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  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    Sounds very similar to me a few years ago. Fed up in a job I’d been in for a similar length of time, in recent years going nowhere, but close to home and good money with an awful manager who just doesn’t manage. His motivational skills to motivate a pretty demotivated team on a big project is to wrap the dry as ever project meeting of him reading a project plan is to wrap up with telling everyone to “get motivated and get your fingers out, ok get on with it”. While annual reviews etc were a pure hHR box tick for him, no support, or help or incentives for anyone and refuses to spend the fairly generous training budget, even when other department are screaming for work in the requested subjects.

    Looked about got a job offer, same money, further commute, not long moved house, biggish mortgage in relation to salary and baby on the way too. Not many other jobs doing what I was doing near home on the right money.

    I decided to stay and regretted it a lot! As things have turned out due to some serious health issues it was the best decision to stay but that’s another storey completely. so I’m afraid I’m not a lot of help.

    It’s a head or heart thing and a pending first child and finances after the move and really made me stop because of security. BUt I did and do regret it still in many ways. My Employer has been brilliant in supporting my with my illness so I’m glad I stayed in the end but my situation is incredibly rare.

    Its a very hard decision, I think in the same situation again I would go with my heart. My biggest question would be how confident are you about getting another job either back doing what your doing now of on your new field if things went wrong? even if it wasn’t ideal but gave you time to look for something better again.

    If the markets for both are poor or your not confident then stick else go with your heart. I really admire a few of my friends who’ve jacked in jobs and taken risks especially those who’ve started their own businesses.

    best of luck with the decision.

    Free Member

    Jimjams got it, phillips one, argos £10-15 I think. Good bit of kit

    Free Member

    Absolutely shocking, not sure how I feel about that photo, a bit uneasy really.

    I though we the UK had some pretty stricken rules about where air displays happen and the orientation they can do maneuvers in relation to the crowd and built up areas infrastructure etc.
    I’m sure I heard planes like the Vulcan had extra restrictions on normal flights paths too, to avoid built up areas. Perhaps not strict enough. The a27 seems very close almost parallel to the display area. Which seems to be less than the best idea. And with the sea so close! 😥
    The carfest accident as sad as it was, only pilot that lost his life, the location is very sparsely populated but the A303 and M3 are pretty close though.
    I do wonder if there’ll be further changes to the rules. Bournemouth airshow today spectators were asked to wear red in memory of the red arrows pilot that lost his life a few years back during a display.

    I love an air displays and hope they continue but seems like there’s been too many accidents in recent years. This one being particularly shocking with the loss of completely innocent life.

    Free Member

    That’s two airshow crashes this month

    Hope they’re not to many casualties or fatalities, not sounding good though. Very sad

    Free Member

    If you’re not 100% sure indemnity policy’s for things like this are only £100ish from memory, we got sellers to get one on an old extension which seemed to have some paperwork missing. We think it was all above board but local authorities and or crappy conveyancer screwed up but it was quicker at the time than waiting and we were on a timescale

    Free Member

    Here are a couple of pics of a two different times I did mine, ankles are fine now but they took a while to get there. Good luck stick with the wobble stuff.

    Free Member

    Yep similar here too a few times, trail running and a mayhem accident.

    RICE moving on to MICE, it’ll take a long time I’m afraid, longer than a broken bone in my experience. Try to get some physio if you can.

    And second a wobble board\wobble cushion. Use it regularly once you feel able to comfortably. Also things like stand on one leg when brushing your teeth will help build it and your balance\strengt up, but most importantly you pro-proception. Which as I understand it is a lower level reactions to save you doing it in the future, it’s a reaction which happens quicker than your brain can react to and can get damaged.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Legal and general life assurance, just brilliant when it really mattered. Far quicker simpler than I ever expected. We were fully informed at every step.

    And another for

    Free Member

    If you want it to last I’d recommend Ortlieb, a classic folding close one, not the zip one.
    There’s a range of sizes, not the most compact though, it won’t rattle itself, contents can if not pretty much full. Only saddle pack I’ve ever had that’s lasted

    Free Member

    If you want to smoke fine, just show some consideration for others and get a space away from others. Kids around, eating areas, huddled around pub restaurant\pub doorways for me is inconsiderate.

    Unfortunately some need laws\rules to try and make that happen.

    The hospital here is just amazing, all the time there are smokers all around the entrances half covered semi enclosed areas rain or shine, patients and visitors despite endless signs and smoking areas within 10-30meters.

    I was coming back to the hospital after a welcome few hours day release at home and this woman smoking right by the back door where I had no choice to walk straight past here, she commented to another smoker that it was alright to smoke there as she point out the disgusting pile of butts all around on the floor. So I said no its not
    actually is it. I pointed out the dozen or so no smoking signs plus gas store no flame signs and the smoking shelter 20meters away and reminded her this was a hospital with sick people coming and going not wanting to breath that in. She apparently hadn’t seen any if the signs, shelter and just carried on and called me a few names as I shuffled of with baldy head and mask on.
    She and plenty of others are just willful ignorant people who just simply wouldn’t think.
    No not all smokers are like that I know. I only have one friend who does and shes as considerate as they come with it.
    Considering smoking rated are coming down, smoking litter is still pretty rife in places which bugs me too.
    Don’t get me started on the 6month ish looking pregnant woman smoking by the same hospital door just last week.

    Rant over

    Free Member

    Countrywide anything! Lawyers, conveyancing, mortgages, life assurance…
    Don’t touch with a barge pole, just awful!

    Oh and Flybe. Absolutely refuse to refund anything ever! They just ignore you despite what their policy is or the legal obligations. Cancel in good time for a critical illness and extended hospital admissions. Can’t even get taxes back which aren’t there’s! They make one booking single booking into multiple admin fees just for the sake of it to make it impossible to get anything back and just ignore you. Just arseholes profiting on others misfortune.

    Free Member

    It’s not about money, go for the right reasons. Sounds like short\medium term money will be fine anyway. I’ve stayed in a similar situation to you and regretted it. I say go for it.
    I’ve become cynical about any counter offers from employers

    Free Member

    Otterbox, expensive but I’m sure a Google will throw up a cheaper alternative.

    Free Member

    A proper wormery ftw, I built one a few years ago (left over decking planks and a few plastic trays and a plastic tap, layers have been added over the years) and it’s great. Neat and tidy with no smells, way quicker at composting, brilliant liquid fertiliser off the bottom, great compost, easier to manage with the layers which can be switched about and topped up, no rodents to worry about.

    Free Member

    I think it varies from person to person, I think there’s a happy balance to be had though, that can be difficult to find though with many employers.

    As some of you’ll know I’ve got a potentially life ending condition (not if I can help it thought) and I’ve not been to work since January but work does play on my mind at times sat here in hospital. I’d say I work in a similar environment to the Op lots who just don’t give a toss, cruise or actively drag their feet in some cases, and its really hard after a while when you want to do more. I’ve always worked to live but I’d like to have achieved more personally in work and feel i have strengths which are just ignored by my employers (I might be wrong and just be rubbish). The environment just doesn’t encourage it at all, not just immediate management but the company as a whole undervalue my departments potential IMO, sometimes deservedly so, but its a bit of a self for filling prophacy now, which is really disappointing. I’ve handed my notice in twice but they’d convinced me to stay and I’ve agreed each time partly because I’m a little risk avers but also work is so close to home and each time its been a longer commute and I didnt fully comit. My immediate boss is an awful manager, useless with people, and a complete inability to motivate or encourage anyone and IMO refuses to try to support development of anyone because unless you do his hours your not getting anything. He was very much married to work and is now divorced after his wife played away, kids are a bit messed up by the sounds of it too.

    But I have to say work have been brilliant with me being ill, very supportive, absolutely no contact with my immediate boss thankfully (probably the most astute discision on a personal level hes ever made, either that or his boss who i deal with has told him to stay clear. probably the latter actually hes not that smart with people) but everyone else has been brilliant!
    Once I’m cured I’ll get up to full strength and have a proper think about it but something has to change, it’s a shame but I’m likely to leave, I like a lot about my job but there are some really big issues for me which I just don’t think will ever change. I might have a complete change and post one of those complete career change advice threads

    Free Member

    A proper geeky network guy at work has a “there’s no place like” T-shirt

    Free Member

    ‘[somebody] messaged me’
    No no no no no! Arrrggghhh
    ‘[somebody] sent me a message’
    Messaged as a verb, absolutely hate it!
    Txt me is ok, emailed me is ok, but messaged! I just hate it with a passion

    Free Member

    Jewelers will have Month Blanc and others, I got a nice silver pair of Mont blanks for my brothers wedding

    Free Member

    Get a full structural survey but see if you can find a recommended independent. I wouldn’t use one of the surveyors from a big estate agent, as you’ve already seen you just get and endless list of maybes and buck passing.

    We’re glad we did on our last purchase he did pick up on a few things we didn’t which saved us a few grand and we got to actually speak to him about it and got a much better feel for things. We ended up using him again as a structural engineer for some steel calcs.

    Free Member

    Similar time dibbs no wet shaving here due to bleeding and infection risk while on chemo. So I got a phillishave triple wet dry jobbie only a cheap one but I’ve been pleasantly surprised no irritation but if left for just a feew days the hair gets a bit long and it misses longer hairs. As soon as I’m allowed I’ll return to guard-less clippers for stubble and a murker for around my neck

    Free Member

    M520s just run forever and are cheap as chips
    Wiggle dhb shoes are worth a look for starters or shimano

    Free Member

    Over tightened a front caliper bolt and split the fork lower on a pretty new set of DT forks. Very expensive mistake, I have a torque wrench now

    Free Member

    Well Bullheart sounds like Toms got all the answers, we’d best give it all up now, apparently its not worth spending time with our loved ones or kids.

    By the sounds of it I should get all the morphine and meds in the house and end it all now before the wife gets back from work with our son.

    Or not!

    Free Member

    Cry, spend time with family and real! friends.
    Get house\finances in order.
    Do everything you can to beat the odds! And try despite treatment and setbacks to do be normal. If at all possible get a holiday or at least a few nice days away here and there when you can.

    Free Member

    I’d be asking what’s the point of a 50yard bus lane tbh? sounds more like a bus stop to me, and to have a camera on to makes it appear as a potential cash cow for the non locals.
    There’s one near me that’s about 150yards no camera buts it’s just utterly pointless about half a dozen busses with get past about ten cars in the morning rush hour out if the local town other than that it’s just pointless. I can’t see it was worth the paint and signs to the council\busses. However a decent bit of cycling infrastructure there would be helpful to a lot more imo

    Free Member

    Big thumbs up from me Op, great to hear good people doing nice things for those in difficulty. Offering the guy the bike or the charity ride both sound great ideas, I’d chip in too for sure.

    I used to run\ride with a guy who had MS I think he had the relapsing type when he was good he’s was really quite good. He always said he felt his exercise helped.

    So the guy might be bad now and early on in his diagnosis but be able to ride again in the future.

    Mr overshoot have you tried and respite care places for the both! of you? I’ve randomly just been to a friends wedding at what is normally a respite centre, all of the rooms have tracks and hoists etc and it was in a beautiful location.

    Free Member

    Not fancy but certainly one of my favorite bridges, lots of memories in north wales

    Free Member

    Lobster! Next time I get the chance I will though I imagine it’s a bit like a humongous prawn

    Free Member

    DrP, i’d put money on the fact you used supermarket silken tofu? Not all tofu is created equally, what you want is some extra firm from either an Asian supermarket or a health food\vegan store. I’d particularly recommend the smoked stuff. Dry it for a few hours with lots of kitchen roll under a book, cube, toss in cornflour and fry in groundnut oil until crispy. Then add to whatever dish you like, my favourite is pad Thai. Hth

    Free Member

    Mark, glad to hear you’re in good spirits

    Smooth bald sweaty nut sack here too bloody annoying isn’t it 😡

    Hope the treatments going well and the family are holding up ok.

    I’ve finally been allowed to piss in a toilet instead of a cardboard tube this morning 8) first time in 35 days. I’m going home tomorrow for a break before round 3, I should be out for about 3 weeks which is going to be amazing. I can’t wait to give the little man a big hug.

    Roast chicken sounds bearable, the ward here reaks as if the jolly green giant’s splashed his load all over the place. It’s really starting to get up my nose now, can’t wait for fresh air. BTW the sweetcorn smell is from stem cell preservatives, it seems to ooz out of the recipient for days after transplant. Thankfully mine will be fresh from my brother, so won’t have to endure my own unique sweetcorn smell up close and inescapable.

    Keep fighting, I’m expecting to meet up for a ride next year.

    Free Member

    The NHS does a fantastic job ime, not perfect, but bloody good in general, certainly for acute care

    Free Member

    Hi Mark,
    Sorry I missed the last few updates, I’m so sorry to hear the news, not for you but for the cancer ‘cos it’s going to loose! again!!! We know you can do it, I hope Meg and the kids are coping ok.
    Things are going ok here, a few hiccups with a bad infection and pneumonia on round 1, round 2 is done and I’m just waiting for blood counts to recover enough to get home for a short break before the all important round 3 where they’re going to throw the lot at me, kitchen sink and all. Strongest chemo they have and “Total Body Irradiation” to kill the lot! ready for transplant. Fingers crossed I’ll be out by the end of August for my sons 3rd birthday, that’s the target!

    As soon as I’m able to I’ll be in touch to sort out poping in to see you, if that’s ok?
    Keep fighting

    Free Member

    Audible creaking ime is tendinitis. FA you can do beyond RICE\MICE. I used to get it across the top of my feet when road marathon training, it can be bloody painful.

    Free Member

    My Tory mp is uncontactable by anything other than post or local surgeries

    Twitter pah! he won’t even accept emails and its a ridiculously safe seat which he’s held since it was created

    Free Member

    68% here but it’s a ridiculously safe seat, the winner had over 3 times the vote of his closest rival. He’s won it every year since the set was created in ’97.

    Seemed pointless voting tbh ( but I did, via proxy)

    Free Member

    Each to their own and all but small medium 29ers just seem odd to me I’m only 6″2′ but I feel my bikes do fit and look right. The small and mediums just seem like a square peg in a round hole to me for the sake of sales (a little like the article with David Miller on disc brakes in the pellaton) My large 29ers I think should be mediums in the 29er world as the larges and xls don’t seem big enough for some of the giants that we’ve got on here even (mind you in the tall blokes thread on here ages ago there were a few massive guys who were at the time still adamant about 26ers for them) . I do get the difference in feel for the big wheels, I’m far from a skillful rider and do appreciate how they roll over stuff better so make the less skillful of us seem smoother riders, I get it but you must at the smaller end be feeling the down sides of the bigger wheels much more too e.g. Getting up to speed sluggishness in the twisty stuff etc.
    As i said if you like it enjoy, but I just don’t get it myself.

    Along the greatApe line, when growing up my mum had a friend affectionally known as “Big Tall Dave”, he’s 7″1′ 😯 proper Andre the giant type of guy huge in everyway forever stooping in buildings doorways just massive. His wife though was 5″1′ 😯 😯 😯 honestly one of the oddest looking couples you’ll ever see. He never drove a car, not being able to get anything comfortable was probably a major factor but I always remember him turning up on a Honda 90 step through thing again just such an odd looking sight. Lovely bloke though proper gentle giant not seen him in years though unfortunately.

    Free Member

    No need to take the week off at all ime. It’ll either be dropped over a fence into your garden, left by the front door in all weathers for all to see or be delivered to the completely wrong house and just left on the door step.
    That my experience with yodel in our road road anyway bloody useless! If its clear when ordering that yodel are involved I’d probably shop elsewhere if possible.

    Free Member

    Stumpy to be fair to the diesel doom mongers they are generally not taking about you doing high mileage but those who buy a used diesel and are then pottering about on short journeys clogging and coking turbos dpfs etc.

    Op I’d just be looking at the service history and schedule some cars are due Campbell’s etc around 60k so you could be close to a big-ish service. That wouldn’t put me off I’d just consider it with regards price and haggling and if close and using a dealer get them to do it early for asking price or something.

    Free Member

    Interesting Ben cheers

    I’d just like to add a massive personal thanks to all of that do donate blood and platelets. I’ve had dozens of each recently so thanks

    Not quite up to what I’ve donated in blood or platelets just yet, but am likely to exceed it fairly soon.

    If you don’t and can and could make the time that’d be amazing! It really is important for so many


    Free Member

    Maybe have a look at the Pure Jongos, like sonos but cheaper, I’ve got 2 and happy with em same as you I thought sonos a bit steep price wise

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