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  • Podcast: Racing, Reform, and Rumours
  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    Driver passed very close between a pedestrian island, so I let out a few expletives, his window was down so we had a bit of an exchange as I explained what he’d done which he denied. A few more expletives along the way from me. Driver told me to stop and he was going to “arrest me”.
    We yoyo’d in traffic with traffic lights for some time him keeping a close eye on me and hanging back threateningly and repeatedly shouting about arresting me which I just ignored, thankfully he turned off before me.
    I reported him to the police who did visit and questioned him about his threat to arrest me which he denied!
    No further action but fingers crossed the visit made him think about his driving and pretending to be a police officer.

    Free Member

    Mark you beat the odds before, you can do it again! You’ve clearly got so much to live for with Meg and your kids.
    You really helped me, I’m feeling much more positive now about beating my own odds. I and others will gladly help you where we can.
    Once I’m properly discharged and in remission I look forward to meeting again but for a ride next time fingers crossed not a hospital visit.
    Best of luck

    Free Member

    Amazing day, didn’t do anything special just time with my wife and son playing. My son won’t leave my side, just go to the loo and he’s searching for me which is really nice, lots of random cuddles from him.

    And good God I’ve missed good food, fresh tasty well cooked veg, meat, fish. Good pub lunch felt like a Michelin star food.
    The hospital stuff is ok for short term but after that length of time it gets tough going. The special halal and Caribbean menu’s were my favourites.
    The weather has been amazing, even had a BBQ dinner in the garden

    Free Member

    Cheers all, been feeling good the past few days, even been on the turbo in my room most mornings. Just waiting for med’s and I’m out of here, any time now 8)

    Free Member

    I’ve not driven it myself but have travelled mainly overland from Lima to Santiago. Surely a cheaper but local sourced vehicle which is in abundance (Vw bettle or water-cooled van\bus which are everywhere don’t know what they cost) has its advantages e.g. when it breaks it’ll be easier to get parts\get it fixed. As well as potential problems with a us plated car what will the odds be of getting bits for a newer American car in the likes of Bolivia? Just thinking out loud…..

    Free Member

    I bought a passat estate 4 years ago for ?800 it’s done 30k miles. Lots of heavy loads to the tip, fully loaded camping trips etc and it’s never let us down (frantically touches wood 😆 ). Its had nothing but brake discs pads, a cheap exhaust and basic service buts, oil, filters and plugs.
    Its a non turbo petrol, mechanic mate said the engine is so simple do oil filter and it’ll just go and go!

    Personal for not much money I’d avoid a high mileage diesel imo they often seem to be problematic

    Free Member

    Don’t know the full ins and outs but a mate of mine got one, and he lost it for a month with vw because of engine trouble.
    Petrol bluemotion, FSH (Vw main dealer from new) 30k miles
    Initially they did the turbo and handed it back still screwed so it went back and had a complete new engine too.
    Could have been very costly, we’re it not for my mate beening a pretty good lawyer and fighting his corner hard, still cost him a bit over a grand and a lot of hassle. VW initially were just going to charge him full whack which would have been eye wateringly expensive.

    No idea if that’s common or not but a bad experience for my mate.
    I’d echo comments on space though considering the external dimensions it’s not spacious for occupants nor shopping etc.

    Free Member

    Done, sorry the hospice name got auto corrected by my phone and I can edit it sorry.

    Anyway all the best. Stay strong

    Free Member

    So sorry for your loss, been there and it’s hard going.

    Which hospice? Do the have a charity\just giving page or anything?

    Hospices do such good work and often really struggle for funding, every little helps with what they do and I’d happily put some cash their way, I’m sure others on here would too.

    Free Member

    Hurray my bike is here 8)
    For now anyway, the ward sister is not happy about it though she came and had a bit of a go at me and my mate for bringing in. The Dr gave me the ok for it but the sister last night almost took it away. I’ll chat my dr today finger crossed it can stay.
    Quick test with bag of platelets on the go

    Free Member

    Another happy FD swapper here too
    Came from Barclays where I’d been for years but got pissed off with a few things with them.

    Everything went smoothly no problems and £125 for the pleasure.

    Free Member

    Absolute bloody joke!
    I can’t imagine what the family are going through after that disgraceful verdict on top of the grief of the loss of their son

    I’d be going mental in court sod contempt and all that, just disgusting

    Free Member

    Ortleib are great, pretty much indestructible in my experience

    Mine were used almost daily for years with plenty of loads, my rack in the other hand has almost warn 50% through the tube where the pannier rests. The pannier plastic seems far harder wearing the the alloy tubes of the rack. But tbh the miles I’ve done I don’t think the racks done bad either. It’ll need replacing soon after I get riding again though.

    Free Member

    Morecashthandash, well Geoff was a professional footballer who’s raising money riding a bike….
    Are you telling me that Lance can’t raise money for charity in any other way than riding ahead of the very event he cheated for so long? Of course he could! find something else, somewhere else, Somewhen else! He’s sticking two fingers up and rubbing salt in because that’s the antagonistic, unrepentant, God complex type of man he is.

    Free Member

    No, not imo.
    He’s not sorry for anything other than getting caught! I’m so tired of the everybody else was at it bit, yeah but what about those who tried and tried and got nowhere or binned early in their careers because they wouldn’t dope. He’s a sociopath imo and not to be trusted

    I hope Geoff gets what he wants\needs out of it but think he should tread carefully

    As a potential benefactor of Geoff’s efforts I applaud him and hope it doesn’t backfire but it’s clear a lot of people will be turned off by Lances involvement. He could do more damage than good. bad publicity does exist! Yes far more people will hear about Geoff’s ride but how many will donate or refuse to donate because of Lances involvement?

    Lance could help raise money for charities in so many ways, this just feels like he’s sticking two fingers up an everyone

    Free Member

    I’m still pretty anaemic so effort on the turbo will be really limited but it’ll be good to do something, I’ve been given the ok to leave my room (with a mask on) to walk about 20-30m of corridor, whoop :mrgreen:

    Hoof it in the slats, is a new one on me. The meanings pretty clear though [likes] cheers 😆

    Thom I look forward to catching up if you get the chance, bumped in to Rich in radiology and he said he might pop down some time too.

    Cheers all

    Free Member

    Cheers Chris, yeah I’ve got one thanks, I got one for Christmas so I could do a bit over the winter and avoid the weather after my CML diagnosis, but thanks anyway the offer’s much appreciated.

    The strop was weird I couldn’t sleep in the new room, it’s not quite a nice as my old room and I was hot and just so mentally settled in the old room I just went crazy sat there by myself and just wanted to leave. I felt like a 2year old having a paddy then it was 3 in the morning with a nurse doing my ob’s as if I’d just passed out. So odd! All good now though thankfully

    Free Member

    Get a bag of bonding and some pva

    Water down to he pva slap it about in the holes wait a few hours and slap some bonding in rough, book your plasterer for a few days and you’ve saved yourself £100-200 to spend elsewhere

    Free Member

    not be allowed their pudding

    Have they eaten all their dinner?[/quote]

    More importantly are they going to tidy up their mess 😉

    Free Member

    I had some ashimas with the arrow miss printed and didn’t notice at the time, they stayed like that for a year or more until a mate pointed it out and I swapped them. I didn’t die but was lucky tbh

    Free Member

    I think john Lewis stock sonos and Jongo they often have listening rooms too, if you’ve got one near by maybe try them. My wife picked our pair up this week and got £20 off one of them too, with my works Christmas £50JL voucher they were a right bargain 🙂

    Free Member

    So sorry to hear that, be there as much as can and try to enjoy the time you have and say all those things you each need to, try to laugh and remember the good times and do your best to bring happiness to what time you have. She’ll be scared no doubt and will just want to be with the ones she loves.

    I Lost my step dad of many years a few years ago and I’m so glad we had those few weeks to say all of those unsaid things. I didn’t realise how close I was and how much I cared about him until then. She’ll know I’m sure but say it and anything else that’s in your head.

    Free Member

    We spend 18% gdp on health, 15% welfare, 12% education, 20% pensions, 12% defence

    And less than 1% on aid about 0.7%

    People I this country are incredibly well off, healthy, educated….
    Yes thing could be improved in places for sure and not everything is perfect. I know my care in the nhs has been fantastic and there are safety nets in place with welfare etc.

    Do I in anyway begrudge aid to help people in absolutely dire circumstances? No absolutely not.

    If your homeless in the country with a family you will be housed in most circumstances. We all have access to shelter, clean water, money when we fall on hard times.

    Much of our aid goes to help people who have nothing! No shelter in harsh environments no clear water food access to any health services, fleeing war.

    Yes there is corruption and not all of is goes where it should but a lot does and I’d rather some good came of it and we who have so much can do what we can to help those that have so little.

    It’s not a perfect world but I’m proud we as a country do what we do to help others even if there is often an Alternative motive of some kind

    Free Member

    So sorry to hear that, as others have said its rough now and you’ll never forget but we’ve also had friends go through similar circumstances and both couples now have happy healthy children. Best of luck staying strong and getting through now and best of luck for the future

    Free Member

    I used to use a single disk buffalo nas link station but if got screwed by a power trip, I managed to recover everything including family photos thankfully it was about 8 years old to be fair. now I use a raided 2 disk buffalo Ls220 it was only £140 new, I think that’s relatively cheap

    Free Member

    Not sonos but I’ve just bought a couple of Pure Jongos because I’m a bit tight and couldn’t stretch to the Sonos setup. I’ve got a t4x for the kitchen and s3x as a mobile one for the garden etc.
    I’ve not used the the 4 yet as I’m not at home but I’m using the 3 and I’m pretty pleased so far, just an alternative to have a look at.

    Free Member

    Not a bulb replacement but you could look at “JCC fireguards ” we’ve got a couple of dozen at home a bit more expensive but they’ll solve your draft for sure

    Free Member

    I use ewallet I’ve used it for about 7-8 years I’m happy with it. Phone pc and tablet

    Free Member

    Enjoy it, make the time for just the two of you as well as family time too, riding might be a bit less but I still got out and got plenty of miles in and that’s with the house renovation too

    I was a hesitant dad but it’s the best, I love my wife but my son is just another level again (She’s sat here and agrees)

    Free Member

    cheers Toby fingers crossed all will be well in the end. I’ve managed to put on a little bit of weight today on hospital food + snacks from friends and family which is good.

    Southampton general is the best place it’s a regional centre for haematology and leukaemia so I’m in the best place and thankfully it’s close to home, friends family and work so plenty of visitors so far which has been great.

    Free Member

    There are electric charging points in my local Asia they’re full every time I’ve been in there. Just never with an electric car, just lazy gits as they’re near the door and not the disabled or child spaces. I’d love to buy an electric town car but they just don’t add up yet unless you’ve money to burn. I’d take great joy in blocking in the cars in those spaces and running and extension lead over their roofs 😈

    Free Member

    Cheers again for best wishes, mark I’ll pm today. No grapes here though one of my many food rules. Plenty of chocolate though. I can eat as much as I like at the moment the way I’m loosing weight. I’m being encouraged to eat as much as I can at the moment before the IV chemo starts doesn’t sound like I’m going to want to eat much then

    I certainly don’t feel brave, I’ve cried everyday since my diagnosis at some point or another. Starting to getting it together more thought with less now though. The practical facts and figures side of me and concentrating on friends and family really helps keep positive

    Free Member

    Bull heart/mark I don’t know what to say, yes I should be, but you’re far from local I can’t expect you to come all that way, but if your in the area it’d be amazing to meet, I read much of your posts and posted a few times

    Free Member

    I’m in Southampton hospital.

    Looking forward to Skypeing the little man for a bedtime stories again as soon as the wifi is up, 3G mobile tether isn’t cutting it for Skype video 🙁 4g phone should be here in a day or two after I dropped my current one.
    Stoner yep that’s an option on the list if it carries on being down or rubbish. I recon my work would sponsor a wifi set up for the adults ward if I asked too, they’ve got a decent charity budget which they like to spend on real stuff instead of just donating to x or y charity

    My central lines been ok all day and has just started bleeding again arrggghhhh! Got a couple of bags of platelets coming and a unit or two of blood to which should help a lot

    Free Member

    Cheers all

    Wifi is rubbish, been down for 2 days now, we adults use the Teenage cancer trusts wifi next door, ok when it works. Fingers crossed it’s an unusual glitch. If I were allowed off the ward I’d be tempted to fiddle there’s a rack outside TCT ward next door so I assume it’s in there and probably just needs a reboot.
    I’m tethered to my mobile at the mo which is working fine even after I dropped it in the floor and smashed the screen

    Free Member

    Bgd that must have been so hard to go though, I’m glad he’s recovered, positive ALL stories are always good to hear. I worry about my wife too. She’s putting a brave face but I know she’s finding it hard. There are lots of friends and family offering to help but going to bed alone each night must be hard for her too.

    Free Member

    Yeah I’m in the right place now, yeah everything is about infections, my immune system has been destroyed already and will get worse. basically my treatment has to destroy everything to build be back up again with a donors bone marrow/stem cells.

    I’m in Southampton hospital I live in the new forest, used to ride with the Newforce guys a lot, less so in recent years mainly because of renovating the house and having a baby etc

    Free Member

    never understood why horsemeat was an underhand business

    It’s not, what’s underhand is selling horse as cow and not knowing the provenance of the horses as he should have.

    I’ve never knowingly eaten horse, but I would no problems, but if I buy a beef burger I expect it to be beef. Not some dodgy old nag with no provenance which has been snuck into the food chain with no though to food standards and safety to make a few extra £.

    Eating Horse meat in the UK is a cultural thing, it takes a long time to change that kind of thing.

    Free Member

    The guy the case was about said

    Describing his work with children, he said: “I can sit on the floor and play with them, I have no problems like that.

    “I don’t see myself as disabled. It’s not OK just to fire a person because they’re fat, if they’re doing their job properly.”

    Yes, but could you chase around after them pick them up ok, move around the nursery, change nappies, play in the garden with them, go on outings to the park etc etc? I suspect not, so is that “doing your job properly”? You could be the best “floor player” in the country but if you cant do the rest of the job…
    Doing a part of what is required of the job that you were hired for (when at that time you could have probably done all of those things) is one thing but if you can’t do the rest. So IMO it’s fair as any dismissal on medical grounds.

    It’s not covered in the article but there could well have been offers of help from the employers before this too. He must have been aware of his situation a limitations and things seem to have not been address. You don’t get to 25st over night.

    Anyway the final dismissal was on grounds of reduced demand, so any employer will look at the best and least able staff and obviously choose to get rid of the worst and as he could only manage a small part of the entire job he went. That’s not unfair in my eyes.

    Free Member

    No idea what stove but I know Charnwood does a rear heat shield option for a lot of their stoves your stove manufacturer might do one too

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