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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    sjs & Rose, no joy except a very similar looking XT one which might\might not work.

    so looks like a new cassette and swap the 11t out, it doesn’t get used that much but when I do at the moment it jumps which is a PITA.

    All of my knackered spares including the last cassette all went in my mates scrap bin to be weighed in just a week or two ago. Ahh well never mind, another order to rose, need some pedals and BB’s too seem to be eating them this year for some reason 😥 Must be my awesome power 😉

    Free Member

    I was going to contact David Harrison as the local guys who seems ok and seems to like cyclist.

    Julian Lewis on the other hand doesn’t exactly seem keen on cyclist he was wading on the wiggle sportive thing last time, that was until the tacks in the road, when he just seemed to disappear and distance himself from it.

    Yeah could certainly coordinate a bit and see if it helps though

    Free Member

    local papers what this one?

    yeah local paper hates cyclists

    It really shouldn’t be this much hard work should it? 😥

    Free Member

    Tried calling New Forest district council parking who very quickly fobbed me off to Hampshire highways who very quickly fob me of telling me there’s nothing they can do, and to go speak to the police, who’ve I’ve tried with before and had nothing happen. I might try them once again but I’ll try the local councillor as he seems pretty keen on theses sorts of issues and seems to like cyclists 😯

    Free Member

    box hill sounding like it’s getting/got a bit silly though.

    the number of new forest route options and events is not an issue imho
    and I live in village which is often on sportive routes and has loads of horse rides, not seen or heard of any issues since we’ve lived here(year and a half).

    Free Member

    scaredypants that was across 3 separate routes too (with some common bits) but yeah nonsense!!

    just anti bike bigots, pointless arguing with ’em tbh

    Free Member

    I wan’t Danny Macaskill style skills to be able to ride straight over the top of ’em and be off, probably not with my son in the trailer though 🙂

    Now if Jedi can teach me that in a day I’m there 😆

    Free Member

    @Rich yeah I’ve had a couple of close calls with people pulling in\out along there too.

    yeah that was my thinking on it being a cycle route too, I carry on there past the end sign through Ashurst to Bartley, the forest roads are unavoidable but tbh are fine as there so little traffic through the village and horses, donkeys and cows on the roads too.

    And yeah that car was a PITA too, It’s gone now though, that DHL/other van pishes me off too as does that house nr the pub which has a different car up for sale every few weeks. they’re annoying but I can get through so not as anoying

    Free Member

    All alternative route options involve more busy roads and/or narrow pavements (100% not cycle route) with dodgy blind crossings, side roads every 100m, on road parking everywhere, barrier’d underpasses which I can’t get through with the buggy not without unhitching it and lifting it 2/3ft over 2 sets of barriers. All being pointlessly round the houses and far more dangerous imo 😥

    I (and others) have accidentally knocked a few mirrors 😳 not that that’s had any effect though

    Allan you’re right, it is questionable if that bit is on the cycle route. If it isn’t (signs are confusing at best) it’s the bit that should be imo. Not that stupid on the road, round the houses, underpass with barriers and round the back of Foxhills route that the Sustrans route takes.

    No chance am I cycling past Foxhills school in the morning with the yummy mummy parking going on round there. Didn’t you say a teacher got knocked down and had a broken hip last year or something there. I ride the forest side pavement through Ashurst with is in a shocking state and a pavement but it’s by far the best and safest option.

    yeah it is carp but it’s by far the best option I have, it’s the widest pavement and the most arterial route for bikes and to from the school\adjacent town, so god knows why the Sustrans route goes where it does.

    I feel like I’m being forced to take my son to nursery by car which is just so wrong people should be encouraged to do anything but.

    I’ll have a go with local parking enforcement/Hampshire highways and a the school and local councillors. I can see it being a big PITA and getting no where 🙁 ah well I’ll give it a go.

    Free Member

    yep they’re pretty much them
    CRC/oxford Version
    Joes Unicycle ones you like in black

    £12 for 2 but they’ll be dead in no time

    Free Member

    Marathons sorted from TiRed, cheers!

    DrP, other than the colour those look strikingly similar to the ones I’m after replacing

    My Croozer was second hand from Stoner, the tyres that died quickly were replacement ones not originals

    Free Member

    cheers YGM

    Free Member

    more here too
    a lot of team AR\multi sport stuff but fell stuff on too

    This looks good[/url]
    I might be doing this myself with a mate, depends on if his other partner recovers from injury in time

    Free Member

    depending on the work to be done to the property get a full survey and then try to knock them down afterwards if you expect issues.

    we knocked ours back down 10k in the end on some of the hidden horrors we found after the full survey, they’ll usually only move if the issues found weren’t in plain sight.

    we found completely bug riddled rotten floors and damp hidden behind sheets of plastic and ply on some of the walls 🙄
    all hidden/patched over by the old chap that used to live there

    Free Member

    It’s blind, best thing we did was list and sell ours before bids closed (12 hours to spare!!!!) with the same estate agents. because they were getting 2 sales (none of the other bidders were selling with them if at all) they might have been a but naughty and said something along the lines of “all bids are in, yours isn’t quite enough…” we upped 10k and we got it (40K over asking, was 3 now only 2 beds)

    To this day I don’t know if they just rinsed us for 10k or not. I did feel a pang of guilt about it, but it was a rare opportunity for us to have any chance of buying in the area we wanted and most of the other bidders were developers I think.

    Estate agents job is to get the seller and themselves every penny they can. Times are tough for them and many will bend\break rules for their own gains (as many many people do in all other walks of life)

    Good Luck!

    Free Member

    I don’t but there’s a lad in the village that seems to do loads in the afternoon/ evenings after school and weekends. Seems to do a storming trade with the old dears. He rides up and down past my place several times a week with a trailer on his bike with a petrol lawn mower strimmer and tools, looks heavy and he’s not a big lad either early teens I’d say.

    Good on him,

    Free Member

    surely somebody should make some 800cc wheels for big roadies, 6’5″ish+

    I saw a bloke yesterday riding a nice Trek which had a massive head tube and huge seat post. It looked really odd I’m sure they were 700’s but they looked like 24s/26s with slick from a distance

    Free Member

    Cheap Bob Copy for the chap that was asking

    Keep an eye out on ebay and gumtree for Croozers they don’t come up often but do every now and again.

    a few weeks before I bought stoner’s of of him one came up locally to me and didn’t even get any bids at about £100. It was a double and I was after a single as it’s narrow enough to go through a standard door way.

    Free Member

    cheers, I like the look of that
    not so in the way of your knees as some

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A salad! come on Eric your fooling nobody

    [edit] yes I am a fatist[/edit]

    Free Member

    lightman/anyone else, what’s that baby seat on the front of the Mundo?

    Free Member

    We’re a one car family too and my wife’s usually got it, which is fine by me, although she said she might ride to work tomorrow 😯 8) 4 miles of gravel track through the new forest from one village to another, why wouldn’t you?

    he usually sleeps about half of the time in the trailer at the moment

    we had nice morning the other day where we went to see the great grandparents and a trip to the library while my wife was at work

    Free Member

    I can confirm Stoners old Croozer’s in almost daily use, Hi Mark.
    Three days a week I take my 10month old to Nursery and back on the back of my CDF which has a rack and pair of Ortliebs too for work kit and shopping. 4.5miles with the trailer and then 2.5 on top to work, I leave the trailer in the nursery garage during the day.

    It also gets used for walks\runs round the village and the forest on the other days too.
    I really do try to not use the car unless I can help it.

    I’ve got one of those cheap Bob copies too which I use for large bits that wont go in my panniers. I’ve pick up a few odd bits ranging from 25kg compost bag from the local garden centre and a new stroller buggy.

    The bigger and odder the better (provided it’s safe and road worthy), I like the challenge. By the looks of it I’m not the only one with that attitude by the looks of the photo’s on the other thread.

    Free Member

    ninfan you’re an accountant aren’t you?

    although I agree with the facts in your post
    That’s still 144,000 People! who will be out or work and in hard times, many of which are doing a good job and will no doubt find it hard to find another job.

    hopefully the majority will be natural wastage and not too many will be put into sever financial difficulties.

    Free Member

    another vote for Croatia

    we had an amazing few weeks on Korcula with a day trip to Debrovnik

    Free Member

    the majority of guys here work shift 12hrs 4 on (2 days, 2 nights), 4 off. 7 ’till 7.
    The guys love it generally the few that come off shift for a while for other duties normally can’t wait to get back on shift. They get their shifts for the while year, bar a set 2 weeks where they have to phone in each day, two/three times a year they get a 2-3 week block off.

    total hours they actually work less than me on a 9-5:30 and that’s without taking into account the shifts the get let off early, sometimes after only a few hours. I’m not jealous honestly

    They all love the empty (and cheaper) golf courses\shops\trails etc

    imo it’s a long way from all bad, but there a -ve’s
    health a life expectancy are not great apparently. tbh I’m not 100% convinced that that’s the shift work on it’s own. Here I’d say it’s more to do with the environment, the work itself, the culture and the canteen. I work in the docks btw, not exactly the healthiest looking workforce in general

    Free Member

    the majority of guys here work shift 12hrs 4 on (2 days, 2 nights), 4 off. 7 ’till 7.
    The guys love it generally the few that come off shift for a while for other duties normally can’t wait to get back on shift. They get their shifts for the while year, bar a set 2 weeks where they have to phone in each day, two/three times a year they get a 2-3 week block off.

    total hours they actually work less than me on a 9-5:30 and that’s with out taking into account the shift the get let off early, sometimes after only a few hours. I’m not jealous honestly

    They all love the empty (and cheaper) golf courses\shops\trails etc

    imo it’s a long way from all bad, but there a -ve’s
    health a life expectancy are not great apparently. tbh I’m not 100% convinced that that’s the shift work on it’s own. Here I’d say it’s more to do with the environment, the work itself, the culture and the canteen. I work in the docks btw, not exactly the healthiest looking workforce in general

    Free Member

    Rob get out of my head! 😉

    Substitute daughter for son and we’re on the same page

    My son’s not even 1 yet and I’m thinking about doing a bike tour down to the Med’ with him as a warm up

    Free Member

    Probably in the face of it seems cheap too. Obviously in the long run that often seems to not be the case. Some people find it hard to pass on a “bargain” oh and a lot of people are idiots!

    Free Member

    Off to the Eye hospital for you

    I had the same, it turned out it had gone by the time I’d got to the hospital. It had scratched my eye and eyelid though, full check over both eyes and they gave me some antibiotic cream for it too, in and out in under an hour.

    Free Member

    cycling home from work yesterday, a man stepped off the kerb into the road right in front of me, didn’t look, no warning. I braked sharpish and missed him. So I politely said “please look before stepping into the road” and he could say was “Have you got a bell on that bike” over and over again. 🙄

    what I am expected to do ride down the road constantly ringing it? Like cars drive down the road blasting their horn every 5 seconds. Idiot!

    Free Member

    ebay £10-20 and it’s your, I’ve already looked 😳

    Free Member

    really sorry to hear that ,sounds like he had a great life and you enjoyed loads together, plenty of good memory’s.

    Brings back memory’s of our old boy springer, Brandy. Still miss him.
    So tough when they go

    Free Member

    8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
    I had an Astro wars, I loved that thing, I could play on it for hours

    Free Member

    cylinders were a flat rate where I went, one price for clean one price for foam on

    Free Member

    oh and sash weights and pulleys too

    Free Member

    Scrap metal from my small cottage renovation was £700 when all weighed in 8) Loads of rubbish steel\cast from the garden, complete rewire, re-plumb, old door handles hinges etc etc and a few bits of lead from the roof round a chimney that was removed.

    While it was looking like a building site I lost count of the number of the number of guys who offered to take any metal away for free for me, like it was some massive favour.

    keep metal well out of sight though if you want to do that or it’ll be gone, they’re always on the lookout

    Free Member

    come the zombie apocalypse I’m coming to yours Mark 😆

    You need another wood store, you’ll never get all of that in there [Shouts]McMooter![/Shouts]

    Free Member

    yeah done it a few times, find a nice secluded spot, pitch late, leave early, don’t leave any rubbish, no probs at all

    personally I wouldn’t set a tent/tarp up and leave it, certainly not before dark unless it was a camp site

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