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  • Singletrack World 150th Issue is coming!
  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    singlespeed, clean and oil the chain
    oh and maybe wave a hose at it every once and a while

    [edit] beaten to it 😉

    Free Member

    Bikebouy If you fancy a crack at the 3 Peaks Yacht Race give me a shout, as a team we didn’t have the £££££ for a fast boat and we really suffered in the light winds with the cruisy Beneteau 36 we used.

    The first few boats this year were a Ker35, Hod 35 and a Reflex 38

    next year we must be due some better winds, 3 years now with fairly light winds.

    probably the only race where crews regularly carry oars! 😯

    Free Member

    Best of luck.

    It’s on my list to to too maybe the next few years. A BG and UTMB are 2 of my big goals for the next few years

    @SamBob yeah not that much wind this year too bar the start which was horrific for me (non sailor), mind you one of our sailors was ill that night too. my 3rd year too which boat was your dad on?

    Free Member

    I’m surprised the spinnaker held and didn’t tear, 30Knts SOG is bloody impressive
    I had a similar moment a few years back when a massive gust off the hill coming through the Corin Narrows nearly tipped us right over. I was holding the port side guard rail very tightly, my running partner took an unexpected dip he was on the starboard, really caught us by surprise.

    We had a pretty interesting start to this years 3Peaks Yacht Race too, pretty big swells and fairly strong winds I spent most of the first night with my head in a plastic bag throwing up 😳 I’m definitely a Runner/Rider not a sailor

    Free Member

    BikeBouy how on earth did you manage that!

    looks like a fair size 30-40ft?

    Free Member

    full set of route files on here[/url]

    [Edit]yep on GPSies too

    Free Member

    I lost a Garmin 305, turned the house garage and car upside down
    oh and my mates flat where we often run from too

    waited for over a month for it to reappear, not joy 🙁

    so bought another one, then guess what?!?!?
    1 week later found it in a place both me and my wife both swear we searched and made no sense 👿

    flogged the new one to a mate though so not too bad, bloody annoying though at the time

    lost my favourite pair of running shorts after a race no idea where they could have gone

    oh and QR skewer from a rear wheel, bought a new one, still not appeared in the man cave for over a year now

    Free Member

    At the Taj Mahal, nearly got arrested for it though 😯
    It was worth it, it’s our first anniversary next month.

    Free Member

    fair enough 😆

    Free Member

    A bit hash ir_bandito but I don’t disagree with your sentiment

    please do be respectful of the locals as aracer says, some groups seem
    to think it’s ok to use Wasdale green like a bin/toilet. shhhh, use the public toilet provided, take only photos and leave only footprints.

    There’s a reason the 3 peaks yacht race is the only 3peaks event that Wasdale Head Hotel and locals will have anything to with.

    by yacht starting from sea level for each one is a challenge

    Free Member

    99% sure we’ve got a runner sorted thankfully 😀 [Breaths massive sigh of relief]
    He’s just sorting everything out and will confirm 100% later today hopefully
    I’ve met him briefly before at a few events and know others that know him too so am confidant he’s a good match to run with and get on with for a week in a confined space

    cheers for asking around though guys

    Free Member

    cheers tricky

    Free Member

    Stever my team and I were immediately behind your friends as they ran aground outside of Caernarfon. Thankfully we had a marginally shallower draft and by hanging off the side or yacht we just managed to keep moving to find a few inches more water and got in a few hours ahead of them with a little less drama, sounded like they enjoyed it though.

    It was very close though, thank them for highlighting the shallow bit in the channel for us though will you 😉

    Free Member

    yep just replied

    Free Member

    finbar, I eagerly await it
    pretty sure email is in profile

    Free Member

    thanks alfabus, fingers crossed

    anybody else know someone who might be interested

    Free Member

    lunch time bump
    sorry guys really struggling got one lead but still searching


    Free Member

    bump for the day time crew

    Free Member

    cheers I’ll send him a message

    We’re on “First Love” a Beneteau First 35
    One of the three of Geoff West’s boats in the race this year
    she’s already in Barmouth, Nunatack and Lighting reflex are following

    Free Member

    TechnoBots looks like a good shout thanks Mike,
    looks like T5 SyncFlex belt and Pulleys will work

    the 16×16 props are out of stock so I’ll have a look at alternatives.
    Maybe a small outboard type prop or a larger aircraft prop with a large pitch maybe, the photo Mike_D found from the Australian race looks like a larger diameter aircraft style thing than a boat prop

    CBike’s find is an option too for future when funds aren’t as tight as this year

    Free Member

    uphill I’ll pop down to the chandlers and see what they think
    maybe a very small outboard one???

    the 16×16 props are out of stock at the mo’ so need a back up in case they don’t get in in time

    Free Member

    Mike+Uphill I have the same concerns on the props, but want to try something, normal boat props are no good either I don’t think as we’ll never get the RPM required even with a single prop’ powered by both bikes

    nothing lost really if it doesn’t work
    It’s only cost £50 ish + some scrap parts and spare metal I had in the garage

    something similar has been done before, there’s an Australian 3Peaks and there are a few teams their which have done it with some success.
    No details on the props used by them though. That’s where the initial idea came from, details were sketchy though
    only other prop idea/design I’ve found is this from the same website above again it’s very much geared at smaller craft as you both point out

    We can make 1-2knots from 2 oars but it’s back breaking for hours

    Free Member

    We may have a great wind this year and it not be need but there’s usually some flat spots here and there

    The Menai Straits and the Swellies are a pain as they’re so well protected if the wind’s in the the wrong direction it can all end in disaster there, several teams retired in there last year. One on rocks and 2 I think using engines to negate the same happening to them (light winds and strong tide)

    Free Member

    physically mounting the bikes that way was simpler, not very many mounting points and it’s a charter so we have to be careful not to damage the boat. getting 2 bikes and 2 props sideways was a PITA
    bikes would have to be mounted so high/far off the stern to avoid the pedals strike, we went this way this year.

    Rules are no engines, human power is allowed.
    Oars are ok, also on a previous years a team of marines when in the Menai Straits landed via dingy and pulled the yacht Canal boat and horse style.

    next year I was thinking of using Mike_D’s finding with a chair facing rearwards on the yachts stern recumbent style. but I found that a bit late on in the process. we live and learn…

    Free Member

    not far off it yes
    pretty much like this but with a belt run externally through the water

    Viewed from above the pulleys need to form a cross directly above one another for best results, I have seen some stuff from googeling where it works ok, I just can’t find where the source them from
    These people are on my list to try transmission development poole but depends on cost if it’s £££ then it might be too much

    I had considered Gearboxes and UJs yes, sourcing suitable ones didn’t seem easy

    It might not be perfect I know
    I know I may need to add a couple of belt guides

    Next years design might be very different, found a few ideas and things after being well under way

    Free Member

    agghhhhh my eyes!!!!

    that’s bloody awful looking
    and if you hadn’t guessed I like my 29ers ^ 🙄

    almost looks like one one of those stupid 36ers

    29inches where 29inches makes sense, not for the sake of please
    I think mine at least look in proportion to me and its self

    Niner Build[/url] by KeithHarris[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Even Weirder here

    Inside my sleeping bag, inside the bivy 😯
    but I use a Rab Quantum top bag (Spring to autumn)

    Winter time still inside bivy but outside of the sleeping bag

    Free Member

    I had this dilema recently after I lost my 305 😳
    searched everywhere couldn’t find it after much searching
    no idea how! I use it 4-5 times a week, very annoying!

    310, 405 and new 6xx jobbies don’t do routes like the 305 does with a route outline.
    I use routes all of the time like molgrips
    310’s got a better battery but I can get 12 hours out of my 305 (-HR monitor) which isn’t bad

    apparently the 310 6xx gps’s doesn’t work properly when your swimming btw (google for more info)

    so for £105 ended up getting another 305
    Very happy with it

    Free Member

    This stuff’s good on your feet Body Glide[/url]

    I personally use one pair of single skin socks, BridgeDales are my favourites, plenty of wool in ’em, nice a soft, dry well and don’t chafe when wet like cotton/coolmax etc based socks do IME

    Injinji’s[/url] are good too but you need a slightly wider toe box than normal to accommodate them

    Free Member

    Agreed 11Hours sounds tough and ambitious, but good luck to you Dave

    SD-253 I’m with iDave on the training, agreed that sort of distance is very much about mental strength though.
    I expect Dave knows this though as it’s not his first.

    Myself and a few mates do a few ultras and AR’s, some people train like mad with massive weekly totals and others do far less and keep up plenty well without doing the big miles.

    Myself and some of my mates in particular rarely do more than 20-30miles on foot in a week. One in particular has completed the Hardmoors 110M in under 24Hrs, Gobi march, Himalayan’ 100, Atacama crossing all with very respectable finishes oh and he won the British Ultra a few years ago too.
    Cyling is also core to the training I do
    Weekly 50Mile runs isn’t the only way to do things

    not everyone who does Ultras needs to, or has the time for regular 50Milers to compete!

    Free Member

    Best of luck achieving your time

    I don’t really weight myself but have probably lost a few lbs, so donated. Been doing a bit of the iDave thing for a bit now a like it.
    really don’t miss the bread and potatoes etc at all, just desserts!

    have you run at altitude before Dave?
    I just about doubled my Marathon PB (road) in the Himalayas a few years ago, off road and up to about 12000ft but still. Really changes things, inclines you’d not really worry about normally become impossible to run.

    Free Member

    My late step dad had a chronic kidney condition, he had a box about 15cm*10cm*5cm Full! of stones some as big as the end of my thumb.

    I’ve never heard/seen a person in so much pain as when he was having a bad bout and having to do what can only be described as “passing sand”
    his stomach was a pin cushion of keyhole scars.

    I feel for you guys, I’m so glad as to never of had it myself.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Desire S is great!
    but not that much different from a Desire which I’m sure there will be better deals on.

    Wildfire is pretty slow, My wife’s one has long pauses and blank screen moments and the screen’s pretty poor.

    Wildfire S should short all of those issues though

    My order of preference would be:
    1. DesireS,
    2. Desire/WildfireS
    (A close tie depending on deals and your preference on size)
    3. Wildfire(if I really had to)

    look for deals and see what you can get for your budget

    Free Member

    Sunday ride Nr. Exton Nr. the South Downs (Rubbish Phone Pic’)

    IMAG0057[/url] by KeithHarris[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    tah dah…
    I’m shameless sorry 🙂

    Free Member

    @ hungry monkey, yeah no worries email in profile

    Free Member

    There’s loads more than this, but this’ll get you started
    SleepMonsters (AR forum and links to loads of events)
    Open Adventure (AR Long and Short)
    Adidas TerreX (AR/Coast to Coast alternating year to year)
    Run Further UK Ultra Series (Running only)
    Endurance Life (Run 10k-Ultra’s, Tri, AR inc. coast to Coast)
    Racing The Planet (MDS like without the 3 year wait)
    UTMB (CC and PTL too)
    The Heb (AR lots of different formats now Joe’s[/url] running it)
    3 Peaks Yacht Race[/url] (Sail, Run and short Bike, full for this year though I think)

    that lot will keep you going for a while

    I’ve done a fair few of these and have got a few on this year
    or know people that have a lot of them

    search SleepMonsters for the foreign ones they list/cover most of ’em

    Free Member

    I had great success with one of these
    Auto Cat Soaker
    I don’t even need to be in the garden
    Not had one cat in my veggie patch at all since
    Next doors cat had previously decided my veg patch was it’s personal litter tray

    Free Member

    cheers all,
    had a look about and seem to be pretty reasonable on the jawbones

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