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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    I was worried about some peas I put out the weekend before last too. They caught a bit of frost bit it was mild and thankfully they seem ok.

    Free Member

    Nice tip Jody\Andy, I new about that in the fruit bowl scenario, but just hadn’t put 2 and 2 together and thought about it in the green house. Pretty sure I’ll do that as I always end up with a loads of green chilli’s at the end of the season too. cheers

    I’ll take a photo of my veg patch tonight too and post up progress so far

    Free Member

    Jody, Why’s there a banana hanging on your chilli plant ❓

    Free Member

    what he said

    Free Member

    Croozer for 1 here, gets used all the time for the commute\nursery run behind the bike, runs and walks in the forest. I got it used off of here. I use it on quite country roads, I’ll use cycle routes and pavements as soon as we get anywhere near town and roads are anything but empty.

    Off road we’ll do a bit on gravel tracks round the forest in the summer months but speed drops as it can get bumpy back there. unless you want to really splash out on one with suspension.

    Free Member

    They have tried encouraging the farmers with incentives to grow other crops but it’s not worked that well by the sounds of it.

    If they just decimated everything and the farmers livelihood, even more would swap to supporting the Taliban, who would allow them to grow what they want. So it’d be counter productive.

    Free Member

    For Jamie

    Free Member

    markshires – That would mean having to buy the Sun though 😉

    Free Member

    How do you stop people using your carpark for freeparking?

    With these companies it doesn’t seem to be about that, it’s about a revenue stream in itself and their primary one at that.

    If it was about that they’d do as I said earlier as the other local supermarket does with an attendant tapping in reg’s into a handheld looking for abuse of the parking. Not just looking to slap tickets on genuine shoppers, who naively thought he’d not need to bother with a ticket past 6 O’clock in an empty car park.

    You’re right Hora it’s the stupid fee, if it was £10-20 I’d not have batted an eye lid and paid it but the fee’s are just stupid and the way they deal with people in general is awful and I’m the one who’s morals are questioned 🙄

    Thanks for all the helpful comments guys

    Free Member

    The shops in question are very close to a train station with no parking at all, so that’s what they should be for. I agree that’s certainly not the spirit of how the parking company enforces the rules though

    Free Member

    That took longer than i expected 🙄

    Lie! I’m not going to lie about anything!

    The point of these parking charges is to stop people parking there all day for free, popping on the train and taking spaces from people who want to use the shops there. I parked for 5 mins and used the shops, there were half a dozen cars there out of 100+ spaces. I wrongfully assumed that in the evening nobody would be ticketing so didn’t bother pressing the button, so £60 is fair for that given the circumstances?

    Morally what an awful person I am

    Now if this company operated as the other local supermarket’s parking company does where they have a 2 hour limit and they have a man wondering around inputting registration numbers into a handheld, looking for breaches and then issuing tickets, I’d pay as I would have been breaking the spirit of what it’s intended for, but I wasn’t. These types of company’s seem to have no intention of taking any normal parking charges or stopping abuse of the car park the fines seem to be their primary revenue stream.

    Free Member

    Right all sounds good, I think I’ll appeal on the basis of the’ve lost sod all and I was in and out and it would have been free I just thought it was ok in the evening so didn’t press the button, cheers all

    Free Member

    jamesgarbett – Can I ask what you put in your initial appeal? Any reason for not getting your ticket? or were you purely focused on loss\damages and left it at that?

    Free Member

    Brigante – Unfair? Not in the way it was issued, no.
    unfair as in it’s an extortionate charge for 5 mins in an empty car park yes.

    Free Member

    Zokes – “again” as in I’ve seen it come up on here before

    I thought the ignore thing had changed?

    The more complicated bit is I was driving my brothers car, and he wife’s the worrying type. Exactly the type these company’s prey on, although I was bang to rights, I just dislike their tactics in general.

    Free Member

    I could help though even if they don’t fibre to your door.

    The copper to our door is capable of supporting 5MB at least. With BT, SKY or anybody else other than TalkTalk from our exchange the best we could get was 0.5 to 1MB at best. That was purely down to the number of people on the exchange and the kit and line capacity out of the exchange. So a backbone upgrade on the exchange could do wonders still.

    Free Member

    I didn’t see the program but imho RR has gone the way of opulence for the sake of it and it’s just a bit gaudy now.

    I’ve no problems with people with money spending it on nice things but there’s a difference between a chap buying a range rover for swanning around the country estate on shoots a nice Merc or BM etc or even buying a Maybach which you do a lot of business from like Peter Jones etc. It to me also feels very different from a car fanatic buying a super car like Chris Evans (some may disagree with that one more).

    The cars (RR and a few others) just seem to be utterly pointless objects and saying “I’m considerably richer than yow!”. They just seem to be caricatures of the cars they once were which I think is sad.

    No class to the mark any more

    Free Member

    Not Royal Mail, as they’ll probably sell them for you on eBay. Try friendly lbs or friends for a box

    Free Member

    Local cycle route to me is parked on and blocked everyday, the council do nothing about it dispite trying my best. So I don’t see how it’ll make any difference, they park illegally on the pavement now and will no doubt will continue to do so

    Free Member

    extension on the house and build a garage with boiler room for the biomass heating system

    Free Member

    If I can’t do it I’ll certainly pass on details to some other mates who might be interested too.

    Free Member

    Dibs! 8)
    Will PM shortly.

    I’ve done the 3PYR 3 times before, finished every time, no racing snake but absolutely love it!

    Free Member

    Sin City, worst film ever!

    Free Member

    You’re lucky he doesn’t just refuse to sell it.

    I won a Mondeo estate a couple of years ago, a good price but not crazy cheap and the guys just refused to sell it saying he was “hoping for more”

    He’d specificity listed it “no reserve”, so I left -ve feedback and reported him to ebay who did bobins. same car was for sale the following week an only made £50 more than I won it for, who knows if he sold it that time.

    Annoying especially as I’ve sold stuff before which didn’t reach what I’d hoped for but still sold it.

    Free Member

    So you went to a website you seem to know you didn’t like, and found you didn’t like it

    and in other news different people like different things from other people

    and no I don’t read the Mash or work for them 😉

    Free Member

    Yeah it’ll keep moving, you’ll just need to leave a bigger gap to allow for it.

    At my last house we had big gates two 6ftx6ft gates, at first we got wooden gates which just sagged\dropped, twisted, shank and expanded. Gave up with them in the end and welded up metal frames and clad them to look similar, hey presto no more twisting, dropping, swelling and shrinking. I pass the place occasionally and they same gates are still going strong 10 years on

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Not sure where you buy your wives from but £70 seems a bargain….

    It’s not the purchase price that’s the problem, it’s the running costs 😉

    Free Member

    Fair enough Donk, sounds like they really do have it sorted and they are that good.

    But! I bet we don’t end up with any infrastructure which is even close to that in Holland, even though it’ll get labelled as “Dutch” even though the designer has never left this country or ridden a bike. Much like the new “dutch style junction” in Southampton which is apparently (I’ve not seen it myself other than the press coverage, etc) awful and nothing like anything remotely dutch

    Free Member

    What happens with roadies in Holland etc? Where if a cycle route exists I believe it’s compulsory to use it, and said route has lots or normal cyclists travelling at a much slower speeds.

    I’m all for segregated routes for encouraging everyday cycling and normalising it to make it a normal thing to do.

    But! if and when we as a country get a good cycling infrastructure where will the Roadies go? As those routes are not suited that type of cycling generally and many motorists (the Clarkson type) will if you’re on the road, see you as taking their road and not using the new infrastructure and the existing animosity will continue.

    Will we end up with roadies having to drive or ride slowly from where they live to roads which don’t have any cycling infrastructure, making it more difficult for many who have cycling infrastructure near their homes to be able to do a quick from their door session?

    So how does sport cycling fit in places like Holland? What lessons could we learn early?

    Free Member

    One option if it’s not been done before and your replacing a whole side is to cut ’em off as low as you can and leave them. Then dig new holes in the middle between the old ones.

    Free Member

    re toes coming out of socks, sod all you can do mine always do it too all of my sock have a little hole by the big toe just carry on and ignore it.

    my personal sock choice is bridgdales, good amount of wool which is much nicer if you end up with wet feet imo.

    off road is way more interesting, no music here, find a running buddy or a club if that suits, I’ve got a mate who I run with a lot. we swap between starting at/near his or mine and pick different routes all the time. We use to map out new routes and stick ’em on garmin watches to use as a guide

    shoes my personal choice again is something grippy and not too high for off road, salomon speedcross, la sportivas… but it’s very personal as said early on you’ll need to try a few to see what suits.

    do some stretches the aches will ease as you get more used to it


    Free Member

    jcc fireguards here too, throughout most of the house, some dimmable, most not.

    I’m happy with them, a but more expensive then some but a good guarantee (5years, no problems with any of mine yet after a few years) and all in one units 240v with no external transformers. My brother refitted their showroom so got me a big order at a good price too which helped.

    Free Member

    Not elitist in that you’d be snubbed by others in the sport because you didn’t go to Eton etc sort of thing, but inaccessible for most without more money than most due the ability to train in most of the sports yes.
    [edit] but as said before thats because of geography and weather[/edit]

    Free Member

    Just wait until we’re 20 years into the next ice age and XC skiing is normal in the UK\north sea etc. and we might kick Norway’s ass 😉

    Free Member

    It’s only about £ in the UK because of geography and weather

    Free Member

    and how many products and lines do the others mentioned have\release in caparison……

    sorry OP 😳

    Free Member

    oh and OP done BTW, good luck

    Free Member

    On one\PX have a lot of fans on here and they talk about their products and Brant contributes to to forum and has for years, not exclusively about his products either, views about the industry/products in general and helping users and a healthy bit of general banter and sarcasm too.

    There are plenty of negative threads about the companies too with regards customer service and products. Many which Brant and Dave have replied to, and very honestly too, which I think is refreshing and mostly appreciate. One from Dave last year about customer services specificity springs to mind, he admitted failings and promised to improve the situation.

    Cy from Cotic posts too I think, and there have been plenty of threads about his bikes and products.

    Sam from Singular the same, I’ve lost count of the number of people who seem to adore their singulars and the “show me you [insert model]” threads for singular especially.

    and the guy from Genesis too if I recall

    yes on one and PX and probably are the most numerous but they’ve made a lot of bikes and different products compared to the others and they have a lot of fans.

    Free Member

    +1 marathon plus

    amazing tyres, never punctured yet with one after thousands of miles

    [hopes, he hasn’t tempted fate]

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