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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    cheers guys, yeah it’s rubbish but could be much worse. I’ll be on some drugs for the rest of my life and need regular checks but once it’s under control we’re hoping for things to be ok really. Initial Hugh! shock was tough, a few days with a lot of tears but I think we’re more or less over that now, just trying to crack on and deal with kicking it’s ass and life as normal as we can.

    Hora – nope none just a completely random genetic mutation in the stem cells in my bone marrow, just S*** luck.

    Free Member

    Nas dnla and what you want at the other end to stream to ps3, raspberry pi, sonos, dnla avreciever…..

    Free Member

    Fibres on the way the village here too, just up the road.

    We were with sky (which is bt resold) and had 0.5mb which is dismal, as was their support. On the same bit of copper we’re now on 5mb with TalkTalk which is ok.

    The problem was bt was massively oversubscribed and TalkTalk are the only ones in our exchange which are fully unbundled and don’t over subscribe all of their kit.

    Free Member

    Car would go in from time to time as and when I borrow my brothers, ours just sits on the drive. At the moment if I borrow it he insists it goes in a Carcoon.

    Free Member

    ok fair enough

    probably use grab lorries as they’re a bit cheaper I think, and access isn’t a problem so shouldn’t need a pump

    We’d still need planning and regs as it’ll be up to a boundary line

    Free Member

    900mm for a single skin one storey garage, really?

    That’s more than double what my house has got, yes it’s 100 years old, but still seems ott to me for what is in the region of a 5th of the load that my house footings have taken for a long time with no significant movement

    Free Member

    Yep within 1m of the boundary, and it’ll likely need to to be brick and slate because of the fussy planners at the national park. Also I think I’d prefer it too tbh at it’ll look right.

    I could probably do a wooden frame\clad thing too, a few local out building in that style but not sure it’d be loads cheaper and there’s on going maintenance and it might just look like a giant shed.

    brick and slate makes most sense.

    Plaster board and kingspan etc will all come later

    Free Member

    The Office\storage room plan was to use plasterboard bonded kingspan and stud partition with kingspan to divide the garage into three rooms. I often make a lot of mess in the garage so wanted to separate them.

    Might put a stove in the office bit, maybe! in STW style (via regs). Brother’s a former sparky (only very recently changed) so no prob’s there, mates at his ex firm will test and sign off all above board.

    Free Member

    make it a granny annex?

    nope, genuinely just a little home office and somewhere to stick loads of my sports kit so that it’s not in the house.

    the house isn’t that big and extending it’s not on the cards just at the moment

    Free Member


    end of thread

    Free Member

    Stoner what runs the pumps when the powers down?

    Last year we had a 2 day power cut including most of Christmas day, we got by just fine. Quick rewire and an extension lead to a generator ran the central heating, fridge freezer, plenty of bike lights. Cooked on the Gas hob and or the BBQ\over coal in the garden. Might even do BBQ turkey and roasted veg over wood\coal again next year 🙂

    Free Member

    on a more serious note though one of the PIR water sprinkler things worked on my veg patch at our old house. you can get them on ebay for £30-40ish I think

    Free Member

    Sorry 😳

    Free Member

    Another recommendation for Oxford street, but which end of town are you staying? Oxford street is a bit of a trek from Bedford place etc there are some good options down that end too

    Free Member

    Making a kettle more efficient is certainly an interesting concept. Where is the waste energy going – heat?

    Well I’m no expert (stereotypical STW IT bod) but can come up with a few ideas straight off (I’m sure a few others may have suggested some or all of these, I’ve not read every post)
    -The casing of my kettle gets hot each time it’s used, and that heat radiates into the room, that’s wasted energy. The water could possibly be insulated somehow maybe, something like a jetboil? maybe
    -Kettles are open to atmosphere so heat is wasted their. could that be sealed? Much like a litre of water on the hob boils quicker when it has lid on.
    -Far too many people boil way too much water not just what they need (these include my wife despite much nagging, my mum, my grandparents). many people don’t think! so need to be lead\pushed! So those boil water tap kettle things seem like a good idea too.

    Many manufacturers making money doing what’s cheap and easy often need a push to innovate. Some don’t, Dyson for example. As I understand it not one of their vacuums use more than 1600w anyway….

    Some people need pushing, it’s a good thing IMO vacuums, kettles, irons, hair-dryers etc. Yes for most of those the gains might be small but look after the pennies and……..

    Free Member

    I so wish I had some Rad skillz and cold just ride over the roofs 😈

    Perhaps without my 2 year old in the trailer though 😉

    Free Member

    As tempted as I am two wrongs really don’t make it right.

    One of the worst cars for causing a genuine obstruction on my nursery run route regularly has his wing mirror flipped the wrong way or popped off. Still parks there every! single! day!

    Free Member

    Interesting document IRC.

    So the conclusions seem to be it’s against a number of laws but we’ll very rarely if ever do anything about it, bar educate drivers (and that sounds like a proactive council\Police force compared to mine, even when specific complaints have been made about genuine and persistent obstructions).

    So OP yes some people (those often affected) GAS but those that can do something about clearly don’t GAS, or at least it’s at the bottom of a list which will never be got to and dealt with.

    Free Member

    Another vote for a Skagen, really nice watches at reasonable prices, classy but different.

    Not got one yet myself but next time I fancy a new watch it’s on my list, or if I’ve got cash to splash a Christopher Ward.

    Free Member

    The small round ones I’ve got aren’t noisy at all, sealed at both end and 2 layers at the ceiling end too

    Free Member

    jonnouk – So it’s ok then to block the pavement and force pedestrians, parents with kids in buggy’s and the disabled on to the road?

    My biggest problem point is along side a 50mph dual carriage way on a bend 20-30m from a roundabout. Am I expected to walk or ride on that with my son in tow (50% of the time against the flow of traffic) for the sake of somebody parking their car 100m up the road?

    Each time I’ve asked people to move their cars firmly but politely. I’ve been sworn or told point blank their not moving it or been told to walk on the road and even been told to find another cycle route home despite that being the one and only proper and safe option.

    jonnouk not picking on you but that general attitude of, well it suits me and not thinking of others is the problem. The fact that the authorities simply don’t give a toss just rubber stamps it. Only a few years ago I wasn’t anywhere near as bad round here. But once a few people start doing it then others follow. I see plenty of examples where there are driveways with space yet they park on the verg\pavement anyway maybe so they don’t have to do a car shuffle or it’s perhaps snug

    Free Member

    Nope, nobody gives a toss! 👿

    Bugs the hell out of me too, your not alone.

    It’s all over the local town every bit of grass verge along one road is now gone with cars parked on them and the pavement and off road cycle routes, with certain ones regularly blocking them to buggy’s and pushchairs.

    I’ve tried the Police, county council, local council, and a couple of local councillors one of which is my father in law who keeps telling me it terrifies him when I take my son out in the buggy on the back of my bike (regular nursery transport). Not one of them has done anything that’s had made the slightest bit of difference on a one specific bit of off road cycle route which I use to get my son to nursery which is now basically residents parking.

    Too many lazy people and too many cars, bad planning rules etc etc no money in any budgets to do anything about it, and not a vote winner for the councillors to attack

    Free Member

    Do it OP they’re really simple and relatively cheap and hassle (planning\building reg’s) free. just get the right roofing material adaptor and it’s pretty simple, well my slate roof ones were. Remove a few slates, couple of nails couple of cuts with an angle grinder for a nice finish in the slates and job done. There’s enough adjustment with the swivel part and the tubes for roof\ceiling joist alignment, just get the roof bit right and the rest is simple!

    Nope you can’t see the sky but I guess not a problem for a utility room\kitchen. I do think you get a better spread of light from them.

    We get the odd lights flicker moment when birds fly close ever the top though which is odd at first. You just forget it’s even there tbh.

    email me if you have and questions

    nope don’t work for ’em just really happy with ours, I first remembered them from them being on tomorrow world years ago and just googled

    Free Member

    Another option is a Sun Tube[/url]

    We’ve got two at home, one in the bathroom (no window) and one in the downstairs toilet (again no window) and they’re really good. No need for a light on at all even when piped 6 meters downstairs. They’ll really brighten up a dark room too. Cheaper that a skylight and you should loose less heat too, and gain less in summer months. The light’s a nice natural light and evenly spread too, no spot underneath it at all.

    I fitted mine too, all pretty simple

    Free Member

    if you drill it out, will you not end up with a few rattly bits of left overs in the tube forever?

    Free Member

    Lenser H7, a tiny but over budget but a really good light, good enough for anything frankly.

    Adjustable beam and power and as powerful as you’ll ever need running, I’ve used mine up mountains and off piste through forests, highly recommended.

    Free Member

    Do check real world local opinions on signal.

    I was with T-Mobile when I moved house, signal checker said “Good”, 3 out of 4 on their scale, I did actually checked before we moved, and as I was getting my new phone as we were mid-move. I couldn’t so much as receive or send a txt let alone calls.

    Argued endlessly and bent over backwards doing all sorts of test to get out of my contract OR! get them to update their coverage map to reflect the reality which was a long way from “Good”. After a lot of fighting I got £100 off to get out but it still cost me about £200.

    EE are T Mobile\Orange for non-4G as far as I know so don’t trust their coverage map.

    Just checked and they have actually updated the map to show no signal for my place now. Very surprised by that tbh given the fight I had a couple of years ago.

    Free Member

    I haven’t, but one of my best mates bought a place a couple of years ago with sitting tenants.

    It was pretty straight forward from what he said, they stayed on for another year in which time he had a new kitchen and boiler fitted. They then left, and he’s got now tenants.

    If it’s a likely rent-able property\area then yes your market will still be smaller but might not be as bad as some might think. Depends how much of a hurry you’re in.

    Free Member

    Tell them! My dad was adopted, I knew that from a young age, my grandparents were my grandparents that never changed.

    My dad did eventually decided to find his biological parents, I was a teenager at the time. They’d both passed away, one only a few months before but he got in touch with his sister. We met a few times, nice people but they weren’t my family, he keeps in contact though.

    I’m sure your kids will be fine with it, if anything I think I felt more towards my grandparents for it, looking after a child in need that wasn’t their own, they fostered many more too but kept my Dad.

    Free Member

    It’s not all bad, promise! nope it’s not Wales, Scotland, the peaks etc etc so don’t bring a big hitter full sus’

    If the Purbecks are no extra bother then I’d be tempted to ride there tbh too

    Don’t visit there enough myself considering how close it is

    Free Member

    Discs might not be warped but could be knackered!

    Had a set of discs on a smart go where there were chunks out the backs of the discs, literally chunks out of the backs, going round the disc on the back it was shiny smooth, shiny smooth, 3-4mm deep chunk out for 2-3cm of dull metal. Really odd happened on both sides, it was as if there were 2 materials laminated together and the a surface section had fallen off! Never seen it before or since brakes felt awful, they were changed pretty quick, they looked good on the front surface though

    Free Member

    Another vote for the Isle of Wight, seems to fit the bill

    Free Member

    Donk, yep as 40mpg says, they vote themselves in. A small closed circle.

    40MPG I assume the local groups will be in attendance? Or do you think there’s simply no point, decisions have already been made, so best go for a ride instead?

    Free Member

    MintImperial – It really is a very small minority. They are unfortunately influential and seem to time on their hands and make an awful lot of noise!

    I’m local too and day to day have no bother riding at all, bar the occasional close pass on the road or the very rare opinionated horse rider\walker.

    Unfortunately I don’t think there’s anything you or I or the local cycling organisations can do to talk sense to them, meet half or anything. It’s their forest and that’s that, is certainly how it comes across 👿

    Free Member

    [Watches with interest/]

    Just got back from the Dr’s about an hour ago, about a tight chest, difficulty breathing, light-headedness and pounding heart from walking up stairs of all things.
    I can ride but just easy spinning, there’s no power there, no energy as normal. Any kind of hill just kills me, been a few weeks now 🙁

    Dr gave me a Ventolin inhaler to try and I’m going for some blood tests and have another appointment in just over a week.

    Free Member

    just5minutes – We have had great service from them before too. this time was awful.

    dc07 motor gone – call up to book repair (telling them it was the motor)
    told 2 weeks which was rubbish but not the end of the world.
    engineer goes to wrong address, eventually gets to us, “yeah your motor’s gone but I haven’t got any”
    Books another engineer for another week and correct address.

    Next engineer, wrong address again! turns up “fixed price repair” increases for filters which the first guys didn’t even check.
    He makes it very clear he doesn’t want to fix it and it will be impossible for me to get parts for it within months so you’d best buy new from our grade A discount list. Put on the spot I order and after being without a vacuum for weeks I order a new one and update our address again!! system updated and a photo of invoice with correct address emailed through too.

    Over a weeks gone by no dc25, so I call them, yeah it’s been delivered and signed for. No it hasn’t! wrong address yet again. after a little research I’d seen that the massive discount was actually £10 from what I’d have paid at John Lewis or Tesco’s and also see a lot of reviews about the shorter hose and cord on the dc25 so decide sod it I’ll cancel and do something else. It took a further 3 or 4 calls with long periods on hold and nearly 2 weeks to get my money back.

    From recent emails it seems they’ve not recovered the dc25, so some cheeky sods got a free dc25 and they offer me some “new old stock” tool for my dc07 which I neither need or want.

    Awful! Service

    I just googled and got an email supposedly for James Dyson but just got “the system” responding back

    Free Member

    Yeah we’re thinking of going this year too, never been before. We’ll be going with a 2 year old. I’m assuming ear defenders will be a good idea for him as I guess a few are pretty close and loud?

    The Vulcan did fly right over the top of our house when I was in the garden, on it’s way back last year though. Amazing, it was pretty low too, amazing plane

    Free Member

    Nope weren’t bent and had been well bedded in.

    Yeah discs were the right way round, my old Ashimas were misprinted ones though but on the right way.

    Maybe it was a thickness thing as Dave suggests. I don’t have anything to check that accurately with though.

    Wiggle refunded though no probs which was great

    Free Member

    Ahh actually I though you might have been New forest fencing and it was a by product, might be in contact next year (got plenty of wood for the moment)

    Free Member

    Not With Dsyon it doesn’t, mistake after mistake with them, my wife and I both wasted half a day at home, numerous call to try and sort it out and chase and more calls again to chase a refund.

    Sounds like some unscrupulous scrote down the roads got a brand new dc25 for free as Dyson don’t seem to be that bothered about collecting it, and for all the hassle they just offered be some crappy old stock tool kit which is frankly useless to me. Bloody waste of time even bothering. Very tempted to go down there and ask for the parcel that’s addressed to me and not him that he’s signed for and taken! Dyson repeatedly getting the wrong address over and over despite being told over and over, Idiots! the addressing issue is not the only problem either there were several more. After 7 weeks of cock ups I got it fixed elsewhere for less in a couple of days and gave up trying to get a new one too.

    I think I’ll be black listing Dyson personally now, which is a shame as I like some of their products.

    Oh dear James Dyson what has gone on with what was once a really good company for products and Service

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