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  • Nipple shufflers and new rubbers: products and prototypes spotted at Sea Otter
  • 2hottie
    Free Member

    How about you both go for a pub lunch. Use the money. You can get 2beers and a dinner each for £2O. well you can in the lakes.

    Free Member

    +1 on the value of money. Tax etc and what happens if you get stuck in debt! an how easy it is. First aid etc is good from an early age. Teach them that they need to take responsibility for their own actions. To many kids say it wasn't me! Respect to everyone, kids seem to think that they are owed something all the time. Stop treating kids like adults all the time.

    Free Member

    Whinlatter 6 due to elevation.

    Grizdale 5 if at speed and in the wet.

    Gisburn, 4-5 depending on weather. However if I get my way it be up there around 8 or 9 lol, think I'll have to pester some more at the dig days..

    Free Member

    DD the nice approach doesn't work. I used to work in the call centre for a large profit hungry, shite on your customers mobile phone retail company. Don't waste your time calling into a store or call centre go direct to the shop and play hell with them. Go in early, They will want you out of the shop before it gets busy. Store manager should be able to sort something out. Tell them you were mis sold. The sales rep stated the phone was the tits right and it doesn't work for you at all. The lack of a signed contract is interesting. If the sale was over the phone/internet you may have been stuck after the cooling off (distance selling rules) however in branch they have to have a signed contract to send to the network and keep for their records. If they don't have this then I think this is your chance to get out of the contract. As mentioned above an "upgrade" is any change to your contract terms, regardless of you being in or out of contract. eg you can upgrade in month 19 of a 18month contract. Suggest you be firm and lay out all your demands. Refuse to speak to anyone on the phone and deal with the manager only.

    Good luck,

    Ps I hate phone companies and their contracts! bastids.


    Free Member

    I find religion of any kind very dull. I can't see the benefit in any of it, to me directly. Who cares about what we each believe in. However the idea of a particular style of law being enforced, which would only benefit a very small number in society, should never happen.

    Free Member

    This sounds like all the gear and no idea to me. His girlfriend should be pleased she learnt so much. I bet she was actually paying attention when the instructor was talking to her unlike macho boy who was most likely questioning what he had been told. I did find that funny as when I'm out riding I do meet so many guys who fit the persona of the guy in this article.

    Free Member

    Look at What Mountain Bike, they have done a review of all the best locks. I think it's in the Dec, issue.

    Free Member

    Lytham isn't exactly rocking is it?? Anyhow Id go to Gisburn and follow the blue or just ride around the forest. It takes me about 45minutes to get to Gisburn from the centre of Preston so would take just over an hour from Lytham. See link below:,456044&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=571&ax=373512&ay=456044&lm=0

    If you go on a sunday you may even see the trail pixies there..

    Free Member

    Would try and contact the local building control officer at the council.

    Free Member

    I did this a year and a half ago.

    Then broke it three weeks after the cast came off by going over the bars!!! hurts like a mo fo when cold. I mean the bones actually ache!! I know mine will NEVER be the same again as it already cracks and clicks all the time. Best thing is to take it slow. I can ride now but still get aches after a downhill. Follow this guide,

    good luck. Ps look at getting a powerball.

    Free Member

    Full Sus more fun???!!?!?! err no. I sold mine due to being too BORING!! The shops in the lakes are top. Buy from there not online for a first bike.

    Free Member

    No wouldn't suggest that. I would point you in the direction of a hardtail with around 100mm -120mm forks. Aim to have discs and learn to ride with flat pedals (better riders use these:lol:) The Dale is a good bike but with a lefty on which can be a bugger to fix as well as a rear shock and all the looking after that they need, you will be better on a hardtail. Learning to ride a hardtail with flats off road gives you the core skills needed to be smoother downhill and faster overall. If you go for flat pedals get a decent pair of shoes to match, such as five tens.

    Hope that helps.

    Free Member

    The more feedback the better. Most of us who help build the track are riders ourselves and as such have an idea of what will and won't work. With so many centres around it is becoming ever more important to try new ideas instead of just laying a trail down. The idea of flow is important and is taken into consideration when building a new trail, as are other factors, such as fall zones and run off points as well as drains and bridges. All of which takes time to talk through and build. I am a big fan of natural trails yet I do enjoy a blast round a man made route. I find too many "features" can kill the flow of a route more than a badly designed corner for example. The trails at Gisburn are a work in progress and I'm proud to be involved. I know I am constantly coming up with ideas for sections when really I should be paying attention in lectures and so on.

    Free Member

    Midges on the way to the World Cup!!

    Free Member

    Just watched it on i player, I think the set i have in the loft maybe set up soon!

    Free Member

    It was an eye opener today as I waited to be picked up out side my uni. The amount of people who walk out into the road! and then looked surprised when they almost get squashed! Most are either on the phone or have head phones in. An then the motor biker (female to my surprise) under took a car which wasn't even turning right!! crazy! the guy on the phone who then slammed on due to not seeing the parked delivery truck. The buses which seem to fight with each other for position causing more issues for other road users to avoid. So in 20 minutes of waiting I saw 15-20 people just walk into the road, a guy nearly crash due to being on the phone and a crazy under take for no benefit?!

    The roads are mental!!!

    Free Member

    Tap the brakes lightly so he/she will have to respond. They should get the idea soon enough, This works in the car as well, a small tap to bring the brake lights on and people soon drop back..

    Free Member

    Cheers for the ideas,

    The salad bags are spinach leaves then mixed with other items such as carrots, tomatoes etc, I'll try the lettuce idea, as I always thought they wouldn't last long at all.

    Thanks again


    Free Member

    My old GT Zaskar, built up with pace forks front disc brake and a mixture of xt and hope wheels, amazing bike!! I rode this everyday for about 5years! Then sold it to Wozza.

    Free Member

    2nd what Matthew H said.

    Free Member

    Canon. I have the ixus 40 from a few years ago does the job, small easy to use, good battery and pictures are ok as well. The main thing I like is that it's quick when going in and out of menu's.

    Free Member

    Orange County Choppers

    Free Member

    Got slx with 180 front 160 rear find they have more "power" and feel than my old mono 4's with 180's front and back. Pads seem to make a difference to. My bro has 160's front and back with the new xt's they look ace, and with the resin pads in they stop you very quickly!!

    Free Member

    I have verts front and rear, I have about 1 pinch flat a year on my HT. Bigger tyre at the front helps when hitting rocks, as it doesn't get knocked off line like a thinner tyre can.

    Free Member

    work saturday.
    dig @ Gisburn Sunday

    Free Member

    The stairs aren't difficult really, it's no steeper than say Walnar Scar in the lakes it's just narrower that's all. As long as you have a clear line in and out of a "feature" most will have no problems. It is a red trail after all so should be in places hard yet not all the time. As for those who cut bits out it's down to us to guild them in the right way. As Jon says using fences etc, can work but if the trail just doesn't "flow" then maybe armour those places. Also worth noting is that Gisburn attracts a high number of families with children as well as those new to riding who may not be aware of how demanding a trail will be until they're on it. This is in my opinion, the reason why there is in place lots of short cuts taken.

    Free Member

    I don't even go in and I live less than 400metres away from the shop. When they used to sell mountain bikes they were grumpy then. The window at the front of their shop has been smashed for a while now still not sorted that out lazy buggers lol.

    Free Member

    Could do with a day up there to patch up the trails, lots of barrowing to be done for the volunteers, I don't mind doing it.

    Free Member

    Coverage was top, ITV rubbish and made me not want to watch. As for EJ I found him really annoying!!! an wished he would just **** off!

    Free Member

    **** the bridge has gone! err as for the steps I'll draw a picture and bring it on Sunday.

    Free Member

    BA I don't think I missed anything out, if so I Missed it too!

    Free Member

    second the travel contacts. They fit 26mtb wheels to.

    Free Member


    From the crag, you will drop down on the red cutting through a wall then into the forest where you will hit a set of berms, these aren't the rollercoster but ace none the less. When you hit the fire road turn right and go up hill. Follow this round to the right until the road levels out. You will find on your left a large flat area where the top of the roller coaster is, two boulders mark the start.

    Free Member

    Yeah hopefully, the section above will take a few months, am sure stumpyjon would be pleased to have an email from you.

    Free Member

    That bridge is far from shonky it would give the Milliau a run for its money in engineering terms.. I know this as I tested the above bridge by jumping up and down on it. A big thanks to the cake kids and their Dad of course.

    Free Member

    Normally mix it with other tracks in the forest however went round it a few weeks back in the rain and was a good laugh. It's not very hard but if you try and ride it all flat out it can be fun. It could do with less fire road but apart from that I think it's ok.

    Free Member

    BA I turned up, be it for 5 minutes, the weather was indeed crap however cocklets car park was full. Im there on Wednesday so will carry on your good work. I'll take a few pics of what we get done and have them on here quick sharp for all to enjoy. Also I will be sporting my nice t-shirt…

    Free Member

    I have made these before, nothing new am afraid. Also made them into a key ring size however my old mech hanger does a better job. you could try and sell them to the kids on mbuk as rs says above..

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