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  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    M and S Cornish Cruncher, real bite and a bit of crumble tooo hmmmm
    /Thread 🙂

    Free Member

    btw if the damp is up there and that bad then really the plaster needs to come off and have it re done with some additives too. the injection on it’s own won’t do it apparently.

    and if you’re going to that effort and it 100% is damp and nothing else then IMHO you should get the DPC replaced at least on the internal walls.

    My brickie charged about £300ish I think it was for replacing about 10 meters with a plastic DPC

    Free Member

    +1 what every one else has said to check first though

    our place had combinations of all sorts from genuinely damp bits of walls through to covered up vent bricks
    -soil from neglect
    -roof slates put there on purpose to stop drafts I assume
    -a concrete path against a wall over the DPC and vent brick
    and therefore rotten floor timbers

    and that’s just the start 👿 we love it though

    Free Member

    If it’s still there after injection then the injections surely not worked? I’d get a local brickie in to replace it with a new DPC if possible. If not then just get on to ebay and buy it yourself some wykamol ultracure or similar.

    I’ve got a similar aged cottage with similar problems and have done a bit of both to keep costs down. injection’s easy to do yourself

    Free Member

    oooooooooo I do like that, might have to get me one of those for the Garage/camping trips at some point

    Free Member

    It flew directly over my house in the new forest a few weeks back while I was in the garden. pretty low, I wondered if the bloody house was falling down. brilliant! 8) 8) 8) 8)

    I assume on it’s was back from the Bournemouth air show, i tried to get a photo with my phone but was way too slow and just got a speck in the sky 🙁

    Free Member

    Cheers just used that

    Free Member

    ok if it’s 100% not the problem, and hydrogen is, then is there anything else I can do to stop/reduce it? Without completely redesigning the system/replacing the boiler, which will happen just not at the moment

    I’ve got a bottle of sentinel inhibitor in there

    Free Member

    I have had leak detector stuff over all of the connection to the boiler and rads too

    Free Member

    I have tried turning the boiler temp down it helped a bit I think bit its still happening, difficult to gauge though, yep it’s a conventional boiler ,vertical flu, no fan

    the rooms vented obviously, the vent and flu have been checked and alarms are in place, we will replace it when we can afford it, which isn’t going to be this year for sure. Its had annual checks from one of the neighbours for years, long before we lived there, he runs a Gas and Boiler company, Gas Safe obviously.

    Free Member

    There usually always somebody on here with an opinion at any time of the day 😉

    Just seem quieter than usual, as you say probably bad timing for heating eng’s

    I’ve had an email from a forum regular(on a ban) which was helpful too, so I’ve ordered one and will give it a go. If it doesn’t solve the problem then I can’t see an overrun being a bad thing and I can wind the time right down with it if needs be


    Free Member

    cheers Jim, yeah I knew I’d need a live feed, I can put one of those in it’s not far. I completely rewired the control system only a couple of weeks ago so I know exactly where it all is.

    Free Member

    come on STW I was expecting a group of experts imparting years of experience and maybe a few opinions from DIYers like myself too, with people robustly defending their opinions.

    Was it just plumbers and sparkys that have been banned 😉 🙁

    I’ll just chat away to myself in here 😥

    Free Member

    yep inhibitor in, I’m pretty sure it’s not a leak, I’m pretty sure the air is coming from the boiler.

    boiler off after a cycle, rads all bled then boiler comes on and glug glug burble burble and air moves round into the first few rads again, sounds very much like it’s source is the boiler. then for the rest of the cycle nice and quiet……and repeat.

    I’ve bled every rad in the system dozens of times in the last 4-5 days, chasing and checking things.

    Is it really that much of an issue?

    Nope bleeding the radiators isn’t the end of the world, but a daily chore I’d really rather not. Yep I know I can get auto bleeders but the gurgling in our bedroom rad (first on upstairs circuit) every morning is going to really get annoying

    I’ve had a good google and my theory seems to hold water, for the sake of £25 to get an overrun working I thought it was worth a punt.

    An overrun on heating is to get rid of heat from the boiler

    Why wouldn’t that apply to an older boiler too?
    I’d put money on my old cast iron one holding way more heat than a new one, yep it heats the kitchen up so no bother but it could equally go to the rads.

    Free Member

    Bump for lunch, apologies for nonsense sentence above

    Free Member

    as wwaswas said bag up roof and take to local tip, check first only select ones in my area accept and they say to phone in advance to check they’ve got capacity.

    then free adds for the garage its self.

    I bought one for £100 for my last house + concrete base, new corrugated roof and it did a Stirling job. I’m sure somebody will have it, cheapest and easiest way imo to get a solid garage/workshop imo

    Free Member

    tested empty with a proper gauge and a track pump, bloody hell that was hard work

    Mines systems a vented system so I don’t think I can test is full and hot

    I’m pretty sure it is the boiler, it did it last year when we moved in before I’d touched anything

    Free Member

    oh and also the system was tested to 2bar for 24hrs so the air shouldn’t be from a leak

    Free Member

    it’s has worked for me. will no doubt be different with different hubs

    but my Hope Pro2 6 bolt, On-one centre lock hubs on my Scandal and Deore centre lock hubs on my CFD all swap no probs

    Free Member

    and I give you the words of Mike Skinner of the Streets
    That’s the religion I live by! 😉

    “Alleged Legends”

    Some people live their lives by a little red book
    The points for right lying out and guides them good
    They never really mimic every word by eye
    ‘Cuz if they did they’d be in a whole world of strife
    The book’s quite old school, but then it was tough
    It contains some quite experimental justice
    The thinking people are thinking that without this book
    That without these verses we’d pillage and murder but,
    Following this red book word for word
    Leads you to actually pillage and murder
    Could it be so what we think to be right,
    Is simply the opinion that survived?

    Do what you think’s right, and you will feel alright
    ‘Cuz when you’re bad you will feel sad
    That’s the religion I live by

    There’s a bloke in the book who made everything
    He knows every individual and every trick in them
    Way above emotion, never getting stressed
    But when men choose against him, gets jealous
    People fight for him in crippling wars
    But since he has the power of infinite awe
    We’re merely itching on futilities floor
    Should we really be needing to assist him at all?
    If he loves us all, knowing all we think
    Should he only like people with faith in him?
    Given I can’t control what I truly believe,
    Can I be forgiven for only believing who I see?

    Do what you think’s right, and you will feel alright
    ‘Cuz when you’re bad you will feel sad
    That’s the religion I live by
    Do what you think’s right, and you will feel alright
    ‘Cuz when you’re bad you will feel sad
    That’s the religion I live by

    Could it be time to avoid this bush?
    So we wouldn’t be blind when joining up coulds
    Could we see both sides of the coin for the good?
    Breed less strife on our voyage for good?
    Getting threatened by men with questions
    We’ll never get anywhere rejecting evidence
    Could we test everything instead of betting,
    On alleged legends?
    If we teach that it’s right to blindly believe
    If we reach to the sky to define our meaning
    Well I agree what’s right will keep driving people to fight with people

    Do what you think’s right, and you will feel alright
    ‘Cuz when you’re bad you will feel sad
    That’s the religion I live by

    Free Member

    @Molgrips you planning on trapping them to pet and for company or to eat 😯 😉

    I thought you were vegan, or is that somebody else on here?

    Free Member

    I also put money on the fact that Hope have different prices for you and me and an LBS and the likes of CRC etc

    Free Member

    Hope are great, again I like ’em and have some of their kit and am always impressed with their customer service

    but they are not “one of the big boys” by a long way
    good luck to them an maybe one day they will be but lets see if/when it happen if they still operate on the same model as they do now when they’re that size

    btw I work in the shipping industry in a company(s) with links to sea, road, rail, air, customs and importers etc

    Free Member

    Far more economical to ship larger volumes in a container months in advance than small volumes air freighted quickly which is what individual LBSs would need otherwise.

    The importers have a larger capital outlay and therefore risks in doing this. Plus they’ll deal with customs issues etc and hold ups (which happen)

    An individual LBS doesn’t have a clue about a lot of what bits he will/won’t need the following week. but an importer with a network of LBSs can guestimate he’ll need x of these and y of these this quarter.

    You cut them out and some costs/delays else where would increase (shipping), perhaps not quite so much but there are other down sides too. They get deals small guys can’t get without volume.

    The other sensible option would be for LBS’s to operate as a cooperative; but who’d stump up the £ upfront? storage? distribution? A lot of LBSs don’t have ££££ and run on credit, who’d run it and how would they get paid for their time premises etc. ahhh yes opp’s I’ve just created and importer all be it one which perhaps isn’t for profit in itself but pretty much and importer.

    They can be cut out but there are down sides. Look at Alpkit a great example, great kit at great prices (I like ’em a lot) but often limited on stock and long waits. pluses and minuses not sure an LBS could do the Alpkit thing at all tbh Alpkit have also struggled with big suppliers i remember reading somewhere that they couldn’t buy some Pertex stuff direct (Quantum?) ‘cos they weren’t big enough…..

    it can work online with fairly good volumes (AlpKit, On-One) but an LBS nah!

    A necessary evil if you ask me.

    [edit]also the big boys don’t want to deal with the little fella’s

    they want fewer big order than many small one’s else their admin costs also increase which in turn get passed on somewhere[/edit]

    Free Member

    That’s Shit! Thom hope she’s ok and gets her confidence back soon and the car sorted.

    You said you’d reported it to the police and you had the reg, did the police approach the driver with the information which I assume he’d deny or have they simply refused to do so without a witness? If it’s the latter I’d probably try pushing it with them and possibly make a complaint

    Free Member

    What I don’t understand is what on earth is he carrying around with him in that bag? There certainly aren’t many if any clothes in there 🙄

    Free Member

    Bolivian salt flats near the end of our honeymoon, the most amazing place [/url]
    CactusIsland[/url] by KeithHarris[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    some good points but a few which the Jeremy Clarkson lot will no doubt latch on and rant endlessly. tbh they’ll rant at anything given the chance

    Just share the space and show a bit of respect for fellow humans and pay attention when driving is the crux of it at the end of the day IMHO

    As the article says “we” all know that but getting it through to the other lot though will take a bit more than a poster with celeb’ endorsements.
    better than nothing though

    Free Member

    lots of niche groups on the road do it in a form or another.

    Classic Mini’s, VDubs, Mods on scooters, a lot of motorcyclists, smart cars to name but a few.

    if you’re not an “enthusiast” on a niche group and never have been you’ve probably never seen it.

    I might say “morning” or something as I pass another cyclist out on a country road but I seem to drop in (not consciously) when I get into town or into “commuter country”. I S’pose that’s ‘cos I feel one lot are likely to be enthusiasts and the other lot after a cost effective means of travel. obviously the two groups aren’t mutually exclusive but there are certainly more “means to and ends” cyclists now than ever.

    Free Member

    sounds like a Hornet

    Free Member

    I’ve got the 1 TB Buffalo LinkStation it was £90 or £100 I can’t remember exactly. Simple, does what you’d expect no complaints from me

    Free Member

    I had veggie oil in a set of shimano brakes for 6 months with regular use, bleed them eventually because I though I should no problems, and the oil looked good, no problems since either.
    20p a litre 🙂

    It was a mid ride emergency fix, I wouldn’t recommend it though.

    Free Member

    At least I’m not alone in cycling

    Probably not best done for your first few donation though, people respond very differently.

    One of mates who’s healthy has donated twice, both times he felt awful and had to wait a long time before they let him go home. After the second time he was politely told to not come back again. Some people’s body’s just really don’t like it at all.
    good on him for going and giving it a second go too

    Free Member

    Last time I tried to book on-line for a local session it was fully booked, which is sort of good. the website did then tell me I could just turn up and wait to probably be turned away so I didn’t

    I will go soon though

    Free Member

    Done it dozens of times now including platelets too
    not done it for a while though due to a load of foreign travel but can again now so must get my finger out and book one up.

    I usually cycle to and from the hospital to do mine. only started doing it after donating plenty of times so know I’m fine after. I do take it easy coming back and it’s downhill all the back to work. never had any ill affect the following day. good excuse for a treat for dinner nice steak, chips and a pint of dark stuff 🙂

    Free Member

    willing to be proven wrong but I don’t think that drivers going to respond to a poetry recital 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve had a look and can’t find and specific police initiatives but had a poke around their website and it looks pretty welcoming and helpful. I might try an email first and see what happens.

    My commute is from a small village on the edge of the new forest into Southampton and back. I’ve got two options with regards routes about 5-10 mins difference between each one. Generally I choose the longer/slower one with more country roads and cycle routes.

    Both routes have bad bits

    Free Member

    cheers Al

    I’ve got a camera exactly the same as that one for MTBing so will strap that on to the commuter.

    The house is 100% done upstairs and enough done downstairs, still a a few months of evening and weekends work to get it all done, but all the major messy & dusty stuff is done.

    Fingers crossed I’ll get out for the odd ride soon, and once the house is done I’ll be back on it regularly again fingers crossed

    Free Member

    +1 Molgrips

    there a stretch of road through a village where there are islands in the middle and I do it there every time as the few times people have tried to pass in them it’s really dangerous, but this road is boarderline unless your in a massive van/HGV

    Free Member

    I see buzzards quite often on my commute

    a few weeks back one glided across the road 4-5m in front of me picked something up from the opposite verge and flew back in front of me I slowed and looked in awe as did the driver of the car which came up just behind me 8)

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