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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • 2hottie
    Free Member


    I hope both you and Molly are ok, Brian sends a few woofs to cheer you both up!

    Border’s are machines, they just keep going! she’ll be fine most likely before you are!

    Brian was bitten just above the tail last year by an Alsation, he turned and went “nuclear” and was hanging of it’s jaw as it ran away in fear. I think it’ll think twice next time. The owner had a moan until I reminded him that he hadn’t even noticed his two large dogs attacking mine.

    Dogs do play rough but I’ve never seen a larger, more mature dog attacking a puppy in play, it seems that it was overly aggressive and comes directly back to the owner really. You were, unfortunately, right to kick it. I would feel guilty kicking a dog but if I had too then a head shot would be ideal.

    Hope Molly gets better quickly

    Healing vibes

    Scott and Brian

    Free Member

    3rd the carrier rivets, after melting my rear pads and their backing plates, my rotor took a beating XT160 splined. What you describe happens on the rear of my bike when the brake is locked on.

    I can feel the play in the carrier so I would look at that (reminds me to buy a new one)

    Free Member

    Those who don’t pay full attention when driving. With a special mention to those who are: talking on the phone, eating, applying make up, having a full blown in depth debate with someone else in the car, not looking far enough ahead, middle lane hogging, no indication at junctions, not being ready at the lights. You get the idea..

    My home wifi network, How can a printer just “vanish” when it is less than 300mm away from the computer!!

    Religious types who knock at the door, (generally whilst I’m having my tea) and don’t get the message until you close the door in their faces that you’re not interested!

    Free Member

    Brian says hi..

    Free Member

    I’d just do it,

    People will give you their opinions but you’ll only really know if you do it yourself.

    I found NZ to be a beautiful place but I have no idea about the economy etc, It can feel a bit slow in places, compared with the mad rush that the UK is. I’d go but I prefer Australia to be honest and I don’t really know why. Yes its far away but if it gives you all that you need then go for it.

    A few pictures of my travels..


    I have loads more but not on line.

    Free Member

    Is it wrong to adjust the drainage ditches so most people can ride over them? I’ve read that they are a bastid to ride over for most people but I doubt anyone from the local authority is going to fix it just for bikes.

    So would it be wrong if riders took a few minutes just to tidy up a few lines allowing for others to have a better run down?

    Obviously this work shouldn’t be to drastic to get bikes into trouble with the keen eyed red socks or of such an adjustment to make it unsafe for walks and other users.

    Just some minor rock movement to let others who may follow have a better go at it?

    We can ride there for free, so putting a bit back is fair in my opinion.

    As for the route I’ve always done it the other way round as I love the super steep drop off Hellvellyn then you go up again then head down a track right into Glenridding, it starts with a set of zig zags which are really fast and rocky!

    Free Member

    The tool may well have had a nice head start..

    No am not a PC and would it matter if I was? No it wouldn’t.

    Regardless of a few bad eggs I respect them and believe they do in the main a good job. A very difficult job at that and one that I could never do.

    I don’t expect everyone to think highly of them but I’m glad we have them in our society.

    Free Member

    What Peterfile said.

    The guy jumps a red light (nicely edited out of his video) PC most likely has to give chase (on a bike) He is clearly panting, so must have had to catch up etc, then the RLJ spouts some sh1te at him and doesn’t let him speak, (standard arse wipe tactic) PC still getting his breath back and his thinking in order, still being bombarded with more verbal dog sh1t, PC made one mistake by getting pissed off, (I know I would have punched RLJ a few minutes earlier)

    The RLJ is pure kn0b, the PC imo would have let him off with a short bit of advice about RLJ and the dangers if he just shut up but no this guy was actively looking for an argument. Karma will bite him in the ass when he gets splatted under a bus or takes out a pedestrian with his RLJ antics. The camera he hides behind will indeed be his down fall.


    Ps, you try talking in a logical coherent manner after riding, Try to have a proper debate at the top of climb you’ve just raced up I bet you don’t make as much sense as you would like.

    Guy was a d1ck and the PC rose to it unfortunately.

    Free Member

    Thanks to all that completed the questionnaire and gave “constructive comments and suggestions” I’ve now reached the target number of replies and shall be staying up all night to finish this off.

    Kit, your right I have been suffering from a long term disability which is called procrastination, I really am “world class”

    I’ve never been that good at studying but I needed the degree to get a job, which I have, only a three month contract for three days a week but it’s a start. I was happy to do it for free! but they insisted on paying me.

    Thanks again


    Free Member


    Free Member



    Free Member

    My initials are “SAS” and I’m a lazy good for nothing student.

    Free Member

    Barriers to sustainable house construction in the UK, or something alone those lines.. It’s for a Building Surveying degree which I can’t wait to get finished and start earning some money. Thanks for the replies so far, some are interesting to say the least, lol,

    Thanks again


    Free Member


    Please can you tell me about the Huntsman spider and the White tale, I want to move to Adelaide Australia and although spiders freak me right out, I have a strange obsession with them! I find them really interesting but if one were to land on my head I reckon I would either be sick, poo myself or pass out with irrational fear! more than likely I’d do all three! I’m slowly getting used to having them around and have let one live in the shed for a while now but I still have a quick look for him tho brrrrr chills down my spin just thinking about them!

    cheers Scott

    Free Member

    Doesn’t seem to be a problem for Brian, He will eat everything from ice cubes to bananas. Herbs shouldn’t be an issue. He did eat a frog once, he didn’t like that or the slugs he ate…

    Free Member

    I doubt those who currently live in this area will be able to after the games. Especially when the new housing schemes and facilities have been put in. The cost of land/rent an overall living will rise therefore pricing out the lower paid in society but that doesn’t matter at least there will be a couple of lovely new standiums and facilities for the rich to play in. Both Sydney and Athens had issues with up keep of the smaller venues after their games I can’t help but think London will to.

    I doubt it will make any money either in the long run.

    As for the track it still looks like a field with some gravel in but at least it should be good for the TV as no one from the North could afford to get there!

    If the spectator numbers were predicted to be low why bother putting it in London at all? O’wait it’s the London games funded by the rest of the country, I get it now.

    A friend was once asked by an American girl, how far away is London from England? she wasn’t very bright but it did say something to me about the clear geographical divides we have.

    Free Member

    If my dissertation is finished I’ll try and make it! Is Ellie going to be there then?

    Free Member

    I’d take it as a stitch in time idea. Better to find out now than later on. Yes it may cost you a £1000 but when buying house that isn’t a great deal in the long run.

    Don’t get a basic survey get the one above maybe not a full structural one but the surveyor will tell you if things look a miss on that front. Consult the RICS

    Free Member

    It’s a field with a track in it. The whole Olympic thing bugs me anyway developing a small part of a country, which will in five years after the event need a further injection of cash to maintain the stadiums and wider facilities. It is unlikely to get any cash from central government and certainly not the local government and local community therefore they will be left to fall into disrepair and the cycle will continue, not very sustainable is it. Sure have the big main stadiums close together but why all of them in a village situation?. Yes it benefits the media and teams but to be honest i’m sure each element of a team will have their own individual managers and physios etc so shouldn’t really matter. To me the olympics should be about show casing a country to the world not just a small run down bit of it. Why make a new course when Dalby is better, and already exists? or others like it. Have the shooting in some part of rural Cornwall, boost the tourism in that area. The kayak could be on a real river which could be adopted for the event. We have a fantastic and diverse country and it seems such a shame that the world are only able to see a small less impressive part of it. The money won’t be spread evenly around the country regardless of teams staying in different locations, the hotel owners may benefit but i doubt that will pass on to the local communities.

    Just my 2pence worth. (and no am not spending a small fortune to get to the olympics, Trains, hotels, hyped up food prices, silly priced entry into the events) count me out unless I get a freebie lol

    Free Member

    Just run the tyres softer and save the effort for pulling the trailer along.

    Free Member

    This works. Apply in the morning and forget about it.

    Free Member

    She looks ace,
    Borders are top, Brian says hello,

    Free Member

    Standard MBR rubbish, I still bought it tho, Take the reviews with a pinch of salt. Also the brand that wins the test generally has a nice advert on the rear of the mag. It used to be Trek when MBR loved the fuel, now we’re back to Specialized. I like the Epic but to be honest the reviews of the other bikes was poor to say the least.

    Very little in the mag is actually interesting to read and is only good for viewing new products and the odd decent letter or service guide.

    I find this the same for most of the magazines bar, Singletrack.
    I like the way things are reviewed but not given a score as such but the persona, idea. Bikes are all different and so are those that ride them. If you don’t fit the generally MBR type then your screwed, or riding a heap of crap. Hence why I now take the mag with a pinch of salt.

    Singletrack mag all the way.

    Free Member

    Didn’t see any of them wearing a seatbelt in that first clip of the car. Tut tut.

    Free Member

    I’m in, doing the 17mile “short” course again. Came 10th out of 63 last year so I’ll try and better that hopefully or at least my time. The climbs are evil so I’ll be using the thinner tyres this year, slip and sliding down the muddy double track near the start should be fun. Hopefully its the same route so I have an ideal where to rest etc, and maybe get closer to the front, the mad bottle neck into the woods at the top of the first climb will be interesting, couple of “handbags came out last time” There should be a few marshals at this point as people cut in etc but I doubt there will be. It’s a good route and the majority of the banter is fun and supportive, so looking forward to it.

    Riding a full stealth black Kona, so if you see a chubby lad on one that’s most likely me!

    fingers crossed for good weather!

    Free Member

    There are a few sections which like last year will be fairly deep with mud,(these aren’t on the normal trail) but you should be able to manage. I used bigger tyres last year and was fairly quick on the downs making places but lost loads on the way back up!! lighter tyres for me this year! I’d recommend getting down early as parking is on a fire road, I think I arrived at 8am and was one of the first there. Also the sign in is a short ride away so factor that in too.

    lets hope the weather is as good as last year!

    good luck

    Free Member

    I reckon this weeks photo assignment should be waiting for these tools and getting a picture of their plates both on the bikes as well as their car/van etc lower down the hill. A picture of their mugs wouldn’t go a miss either.

    Simon I would suggest contacting the local Police and offing them your photo. It could help in “building” a case which may require photo evidence to support it.

    Riding an MX bike badly and without consideration to others an the environment is stupid to say the least but throwing rocks is downright dangerous and completely unacceptable in my book they need reporting asap.

    Free Member

    Welcome to the Border club..

    Just a few pictures of Brian, 3years old in July,
    a little video you may have seen too

    Ps she looks ace!

    Free Member

    You only need one, hence the best MAN. Two just means a long speech, which is painful to sit through or one just sits on the side lines and doesn’t do that much and therefore is a redundant feature.

    I was in this situation with my brother, (he and I were the best men) caused “tension” due to the stress of the speech, ended up that I held the rings in church and didn’t mutter a peep at the top table. To be honest I felt like I didn’t do much at all.

    Just have one.

    Free Member

    I’m looking to do have a go at the same route this year on a HT. I am certain you’ll be fine.



    Free Member

    Unsure on what you can do for the paws other than take them out on a regular basis.

    Andy W, Gisburn is ideal for dogs due to the lack of road work and sheep!!

    You don’t need a massive dog to go riding with, Brian is only 10KG and about a 1ft tall in his shoulders. Runs at a fair rate and enjoys bombing along. Top speed in 25mph with an average of around 8-9mph

    As mentioned above choose the dog you want for the majority of the time as you’re unlikely to take them out biking more than a couple of times a week.

    Brian and I enjoying a day in the summer at Gisburn.

    Riding with Dogs is ace,

    Free Member

    Sunday walnar then over to parkamoor in grizedale and back again should be fun!

    Free Member

    Sharki, love the pictures buddy

    Right you seem to be good at Butterflies, so what is then?

    Took this in Athens, in September

    Keep it up fella


    Free Member

    Buy some they are ace, used mine a few times and also use the flash as a torch when needed. Small compact and really bright, highly recommended.

    As for the mounting angle, I’m happy enough with it as it gives a wash of light over the rear wheel and the road.

    If you have a set of these on your bike mixed with a fibre flare on your pack, there is no reason someone wouldn’t see you.

    For mounting onto a seat stay consider a fibre flare and pop the exposure flare on the seat post.

    Free Member

    Brian, Dec 2010 Wansfell Pike Ambleside, Fantastic views that day I mean amazing!!!

    Free Member

    It’s easy to get around, and has some good sections, riding it as fast as you can makes it much more interesting! the gully section is great but the volunteer built section is tight and twisty and better in my opinion. The ride starts at Cocklet hill car park see google maps or the FC website.

    Video of the Dog and I enjoying Gisburn last summer, (doesn’t include the gully) a cut paw put an end to that.

    Free Member

    We have an 06 Yaris, small petrol engine, feels so much better than the Aygo. The Aygo felt cheap in side and doesn’t feel like a Toyota normally does. I drove an Aygo recently and it was to be honest, rubbish, shame really. Whilst talking with a dealer a while back, he pointed out that the Aygo isn’t really a Toyota, it’s just badged as one. I couldn’t agree more.

    I’d go for a Yaris 5 door or the Fiat Panda.

    Free Member

    Pigs ears last less than 3 minutes in our house, treat ball with peas carrot and the odd dog treat in. Brian loves them. Ice cubes are another favourite of his.

    Free Member

    I love it, “you say sorry to me yeah!” Then the big lad stood up, she soon shut up then, “sorry I didn’t mean to slap you” really… The best comment, Have you had too much Lambrini? priceless..

    Free Member

    We have a Morso Squirrel 1412, stove, it’s fed on seasoned hardwood which costs around £70 per tonne.(northwest prices)We also add in some smokeless coal pellets to help keep the temperature up and the embers glowing.

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