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  • Cheap Things Tuesday: Whatever Gets You Through The Shi…
  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    did a Neilson break on Korcula with the missus last year
    sadly they’ve closed that centre now, a real shame
    some great water sports and riding to be had on the island there, if you know where to go

    also visited Dubrovnik

    big thumbs up for Croatia from me too

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I’d personnaly recommend an oesteopath
    as they should try to get to the root of why instead of just treating the the knee pain

    i.e. it could be a back or hip thing which is causing the knee problem
    I’m not sure a physio will look for that first, but will likly just look at the knee first and thats it

    If your any where near southampton I can recommend one

    Free Member

    rudiboy the oesteopath that I’ve seen is an athlete!!
    Ironmans but mainly a pretty competative time trialer

    you do need to look around to find somebody you trust and can appreciate and understand your goals

    there are a lot of profesionals out there that don’t for sure!

    Free Member

    braces will not solve the problem
    see a physio or oesteopath
    patella mal-trackings quite common, it can take a little while but it’s easily sortable

    Free Member
    Free Member

    google ‘sunwise’
    uk company got some nice new designs
    good quality and not too pricy either

    Free Member


    get a spring one though at least

    Free Member

    Magura Durins

    air sprung
    lockout on bars
    very light
    reliable and do the job well
    lovely and jey white n red colour scheme

    Free Member

    leave! then go and ride your bike 😀

    Free Member

    Make that two black scandals 😀

    Free Member

    At 6’4″ I’d have a serious think about a 29er

    Free Member

    got one on the office here
    don’t drink tea myself but everybody in the office says it usless for tea too
    just doesn’t get hot enough
    ok for everything else though

    Free Member

    If they wanna go they’ll go, if they don’t then they might just join you for a curry after

    Last year I went to Sao Paulo for 5 Days for a mates stag do.
    Cost a fortune! myself and my mates wanted to go and have a proper lads holiday, not everybody could go but 10 of us did

    I’m plannning a stag do in the Alps next year myself.
    I’ll have a local pish up too for anybody that can’t make it for any reason.
    my mate that got married last year and I certainly wouldn’t hold it against anybody if they didn’t go for any reason

    Free Member

    My Mini Turbo 🙁

    Free Member

    40mpg u gonna go for a repeat this weekend?

    Free Member

    I can recommend
    just off Hatton Gardens or online (worth visiting though)

    Free Member

    A friend owns the LBS and usually gives me 20% off
    but looses 10% to CycleScheme so still gave me 10% off

    So I ordered a Charge Plug to commute on but maxed the scheme out to £1000
    and ordered Magura Durin forks then kept the rest on credit in the LBS for a few odds and ends over the next few months 8)

    Free Member

    I emailed TNF they don’t sell spares but sent me a couple for free

    I’ve since put a hole on the bottom of the bladder so am using a camelbac instead

    so they’re yours if want ’em, just sat in a draw at home somewhere

    pm me

    Free Member

    So I’ll often have a couple before I start too [:)]

    that explains a lot….

    Free Member

    Sell your car leaves you with no choice 😯

    you’ll save a fortune which you can then spend on your bikes 8)

    Free Member

    While I was lying there for 20 mins or so until the ambulance go to me.
    I saw loads of riders comming off with, bikes often reaching the bottom before the rider, no others with injury that I saw thankfully

    luckily my bike and I had been dragged to the right off the line so I didn’t get mowed down

    Free Member

    More unfinished business…

    Last year was my first year at Mayhem and I didn’t get one trouble free lap 😥
    First lap nothing to exciting but had a bad run and got stuck in a stack of traffic through the first half of the course, no real drama
    So second lap I was all ready for a good clear lap,
    on the way back down from the first half of the course along a bit wooded single track on a raised bank where it dropped of the bank to the right round a stump
    The guy in front of me went down fairly hard, but more importantly managed to put a 4-5inch gash on the front of his shin.
    It looked pretty nasty, wide open but very clean and fairly blood free, I assume he must have caught it on the edge of his disc
    I used my marginally sweaty Mayhem buff to hold the wound together and soak up any blood while keeping the guy (can’t remember his name now) as comfortable as I could
    A friendly and helpful marshal arrived fairly soon but the ambulance had a real problem finding us and getting there and took ages.
    I was happy to stay with they guy and help, we eventually set him on his way to hospital.
    So I went and finished my lap and handed over to my team mate who was wondering wtf happened.
    So third time lucky I thought, it was now dark and pretty wet, so knew it was going to be a hard lap,
    especially after seeing one of my mates from another team coming back looking like he’d been mud wrestling.
    So I set of and was really enjoying it, got all the way round the first half of the course so I thought I’m through the worst of the slop, it’ll be easy from here
    Climb out of the village to the other side of the course grabbed a red bull at the top,
    then coming down the now very slippery grass bank going towards the fire road by the woods. About half way down I hit a bit of an unexpected bump (riding rigid) and lost the front
    What should have been a relatively painless slid in the mud ended up with a Crack! 😳 me in a lot of pain and what I thought was a broken ankle.
    The marshals turned up one of which said ‘don’t I recognise you’ ‘ah yes’ from a few hours ago on the other side of the course with the other injured guy
    So a fairly uncomfortable ride to the hospital (just missed the guy I’d helped previously), The hospital staff weren’t quite sure what to do with me covered in mud head to toe in the early hours.
    A trip to the disabled shower and some fetching hospital pyjamas and I was all set for X-Ray
    In and out of there twice as the Dr was convinced that it was broken, turned out to be torn ligaments.
    I’ve broken my ankle before and I can say I’d much have rather broken the bone! Less painful and quicker to mend too
    A £30 taxi ride back to the camp site in my pyjamas 😳 for a breakfast beer with my team mates.
    Ready for my 120Mile drive home Doh! Luckily one of my mates drove my car back and I got a lift in the back of another mates camper van.

    All in all a complete disaster.
    One of my mates did manage to get me a new Buff for free from the guys at the buff stand after telling them my story

    I can’t make this years, but I will be back next year for unfinished business

    Free Member

    I nearly deafened myself and nearly lost some fingers last night
    I was trying the Ghetto my first rim, an OneOne 29er Reetard with a Schwalbe Little Albert (Folder).
    All going well, went straight up first time on the track pump, great.
    as per the instructions over pumped it to about 60 PSI and BANG!

    Nearly deaf, Dead Fingers for an hour or so and Latex sprayed everywhere

    The tyre looks fine no splits, so it just seems to have slipped off the rim
    Anybody else had this?

    Have any of you done on with folders? Or do all stick to non folding tyres which I assume have a stronger bead.

    Tyres do go on the Reetards extremely easily as opposed to a set of DT’s that I have which I can’t get a tyre on without levers so it’s probably a rim thing too I ‘spose

    Free Member

    Sorry to have offended you Roper

    If you don’t like the sound of it, then don’t cook it!!

    I assumed fbk wasn’t after 400 suggestions of lemon and sugar!

    Free Member

    [/quote] Chicken Bacon with rocket or spinach and a little pesto drizzled on top

    Nope no joke, its good honest, not all pancakes have to be sweet

    by going savoury you can get a Starter Main and a few deserts out of pancake day 😯

    Free Member

    Chicken Bacon with rocket or spinach and a little pesto drizzled on top


    Lemon and sugar is the one to finish it all off with for sure

    Free Member

    Charge Plug

    Free Member

    Rim in general on mine seems strong (29er SS Rigid)

    But! The bearings lasted a little over 6 months and then a month or two later the freehub is knackered, the teeth where the freehub engages on inside of the hub are sh*gged, so the wheel’s being rebuilt with new hub

    but I have a couple of mates with the same hubs on 26ers which are fine.

    Free Member

    I bought the WheelPro last week,
    Built my jig at the weekend

    I’m looking forward to parts arriving so I can hand building and rebuild
    my own wheels

    Free Member

    I either run of cycle to work every day and I go past a specific premises everyday and their vans park nose to tail all along the verge, pavement and block pavement access along a public right of way and main cycle route with single and double yellow lines the length of the section in question.

    I’ve contacted local parking enforcement, the council’s ‘ActionLine’, council employees inc. one who’s a CTC rep, local councilor, the local police and the management of the company myself in person and all I’ve seen is 2 parking tickets.

    I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve struggled to get along the pavement, nearly got knocked over nearly stepping in to the road with zero visibility to find a car or HGV heading for me and been pulled out on when on my bike by one of their vehicles as they themselves have next to no visibility coming out of their yard ‘cos of their stupid parking.

    I’ve just about given up trying to get anything sorted via proper channels. I’m at the stage where I just want to start pulling mirrors off and running over bonnets. I wish I had the skills to hop my bike across their bonnets too.

    none of the official routes I’ve contacted so far give a toss, the majority don’t even reply at all.
    Rant over! [Takes a deep breath]
    Point is, in my experience it’s a waste of your time and effort to report it

    Rip the mirror off and maybe they’ll think again next time!

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