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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • 1981miked
    Free Member

    Sorry for all involved Ton. It can get a bit lonely when you feel like that and there doesn’t appear to be any other way out. I know of a couple of young guys who have committed suicide. So sad.

    Gnusmas – you are an inspiration to us all, the way you have coped with all that has been thrown at you recently.

    I have personally had some mental health issues the last 18 months or so (although I suspect it has been underlying for years and I’m just realising the symptoms now), been to some pretty dark places but have always managed to drag myself out the hole.

    My thoughts are with all involved.

    Free Member

    I’m enjoying it for what it is.. decent telly on a Sunday night when all you want to do is sit down and relax.

    But there is 1 thing that is irritating me.. the car registration plates. They all have an i or a q in them. I understand it’s probably something to do with letting the real plod know they are prop cars or whatever but you don’t get i on registration plates in this country and Q’s are only used on kit cars or cars where there is doubt if all the parts belong to it etc.. something like that anyway.

    Anyway, it’s really annoying me. As is when they put a plate on a car but they didn’t make that particular shape etc at the time. Luther’s Volvo in the last season for example. Pretty sure they never made that shape in 1993.

    And breath!

    Free Member

    Ah ok, wasn’t him. But still a nice thing to see one actually being used and not just being parked up and looked at.

    My mates is one of the last Domi Nakeds they made, full Ohlins suspension, megaphone exhausts, polished tank and carbon fibre parts, all alloy parts polished aswell. Has had a few “teething” problems with it but seems to be running ok for now.

    Free Member

    Where did you see the Norton Ta11pau1?

    My mate has a Dominator Naked. It’s a very pretty and noisy thing.

    We were out today but he didn’t have his Norton as it’s too uncomfortable for anything more than an hour.

    Free Member

    Said it before and I’ll say it again.. some great responses on this thread.

    It was pretty much what I was thinking. STW has it bob on.. I will see what comes on Monday when I get told and then approach my boss and see what he says.

    I have given them 10 years of hard work and locality. I have missed numerous family commitments to pull them out the sh#t and worked myself to as near a total breakdown as I ever want to go. I was signed off by the doctor as a result of work related stress. Let’s hope he remembers all that.

    Free Member

    That’s a good idea in theory Singletrackmind.. I have a wish list for my current employer.

    Every second Friday off

    no weekends

    2 nights out a week

    cap hours at 55 hours a week

    no 15 hour days or starts before 4am

    the list is longer than that but that’s the major concerns for me, I have been unhappy there for a while now and feel like they are just burning me out all the time, it has had implications on my mental health so I wouldn’t be lying in saying that.

    However.. my manager is the owners son and he would make a great politician, answers a question with a question, you go in asking 1 thing and come out agreeing to work for free 3 days a week. He has a way of diverting off topic to avoid dealing with it. If he does deal with it it’s only for a short time and it’s soon back to being hammered all day every day. He thinks we are all motivated by money and want the maximum hours possible, I have already told him I’m not bothered.

    Plus when your known as accommodating and willing to help out when you can you get taken advantage of, those who shout loudest get catered for and those who plod away get screwed over.

    I was at breaking point last May/June time and managed to haul myself back up then had another turn of feeling very low about October/November time but again I managed to dig myself out of it. I’m less inclined to give 2 hoots now, I’m done arguing with them and knocking my pan in.

    His standard reply is “well other guys manage it and they are older than you”.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t say I waste money on useless shit that’s for sure. I’m as tight as a sheep’s arse in a snowstorm. I’ve always managed to save something  every month. So there just won’t be as much to save.

    Free Member

    This is true Eulach, but there are many considerations to be taken into account.

    Free Member

    No job offer yet, expecting to hear today or Monday but just getting as much perspective as possible.

    Free Member

    Some good advice here, thank you chaps.

    In terms of reducing my hours where I currently work.. it’s an option for sure but I know my boss and he will promise the earth and stick to his word for about a month then he will slide right back into hammering me week in week out.

    As for the legality of working 60 hours a week, it is legal as its working and driving time. They seem to think your ok doing 15 hour shifts.. which I’m really not.

    The potential new job is the airport fire service, I am also considering going for the Police but this job appeared earlier on in the year so I thought I may as well apply and get some practice at filling out application forms etc.

    I have been getting home a bit since the turn of the year as it’s a bit quieter and it’s been great, I have had more time with my wife and daughter and even managed to run 2-3 times a week. Commuting wise I could walk to the new job aswell which is certainly appealing.

    Free Member

    Nah it’s definitely just the 35 on shifts, but I know what your saying Rene. It’s a totally different sector I’m going into aswell.

    Free Member

    No the hours just exhaust me now. I’m shattered all the time and the start times are ridiculous. Done it for so long now it just feels like I can’t do anything else. I didn’t even expect to hear back about the job let alone pass the online tests, pass the fitness tests and get an interview.

    I certainly don’t have another 30 years in me at this amount of hours every week.

    I don’t waste my money.. I just have expensive hobbies.

    Free Member

    That’s my thinking.. that it is do-able but I Can’t get the thought out my head that I’m missing something with the figures.

    If I could sell my car that would make it easier aswell.. anybody want to buy a 2017 Seat Leon St Fr DSG?

    Seriously though.. it would mean less spare cash each month but I’m not any happier for having a good year financially.. I just spent more on stuff I didn’t need.. like an Orange Clockwork 137s.. but it’s a nice bike.

    Free Member

    I fitted a set of Ergon Gp3 grips to my new bike a few weeks ago. Done a couple of rides since then and massively impressed. Very comfy and I use the short bar end pretty much all the time.

    Only grips I have used for years that have stopped the numb hands. Best £32 I have spent on a bike part.

    Free Member

    Great images of the shark. Got to love a great white, got to be my favourite member of the animal fraternity. I would love to swim with them but it’s probably never going to happen.

    Free Member

    Well as my new bike arrives today (Orange Clockwork 137s 2018 model), I’d like the motivation I have now to ride to stay with me all year and beyond. 2 years since I have ridden for various reasons so looking forward to getting out again.

    I’d also like a Garmin Instinct watch in Orange (coz I is cool) and some shiny Hope parts to fit to my new bike.

    I’d also like 2019 to be a better year than 2018.. because this year has sucked on so many levels.

    Free Member

    I’m the same with Tyson, he was in a bad place a couple of years ago and to come back and get in the ring and perform like he did is admirable.

    I have a lot of time for Tyson when it comes to stuff like that.

    Well done to everybody who has openly admitted to having mental health issues on this topic. Massive stigma surrounds this but I believe the thought process of people who don’t suffer is changing. I can’t praise my GP enough for what he did for me.

    I honestly think (and he agreed) I was dangerously close to a total breakdown when he stepped in. I couldn’t have carried on much longer like that. So I’ll say it again.. if anybody is feeing anxious, stressed, depressed, snowed under, or just feels it’s all a bit too much at times please seek help.

    I felt a massive weight lifted off my shoulders when I was signed off, I managed to hold it together to get back to my car then I phoned my wife and just burst into tears.. it was such a relief to know I wasn’t going crazy and that the feelings I though I was having were due to extreme stress, anxiety, burn out and depression.

    Free Member

    Well said binners. I was actually quite surprised with the response I got from some people when I was signed off. I was expecting a lot of “man up” etc but what I got a lot of was empathy and people willing to listen.

    I still find it hard talking to people when I’m having a bad day or when I’m in a dark place but I’m hoping that will change over time as I now have a better understanding of how my mind works and when it’s starting to get too much.

    I find running helps clear my head and let’s me get perspective on things, I’m even looking to buy another bike and get back into cycling.. Orange Clockwork 137 Evo in medium incase Santa is reading this.

    My job takes me away from home a fair bit and the hours are long with lots of very early (like 2am) starts, I feel like in constantly on fast forward with somewhere to be. I’m planning to talk to my boss today to see about being home more often and maybe dropping a Friday every month to let me relax and unwind.

    Free Member

    Good post mate and well done for seeking help. It’s often the hardest thing to do.. to admit your struggling.

    I visited my GP last year for a non stress/depression/anxiety related issue and he could tell there was something wrong so he just came right out and asked if I was ok. Well the flood gates burst open and it all came out. How I was feeling, how long I had felt like that and how run down I was, I wasn’t sleeping, could motivate myself, had no patience and was very withdrawn etc etc.

    He talked me though some relaxation techniques and asked if I needed anything to help.. I declined medication for personal reasons but read the literature and followed his advice. I was signed off work for 2 weeks and spent some time with my wife and daughter.. it really helped but the thought of going back to work had me panicking again, so I went back to see him and I was signed off again. My boss wasn’t too amused and add in the fact I wanted to go back to driving instead of planning in a busy haulage company meant I had to fight my corner when he tried to blame me. I’m still with the same company as I don’t know what else I could do.. but I’m working on it. Just need to figure out what it is that makes me happy.

    I still have bad days (had a really bad few months earlier this year and had some crazy ideas) but on the whole I’m infinitely better.

    Looking back on the last few years it’s clear to me now that I was/have been/am suffering from mental health issues, knowing what I know now and where I was and am now has massively helped me accept and realise that it isn’t a sign of weakness or a “made up thing” that people use to get a few weeks off work.. mental health and well-being is a serious issue and if anybody is feeling like the OP or can relate to the above please speak to somebody.. it lifts the burden instantly and helps you move on with finding a happy place.

    Sorry to ramble on there folks, it’s the first time I have really written it all down. Well done OP for seeking help and I hope you continue to improve.

    Free Member

    Been eyeing one of them up along with the Clockwork 137s and the Crush. I fear it may be too much bike for what I need though and they look fairly slack.

    But if the price is right then go for it. I like steel bikes aswell.

    Free Member

    This subject really gets my goat.. I get unreasonably worked up about it on the road. The amount of cars I see with only the front DRL’s on during dim light and adverse driving conditions.. they think because the front lights are on the rear ones “must” be on. Why not just get out and bloody check.

    Even worse than that is people driving at night with no lights on.. and the people behind them don’t even flash to let them know!!!

    Fiesta’s, new shape transit and anything French seem to be the worst culprits.

    Car manufactures should just fit auto headlights to all models.

    Free Member

    How can that be banned for being political? As others have said it’s ethical for sure but why is that bad?

    If it makes people think about the issues raised then surely that’s a good thing.

    As Drac said it’s a powerful advert.

    Free Member

    Thanks Scuttler.. I think. You may have just cost me £1079. That’s a total bargain at that price.

    Free Member

    Thanks sbob. I sat on a medium Orange Crush at a shop near me and was surprised how comfy I felt on it as my default is to buy a small at 5ft 6. The frame was very low slung which appears to be the case with the Clockwork aswell. Reach wise it felt perfect. So I’m kind of swithering on size aswell, it will be used for some sedate rides and long days so I think I’d rather have some room to get comfy.

    Free Member

    I think you and I should.. to be continued.

    Free Member

    Not as cheap as it used to be to build one yourself. That was always my default choice but it’s just not worth it anymore.

    I will sleep on it tonight and make a decision tomorrow.

    Looked at second hand aswell but nothing making me say “oh I must have that”.

    Free Member

    Yeah can’t say I’m disappointed in the spec for the price. Forks are good quality as are the components. I wouldn’t build it up any fancier than as it comes other than lighter wheels and shiny hubs.. but that’s an excuse to upgrade later.

    Considered buying the frame and building it myself but I would struggle to build it for £1200 to that spec.

    Free Member

    It’s nice.. but I raise you a Norton Dominator Naked

    My mate has one with a polished tank and gloss carbon fibre.. it’s a work of art more than a motorbike. The frame and welds are something to behold for hours.

    The sound from the megaphone exhausts is like nothing I have ever heard before from a bike.. didn’t get miles on it this year as he never got it until mid August but next year I have already bagsied a shot.

    Free Member

    I would echo all of the above, does sound very insensitive but as people have stated he maybe just isn’t sure what to say to you right now.. it’s all still very raw.

    The first time I saw my brother in law after his wife (my wife’s sister) passed away earlier this year I certainly had no words for him so just made idle chit chat awkwardly for about 5 minutes.

    His wife passed away in February and he has good days and bad days but still can’t bring himself to move any of her things. My wife struggles to come to terms with it some days aswell but is now starting to remember all the fun times and laughs they used to have, she still can’t listen to her voicemails though as there are a number from her sister.

    You will know when (If ever) you feel ready to look for a partner, if you do don’t feel guilty for it, life has to go on and I’m sure by reading your posts your wife would want you and your kids to be happy.

    For now just focus on the imminent arrival of the Gnus mobile.. 👍🏻

    Your posts have often caused a lump in my throat as I think you are coping remarkably well and doing a great job of keeping your kids going. One day at a time mate.

    Free Member

    If you decide to sell the Soul I’d be interested mate. Just send me a private message.

    Free Member

    New bike I’d say.. and if your Soul is a small frame size sell it to me.  Been on the hunt for one for 6 weeks now!

    Free Member

    Some good advice on how people have made this work for them on this thread. I was just contemplating starting a similar thread as I feel like I have no life at all just now.

    I put my 15 month old girl to bed on a Sunday night and don’t see her again until I pick her up on a Friday evening from the child minder. Every Sunday I get a lump in my throat at her bedtime and go back up when she is sleeping to explain that I love her so much and think about her all the time, and that I have to work away for now to make sure we have a roof over our heads etc.

    I drive a lorry and I’m maxing my daily hours out every day just so I can get away at a reasonable time on a Friday.. which doesn’t always work. I have been putting in 60 hour weeks Monday to Friday for the last 6 months and I’m totally exhausted.

    I love being home at the weekends though as my little girl doesn’t leave my side.. especially on a Sunday as she obviously knows I won’t be there on Monday. But it’s bloody hard as I’m constantly in a rush to be somewhere or catch up chores plus still trying to find time to do stuff I enjoy doing. I’m looking to buy another mountain bike when finances allow so I can get back into it aswell… still nobody selling a 16” Cotic Soul!

    My wife works 4 days and she deals with all the kiddy stuff when I’m not there obviously but I know it’s hard for her aswell so I make sure I do as much as I can over the weekend. She understands the situation and makes allowances for my often knackered mood..

    I would quit tomorrow if we could afford it, 95% of my money goes on bills and the rest I try to save. I’ll be debt free by February though bar the mortgage and the car (which will be traded in for a cheap runabout).. this will help massively and I just need to work out how to sell me dropping to 4 days every second week to my boss… I know he will take it badly but I don’t have anything else to give just now. Been with them nearly 10 years so I’m well established.

    Feel better for having written that all down now… finally.

    Free Member

    I’m a wheel attendant myself and don’t really see the point to be honest.. although it is better than being called “driver”, I just write my name in permanent marker on my hi viz, this also stops the thieving swines at my work nicking it.

    The one’s I do have a giggle at are (all genuine ones I have seen)

    Cryptic crocodile

    R.A.F regiment

    Why me

    Cab rat

    Ice Dog

    Never Hame

    Flat oot

    Mad Ron


    Road dog

    The stinker

    Bon Bon

    Wee General

    That’s just the ones I remember.. I’m called Volvo.

    Free Member

    Genuinely shocked by this news. After he pulled out the TT I thought he was considering hanging up his leathers for good.

    Saw him race at the NW200 a few times, the family has experienced so much loss. Never met him but he seemed like a nice, quiet, modest family man who loved his bikes and racing.

    R.I.P William

    Free Member

    So sorry for your and the children’s loss. You are in our thoughts today.

    My brother in law lost his wife earlier this year and I am in admiration at the strength he has found from somewhere to keep on going, you will find it aswell and the kids will help you through.

    Look after yourself and hug your children tonight for as long as possible.

    Deepest condolences.

    Free Member

    Looks like a Bryan or a Buddy to me.. very cute.

    Free Member

    I agree with the above.

    On a proper sports car or bike it sounds ace, I’m not a fan of the underpowered drone from bog standard corsa. Making all the noises but going nowhere.

    Nothing wrong with being a petrol head.

    Free Member

    You can hear my bike coming before you see it anyway. It’s not excessively loud or it wouldn’t pass an MOT, if it alerts car drivers to my presence then I’m happy to be labelled as antisocial when I’m out on it.

    Free Member

    My previous motorbike (TL1000) used to do it a fair bit when the throttle as shut off quickly, sounded like a shotgun and used to set off car alarms. New bike (gsxr1000) doesn’t back fire but still gets a nice burble on the over run when it’s nice and cosy.

    My brother has a Nissan Pulsat GTi-R many years ago with a 4” straight through exhaust that used to spit blue flames about 6ft out the back under hard acceleration. Sounded like a jet fighter aswell.. awesomeness innit.

    Loud pipes save lives for motorcyclists. I used to do the whole accelerate hard, switch off then back on again really quickly in my Nova in my younger years until a massive flame melted the paint on my bumper.

    Im still 18 in my head.

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