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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • 2hottie
    Free Member

    I’ve friends out in Perth and the two tier economy is true. One couple consists of a nurse and her partner works in a local golf shop. They bring in a good wage together but it’s blown out of the water by another friend who works in the oil and gas industry. He’s on $110,000 a year and he’s only 28. Not bad.

    Perth has everything you will ever need and the proximity to exotic places in Asia is another plus.

    My wife has gained employment via South Australia Police (SAPOL) as they did a recruitment drive in the UK last Spring. We are on a 119 visa which is a regional sponsored migration type. SAPOL didn’t help us with anything in terms of costs which made it a tough year for us; however we now have permanent residency so we are happy with that.

    I am still looking for work in my field but I made the mistake of assuming that my UK degree would be acknowledge in Australia. I spent a few weeks running around between many different organisations and governing bodies but have finally been able to get a definitive answer which has helped. (it is recognised and now I have a letter confirming this which should support any future applications)

    Even getting a job in the local supermarket has been hard for some and I’ve been knocked back from low paid casual jobs as the recruiter can see that it’s merely a stop gap for you and what’s the point taking you on. Harsh but it is to be expected.

    I certainly have eaten humble pie as I assumed that I should gain employment within a matter of weeks. I think my confidence when I first arrived was high due to being told on websites and UK based migration specialists that jobs in my profession were easy to come by. This hasn’t been the case especially as I’ve no real experience to back up my qualifications due to only graduating last June.

    Besides all of this I still do believe that I am in a better position than I was in the UK. It’s hard at the minute with only one wage but we are getting by and when I do start earning we will be able to fully enjoy Australia.

    Since moving here in April I have had friends in the UK emailing saying that they are seriously looking at coming over. Give it a go I’m certainly not going back to live in the UK as Adelaide and Australia are now my home.

    It’s winter here and it does get cold at night 4-5degrees but the day temps are still around 14-15degrees and mainly sunny. So perfect biking weather.

    I’d suggest doing as much research as you can and if you are serious then get organising jobs and accommodation now. Also start saving asap you’ll need all the money you can get to cover unforeseen costs and they will happen.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    7- in one tube in ten seconds i was going too fast and it was the first time riding a Badly set up full suss, just thought the suspension was working until I tried to steer! Rear tube and tyre knackered!

    Free Member

    The events are great, I’ve raced a few and marshalled a couple as well. It’s a very easy going event which is great for those new to racing as when I first went I was unsure what to expect. I found it a great way to make friends an meet other mtb’er and everyone is supportive. When marshalling it was always fun shouting “encouragements” to the riders. What the guys do at Brownbacks is provide an event which supports the local community and gives us riders a good days racing, so the timing system isn’t the best well I’d like to point out that it’s not the uci world cup! But a couple of genuine everyday people doing something good for the local community. Massive respect to them. More events like this are needed around the country.

    Free Member

    He’ll mend soon enough! Hurts like hell tho. Done mine twice but I was in my twenties and well the bones make a solid snap noise due to being bigger. His biggest issue now is what colour pot to ask for!

    Free Member

    Sydney was listed in the top ten most expensive places to live in the world not to long ago. Ive Just moved to Adelaide and I love it. Prices seem high at first but it’s all relative. Other things are much cheaper than the uk equiverlant. Soon as you earn Aussie dollars you’ll be fine. I Graduated in the uk last year and work was almost impossible to find and the salaries were around the £18k mark, the same sort of entry level jobs pay the equiverlant of £32-35k so on balance I’m certainly better off in Oz. Unsure of your situation but for me I feel that I can actually make a comfortable life for myself here. You’ll love it! O 29ers are very popular here too

    Free Member

    Kayak, you are indeed entitled to your opinion however when I’ve got the BBQ on and a table and a few chairs out it should look less “prison like” anyway I like it, less faff for me and is actually a usable space un-like many gardens. “Bad for local flooding” normally I would agree in the UK as the surface doesn’t delay the rain water by soaking it up but acts as “hard surface” meaning run off enters the drains much faster. Here in Oz and especially the place where I live the grey water is collected and stored in underground tanks to be used to keep the lovely playing fields lush in the summer. The house also has a rain water collection tank fitted as standard (local regulation)and the water collect from the garage roof is used for toilet flushing, granted it’s only a 1000ltr but it’s certainly a start.

    Each to their own.

    Free Member

    The rental house I have in Oz has plastic grass and to be honest I can see the benefits. I wouldn’t have really considered it in the UK but there are lots pro’s: firstly no need to cut it, ever. Therefore no more lawn mower and the associated costs and think of the riding time you will gain. Secondly you can use it year round. Just think of the UK summers where the BBQ is going well but due to an early rain shower the grass is soaking and it gets destroyed when people walk/play on it, (let alone all the mud in your house) so you don’t use it. Furthermore, those who are allergic to grass pollen will be happy too. Here’s a few pictures of the lawn at our place. It’s also fairly common here due to the harsh conditions. It drains well too so can be used after the rain. As for the lack of bugs, well I’m happy with that here!
    View from the Kitchen:

    Closer look,

    Drains well

    And why would I want to cut the grass when I have this lot out the front of our place, which is all natural.

    I think a lot of places in the UK could benefit from plastic grass, eg north facing and predominately damp gardens and areas.

    Free Member

    Smell like a vet? surely they’ll leave you alone then.. If you’re unsure around dogs, they’ll pick up on it and will become unsure around you. Generally it’s confidence but I’m terrified of spiders and now live in Aus (top move that) coming into contact with the things we don’t like is going to happen and as posted above we have to share the same space. I was stopped in my tracks last weekend during a bush walk when I spotted an Orb Weaver happily sitting in it’s web JUST above my head! Took a dose of man up and walked under the web (like everyone else did) an enjoyed the rest of my day until I had to do it again on the way back!

    Free Member

    WG, Yeah I really miss the little fella but I certain it’s the right thing and at least he stays in the family.

    Again if you need any questions answering fire them over.

    A little video if Brian
    Good luck and maybe see you over down here some day

    Free Member

    This thread makes for interesting reading, as normal some are keen to point out the failings of a place rather than the positives.

    The wife and I landed in Adelaide on Tuesday as we have gained a sponsored visa via her job(Police Officer)The visa allows me to work too so it’s perfect and I’m looking at earning significantly more than I could ever achieve in the UK and the job opportunities are a real plus in my book.

    We sold everything we had back in the UK, house the lot and I’m looking forward to starting a fresh. The real reason we came was the fact we could and we intend to make the most of it.

    Racist’s exist everywhere and are more prevalent in the UK in my opinion.

    Adelaide and Australia as a whole just appears more laid back but not in the sense that things don’t get done but it’ll be fine “no worries” kind of way.

    We left our dog Brian back in the UK, he’s living with the wife’s parents and if I’m totally honest with myself he’ll have a happier more for filled life there. We looked after him but he now gets two walks a day rather than the one he got with us and the garden is a 60footer rather than the pooky terrace back yard he had with us. Also it cost £3000 just to get him to Melbourne (no quarantine in Adelaide) so we estimated more like £4000 to ship. Furthermore rentals will be harder to come by with a pet.

    We are currently staying with a couple who moved out a few months back and the support networks out here are great. A lot of people have been through the process so are more than willing to help, and that goes for me too.

    If you have any further questions please just ask.

    Zokes, can I tag along on one of your rides at some point? I’ll be buying a new bike soon so will have some wheels again! and I’ll need showing around!


    Free Member

    Tasmania does look fantastic! wine glass bay! how nice was that. I’m moving to Adelaide next month so Tasmania will be my new holiday destination!

    Free Member

    I live in Preston and can be in the Lakes, Yorkshire Dales and the Peaks in around an hour. Lots of great routes locally too. Gisburn, Lee Quarry and Healy Nab to name a few.

    I popped up to Beacon Fell for a play out with the dog, lots of short little drops to practice on. (only go on a week day)

    Free Member

    Conti x-king in 2.4 black chilli protection at the back and a 2.4 rubber queen black chilli up front for me seems to work very well.

    Rubber Queen doesn’t roll that fast but grip is fantastic.

    Free Member

    2.4 RQ on the front for me with a 2.4 x-king on the back, works really well. You could drop down a size and they’ll still be massive. I went for the bigger sizes as I’m not exactly light weight so needed the extra comfort of a larger tyre.

    Free Member

    The guy is amazing and he appears to be a nice chap, I love watching his videos. However he needs a rear light on his bike.

    Free Member

    You made that girl in the yellow top cry with that outfit!

    Free Member

    I’ve a 2.4 RQ with black chilli on the front (folding) and it’s great. grips well, and can plough through the mud and rock gardens without any issues. Unsure of the wire bead might be heavy. Size wise the 2.4 is tight on clearances on a RS Reacon fork.

    Free Member

    I bought the GF one for her Birthday last year, The main reason was to stop her using my baggage allowance every time we get on a plane as she reads a lot, especially on holiday and it’s her way of relaxing. So I invested in the proper case with the built in light and it has been great. No more keeping me awake a night with her bed side light on! she just uses the kindle one instead. Overall it’s brilliant and I’ve started to use it too. I had my doubts as mentioned above but using one has been a real pleasure.

    Highly recommended.

    Free Member


    Thanks for organising a great ride out enjoyed the whole day even the pedalling down hill!

    Onzadog and Mark, cheers for the battle to the top of the hill! Top climbing considering the conditions. Mark I would have had you on the last sprint to car park but the tape on my 5’10’s finally gave up, honest!

    So after a few near misses on the way home, (Audi driver) my evening will mostly consist of this:

    Again great to see people off here and the Peaks Pootle was on my list of things to do before I move to Australia. Cheers for making it a good one.


    Free Member

    I’m in.

    First and last Peaks Pootle for me. Thought i’d make the effort to make at least one.

    Cheers for organising it Pook.

    Free Member

    Brian at Gisburn,

    Took a few minutes for him to work out that walking in front of me whilst riding resulted in a sore nose, he now runs along side the rear mech,

    Also takes different lines, each time.

    Free Member


    Great video, we chatted at the start over a brew, glad you posted it. Shows the course really well,the last lap in the snow was a little slick to say the least!

    Free Member

    Before I book the day off is this still on? Saturday 25th of this month?

    Free Member


    I’ll do it today,

    TJ you seemed to do ok and another lap wouldn’t have taken that long.

    Also cheers for pushing the Blue 330d I was in up the hill of doom.

    Again this event is why I like biking, top banter with everyone around the course, I’m still buzzing about it!

    Free Member


    Some great photo’s of me shredding it to the core, so how do I get some of them off you?

    Also I don’t get the waiting in the woods? is it to not do another lap? because surely that would be a great idea? The course was ACE!!!!! surely you’d want to do another lap?!

    Free Member

    Can we have a video of those that nailed it please Brian, AKA me, every time! and some on cross bikes, Really enjoyed the short downs on the route, great fun buzzing back wheels only to watch them pull away again on the straights..

    Free Member

    I started at the back for the fun of over taking on the downs, (not the ups) an came in 134 so really pleased with that.

    Free Member

    Loved it! Great track enjoyed the downs not to much bottle necking. Might have seen a few. People off here I was on a black kona with a blue gilet on. Big thanks to all involved last event in the uk for me also cheers for pushing our blue BMW up the hill! Top top day out!

    Free Member

    This but with MUD X 2.0 on.

    Also 300 riders over a short course will cut it up a lot, so it’ll not be crusty and hard for long!

    Free Member

    Lancs Police use them now, I30 tourer’s. They went for these over the 1 series BMW and the BMW’s were cheaper and better integrated with the equipment required.

    Free Member

    I’ve a set of 2.4 protection black chilli I like them a lot good in all conditions, took the one off the front as they don’t bite into deep mud that well went for a 2.4 RQ which is massive! However for general riding I can’t fault them. I run mine with tubes btw.

    The cost was a potential deal breaker but I just took the gamble.

    Free Member


    I now “definitely” do not want children.

    Free Member

    Can we have a final course video so I can memorise the track with my eyes close like the guy does on Cool Runnings.

    Free Member

    Poo and Wee machines indeed! Talking of tramps sleeping anywhere! Brian fits the bill perfectly!

    Free Member

    Problem solved!

    Free Member

    Hadge and Roper

    I’m moving to Adelaide this year and was wondering if you knew what the real nasty spiders that I should watch out for are? I’ll also get you a picture of the first Huntsman I see! maybe whilst i’m crying or wetting myself. As said above I’m scared of spiders but amazed by them all at the same time.

    Free Member

    Cheers Tony,

    As for Brian he prefers a nice pint of mild.

    Free Member

    Mine has been great, has a fantastic nature and loves to play and relax in the same breath. He’ll go all day if you like. As for kids we don’t have any but when meeting other peoples he’s amazingly gentle and is just the same with other pups. He has the heart of a Lion and will take on the biggest of dogs but it’s more an issue of little man syndrome.

    Overall I can’t fault the breed.

    Free Member

    Take the stickers off, makes the bike look cheap. Also the flags are lovely and clean so well done on that front.

    However I don’t think many will be looking at the bike with the “distraction” in the back ground.

    Sorry had to be said.

    Free Member

    Firstly, MTFU.

    It’s easy, she’ll be happy with whatever you get her and if you think you may have the style wrong then let her know you can swap/exchange or even adjust the fitting.

    I recently proposed and nailed it! the ring fit perfectly, this was a massive headache but I went of the size of other rings she has. Also I considered that she is very clumsy so went for a brilliant cut (more diamond for your money) semi bezel set diamond solitaire. I went for colour and clarity over the size of the stone but my friend who manages the jewellers did me a lovely deal and helped massively.

    A thing to consider is her over all style, some guys assume that she wants a huge ostentatious rock on her finger when really she’d like a classy little number. As you said she’ll wear it most days for the rest of her life and I can imagine a massive rock will likely get in the way and or broken/lost etc.

    Only you will know or have a good idea of what she likes. Also if she has tiny hands factor that in too.

    She’ll appreciate your attempt/effort so you’ve nothing to lose by getting it wrong but everything to gain by getting it right!

    Letting her pick is a cop out and the easy option.

    Get it done the proper way but in all honesty, do it the way that suits you two best.

    Good luck!

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