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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • 1981miked
    Free Member

    Don’t think th driver was at fault in fairness. Witnesses reckon he had a puncture or blowout. If that happens in a loaded road tanker it could be very difficult to control.

    Free Member

    Yeah Surfer has it!

    I use it a lot with work as we run out of Eastham, there are a lot of cars trying to join the motorway at various junctions, this then causes bottle necks, then they just plant the right foot and drive far to close until it’s the junction they require, then the brakes get stood on, all 3 lanes get crossed in 1 indicator flash to dive off down a slip road that is queued back onto the main carriageway causing lots of other drivers to slam on the brakes!

    It’s pretry much point your car in the required direction, cross your fingers and hit the loud pedal! However that seems to be the default everywhere now! That or halfwits self policing the roads by crawling along at 40mph everywhere!

    Free Member

    Nice colour.. Not sure on rear wheel graphics mind you.

    I’m looking for an ST4 aswell Core.. Sold one a few years back! Wish I hadn’t as it was superb up, down and along. Yet to spot a 16″ frame for sale..

    Free Member

    Sportsbikeshop have been good for my requirements. I purchase my AGV K5 helmet and Richa drift boots locally as I wanted to try them on first. i managed to secure 10% discount on the kit and any future purchases.. Result!

    I only purchased my leathers and gloves online as they could not source what I wanted.

    Free Member

    Good thread this.. I think about this quite a lot..

    Pretty sure i would buy a cottage on Skye and live there for the summer months, I’d ride my motorbike, cycle, kayak, walk, relax in the garden and host whoever fancied popping up for a night or 2.

    In the winter I’d head over to Canada to play and watch as much Ice Hockey as I could. I’d also love to load up the bike and head off round Europe, Australia and then America.

    I doubt I’d need much in the way of expensive luxuries, I’m over fast cars so a good reliable 4×4 crew cab with decent load bed in the rear would suit me. I’d also have a dog called Stanley to follow me everywhere.

    Free Member

    Onzadog – I say “pump number (insert pump number here)” aswell.

    My cats have just come in as it’s obviously to windy for them.

    Marley is in her Superstar wheel box in the cupboard under the stairs (we don’t keep her there, it’s her favourite quiet spot)

    Buddy will be on the leather recliner upstairs that I sit on to play the X Box.

    Free Member

    I was riding my Brompton along the canal path near Ellesmere Port last year and a canal boat chugged slowly by in the opposite direction.

    He said: nice bike
    I said: nice boat

    There was no petrol station nearby. I did put £20 of diesel in my Skoda today at Sainsburys, I chose to pay at the kiosk as I had expenses money from work in my pocket, I also bought some Haribo Starmix as it was Friday.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the input people. Having slept on it the Planet X is a good bit cheaper and looks more useable for what I want. Cash is king and all that!

    Free Member

    No carbon road bike here mate, I prefer to ponder things as I cycle as opposed to setting speed records. It’s more of a pass time these days than a way of life. I used to go out and push myself harder every ride and it became a chore to cycle which in turn led me to go right off it. I just want a nice bike I can take out for a spin on the good days.

    Free Member

    I’m no frame breaker, I’m just a wee lad, only 5ft 5 in my Cubans! I have read the Kaffenback is a bit nippy for clearance, I don’t intend to take it mud plugging mind u but would be nice to have the clearance if it got a bit boggy when nipping to Sainsburys.. ; )

    Free Member

    Thanks for the input. Im a Cotic fan being the previous owner of a few Souls. Money talks but I WANT the Cotic and like the Kaffenback. I’ll go ogle the pics some more. Gloss Gunmetal is the colour of choice for the Cotic.

    Free Member

    Been scoping this bike for a couple of weeks now, I’m more leaning towards the trail version though.

    Seems good value for money by today’s standards.

    Free Member

    Really? You can get MTB risers for less than £20. I’m not sure why this is even a consideration?

    Free Member

    Loving the new bike mate, taking it to Dalbeattie in June? I’d love an old Zaskar Le, Trek Y22, 90′ Kona or Proflex. Keep a cheeky eye on EBay and Retro bike but no luck so far..

    Anybody have any of the above in a small frame size for sale?

    Don’t sell it, it’s a keeper.

    Free Member

    Wow.. That’s stunning in Orange. Orange bikes are quicker aswel. Fact!

    That’sy mind made up.. Having one. What spec is that one?

    Free Member

    With that spec I assume you will be riding the TDF or whipping ass in amateur road races.. ; )

    Looks good Al, I’m glad I’m not a lanky hoor like you and bah heed. Small framed bike just look so much better. I bet the upgrades don’t stop there! You will talk yourself into some non required gubbins like duck tails Petrie. Get out and ride it now.

    Free Member

    Got to be Orange in colour.. Everybody knows Orange coloured bikes are quicker. Small are sold out according to website though.. : (

    Probably for the best financially.

    Free Member

    Ohhh doesn’t sound good mate! That’s what it sounded and felt like when I snapped my ACL last year. Still not back to anywhere near strong enough to give me any confidence in it. Admitted to myself recently that my ice hockey playing days are done.

    Get it looked at ASAP and listen to the physios for recovery times etc.

    Free Member

    Superb selection of vocabulary.. Good effort.

    Free Member

    Went for a wee local cycle with Mrs1981Miked, it was a glorious 19.5 degrees in Dundee. Arms looking brown already. Finished the day with a BBQ and beers.. Perfect.

    Free Member

    Cheers mate, look forward to seeing the final pics and a right up when u have ridden it.

    Free Member

    Oh my that’s a pretty bike. Any idea of the weight out of curiosity?

    Free Member

    Any pics of the build Kudos? Yeah seems to be the general consensus, I do like smaller bike to fling around mind u, although my days of flinging bikes around are getting far fewer..

    Perhaps I’ll just order the frame and build it up slowly… This won’t happen of course! I’ll end up buying all the bits straigh away if I go down that route.

    Free Member

    No i don’t want to do that or I’ll end up buying one.. Seriously though I will phone them tomorrow. Looks bloody ace, I have a few parts to swap over from the Soul aswell. I’d buy the frame only if I could but I’d have to buy new wheels and forks aswell.

    Free Member

    Really struggling to hold back from ordering one of these bikes.. Love the look of it in Orange. I reckon I’m on the border line of sizes XS and S as I’m only 5ft 5.. TT on my Soul is inbetween the TT on the Aeries..

    Anybody actually taken delivery yet?

    Any opinion on sizing for a man of my stature? Test tide is going to prove difficult as I’m in Scotland.

    Free Member

    Oh dear…

    Some people really do overthink things, just ride the bloody bike!

    What did people do years ago before all these different wheels sizes, tyre choices and bar widths etc.. Oh wait a minute, they just rode the bike.

    I will continue to do this and will not be become a marketing mans dream by buying the latest new fad or hyped up product. I ride 26″ wheels, clipped in, wear the same biking gear I have had for ages (not gore this or endura that), I buy the same tyres I have ran for years because they work for me, no idea how wide my bars are and I manage to work out what I needed for 1×10 all by myself about 5 years ago.. I must be a guru or something! And I’m yet to die on a bike ride.

    Oh and I don’t carry a rucksack weighing about 18lbs.. Come to think of it I’m suprised I have survived for so long as I’m vastly under prepaired.. I need to do some research into what I can blow a huge amount of money on and see no real benefit now!

    Free Member

    I had a fairly nimble car last year..

    A BMW E46 M3, superb car that was as much at home on the motorway cruising along as it was being driven vigorously on a good back road. Swallowed up straights in a hear beat and was superb on the corners. Took my mate out in it who is a huge motorbike fan and he was blown away with the performance of it. Couldn’t believe how planted it felt on corners and how quickly it gathered momentum… The straigh six also sounded marvellous at full throttle as the revs built up past 6000 RPM..

    I’d have another tomorrow if I could afford to run 2 cars.

    Free Member

    So sorry for your loss Saxon, I have posted on DezB’s thread aswell, hang on to the memories as they will help you through this difficult time.

    Sending you wifi man hugs aswell. Stay strong mate.

    I’m actually going to see my Dad this weekend and tell him I love him.. Time is precious.

    Free Member

    Sincerest condolences to you Dez. I’m very sorry for your loss.

    I never got to say goodbye to my lovely papa when he passed away as I was at school. I still wish I could have 2 more minutes with him as I know his love of cars, bikes and anything mechanical rubbed off on me. 20 years since he died and I still miss him. I also know he would be proud of the man I have become and the fact I drive lorries for a living, he would have loved to hear where I had been etc.. Not the same as loosing a father mind you but still makes me sad he isn’t around.

    I have good memories of him though. Hold on to yours at this difficult time and help each other through.

    Stay stong Dez. Wifi man hugs to you.

    Free Member

    I have a lot to thank my Dad for, he grew up with no father figure and lived with his gran. He and my Mum have raised 4 great (IMO) children who turned it to hard working, well disciplined, well mannered, enthusiastic, honest and reliable adults.

    My Dad ran us to and from Swimming competitions, picked us up after training, ran me and my younger brother all over the UK for Ice and roller hockey tournaments, used to finish night shift, come home and go do his second job on a Friday then run us through to Edinburgh to training at 22:30.

    Never missed a swimming event, or game. He used to and still says “the best thing you can give your kids is roots and wings”

    Roots so you know where home is and know you always welcome and loved there
    Wings so you can fly the nest and discover all life has to offer.

    He was and is still my harshest critic after hockey games, still shouts for me to work harder.. Even if I’m on the verge of boking with so much skating.. Still urges me to continue when my shoulder pops out, but knew I was properly injured last year when I snapped my ACL. Came on to the ice and helped me off.

    My Dad is a legend, a role model, a mate and a top bloke. 71 this year and still skates twice a week, walks my sisters dog every day and cycles or walks to the paper shop every day.

    If I can be half the man my Dad is as my life progresses then I’ll die a happy chappy.

    I love my Dad to bits.. And now it’s dusty here..


    Free Member

    That is horrific. Words escape me!

    Free Member

    You can take some in comfort knowing this won’t stain your reputation on here. This daz not softener the blow however but you can always go for a spin or cycle and hope it all sorts itself out.

    Free Member

    I have a Fabia aswell and the bulbs were really poor. I put in a set of Osram Nightbreakers and they are much better. I’m happy with them on dipped beam on country roads.

    Free Member

    No relevance to your question.. Just wondering if you are actually from Findo-Gask?

    Free Member

    Cheers Cranberry, that’s tonight homework sorted.

    Free Member

    Tried the feliway mate.

    Free Member

    Right.. Let’s try a pic:

    Marley lazing on the sofa:

    Sleepy cat by 1981miked[/url], on Flickr

    Buddy keeping me company after my ACL surgery last year:

    Buddy about 3 months old by 1981miked[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I’d show my 2 but can’t get into Flickr to upload pics for some reason..

    Both rescue cats, Marley is 6 and is a temperamental little so and so, Buddy is 7 months old and is a bit mental. Marley hasn’t taken to him. She was properly mental for about 2 months and we couldn’t get near her, we thought she had an infected paw but turned out to be ok, we had to get the vet round to catch her as she was just going for us.

    She has improved greatly recently and sits with us and let’s us stroke her etc but whenever she see’s Buddy the hissing and growling starts, whenever he goes near her she tries to swipe him (no class though), the just sits at the door wanting out. If she ignores him he gets bored very easy and just lies down on his chair. she used to sleep upstairs with us but he have to separate them at night now as they would not settle.

    We have tried all the usual stuff, separating and introducing slowly etc, letting them get on with it, giving treats when behaving, squirting with water when misbehaving… Any tips?

    Sorry for the post with no pics, just wondering if anybody has any tips for a harmonious house.

    Free Member

    Must have been a good night! Up to one’s nuts in guts.. ; )

    Free Member

    Common as muck… Happy with that!

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