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  • Val Di Sole World Cup DH results, report and highlights video
  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    As per Northernmatt dissapointed 😥

    Nonturbo at the moment

    Now the diff and suspension are all set up in it’s mild-ish form, the engine will have a few internals refreshed and Turbo which it was built around is going back on, should be a reliable 280BHP 😈

    OP not sure if it’s the same model or problem but I seem to vaguely remember some of the BMW Mini’s had turbo problems because of the oil feed pipe being run somewhere which got a nasty hot spot so it got coked up and restricted flow, killing turbo’s. I could be wrong, might have been another car I’m thinking of, not 100% it was mini? but a re-routed pipe or heat shield would fix it (obviously for BMW to do) have a google around to see if you can find anything similar.

    Free Member

    I lost my 305 watch a few years back, looked every where for it waited a few weeks and bought a new one.

    Two days later I find in stuffed in the bottom of a road running shoe I’d not used for ages 👿
    flogged new one to a mate for cost, so no bother luckily

    Free Member

    magic eye on coax for changing channels, hdmi will go 10 meters after that I think you need a booster.

    I’ve got two TV’s on HDMI and one on Coax (Quality’s not great on the coax, but is ok for the little 19inch TV we use on occasions in the bedroom). 5m and 10m HDMI leads from an active splitter after the sky box. Sky box is in a cupboard under the stairs. 2 TV’s with magic eye and one with an IR repeater because of of the surround sound AV etc for that room is under the stairs too.

    bit of a mish mash but it all works, HTH

    Free Member

    I had a recruitment consultant try to tell me that I’d take home more on a lower wage than on a wage just over the 40% threshold 🙄 Idiot!

    Free Member

    Trowel + Angle grinder = one of them there tings 🙂

    Free Member

    Tape should to it, as well a good clean as wwaswas said, scuff up the surface a bit with a green scotch pad first to give it a better surface to stick to.

    Free Member

    I use mine CX in a very similar way to you.

    CX tyres not for Road ime
    I use heavy but indestructible and puncture proof marathon+’s. Off road they’re ok, not mtb grip but ok except on wet mud\grass but you just have to ride to the conditions and bike, if you want to go proper off roading go home and swap Bikes for your MTB, CX is a halfway house at best don’t expect any more

    Free Member

    Not on their, but I keep getting invites from complete randoms, either recruitment based stuff but also cycling “industry people”, marketing stuff I guess. How on earth LinkedIn knows what industry I work in or my hobbies I don’t know, never been to the site ever!

    Free Member

    We’re flying in to Dubrovnik for a 2 week holiday in Montenegro next week. After a similar look at hire cars, ended up going with SIXT as it’s proper firm not just a broker where you seem to be dumped with some really dodgy lot. Also SIXT are ok for cross border trips, some try to stick you with another charge apparently.

    We declined their breakdown cover and insurance and got a policy with these guys[/url] for loads less

    Free Member

    lucien – Member
    Air rifle for me……hate the ffffing things

    bit strong maybe!
    friends of yours?[/url]

    I’m no fan but the sprinkler or high pitched noise PIR things work. I used both in the past, not a problem where I live now, but at my old house the little blighters used to do it in my veg patch 👿

    Sprinkler probably won’t work on your drive way though, well it will but you’ll get your car washed every time you pull up, you get out and the postman too, could be amusing to watch though 😈

    [edit]oh and btw powders/granules and gels etc all work for a short time if at all and then you need to buy more. waste of money ime [/edit]

    Free Member

    heard one here (New forest) just a few weeks back, just once and that was it, not heard it again. First one I’ve heard near home in 3 years.

    Our local bird man, Chris Packham’s been in the news a bit recently, Cuckoo’s were one of the breeds he mentioned were specifically in decline.
    All linked with his recent Malta trip\arrest

    Free Member

    My Bad

    Free Member

    Sustrans are not perfect, and certainly not above criticism, but we are better off with them than without, and I support their goals if not always their methods.


    Free Member

    But the reality is if Sustrans say it isn’t up to standard then the council will just sign it anyway.

    True, but imo Sustrans shouldn’t rubber stamp it and put it on their map, which to me says “This is an acceptable cycle route for people to use every day\touring etc” when it isn’t.

    Free Member

    I accept we can’t have it all now and something is better then nothing.

    But! there has to be a minimum standard where they can so “no [council] that’s just awful and not suitable for bikes” ime the part of the national route near me should fall into that category.

    GrahamS’s example photo above would be a delight to cycle on compared to some of the carp I commute on. Yes it’s not Dutch but that’d be good enough in my book. I don’t agree with the bad advice though. I doubt the proper advice would cost any more to produce.

    Free Member

    I don’t think many of us think Sustrans is all bad by any means.

    I just wish they’d do what they can do with the resources they have really well. Get the Advice right! and only accept routes which are actually any good.

    I don’t see how publishing a document eding in the right direction but not there or adopting a thoroughly substandard route and telling everybody it’s part of your national cycle network helps anything. btw it’s been part of the national route for years and hasn’t improved in anyway shape or form to my knowledge.

    If your going to do it, do it well! or not at all! I would see value for money then even if that meant the scale and reach was reduced at least what was there would be good.

    Free Member

    In case I’ve come across as such, I’m not anti Sustrans at all.

    I appreciate they have limited resources and there only so much they can “do” but I really would rather they just adopted good stuff not the rubbish and had a patchwork thing if that’s the reality of it. Making the country look like some big joined up network of lovely off road cycling routes is just not reality, yet! Maybe one day, I hope I can still ride a bike then, ‘cos I’m not holding my breath for it.

    Free Member

    oh and when I say “good 3m wide shared use cycle route”, that’s permanently shared with parked cars too, often blocking it completely when I’ve got my son in the Croozer anyway 👿

    local + county council and police will do sod all about it 👿

    Free Member

    Why on earth Sustrans adopted that is absolutely beyond me.

    1.What was the alternative ?
    2.Not to adopt it and have a gap in a longer route ?[/quote]

    1.No other particularly good alternatives no, not along that bit. Bar building some proper infrastructure, which obviously isn’t an option.
    2. Yes! people use these maps to plan routes, many non locals and they might plan to use that. Where if it wasn’t adopted, they might look for the best on road option near by and have a far nicer ride.

    Further up the same “National route” it goes off and wiggles around the houses on an on road route (not even any markings, bar the odd blue sticker on existing street furniture) with junctions and parked cars left right and centre to get between town and village when there’s a good 3m wide shared use cycle route in a dead straight line which they seem to have completely ignored?

    By adopting rubbish imo they approve it as ok! and the council see it as ok! and we go round again.

    The local council put in an utterly pointless dotty white line on a road near my Mums a few years ago. I asked my Father in law who’s a councillor what they were thinking it was for and I was told they had some money which they had to spend on cycling stuff so they did and that’s what you’ve got. I know that’s not Sustrans fault but if\when they get asked to adopt it they say no it’s pointless and not good enough then maybe next time they might think (but probably not 😥 )

    I’d rather they spent what little money they have for cycling on one bad junction than 30 miles of pointless carp!

    Free Member

    There’s shared use and shared use though.

    There’s a 2-3m wide shared use route.
    And then there’s one of my local sections which is a “Sustrans National cycle route” which is under a meter in width with potholes everywhere with narrowing’s and obstacles left right and centre.

    Why on earth Sustrans adopted that is absolutely beyond me.

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member
    Let her RIP. Can’t see how any details are in the “public interest” or whatever fake reason the media give in these cases.

    I see your point, and agree to a point, but! on the other hand if the public don’t see what drugs can do it’ll perhaps not discourage others from starting.

    Free Member

    Ikea ones [/url]are 90p, and are good ime

    Free Member

    I used to more here and there, but was moving forward and had a good reputation for getting stuff done well and quickly.

    Now I’ve hit a dead end with my boss, he won’t let go of stuff that I’d happily take on. Won’t spend the training budget he’s got and can’t\wont pay over time or offer much flexibility (yet he comes and goes as he pleases). There’s no logical step forward or sideways for me here with him so with a young family I’d rather just spend time with them and just do my hours now.

    If I did any extra I’d get nothing for it, so why would I? So when the time’s right (which isn’t right now) I’ll move on elsewhere and yeah I’d put in more effort and a bit! of extra time if I thought it’d help to move me forward again (Experience, training, and or financially).

    We’ve got very big project on at the moment and nobody in the team really cares bar him and he keeps on telling everyone to “get motivated” and just expects it to happen, yet he actively tells people that their carriers are their problem, and nothing to do with him yet he has the budgets and tools to help people but just refuses or can’t see how it would help people’s motivation.

    imo he’s a terrible manager he’s a do’er and would rather be doing and he hates managing but he can’t see it, or understand what imo it is that makes a good manager.

    The other side of the company I work for is unionised and they have to be bribed on a daily basis to even do the hours they are contracted and paid for.

    Free Member

    Chugington! chug-a-chug-a-chug-a chugington!

    HTH brakes 😉

    Free Member

    any local walk in non-emergency centres?

    Free Member

    I just made it up as I went along after having a look at a few photo’s on google. There’s the swing, slide, and climbing wall a little fold down seat down stairs and the floor lifts up for a sand pit and little ball pool. Oh and there’s an addition of a black board since the photo’s too. My lad loves it, it was done for his first birthday (20 months now) so much of it was a bit early, especially the climbing wall, which has only been used by me really so far, but he’ll grow into it 😉

    Free Member

    Bistro for posh nosh in the evening, really nice food, not cheap but not silly money.
    Alpine cafe down by the train station is nice for lunches teas and coffee

    Free Member

    I have to say the Sustrans route near me is a joke it’s apparently a “national cycle route”. In reality it’s a 2ft wide piece of crumbling potholed tarmac which imo is a poor footpath at best but it’s been adopted none the less, and has had a few 3 inch blue stickers stick to any existing street furniture that’ll take a sticker. The route then diverts all round the houses on an on road route (no cycle route markings) cars parked everywhere loads of junctions and driveways when there is an ideal direct and wide off road route which should be a cycle route and isn’t. I know which bits I use.

    Free Member

    I saw a bike this weekend where the owner had used white electrical tape directly on the bars. I certainly wouldn’t want to ride that far, cheap though

    Free Member

    oh and I found the yepp really stable and easy to use, more so than the rear carrier we tried (but each to thier own). If you want to do off road that’s the best option ime, they get the benefit of your fork suspension. My knees are out, but only a tiny but and I’ve got pretty long legs for my height but it’ll vary depending on your bikes head angle and stack height etc.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a croozer and have just bought a Yepp Mini Ahead both have their place. The croozer for almost year round commuting to nursery and days out in the forest picnics etc. They can be pretty bumpy off road for the little one so it’s road, or smooth gravel tracks for that one. the chariots were a bit too much money for me and I got the Croozer used from Stoner on here.
    The Yepp is brilliant for interaction but is only good for nice warm dry weather. I used the trailer this morning for the nursery run (5 miles) as it was still a bit chilly but I can’t wait to use the yepp more as it warms up this summer. I got the yepp from a recommendation on here, cheaper and lighter than the weeride and much less of a knees out position. The Yepp is great for interaction but he loves his trailer too he’s always watching his surroundings and pointing things out but he can chill and sleep in there too. imo you’ll need a full length mudguard for a trailer unless you want to have the rain cover down the whole time as they do get a lot of dust and bits of the rear tire.

    there are a good few threads on here too. you’ll enjoy which ever way you go, it’s great getting out with them on the bikes.


    Free Member

    I might be off to court later in the year to give evidence against somebody for using their mobile while driving. Kids in the back drifting out of their lane. When challenged by me and the police they absolutely point blank denied it (with phone in hand) and argued with a policeman for ages about it.


    Free Member

    I use Mdpe blue as ninfan suggeted.

    I’ve got half a dozen holes drilled in the tops of my beds which they slot into when I need to use them then I have two canes(for weights) zip tied to either side of the mesh I’m using and just lay it over the top. I’ll see if I’ve got a photo for you

    [edit] nope no photo’s on my phone, but I leave the pipe hoops in and just lift up the mesh or plastic and roll it up when not in use[/edit]

    Free Member

    A password store, I’ve got far too many to remember myself
    I use eWallet

    Free Member

    none myself but got a mate who’s used it a fair bit. there is some good stuff about which actually looks ok according to him but it pricey, and he said don’t whatever you do put any in if it needs a join. As that looks awful.

    sounds like your area is small so you should be ok on both fronts. As much as my grass is a PITA I still wouldn’t personally though but I can see the attraction and I’m sure it’ll suit some places\people

    Free Member

    OP I think I’ve been very much where you are. A number of years ago I was feeling very much like you describe. I’d always been upfront and honest about the marriage and kids thing with my SO (not really into either was the gist) but it was becoming more and more there! and I was feeling a bit trapped/concerned about life changing, I’d not had much adventuring for a year or so at that point. So I buggered of to Thailand for 3-4 weeks (at less than a days notice) to get some space and have a think, no idea what triggered me to do that, fairly out of character tbh. I came back just as confused as I was when I left, until I got home and saw her and we spoke. Yes that was pretty mean, we both agree on that, but both agree it needed to happen at the time. A few more happy years and we got round to the marriage thing (3 month honey moon 🙂 ) and a few years later we had a baby, he’s a year and half now and he makes me smile every single day. Most dads are reluctant dads, doesn’t mean you wont love it. Last couple of years have been a bit light on the big adventure front with a house renovation and the little one but I’m getting back to it now, I’ve done a few races and keep active and get out there every week in one form or another (bike, running etc)
    She’s always supported me in my little adventures and has never said no even when some have been a bit of a financial stretch. I’ve just signed up to a weeks race away, sailing running and cycling. Financially I should be sensible (it’ll not put us on the bread line by any means, but a few things round the house might have the wait a bit, nice to haves) but I want\need to do this stuff and she understands that and always supports me in them.

    Yes I do a bit less than I used to, but I love her and our son and our life (Except work which is a bit of a bore at the moment, next year time for a change me thinks).

    Hora’s right balance is what it’s about.


    Free Member

    Rockplough, as much as what you’ve suggested happens it’s certainly not unheard of for a lorry driver to come up from behind a cyclist and still mow them down.

    So lets at least hold of blaming the victim until the facts have come out please, a little respect.

    Free Member

    just got the name (yepp mini ahead) from the image url, cheers

    Free Member

    Ok cheers that looks like another good option, what’s it called though?
    Is it just a single clamp on the steerer, does it go on and come off pretty quick?

    Free Member

    No one? I can’t believe nobody on STW has an opinion, informed or not 😉

    [Edit]Just thought maybe the title could have been clearer, nothing to do with a car seat[/Edit]

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