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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    I’d guess all the good ones get shifted soon and this is the pile to weigh in for scrap later maybe

    Free Member

    Whilst cutting a hole for a down lighter in the ceiling at our last house a few years back, I managed to break my hand in two places 😥 😳

    I was using a big mains drill without a clutch and a hole saw and as I’m fairly tall decided to not bother with the step ladder, it was a reach but doable it was on the last one of 20 odd when I did it, the bit snagged on a lath and the drill whipped around Ouch! I did finish that hole before going to the bathroom and sitting on the floor with my hand in the sink of cold water. My wife appeared 10 mins later to find me looking rather off colour, then having to cancel her night out to spent it with me at the hospital.

    The following week with the holes still there open to the loft as my hand was in a cast, we woke about 3-4ish in the morning to a blackbird/starling flying around inside the house trying to escape. It’d got on from a hole in next doors soffits and somehow into our loft then down through one of the holes. my wife opened all the windows and chased it out not before it left **** on the new carpet.

    Free Member

    yes and no, some places yes, some places no

    We have an office twonk with very similar attitude here, while going through CVs to short list a contractor his first criteria was
    no degree = in the bin

    We had a big falling out over it. I don’t have a degree, and he does (a 2-2 from a old poly uni). He’s good at his job as am I, we had two in the team at the time who also had degrees but were frankly Carp! and he would openly admit that, and that I was way better than them too.
    He still wouldn’t change his opinion, no degree = Bin.
    Our boss firmly put him in his place though thankfully.
    There are good degrees and bad degrees, there a people with them that are great and not so great….
    The piece of paper on it’s own! doesn’t carry that much weight with me

    Sometime you’ll meet these people and some times you’ll meet people which recognise a good job and hard work.

    I do still see jobs advertised which I know I can do which say must have a degree, then I see others that don’t. It bugs me a but but not that much.

    I do earn more than several of my friends with ’em but a lot less than my 2/3 highest earning mates which do. I’d probably top myself if I had their jobs with the demands they have and hours they work.

    but I would like my son to get a good degree but I wont push him if it turns out to not be his thing (only 14 week old at the mo)

    Free Member

    Mrs29er (local authority housing officer) says….

    2 months, statutory notice for assured short hold tenancy, regardless if in fixed term or periodic roll on.

    After 2months should the tenant have not left the landlord will need to apply to the courts for a possession order if the tenant doesn’t leave by then the landlord will need to apply the courts again for a balifs warrant as the final stage if it comes to that. Trying to forcibly evict them before the final stage could leave you open to prosecution

    Free Member

    I run “differently” on them, I couldn’t tell you how exactly, but it feels different and I suspect my gait alters a bit. Whether that makes any difference or not I have no idea.

    Not keen on ’em personally, I’d rather run outside in the countryside in all weathers

    [edit]they’ve got a very unnatural bounce to them which must give you a bit of an easier run than the road imho of course[/edit]

    Free Member

    available in HollowTech flavour too

    Free Member

    not any more rudebwoy but it was 🙁

    Free Member

    Dig down 6 inches in my garden and you’ll find water, yet the bloody mole is still alive making a mess of my lawn which is only 6 months laid 🙁

    I recon the little sod’s got some scuba gear down there

    Free Member

    I don’t think you can buy xp any more, they are officially supporting it for a year of so but that’s only ”cos they had their arm twisted, they wanted it dropped and dead long ago. If you really really want it then second hand off of ebay might be your only option if you want to be legit.

    I’d go for a lite version of 7 or 8 if I were you.

    Free Member

    tbh I was a “it’s a big phone you can’t make calls” Dom Jolly sort
    I just didn’t get them at all at first

    The iPad at home is the most used device we have, hardly ever use the netbook, laptop or desktop which hasn’t even been plugged in since we moved a year ago.
    I hasten to add I didn’t pay for the iPad it was awarded to be through work. If I was buying I’d have bought a slightly cheaper Android as they are a bit spendy for my wallet at the mo.

    Free Member

    Any idea on a date in Store??

    nbt – it says multi touch so I’d assume fingers would be fine, not sure how you could do multi touch with a single stylus. Some people just prefer a stylus, you can get ’em for istuff too.

    My Bro was after a cheap one for his lad this looks perfect.

    Free Member

    If you know somebody who’s handy with a sewing machine, to do hems and sew in pole and guy points then just buy the fabric and guys lines

    several designs on here

    My Gran did mine 🙂

    Free Member

    If its a decent safe and fast enough route then I’d have used it.

    I don’t use some of the cycle route on my commute because it’s a narrow poorly maintained pavement with side roads and driveways every 50 yards with a blue sign i.e. completely Carp!

    Free Member

    Swavis +1

    SS for the short hard bursts for hills = Strength
    Road for longer controlled sustained effort = general over all fitness

    Free Member

    I’d argue that, there really are some! motorist who really do hate cyclists.

    The majority of the issues and close calls I have are from cars passing way way to close in stupid places on roads where they really couldn’t miss you and are doing so because you are holding them up getting the back of the queue of traffic 200m in front/next set of traffic lights 🙄

    Free Member

    another +1 for Blurb

    used them for a few photo books for our wedding and Honeymoon.
    great quality + great to be able to share the books online with friends who aren’t local too

    Free Member

    ime they’re generally not keen on speaking to people

    great service 99% of the time but it’s the 1% that everybody hears about and when you really want customer service

    Free Member

    Looks like a really neat package to me but!
    I wonder how long it takes and how good a GPS fix it gets from inside a steerer with only a tiny view of the sky.

    Carbon I’d guess would be fine, alloy less so and steel even worse.

    I work with GPS’s everyday and see some pretty inaccurate reading from some in certain scenarios and these are £1000 a pop GPSs. Usually the readings go nuts when their view of the Sky is largely obscured by very large amounts of metal but not inside a building.
    maybe a steel steerer isn’t thick enough to affect it.

    Free Member

    Channel9 and Bob Tabars’ Videos on HTML5, CSS and JS are pretty good

    Free Member

    Where I work we’re using about 13,500 litres of red a Day! 😯

    and that’s after some fairly significant fuel saving initiatives over recent years and we’re not busy at all at the moment 🙁

    Petrol just wouldn’t be efficient for most types of heavy machinery

    Free Member

    they’re not quick but

    14 mile round trip daily commute for the last year
    and 5 mile commute daily for 2 years before that + a few other weekend rides on them…
    and not 1 puncture in about 3 years of using them

    for commuting 100% yes get ’em IMO

    Free Member

    tracknicko +1

    Same as anti-cycling motorists who always go on about the Lycra wearing Red Light jumpers endlessly, whether that’s representative or not

    Free Member

    I’ve got one, rode it to work today in fact, I like it, that’s all the matters. I don’t ride it or any other bike for anybody else’s benefit.

    Not ridden it much recently and I’d forgotten how nice it is, always seems to really carry momentum well if that makes any sense.

    Each to their own.

    Free Member

    I’d be cautious personally

    how about using a friends/relatives address?
    that way you’ll get letters etc if anybody decides to send you a letter
    but identity theft wouldn’t work ‘cos they wouldn’t match in the “system”

    Free Member

    I can’t say “I feel” or the “bikes feel” any different before or after I officially own them.

    How many of us actually own our own homes?
    I’m pretty sure if I stopped paying the bank each month I would not be living in my home this time next year

    sorry but I’m really not getting the issue personally, each to their own though.

    Free Member

    @ mlucas666 correct


    You can leave it on their books for 3 years and pay 5% there’s your saving there> I’m not a serial bike (or job) swapper so maintain and ride my bikes for years.

    I can’t really see any down sides to not “technically owning” it in my situation. I don’t think I’ve ever got the receipt out for the bike I didn’t get on cycle scheme and look and it with a warm glow

    Free Member

    Fraud seems a bit strong

    OP’s not trying to steal or benefit any further by the “bending” of the rules. He’ll take the risk should his employer go bust etc he’ll loose his extra £300. but in reality will that happen? probably not no. If something happened with work he’d probably finish payment for the bike in a lump sum and have to pay some of the money he was hoping to save and keep his bike. If they did take it back they’d be better off and the OP would loose out but that’s his risk.

    So the “Deal” the op gets wouldn’t be as good as hoped but not over RRP. He won’t gain, the company won’t loose nor will HMRC or the LBS.

    Cyclescheme was created by the government to increase cycling as an activity, I’m pretty sure the OP will ride his bike and might even commute on it or another bike.

    That’s a damn sight more than the majority of people where I work who just got a bike cheap which has barely been ridden let alone to work!

    Free Member

    The few cycle routes near me are nothing more than narrow poorly maintained pavements with the odd blue sign along them.

    There’s a section on my commute that is a pavement and not a cycle route which is twice the width of said “cycle route” and in great condition which I use most days 😯 and I’ve not come close to hitting a ped’ yet! 😉 🙄

    So I’m safe on one and not on the other ❓ Quite frankly I’d argue the opposite is true in this scenario.

    Cycle route/pavements design, designation and suitability and is an utter nonsense in a hell of a lot of places, probably due to the fact that the party’s involved in implementing them have no idea/don’t care about cyclist and haven’t ridden a bike since they were children.

    My father in-laws a local councillor and told me that one of the utterly useless go nowhere and dangerous cycle routes they put in was done because they had!! to spend the money on cycle route and frankly just stuck one in where it wouldn’t be in the way and as it turns out is of no use to the vast majority of cyclist in the area who would no doubt have rather the money was spent in a danger hot spot which there are plenty.

    Common sense and mutual respect is all that’s required when using pavements on a bike (not all cyclist do this unfortunately). If only car some drivers could learn the same on the road with us.

    driving and 4×4 down a pavement is another thing all together

    Free Member

    I use a CX (Genesis CDF) with Marathon+ tyres, rack, panniers and guards

    it’s perfect for me, quick enough comfortable and plenty of space for stuff when I need it + OK for the odd bit of off road if I choose too

    [Edit]CDF could easily be classed as a tourer TBH[/Edit]

    Free Member

    agree with a lot here too, very London/big city centric and will make bobbins difference to me

    I would pay a small VED/Bike Duty if it would really make a difference (education/attitudes obviously not an easy one), but in reality it won’t stop some tool cutting me up racing his car to the next traffic light to gain them nothing! I’d also insist in the caveat that all cars paid VED a Prius is better than a Range rover yes but it still pollutes a damn sight more than me riding my bike.

    Free Member

    I’m also very surprised the campaign has lasted as long as it has, and yep it’s the best we have at the moment so good on ’em

    cycling infrastructure can be counter productive at times, I am not saying it’s bad, but it can reinforce the “you shouldn’t be on the road” attitudes of some. Which doesn’t help me on the 2/3’s of my commute where there isn’t any cycling infrastructure or the 6th where there is that I refuse to use because it’s so narrow with an awful surface with a driveway or side road every 5-10 meters + Peds. It’s really a narrow pavement with a blue sign every 100m and shouldn’t ever have been a classed as a cycle route

    Free Member

    I too think it’s good and have already filled it in
    But! I did find it very much targeted at what cyclist can do better/do wrong and infrastructure improvements.

    Nothing in there at all about other road users (training/changing attitudes….) 😥
    I’m not saying there aren’t tools on bikes ‘cos there are but it’s other road users actions which make me nervous\feel unsafe most of the time.

    More and proper thought out infrastructure would be great but it’s not the biggest problem out there IMHO

    Free Member

    If the Rothans important to you and the colour important to him

    Then buy Rothan, strip and key frame, paint with spray can from your local motor factors, it’ll take a couple of hours and cost a £5-10.

    everybody happy 8)

    [edit]or as meehaja says 😆 [/edit]

    Free Member

    Coolio that’s what I was hoping for, saves a bit of extra hassle

    Cheers Mark

    Free Member

    I was out after you first sentence 🙁

    but then remembered that Lidl seem to have leffe and a few others in at times, no idea on price but as it’s Lidl shouldn’t be high

    Free Member

    Free Member

    looks like he’s alive, he’s posted on other threads Phew!

    Would be interesting to know how it’s all panned out though.

    I read it out to my wife at the weekend, she’s even asked me for an update on what’s happened 8)

    Free Member

    yeah brake pad on the Tyre I had one do that a few years ago, it went with one hell of a bang

    Free Member


    you’re pathetic

    Do you know my boss, i think you must have gone to the school of motivation 😉

    [Edit]Nice stealth edit there :-)[/Edit]

    Free Member

    Schwalbe Marathon+ +1
    great tyre, not the quickest at all and not great in mud as Druid says but great for everything else you’ve mentioned

    I’ve not had a single puncture with them in nearly 2 years of commuting 14 miles nearly every day of the week

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