’re not on an emtb then I don’t see the problem, aesthetics matter to me & probably others*
    *FWIW I have an external battery.

    PS, Gary tell them what you have bought, lovely looking ebike :-)

    Free Member
    Free Member

    To the OP, I have one & I bet that doesn’t shock you ;-)

    I like to occasionally ride with friends who are fitter than me & an ebike lets me do that, I tend to ride in eco & you don’t get as much assistance as most people think, most of my mates that have never had a go on one are shocked at how little assistance you get in any setting other than turbo, proper emtb’s are very different to hub drives & bolt on kits, they are also very clever in dishing out the power. If you think you can ride them without putting in the effort then think again & get a test ride.
    Another reason I bought one was I can ride a bike that I normally wouldn’t, my Merida E120 is way more bike than I need but I like a tougher planted bike more than the skittish lightweight hardtail I would normally choose to ride (to compensate for my lack of fitness) & the rear suspension helps my aching back loads. Yes I’m sure I could ride a nice normal FS if I got fitter & if your goals are fitness over fun then I’m sure its not the way to go but for me I don’t get enough time to ride to get fit but I still love to get out on the bike when I have time & the weather is playing ball, maybe I’m just a fair weather MTBer but its still my main hobby.


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Been here since the start but don’t post much now as Auntie has gotten old & stopped flirting with everyone ;-)

    Free Member

    Ask over on the EMTB forums, they are quite friendly & knowledgable

    Free Member

    IMG_3815 by Martin Robbo[/url], on Flickr

    They are coming :-)

    Free Member

    I can’t say anything that hasn’t been said already but RIP dear boy.
    I sent him the original ‘bastid’ light he reviewed 9 years ago that pretty much destroyed his cottage industry due to the honesty of his Review :-( & you know what, it still works well thanks no doubt to his improvements :-)

    Free Member

    Another great episode (that most would find quite boring) proudly sponsored by Dynamat ;-)
    PS I do really love this build, the attention to detail is unreal, but I’m not sure I could watch it from start to Finnish in one or two sittings.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Do it on-line, take it off your car immediately (unless there is a discrepancy in the road tax continuity in which case you may have to do by post) & then use the code DVLA give you to transfer it on to the new one once you have the new V5C in your name.

    Free Member

    I quite recently bought a car off someone who works in the city in a good well respected job but the car had finance on it with This company They make quite a big deal on the home page about how they are the cheapest etc whilst stating that the flat rate (yes that’s the flat rate not APR) is 96%!
    It seems people take loans these days based on ease of application & affordability based on the weekly repayment & not the cost of the loan, I’m sure they would of qualified for a Cheap loan at 3.3% APR if they had bothered to find it.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies, I played safe in the end & Ive ordered a Maxxis Minion DHF WT & Minion DHR II WT.

    Free Member

    There’s these lumpy things called rocks, wicked fun but they can slow you down a bit and necessitate a bit of pedaling

    Surely it’s all about line choice? 😜

    Free Member

    Should of said I have a Rekon+ on the rear, bb feels to high to me, but then I have transition bandit with a silly low bb that I like, a lot.
    Lower bb’s make sense to me, quite why you would be peddling at points when you hit the peddles is beyond me.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, off to google what MSC tyres are ;-)

    Free Member

    GFJ, thanks but thats not the problem, its with the seatpost & a few marks on the frame, they seem to be dealing with it so I don’t mind mentioning it here but we will see how it goes, oh & this is what I bought totally ignoring some good advice ;-)

    IMG_3736 by Martin Robbo[/url], on Flickr

    Thanks all that replied & made this an interesting thread.

    Free Member

    Wish I could say then same, I can’t /won’t say to much at this point :-(

    Free Member

    Thanks all, I think I will give some Bridgedale’s a go based on the amount of recommendations.

    Free Member

    From the other side of the fence, dealers expect trade-in’s to be basically knackered if of low value, but if you are trading in a 10k + car then I would expect them to check it properly, it’s sad to say but salesmen don’t care as they have basically been given permission to give X for your car, all they care about is the commission check at the end of the month. Now if you move to a small independent they they should care, but if they don’t ask the questions or inspect the car then you’re all clear, basically if you don’t lie then you’re fine.
    Oh, & just so all of you stiff the dealers types know, i have seen far more dishonest customers than dealers (mainly as the law is behind the consumer so its not worth trying to truly stiff someone as a dealer), some of the outstanding ones were removing the rearview mirror & dipping the wing mirrors in the hope of me not noticing the clouds of blue smoke from the engine, another that claimed not to know a car had missing chassis numbers even though he was told by another dealer I knew months beforehand.
    Some of the stories from the workshop make us laugh a lot, the most common one being since you serviced my car I have had X fault, normally nothing to do with a service but insistent it has only been happening since, IE my window doesn’t work since you serviced the car :-) , or how about my ABS light has now come on since you serviced my car, oh ok let me plug that into the diagnostics for you sir, oh I see that the fault has occurred & been reset 15 times already, do **** off!

    Free Member

    Thanks all, to quantify a little I remember (the rich, bragging basted that is) Chris Evans saying on R2 that a new pair of socks every day was the way forward & it only cost a pound a day so why wouldn’t you, well it’s still £365 per year & that matters to most when a less throw away society would favour longevity over frivolity, I suppose ;-)

    Free Member

    Just my personal experience, & I really don’t care what anyone rides, or can ride on their bike whatever it is, but I bought an ebike to get out more again, I love being on a bike but I have never enjoyed climbing shallow long inclines no matter what they are, short sharp technical climbs I can just about do, but a mile on a 1% incline would bore me to death & as I’m now in my late 40’s & pretty unfit I would be puffing harder than I would on the last cigarette in the world.
    As I said I bought an ebike to get me out again & with some friends who ride in a group that enjoys riding miles on roads & bridleways, not my bag but I enjoy the company & getting out & the ebike allows me to just pootle along with them without breaking a sweat. I always ride to the slowest riders pace, just like I did 30 years ago when I was fit & a fairly good rider, I have never had a competitive nature in this respect.
    Anyway I bought what I thought was a decent hardtail for the money, I thought it would keep me honest as it wasn’t a skills compensater for the technical bits, but I love the fact it lets me go fast everywhere & do trails further from home that I thought I would never bother with again, so I have bought a short travel FS to let me go even faster inthe tecnical stuff, you just can’t beat fast & I don’t care if it upsets a few people.

    Free Member

    Has Jezzer been there before?

    Same rehashed shit since I remember JC joining :-(

    Free Member

    GFJ, I have ordered mine form motocard, how was the transaction for you?
    I’m a bit nervous as I have never heard of them before 🤔

    Free Member

    geex what’s a steps HT?

    Sorry, Steps is Shimano’s motor system, as in my hardtail with a steps motor was just under 40lbs.
    I tink I have decided on a short travel FS, well I have ordered one, whether it turns up or not I have no idea as it’s coming from spain ;-)


    Free Member

    geex, my Steps HT was under 40lbs (just) with some decent spec, I realised pretty quickly that changing wheels & tyres to save weight made me slower & not faster, I’m not sure any of it is scientific but from my experience weight matters less on an eMtb.

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