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  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    I have one, I like it, nope not light but nice to ride. 90% of the time it’s used for commuting with guards rack and panniers. I do the shopping with it some days, 2 panniers full of shopping now that’s heavy

    Free Member

    Our boss usually does his birthday cakes at a team meeting, I swear he then claims ’em on expenses! tight git that he is

    Free Member

    Ohhh you’ve done now!!!! 😉
    3 years here now, 5 days a week (1.5years @ 5mpd, 1.5years @14mpd) and touch wood not one here either

    Brilliant tyres for commuting, nope not the quickest but on a commute I’d trade that any day for years of puncture free riding 😀

    Free Member

    Only use one now and then when I’m planning on making a right mess
    I own 2 both from local brewery’s they were both gifts

    Free Member

    Good choice imo

    Most people in the company I work for do 12 hour shifts and have so much more spare time to with as they wish.

    My biggest regret is deciding to stay here when I had a great job offer. now with baby29er and house stuff I feel a bit trapped at them moment. As soon as things settle in a year or so I’ll be looking for another job, I just hope one as well suited as the one I passed up comes up again.

    good luck with everything

    Free Member

    Stupid old Bint! in my office insist on having the air conditioning (control by her desk) set to max heat (29Degrees) all the time, all night, all weekend, 24-7-365. It’s got a sticker on it saying “Do not switch off!!!” and makes loud shivering sounds and shouts “ohhh it’s cold” for everybody in the office on a daily basis. and she’s flipping Scottish and she used to live in Canada FFS!!!!

    thankfully it’s not man enough to heat the whole office during winter on it’s own, so it’s bearable during the winter, gets to 24-25, yesterday the sun was out so 26-27.

    The other unit (control near my desk) is off during winter but will be set to cool for the rest of the year it will reach 28-29 in here. Her control will still be set to heat and she will still be cold.

    I wish I had my own office 🙁 or my boss (the least trusting man in the world) would let me do some work from home

    [Edit]oh 24.2 currently from digital thermometer on my desk and watch, bought to aid the endless comments about the cold. currently sat here in shorts and a t-shirt[/Edit]

    Free Member

    24Hr Track racing 😯 😯 😯
    “World Record for men over 50 in a 24-hour track race of 247.59 km”

    24 Hr xc run\MTBing\road bike\adventure race yes
    yep I can get those but 24hrs running around a track “batshitmental”!!!!! in my book anyway.
    impressive though

    Free Member

    A mate of mine showed me the contents of his Magnaclean a while back. He had a good handful of tiny swarfy and rusty gunk out of it, so imo yes and that’s a good price too

    I fitted one of these to my system shortly afterwards, I had a bit of an air problem too and this did both.

    It’s been in 6-7 months now, might give it flush over the weekend see what comes out

    Free Member

    DMR free hub problems here in the past too, on an Easton build, good wheels bad freehubs. Plus the local and only DMR stockiest was rude and unhelpful

    I wouldn’t buy a wheel with a DRM free hub again personally

    Free Member

    Bargin Hunt! oh dear of dear 😉

    Google “Sky eye” or “Keene IR” depends if you want to remote control anything other than a sky box, I’ve got both in different rooms.

    Free Member

    My mums cat disappeared for 4 years! 😯

    Some old dear was feeding him, obviously something nicer than my mum, so he swapped owners. Old dear passed away, cat went walk about and rspca got called, he was chipped so mum got a call. He was overweight but well. He’s been back a year now and is right a home again.

    Free Member

    congratulations 8)

    5 months on here for a formerly hesitant dad, loving it!
    just wait until you get your first proper smiles and giggles

    Free Member

    yeah have it down great fun, big shovel or heavy rake, I did all of ours. Messy but good fun actually

    Those lathes are amazing kindling, 100+ years drying means you barely need to show them a zippo and they’d spontaniously combust on there own

    Free Member

    wwaswas amen to that

    we conceived the day we moved into our new house which just over a year on is nearly finished. The last 6 months has been really hard long days, should all be sorted by the time baby29er’s mobile thank christ

    Free Member

    OP ignore the nasty comments
    no need to be so tough guys

    It’s a tough time for most men to get their heads around, he’ll get there I’m sure

    Free Member

    get involved! help her out! be there at every step it’s amazing, some bits are a bit ucky though 😐 😉

    It’s all new to her to and I’m sure she’s scared too.

    It’ll bring you closer I’m sure

    good luck!

    Free Member

    men are rarely ever ready! ime (we’re 32 and 33 so similar age)
    I had very similar feelings and didn’t want! kids
    I certainly wasn’t ready and was very much in two minds about it when my wife woke me one morning to tell me. my first question was a worried “are you sure? don’t get your hopes up to early, the test might be wrong”. 7 test later…. I certainly didn’t jump for joy, my wife wasn’t worried she knows me pretty well. Iwas more scared and oh shit everything’s going to change with very similar thoughts on time and money as above. We’d sort of been trying for a while but weren’t sure anything was going to happen because of some medical stuff. it took 10-11 months and it’d almost gone out of my head tbh. Anyway when I was told it was like getting hit by a steam train.

    He’s 5 months old now and obviously love him to bits. Life changes, much good, some lost sleep and yes things change, I’ve still been out she still goes out we still go out. it’s different but life’s good. you will love him/her no question!

    Free Member

    While out for a run in the new forest on some cheeky trails (cheeky even on foot) I turned a corner and saw a pack of wolves! 😯

    Thankfully behind a bloody big fence, I’d managed to get round the back of the wildlife park, I made myself scarce. Never been back that way since, shame there are some nice trails there but very cheeky.

    Free Member

    Voice if experience hire the tool with a clutch and don’t reach when doing the job.

    broke my hand in 2 places reaching with a big clutchless drill on a different job 🙁

    Free Member

    Did Laura forget her shoes?

    Free Member

    @ Mr greedy I think the body maintains a level and if depleted restock as with red blood cells back to it normal level, with platelets it can be a few hours the small amount of red blood cell you loose a bit longer afaik. They’re then injected back in so you’d have more than normal and the body would naturally then bring that level back down to it’s normal level again.

    Levels do fluctuate they monitor those when you donate that’s the table\graph they always keep an eye

    Free Member

    Next time I do a platelet donation might ask if I can keep half for later in case I get injured 😉

    Free Member

    Nigel Slater’s got a good recipe similar to Moses but with horseradish and herbs and thinly sliced beef

    Hugh Fernly-Whitingstall too but with a mustard herb sort of vinaigrette

    both very similar but good recipies

    [Edit] here you go

    Nigel Slaters

    Hugh has a bunch more Puy lentil ones in his Veg book too

    Free Member

    yes and no

    If there’s a remotely sensible option then yes, more often than not I take the 7 and a bit mile route instead of the just under 6mile route ‘cos it’s far better.

    but even then there are sections where there’s not much choice.
    One bit I hate I’d love to get off the road but it’s the only sensible option. There’s a narrow path with blue cycle route signs but it’s got a driveway every 20 meters and a side road every 100m and is full of ped’s, mums and kids going to school, commuters heading to the train station and old dears going to the village shop. So I take the road which has those bloody islands that pinch the traffic up every 300m. I hate it but I might as well walk that mile otherwise.

    Far too many times I’ve had cars squeeze through at an uncomfortable distance/speed by one of those islands. Touch wood not actually been hit yet! I know it worries my wife though, and me too a bit.

    Free Member

    I’ve used UK bike store plenty in the past and they’ve always been great. I will use them again.

    chill out OP, getting ranty from the get go’s not going to get you anywhere, be reasonable and polite and you may well have got a more a more helpful response

    Free Member

    One of the old Cobol developers (legacy system to be retired this year, finally!) here wrote some code which added one the number of seconds in a datetime to make the record unique. It was a string in the flat file, the problem was this data was replicated into a database as a data time, surprise surprise! the database didn’t recognise

    22/01/2013 13:01: and 63 seconds!!! as a valid time 🙄

    She still to this day doesn’t think what she did was stupid!

    Free Member

    as already said that does not sound right, Stoner (if not on a ban 😉 ) will be here shortly, he or Bear are who you want.

    Stoner tends to use more logs in his as opposed to pellets though as it takes both, most and I assume yours is pellet only. He’s got a heat recovery thingy (ASHP?) in his boiler room too to pump some of the boiler room heat back into the house. I don’t know what volumes he uses though.

    how big is your place just to add context, Stoners place is pretty sizeable, open plan and originally of pretty old construction (although no doubt now well insulated) and his boiler does a good job of keeping the place warm by the sounds of it. Do you have a heat store or is it run like a combi boiler?

    [Edit] Ignore me he’s here [/Edit]

    Free Member

    dinners like chilli, curry, stews, soups etc double the amount you make and portion out whats left and freeze then microwave in the office. freezing means I usually have a choice of 3-4 things to chooses from for lunch and also no leakage issues on the commute.

    worked for me for years now, very little extra effort to double the amount you cook in the evening. Once in a while I’ll cook a special batch of stuff but try to do do it by cooking more.

    Free Member

    One of my neighbours has a double garage which was converted he has a full on office in there. The doors are still there but are complete facad. It’s all sealed up insulated and has a wall on the inside, the two ladies that work for him are in there, kitchen and toilet in the back and his office is upstairs. Really threw me when I went in to ask him about something. You could live in there tbh but you’d never guess from the outside at all. I think he had to keep the doors to keep planning happy too

    Free Member

    I’m sure you will but…
    Please just be respectful for the residents at Wasdale head.
    During the season the green can become a rubbish dump and public toilet! with coaches rolling up with noisy 3 peakers in the earlier hours which isn’t very nice for them.

    There is a portaloo toilet just a few hundred yards up the road near the start of the trail and bins to.

    oh and you’ll be fine, make sure your driver rests though.

    The Three peaks Yacht Race is the only one that Wasdale head pub and the residents actually support.

    do enjoy it though I’m not trying to be a kill joy 🙂

    Free Member

    Used it once to return something worked ok, not too many collection points near home though.

    It’s run by Yodel I think isn’t it?
    that’ll explain being slow at times and missing parcels

    Free Member

    Spud if SSDan’s not taken you up, how much were you looking for and where abouts are you? I’m on the hunt for a decent trailer for baby 29er, I might be able to get a croozer later in the year but the barleys look good too + have some suspension which would be nice

    Edit. Btw email in profile, cheers

    Free Member

    So so sad

    As Stewart Pratt might say
    Careless no! Dangerous yes, I sincerely hope justice is done and the “sun in my eye’s” isn’t wheeled out as the excuse and they’re not let off lightly. Drivers are licensed and have a responsibility to take due care and pay attention to other road users. Hitting a cyclist and possibly driving to close to have a chance to react and then to run over them is not doing either of those.

    I’ve heard a form of the following in person from many (some of which are cyclists) and read in so many comments on the local rags website

    He shouldn’t have been there. He should have been…


    cyclists puting their life and others in danger by riding all over the road.

    Maybe they should say that when there is a cycle route along a certain route then cyclists are banned from the road?

    Far to many people just seem to think this was his own fault and he brought it on himself 🙁

    attitudes from the public\motorists about cyclist really really needs to change and driving standards need improving with cyclist awareness campaigns. When will the judicial system and government start taking this seriously and put some real weight behind helping out in some meaningful way.

    my thoughts go to his family and friends.

    Free Member

    I’m amazed Mo didn’t appear in to top 3
    I had brad, jess and mo for my top 3 in any order
    I know Andy’s had a great year and all but I really didn’t see him coming that high
    Mainly ‘cos he seems to be a miserable sod more often than not.

    Well done to them all though, a great year for sport and especially cycling.

    Free Member

    Similar to BikeBouy

    Busy, stuff to do, but bored! I wish I could get motivated by work but just can’t do it with my current workload and the fact that it’s a dead end role here. Time to move on, just as soon as other things in life settle down.

    Free Member

    so not the right answer imo either

    Free Member


    I always wear a helmet and will always make my son and wife wear them too but I am equally fully aware they are not a panacea and will not save my life\me from injury in all cases but they certainly my help lessen some some of the time.

    by a paediatric nurse who through her work saw the devastation that head injury can cause not only to the child but to the whole family

    I but she’s seen plenty where kids were wearing helmets too

    Free Member

    Garage-dweller Out! Out now 😉

    And don’t come back until you’ve corrected this wrongful thinking 😉

    Free Member

    @Nico when the story broke the storey from that link didn’t have the information it does now

    Free Member

    piemonster +1
    but I wonder how her immediate management dealt with her after the incident?

    supportive of a silly mistake or ????

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