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  • 1981miked
    Free Member

    Right b45her.. We get the message. You don’t like hardtails, this is what a forum is all about. You ask a question, you get answers and opinions, some you like and some you don’t.

    The OP asked for advice and has had a number of different suggestions, some I agree with, some I don’t. In my experience hardtails allow you to understand better how a bike handles and feels off road… Thus teaching you bike handling skills, and how to deal with different situations that occur whilst mountain biking. A FS can sometimes dull down the sensation of going to fast over a certain terrain that a riders skill may not be able to cope with.. Or give a rider a false senses of security and awesomeness.

    FS bikes are quicker on the rough stuff for sure but it isn’t all about how quickly you can “hang on” going downhill, it’s about being in control of the bike, knowing what the bike is doing and how it is likely to react in any given situation and knowing what to do if you run out of skill on a tricky section… And that is better learned on a hardtail in alot of people’s opinion (mine included). Then when the rider has a higher level of skill and bike handling ability they can rip the arse of a FS, smoke all of his/her riding buddies safe in the knowledge that they can handle a bike and ride it properly.

    I ride a hardtail on SPD’s.. So therefore I am significantly more awesomer than most.. ; )

    As for the OP.. I personally think you should take the time to shop around and visit a few shops, research the market, speak to people, listen to what the experienced riders are saying.. After all you did ask for advice on a forum.. But your not really listening to it.

    Bikes are a very personal choice, what one persons like, the other dislikes. Buy what is right for you.. If that happens to be a £2k FS then great but don’t go buy one because your mate says that’s what you need or must spend. The shops are equally full of over hyped and under specced guff as they are in bargaintastic under the radar gems.

    Whatever you buy enjoy it and welcome to the world of constant upgrading and wanting!

    Happy pedalling.

    Free Member

    Yeah I’d say ud better.. Hopefully see u there.

    Feel free to email me on mikedonald@hotmaildotcom to let me know how ur getting on and if you manage to register in time..

    Free Member

    That’s perfectly doable I reckon.

    Have emailed my brother, he may be up for it aswell.

    Free Member

    Hi mate,

    I just emailed her, I live in Dundee and have suggested that I could maybe raise some more cash by cycling down.. Bit sure of the finer details yet or if it is even possible but food for thought.

    I am a huge supporter of this charity and have wanted to do something to show my support for a while. Perhaps this is the motivation I need. I have a couple of ideas aswell so will maybe get some advice from Helen etc on how easy or difficult it could be to organise.. Seeing as they have ongoing experience.

    Free Member

    Yeah I’d be up for that…. Is it to late to txt to express an interest?

    Free Member

    Bend your knees, don’t hold onto the barrier or each other, get hockey skates not figure skates, make sure ur skates are tight enough and have fun.

    It’s easy..

    Oh and don’t walk when trying to skate, push your feet sideways and glide.

    Free Member

    Yeah but don’t mention the free bike bit to him though.. He obviously wants a quality steel hardtail with exceptional specification, built by a master of class and distinction… Oh and he must be a secret Cotic Fanboy..

    Tyre wise, it has Nevegals, will they be suitable for polar expeditions?

    Free Member

    I think there is a new one on the go just now..

    I spotted it advertised at a local garage.. May just be unique to that garage mind u.

    Free Member

    £500 I reckon. No market for them now the government has a car scrappage scheme ongoing for trade ins.

    Free Member

    I hate the snow! Don’t know what the big attraction is for some.

    Makes driving, riding, working and getting about a lot harder and more dangerous.

    I drive for a living so if I can’t get to where I need to be then my bank balance suffers aswell.

    NO SNOW!

    However I’m sure it will be the wrong kind and we will grind to a halt anyway.

    Free Member


    I appear to have had an accident!

    NICE bike… WANT!

    Free Member

    Just buy what you want.. I don’t even know why u opened this thread as you seem to have your mind made up anyway and are just ignoring people’s advice and opinions.

    I don’t think you need 150mm travel on a hardtail either, I think your building a very similar style bike to what you already have.. Obviously minus the rear suspension.. Why not build it a bit lighter for when you want to do you XC style, and use your Alpine for the bigger days and freeride, DH, radcore, meganormous days.

    Free Member

    I got a set of X Fusion Velvet forks from Singletrack bikes in Bonnyrigg. Got a good deal on them aswell, he fitted them for next to nothing aswell. Top class service, top class bloke and top class forks..

    Free Member

    I watched this over Christmas

    And still got a feeling of pride..

    Not worth it to watched it?

    Give this a watch and see what you think. Only available for 4 hours on the I players tho, so be quick.

    Free Member

    Thanks Clubby, I’ll phone him tomorrow. Always forget about them.

    Free Member

    Absolutely 100%..

    I was really cynical about the whole thing until it started. I was glued to the opening ceremony, was working the next day at 1am and couldn’t tear myself away from it. Ended up at work with no sleep.

    What we achieved as a nation in the medal table was very impressive, for 2 weeks the country seemed to work together and function as a well oiled machine (from the outside anyway), I’m sure the traffic in London was torture mind you.
    I’m not a Royalist at all, or particularly patriotic towards being British (I’m a very proud Scotsman), but I felt very proud to be British for those 2 weeks, and to be “part of it” in the sense that I’ll always remember the games and what we did.

    I still get a very proud feeling when I see the athletes receiving the medals.. Especially Sir Chris Hoy, what that man has achieved is outstanding.. And my claim to fame is his uncle was my athletics coach years ago.. He was a Japenese POW and wrote a book called “tomorrow you die”.. Very good book!

    Bradley Wiggins has achieved so much and motivated a nation.. Bringing cycling back to the interest of the public.

    The potential amount of role models and aspiring athletes is also a huge plus.. Look at that rower lady (can’t remember her name).. Took up the sport 4 years ago and was in the Olympic Games.. As said above, especially for girls, who seem to fall out of love with sport at a younger age.. Step forward Jessica Ennis, a superb example of what can be achieved when you train and want something. In a world full of halfwits from stupid reality TV shows who are “role models” to so many young people the Olympics hopefully opened their eyes to the truly awful individuals and fame hungry brats they really are!!!

    So yes it was ALOT of money but worth every penny.

    CG.. You missed a real treat! Don’t understand some people’s attitude to things like this at times. The mind boggles!

    Free Member

    Yeah that’s the weekends viewing. Does look exceptionally good value.

    Thanks for the offer of the Trek mate, I’m after a carbon fork tho, my hands and arms suffer as it is.. Can’t imagine an alloy fork would do me and favours.

    Thanks though.

    Free Member

    Yeah that’s the situation I find myself in.. Spied a deal on a Giant TCR 1 compact for £715 but just can’t justify that amount of cash.

    £500 is the limit really and even at that I’m pushing it.

    The £300 Triban 3 gets a great write up.

    Decisions, decisions!!!

    Free Member

    This is good value for money mate:

    As is this:

    And this, but they don’t have your size if guess:

    I’m currently considering the same purchase, I have just bought a house so the budget has been halved for the road bike.. Unless I sell my Cotic Soul.

    I’m going to see the Btwin this weekend. I will be using mine for training, and hopefully a triathlon..

    Free Member

    Thanks coatsey.. I thought it may have been that. Don’t suppose training/playing 3 times a week helps. Just have to take a big dose of MTFU and rest them when I can.

    Free Member

    Thanks mate.. That helps loads.. 8)

    Free Member

    Yeah taking them already mate. Knees are better day to day but any prolonged activist leaves them very sore and tired. I stretch before and after exercise so may be a cartlidge problem..

    Free Member

    Class.. Best video I have seen in ages. Made me smile.

    Free Member

    that on one is really rather fetching..

    Free Member

    Pingu66.. Couldn’t agree more.

    Peterpoddy.. I check all those things every week when I wash the car.. Bit OCD maybe but as I do daily checks on a works vehicle it is a bit second nature now, daily is a bit OTT that’s why I do it weekly.

    And I drive an Audi..

    However, just as bad is people driving in bad light, like when it is heavy rain or just before dawn/dusk with no lights on.

    It isn’t about seeing… It is about being seen!

    Free Member

    Sunny and wind free and clear skies and it must be at least 18 degrees.. ; )

    Nah seriously.. I may hold off until next week and see what happens nearer the big day.

    Plus been in touch with Leslie bikes as recommended by a few on here and he has offered me a good deal on a bike, hoping to go through this weekend for a look.

    Free Member

    No not yet.. Busy trying to buy a house today. Far easier than a bike IMO.

    Free Member

    I did mention I was local and therefore able to come in and pay for it that day. They could have at least made an effort to persuade me to come in.. I worked in sales for 6 years so know how to get a customer through the door.

    Something like “well that’s is a good price as you say, I doubt we can match it, but why don’t you come in later today and I’ll speak to the manager in the meantime and see what we can do. I’m sure we can sort something out, do you need pedals, shoes, helmet, cycle computer.. Clothing etc?”

    I would have said “yeah I’m after some pedals, shoes, cycle computer and some new winter gloves”

    “Well then 1981miked, I’m confident we can sort you out a great deal, I’ll see you this afternoon”

    Something like that would have got me in the door at least, but all I got was “well the boss won’t take anything more off it as he is confident it will sell at that price”

    Free Member

    Oh no.. I’m not riding in anything less than 18 degrees, clear blue skies and no wind. Don’t want to wear out the components..

    Free Member

    Not as of yet mate..

    Free Member

    Shep.. The sales history proves this kind of bike doesn’t shift though as it has sat in the shop since July.

    This is the first time I will have purchased a bike on a “faceless Internet outlet”. I always try to use the local shops for purchases but £300+ is alot of money to overpay for the same product elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Sons of Anarchy..

    Discovered it about 3 weeks ago. Haven’t watched much else since.

    Free Member

    +1 OP..

    Never a truer word spoken.. Right on brother.
    Can’t believe somebody else thinks the EXACT same.

    Free Member

    I feel positively inspired by you people heading out tonight.. I think I may put my shorts on in support. I’m not going out tho mind you!

    Was thinking of biking to work tomorrow but a 4am start put a stop to that, my gentlman’s sausage may fall off! Think I’ll head out when I get home tho.

    Free Member

    Pah…. -9.5 is positively tropical compared to the temperatures I saw 2 years ago out and about driving in Scotland.

    Temperature gauge claimed a low of -25… I was loading bottled water from Highland Spring at Blackford, it was that cold the water was freezing in the bottles when the forklift driver was loading it. We had to cover the loads with blankets. I had diesel start to freeze in the fuel lines and crystallise in the fuel tanks.

    Felt like it aswell, my window washers were frozen for 3 weeks, we had lorry suzies freezing and brakes freezing on.. Proper Baltic… Never again… please.

    Plus all the roads were sheet ice, took me 5 hours to get from Edinburgh to Glasgow and 7 people 2 hours to dig out a lorry stuck in a snow drift!!

    Free Member

    All good points you make. I did get the impression that they had no intention of negotiating any further which is fair enough, he said “boss won’t take anymore off as he isn’t in a rush to sell it”. I have dealt with them before for repairs and others bits and pieces. I also went in with my brother in law as he wanted a bike, he ended up buying a £900 road bike from them, also been in with 2 or 3 biking mates who bought shoes, clothing, helmets etc..

    Free Member

    Will do Iainc thanks mate..

    Free Member

    I checked the Dales website and nothing in my size… This is really taking the mick now.. I can see pro’s and con’s on both bikes..

    I just wonder if I got the carbon one I’d wish I had gone for the 105 drivetrain, I’m not sure i would necessarily see/feel the benefits of carbon. Bearing in mind I may use it for the odd commute aswell, I originally set a budget of £550 but that quickly went up.. As usual.

    I’ll use it for training, commuting and hopefully a sportive and possibly a triathlon.. Depending how the shoulder op goes next year..

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies dudes.. I am leaning towards the Aluxx TCR 1, I prefer the look of the bike, but I like the idea of the carbon frame and the upgrade potential for future. Having ridden aluminium framed road bikes in the past I never found them to be that harsh a ride.

    MrSalmon.. They have had the bike since at least July so if it was going to sell I reckon it would have done so by now. It’s up to them of course, like you say if they are confident they can sell it then fair do’s.

    This is taking more consideration time than the last car I bought… And the house hunting gets less thought put into it.

    Free Member

    I was in Dales about 4 weeks ago and wasn’t overly impressed with selection to be honest. Maybe they were clearing out the old to make way for the new…


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